02x12 - Arthur's Faraway Friend/Arthur and the Square Dance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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02x12 - Arthur's Faraway Friend/Arthur and the Square Dance

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

( grunting )

( Arthur panting )


Shh! Come here, boy.

( barking )

Hang on tight!

( dogs barking )

Open the gates!

They're escaping!

Where's Friar Buster
With our escape vehicle?

Jump in!

Buster, there were no cars
in Robin Hood's time.

Oh, yeah, right.

Um... it's a wagon.

They got away!

After them!

We're a perfect team,
Friar Buster!


I'll get You yet!

( laughing )

( sniffing )

( howling )

I can't stand it!

This is horrible!

Cut it out!

I'm trying to read!

I'll turn the page.

Just a minute!

The suspense!

He's about to get...

Buster! Would You...

Oh, man! I can't believe it!

Okay, I'm turning the page!

"The end."


Robin Hood was the best!

I was in such
a hurry to finish

but now I'm sorry
it's over.

I wish there were more books.

I bet that after
this story ended

they had even
better adventures.

Yeah, I can imagine

all of their great adventures.

I can think
of a hundred.

Let's write
an adventure book...

that doesn't end!


Brigands attacking
from every direction--

there's no escape!

Yo! Ho! Yo! Ho! Yo! Ho!

( laughing evilly )

You writing this?

"Climbing ropes..."

Any on hang gliders?


There's four
on hang gliders

and two riding
a dinosaur!

( brigands laughing )

( dinosaur roaring )

Slow down!

How do you spell

Our heroes escaped
the deadly tree house

but there was
more danger outside.

After them!

( both gasp )

( yelling )

( roaring )

( brigands yelling
and laughing )


( voices fading away )



It takes a huge bite

out of the roof...

Oh... sorry.

This is great
so far.

We'll write more
after school tomorrow.

I wrote a whole new chapter
last night!

I think you better
tell some jokes.

Francine and Brain
look sad.

Buster? Hello?!

What's wrong?

I'm going to stay
with my dad.

Oh... read the pages.

Arthur, don't you
even care?

About what?

He often spends weekends
with his dad.

This time I'm
going to stay.


( laughing )

We can't take this
lying down.

A couple
of months is...

practically forever!

I don't want to go,
but I kind of do.

Since my
parents divorced

I've never spent
much time with my dad.

I've got a plan!

We'll do exactly
what the heroes in
our book would do.

We'll dig a pit
under my house

and you'll live in it.

They'll never find you.

I'll live in a pit?

Yeah, and I'll sneak you
leftovers from the table.

Dig! Dig!

Seeing my dad is more fun
than living in a pit.

( panting ):
But you don't want
to go, do you?

I guess I sort of
do want to go.

( grunting )

Oh, I've got to go-- see you.

( screaming )

If you won't eat now,
we'll save you something.

I'll eat
his dessert!


Can I just go to my room?

Sure-- if you want,
I'll come up later to talk.

Now can I eat his dessert?

I thought he was
my best friend...

but he wants to go.

I bet he doesn't
want to go.

He could've stayed
and lived in a pit,
but he said "no."

Try thinking
how buster will feel.

You're losing one friend

but everything else
stays the same for you.

Buster's losing all his friends
and going to a new place.

It can be scary.

I know; we moved a lot
because of my father's job.

It's hard.

Buster probably needs a best
friend now more than ever.

( screaming )


Hi-- what are
you doing?

Saying good-bye to my bike.

Want to come
while I say good-bye?


( slurping )

Good-bye, Elwood City.

Sue Ellen says going
somewhere new is tough.

So... it's okay
if you're scared.


I bet I'll never find
another tree house

that can fly to outer space,
go back in time

and become invisible
like that one.

It'll still be here
when you get back.



Good-bye, Arthur!

Good-bye, Buster.

( sniffling )

Oh, no!

What is it?

What's wrong?

We forgot to talk about how
we'd finish writing our book!

Aw, man!

I can't believe he's gone.

Arthur, want to go
to the Sugar Bowl?

Yeah! I'll call buster
and see if he wants to go...

Oh, I forgot.

( echoing ):
Use the force, Arthur.

What are you
talking about?

Oh, I don't know.

I just thought it was funny.

I wrote a letter
to buster.

I need the address.

I can give it,
but he's not at home now.


Since his dad's
a pilot

Buster's doing
some traveling
with him.

So he'll never get my letter?

He will eventually.

I know how you feel.

I miss him, too,
but he'll be back.

He's not
gone forever.

He's gone forever, I know it.

( footsteps approaching )

This package

came in the mail
for you.

From Buster!

He can read all right,
but he can't write "Read."

This is a plane

just like his
dad flies-- cool!

And they saw this building

and he wrote
the next chapter
of our book

and the places
he's going

so I can send letters:

Paris, New York,
Walla Walla.

Walla Walla?

Where's Walla Walla?

What's Walla Walla?

( brigands shouting out )

( Buster screaming )

( suction cups popping )

( dinosaur roaring )


Fools! You can't
escape us!

( laughing
evilly )

( growling )

This is how chocolate is made.

( yelling )

( tourists screaming )

We have to save
the tourists!

And the chocolate!

This is the best chapter yet!

It happens
in all the places he went!

I feel like I was there myself!

It's the next chapter

from Arthur

and the places to
check out for our story.

That sounds fun.

Where are the sewers?

You'll be surprised--

before you know it,
Buster will be back.

I miss him

but I don't mind
if he's gone for a long time.

You don't?

No, he's having a lot of fun

and besides, I just got an idea
for our second adventure book.

There's a lot more places
he has to go to.

And now...

We're writing stories.

Each kid writes one line.

To make it complete.

They are pretty funny so far.

One day, when Jan was little,
she got a pig.

She hated that pig...

Because he tracked mud...

and she gave the pig
to her friend, Bob.

Bob took it to the fair.

Bob and the pig won first prize.

The end!

On my first day of school...

A kid was teasing me.

It didn't go well.

Then it got worse--

I sat on a tack.

I dreamed about going home.

The pencils came alive.

They att*cked us.

The end.

One day there was a old man
walking down the street.

Then he saw a scorpion

in a purple bathing suit.

They laughed at the scorpion

because he looked funny.

Then the scorpion fainted.

When he woke up

it was all a dream...

But he was still wearing
the purple bathing suit.

He was happy.

The end.

Once upon a time
there was a man named Flaba.

He was silly.

He had an old house.

He ate blue muffins
every morning.

Then aliens stole
his magic book.

( giggles along
with other kids )

I'll tell you
the end.

Flaba got his magic book
and put magic on the aliens

and the aliens flew away.

The end.

And now...

I want more icing on the cakes
and more cream in the custard.

Hello, I'm Arthur Read and
I just had my th birthday.

I'm now an adult.

I'm the president
of a catering business.

( neon buzzing )


It needs more sugar.

Yes, Mr. Read.

I like my job.

Of course, I have a chauffeur,
but sometimes I like to drive.

I also do
the shopping for dinner.

Yes, sir,
life's been good to me.

I have a nice house...

and a great son.

Hi, Daddy.

I love you.


Daddy's home.


Hi, honey.

How about a hug and a big kiss?

( smooches squeakily )

( screams )

It's nightmares like that that
make me never want to grow up.

( bird chirps )

( thunder crashes )


( fiddle playing )

Swing your partner
round and round.

That's it,
keep swinging.

Binky, not so fast.

Side couples, up to the middle.

High five.

And now back.

( screams )

Hey, watch it.

It's not
my fault.

Binky threw me.

You, too-- front and back
and up to the middle

and then scoot back.

Binky, what are
you waiting for?










( all groaning )

This is such a dumb dance.

Arthur, next
time it rains

and we square dance

will you be my partner?


Hey, wait a second.

Then who'll
be my partner?


Stupid shoelace.

Sorry, Muffy

but Arthur's only
dancing with me.

Come on, Arthur.

I'll give you a lift home.

Hmph! You'd think
they were married.

Something smells rotten
about this.

You don't think Arthur
and Francine, uh...

oh, it's
so obvious.

Next time it rains

you'll see who's
dancing together.

Wow! I guess Arthur
and Francine are...
in love!

I think I'm going to be sick.

( kids talking and yelling )

( whistling )

Hi, Binky.

Hey, lover boy.

( teasingly ):
Where's your girlfriend?

My what?

You know, her middle name
is Alice and she's a girl.

You mean Muffy?

No, doofus, Francine.

Sheesh, you don't even
know your own girlfriend.

Francine is not my girlfriend.

Oh, don't worry.

Your secret is safe with me.


♪ Arthur and Francine
sitting in a tree ♪

♪ k-i-s-n-i... ♪

Wait a minute... k-s...

Oh, well,
you know what I mean.

Francine and me?

( laughs )


( laughing )


you want to hear
something funny?

Binky thinks...

hold on.

I've got a surprise.

I found them in our basement.


We can wear them

for the next
square dance.

Care to dance,

I'd be right
proud, ma'am.

♪ Swing your partner
round and round ♪

♪ Allemande left
and promenade home. ♪

Hey, Arthur, what did
you want to tell me?

It's not

I'll tell
you later.

See you
on the field.

Muffy, I need to
break in my new mitt.

Want to use
my old one?

It's the best.

Wow! The glove that won

Last year's championship.

Too bad my hand's too small.

Oh, well. Give
it to Arthur.

Maybe he'll catch
something today.

( makes kissing sounds )

( smooches squeakily )

Binky, I'm telling you:

Nothing is going on
between Francine and me.

Oh, Arthur.

I almost forgot.

Francine wants you
to wear her mitt.


Oh! The glove that won

last year's championship.

Francine would never part
with this.

Unless... no way.

She could never be
in love with...

Uh-oh, Arthur.

Ready there, Arthur?

( swallows hard )

Or could she?

( slurping )


Well, Arthur,
what's this big secret

that you couldn't tell me
in front of the others?

Um... Francine...

Hey, are you going
to finish that?

Go ahead.

Y... you don't
like, uh...

( gasps )

I don't like what, Arthur?

Uh, nothing.

Forget I said anything.

I got to go.

What's gotten into him?

( laughing )

Arthur, that's the funniest
thing I've ever heard.

That's what I thought, Buster.

But then she wants us
to wear matching cowboy hats

and for me to use
her mitt and...

I don't know what's next!

Look, you better keep
away from her.

How can I? Francine is
one of my best friends.

She might try to kiss you.


Girls kiss boys they like.


Are You okay, Arthur?

Mr. and Mrs. Read...

I'm afraid
I have some bad news.

Your son has... cooties.

Oh! My baby!

Be careful.

He's highly



Hey, Arthur.

( screams )

How's it going?

( nervously ):
Fine. Great. Super.

Is something wrong?

You're acting strange.

Strange? No.

Why would you think that?

For one thing, you're going
into the girls' bathroom.

( laughs )

Just kidding.

Ju... just a joke.



Over here.

Hi, my name's

Hey, I was saving
you a seat.

Oh, uh, w... thanks, Francine,
but I thought I would, uh...

Meet some new kids today.

( angrily ):
Hmph! Fine.

See if I care.

Huh, she's a friend--
not a girlfriend or anything

just a friend who's a girl

but we're definitely
not in love.

( laughs nervously )



I want
to talk to you.

Uh, uh... tag!

You're it.

Prunella, Arthur's
acting weird around me.

Like how?

I just tried to talk to him

and he ran away.

Hmm... tell me--

Do his cheeks go red
when you're near him?


And does he talk

l... l... l... like
th... th... th... this?

Yeah, just like that.

Francine, I hate
to say this

but I think Arthur's
in love with you.


That's ridiculous!


I'm sorry, Francine

but those are all signs
of major love disease.

That's the grossest
thing I've ever heard.

What do I do?

You have
to let him know

that you don't
love him.

But be
very careful
what you say.

You could break
his heart.

( gasps )

( Francine humming )

You're right.

I'll have to be gentle with him.

Arthur, Francine,
I bet you two

are excited for a little
hootenanny today.

Huh? We only square dance
when it rains.

Yeah, and it's sunny out.

Oh, it's going to rain.

My elbow's acting up.

That means a storm's a-comin'.

( thunder rumbles )


Yep, catgut doesn't lie.

( both scream )

Arthur, I think...

we shouldn't dance...

with each other.



Okay, cowboys and cowgirls

let's see how much you remember
from last week.

( music plays )

Bow to your corner

and bow
to your partner

Ow! Binky...


Now everybody, promenade.

Arthur, we're
falling behind.

Pay attention.

Now thread the needle.

Francine, quit trying
to dance with me!

Me? You're trying
to dance with me!

Do I have to spell it out
for you?

Don't make me say it.

I'm not in love with you!

You don't have a crush on me?

No way!

And you... you don't want
to kiss me?

Are you kidding?

I'd rather have head lice.

( other kids laughing )


Okay, everybody

grab your partners!

I'm glad that's over.

Let's never let a
silly thing like love

come between
us again.

You said it.

Side couples right
and left and through.

Side ladies chain across.

All join up hands...

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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