02x20 - How the Cookie Crumbles/Sue Ellen's Little Sister

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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02x20 - How the Cookie Crumbles/Sue Ellen's Little Sister

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day If we can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street

# Get together and make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day - hey! What a wonderful kind of day - HEY! #

Hey! DW!

- HEY!
- Whoa...!

- Hurry!
- Binky, your foot's in my mouth!

Hold steady - I'm almost there.


I smell food. ..It's ME! I'm a cookie!

- We all are!
- Always wanted to be one.
- I wanted to be an astrophysicist.


I know you're in there.

Whoa! A glass of milk. That must mean...

- It's snack time!
- NO!

# I know where you're hiding! #

- We should have a choice of whether we get eaten.
- Cookies don't choose.

A piece of nutritious fruit? SHOUTS OF ENCOURAGEMENT

I baked you. Now I'm going to eat you.

- But that's not fair!
- Fair schmare!

- Whoever owns the ovens makes the rules. That's how it is.
- Look out!

- What smells so good?
- I'm baking for the Elwood City Strawberry Festival.

The biggest holiday of the year.

As big as Christmas? Does it have a bigger parade than Thanksgiving?

- Bigger fireworks than th of July?
- It's the biggest holiday this week.

What's the Strawberry Festival?

It was always your father's favourite holiday.

That's him. All of Route used to be strawberry fields.

That's the big parade.

- And there's always as many strawberries as you can eat.
- Wow!

- Do I like strawberries?
- Of course you do, honey.

Remember? You went to the festival last year.

Looks to me like SOMEBODY had a good time.

What is THAT doing there?

- Is it almost Strawberry Festival time?
- Yeah, it's this week.
- Oh, no!

- She must REALLY hate strawberries!
- That's not her problem. Look.

- Remember? Last year, she WON the strawberry dessert contest.
- So?

There's a lot of pressure to being number one.

SHE only won cos her father's the judge!

She wants to prove she won it fair and square, not cos of who she is.

She has to win again, but has no ideas. It's making her crazy.

Sometimes, when I have no ideas, I relax and do math equations.

Then I get plenty of ideas. THEY GROAN

Strawberries... Strawberries...

- Hi. We came over to cheer you up.
- What have you got to eat?
- Nothing.

The best idea I've had is a strawberry with a banana next to it.

..I've got it! Strawberry meat loaf.

ALL: Eugh!

- I don't think we're helping.
- What did you enter last year?
- Butter cookies.

- I threw in a strawberry. Simple.
- I like banana. Add some banana juice.

Did you try it with peanuts?

Don't forget chocolate chips.

Peach slices, oatmeal... Banana. More banana. Banana again.

A raisin.

You guys are right. Why was I worried about that contest anyway?

Now, who wants to go see my new shoes?

Good work, guys! We really cheered her up.

- When did you make cookies?
- These are the ones you and your friends made.

Oh, those were just joke cookies. Throw them out.


These are delicious!

BARBERSHOP SINGERS # Casey would waltz

# With the strawberry blonde and the band played on

# He'd glide 'cross the floor With the girl he ador'd

# And the band played on

# But his brain was so loaded... #

- Hey, it's my dad! Dad!
- Daddy!

- Hiya, kids! - Some things never change.

If we want the seats for the fireworks we have to hurry.


Winner for a second consecutive year, Muffy Crosswire!

- Muffy won?!
- Would you like to try the winning recipe?

- Muffy's Scrumptious Snackeroodles.
- Hey! These are good!
- They're great!

- Congratulations, Muffy!
- Winning again is very gratifying.

My father wasn't even the judge. Please put that in your paper.

They've printed the ingredients for Muffy's winning cookies.

- Chocolate chips, banana juice and a raisin.
- Hey, we did that together!

Cool! Where does she tell about how we came up with it?

..I don't see our names.

She didn't mention us!

- We made those cookies and she didn't mention us?!
- Maybe she forgot.

Did you read about...? BOTH: We know.

We did the work, she got the prize. Seen this?

Can you believe it? These sneakers are on sale.

Read THIS and weep!


- I
- said banana! Banana was MY idea!

Without ME, there's no banana! I'm going to talk to her!

Muffy's not here. She's in town, posing for the bag.

ALL: The bag?!

Here's the front of the cookie bag.

She'll sell them at the Sugar Bowl.

She's going to make money off 'em?!

Muffy Crosswire!

You're making me wrinkle my nose.

- No-one wants cookies with a wrinkled nose on them. Carl.
- Off you go.


Her Royal Highness gets the credit, but her lowly subjects did the work.

We're here, noses at the window.

She's going to be more famous than a doughnut.

SOUND SYSTEM: Muffy's cookie castle is the most successful store

in the history of buying stuff!

Every day, a new Muffy's opens!

She is more famous than a doughnut!

Here she comes. MUFFY HUMS

- Hold it right there!
- I'm sorry. There are no samples.

- You'll have to buy cookies like everyone else.
- BUY? We MADE them!

I did the math. We're responsible for % of the ingredients.

Banana was MY idea!

Without me, there IS no banana.

Oh, yeah? Well, WHO bought the ingredients? Who owns the oven?

Who entered the contest? Moi. You're all just jealous.

- Are we just jealous?
- No. She's a bigger rat than Ratburn!

- Banana was MY idea!
- Stop with the banana already!
- ]

Like I couldn't have won the contest without them. Huh!

- You'll need to make thousands of cookies, so get started.
- OK. Recipe?

Recipe? Oh. I don't have it written down. I can remember, though.





OK. I wrote out the whole recipe.

- Now we can make our own and drive that rat out of business.
- Guys?

- Did I hear a little rat squeak(?)
- No, it's Muffy. She's right there.

- How would you like to help me make more cookies?

- Make them by yourself...like last time.
- Sorry you feel I cheated you.

Now may I please have the recipe?


- You're going to give us credit this time - right?
- It won't be possible.

I don't get it. You're rich, you have everything.

- Why do you cheat for something like cookies?
- I have a reputation.

- As a dishonest rat!
- As a winner. I had to prove I could win it again.

- But you couldn't. We did it together.
- But nobody knows that.

YOU know it and WE know it.

If you care more about cookies than friendship, then go ahead.

- This IS the right recipe?
- Yes.

..You didn't put any tricks in it, so the cookies taste like junk?

- Muffy, you can trust us. We're your friends.
- Great. See ya.

I thought she'd choose friendship.

Boy, was I wrong!

- I can't go in the Sugar Bowl, knowing they sell the cookies.
- Wait!

- You guys must have the first bag of cookies.
- I don't want to see them.

Look! It says, "Muffy & Friends".

Wow...! Neat!

- You realised honesty and friendship are more important than winning?
- Yes.

Dad said a lie is a lie, even when you get away with it.

And, being a car salesman, he won't stand for any lying.

Since these worked well, let's work on my recipe for next year.

- WHOSE new recipe?
- Oh, right, right.

- OUR new recipe. I have to get used to that.
- How about a cake?
- Doughnuts?

Banana. Lots and lots of banana.

- Arthur, did you see the parade?
- Parade?

- It's raining.
- It's a rain parade. The marching band's in raincoats.

There's a big float shaped like an umbrella. It's right up front.

There's no parade.



Sometimes I really wish I was an only child.

Life would be so easy.

I could be alone whenever I wanted.

In fact, I could use DW and Kate's room as my own private library.

And I'd probably get lots more presents at Christmas.

And, best of all, I'd never have to compromise.

We're going to watch the Bionic Bunny Special,

then a Bionic Bunny rerun,

then this tape of my favourite Bionic Bunny episodes. OK?

Arthur! D'you eat the last brownie?

Actually...there IS one good thing about having a little sister.

..DW ate it, Dad!



Go straight, Arthur! Straight!


- Wow! That looks like fun!
- Not when Arthur's steering.

- Last time, he almost drove me into the lake.
- I'll be your partner next.

Sorry. It's a brother and sister race.

- Maybe there's a contest for lonely children after this.
- ONLY children!

A LONELY child is what you'll be when I sell you.

Give me an O...and a D!

What does that spell? Lakewood!

We're going to win, cos we're real good.

- Have you taken up cheerleading?
- My sister taught me some moves.

I thought we'd use them next year.

Raise your arms higher on the 'O's.

Like this? ..Stop! BOTH GIGGLE


My turn!

Dad, can I get on your shoulders?

Sure, pumpkin. Oh, honey, watch your back.


Mom...Dad... I know what I want for my birthday. A brother or sister.

But then we might not be able to go on all our great adventures.

- Aren't you excited to go to India this winter?
- Yeah,

but it would be a lot more fun with a brother or sister.

Mom and Dad aren't going to get me a brother,

so I guess I'll have to get one myself, but where?

- I don't think you can buy them.
- OWW! Stupid bike!

Hmm... I guess Binky could be an older brother. He's big enough.

He could certainly help me get "hard to reach" things.


Best of all, he could give me advice,

like whether to be an artist or an oceanographer. Binky! Stay there!


- An ocean, WHAT?!
- Oceanographer, Binky.

- Someone who studies oceans.
- That's dumb. Study something cool, like...


- Gross! Anyway, there's no such thing as a wormographer!
- There should be!


Maybe I can be the first one. You've given me some great advice.


Maybe my brother should be a little more helpful.

% of the ocean floor is covered with sediment

composed of silt, shale and schist.

I don't think I want to be an oceanographer any more.

I thought you might say that. It IS kind of dry.

So I got this book on different trends in art.

- If we look at chapter ...
- Oh!

This is tough. Maybe I need a boy who already has a sister,

so they know the right way to be a brother. Hey... What about Arthur?

want to look at my Space Wars cards again?


Forget it! I think it's time to try something new. Like sisters.

- Hi, Prunella! Why are you wearing a strange...?
- Shhh! I'm not Prunella.

I'm Newt. You can be...Toad.

- Toad?
- We're playing magic.

We must use special names, or Arcana, Mistress of the Dusk will be upset.

ARCANA: Where are my assistants? Quickly!

For my first trick, I will need a hair scrunchy.

Make that TWO scrunchies... in case the first doesn't work out.

Now behold the powers of Arcana, Mistress of the Dusk!

- Hey, that's my scrunchy!
- Quiet, infidel!

(You must believe, though. It doesn't work unless you believe!)

- There, mortal. Your head gear is whole again!
- But this isn't mine.

- Well, you can have it. A keepsake from the spirit world.
- But...

PHONE RINGS Stay! Lini, tahini, potato, kanish!

You will do exactly as I wish.


She probably just forgot about us.

Can we please do something else now?

Must remain still or be cursed.

Ready for some lunch, kids?

- Egg salad.
- Where's Rubella?
- She went to the movies with friends.

See? I told you there was no curse.

What do you mean? I HATE egg salad.

We had to play what she wanted, cos she's older.

- She's the worst brother or sister I've had.
- She's NOT your sister.

I was just pretending.

- You want a brother or sister that badly?
- But not an older one.

Next time, I'M going to be the boss.

Hey, Sue Ellen, you want to try my new video games?

- Fish Finder - improved graphics.
- Actually, I'm here to baby-sit.
- Huh?

- But everyone's home. We don't need a baby-sitter.
- Oh.

- Well, could I play with DW for a couple of hours?
- WHAT?!

Don't you know what DW stands for? Disaster warning.

Her room's upstairs, right?

She's going to be the perfect little sister. I just know it.

Wow! You made a swan out of a piece of paper. You can do anything.

- For you, DW.
- You're the best sister in the whole world.

I know.

- Hello, DW. How are we doing today?

- Piggy-back!
- You know what? I've brought this pretty coloured paper.

- I thought we'd be able to...
- One won't hurt.
- YAY!

Woo! Yippee! Faster! Faster!

- Yay! Yippee!
- Is your sister always this active?
- She's breaking you in.

- Back up the stairs!
- Easy, DW. She doesn't know who she's dealing with.

Hey, DW, I've got an idea. Let's play Simon Says.

- I'll be Simon. Simon says, "Hands on hips."
- You said you were Sue Ellen.

Yes, but now I'm Simon.

Now, put your hands at your sides. ..Nope.

- You lose. Simon didn't say so.
- Sure, you did, Simon!
- I'm not Simon NOW.

Well, then, who are you?

- Forget it. Forget it!

We'll play something else.

This is juice! I don't want juice, I want orange soda!

But orange soda doesn't look like tea and this is a TEA party.

I want an orange soda party!

- If I don't get orange soda soon, I'm going to cry! One...two...
- Here, DW.

I made this paper swan for you. It took hours.

Ooh, the pretty birdie! I want to see it fly!



- Arthur, I'm sorry, I just can't take it any more.
- Sue Ellen, wait!

- I haven't finished your beauty makeover!
- NO!

She lasted longer than most baby-sitters!

- My room! My things!

You know, Chester, being an only child may be lonely sometimes,

but at least it's safe.

Sue Ellen, we've a big surprise. It's a little boy.

Oh, no!

His name is Tenzin.

- He lives in Tibet.
- That's exciting!
- My parents'll help him go to school.

We're going to write to each other.

My mom says I can think of him like a little brother.

- I think he's the perfect brother.
- Why?
- He's , miles away.

# And I say, hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day If we can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart

# Listen to the beat Listen to the rhythm of the street

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day HEY! #
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