03x03 - Arthur Goes Crosswire/Sue Ellen and the Brainasaurous

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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03x03 - Arthur Goes Crosswire/Sue Ellen and the Brainasaurous

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

Ever wonder why people change
from one thing to another?

Sometimes change can be...
well, strange

like the time Mrs. MacGrady
tried a dessert experiment--

eggplant gelatin.



Change can be an improvement.

D.W. watched so many
Kitty Corner videos

that she started acting
like a cat.


D.W., down.

For one whole week

I could get her
to do whatever I wanted.

Look, D.W., a mouse!

( hisses )

( chuckles )

But if somebody changes
too much...

well, then it's time
for drastic action.

( thunder )

I bet Mr. Ratburn assigns
another report today.

Yeah, he hasn't
assigned one since...


This report should be two pages

on any animal you choose--

where they live,
what they eat, anything unusual.

The teams for the report
will be:

Arthur Read and...

( gasps )

( school bell rings )

Maybe it won't be that bad.

Oh, thank you, Daddy.

You're wonderful.

( phone beeps off )

Arthur, over here.

For the report

my father will take us
whale watching.

Arthur and I are
going to be spending

a lot of time together
on my yacht.

Come on, Arthur.


( car pulls away )

( seagulls calling )

See anything?




( Arthur sighs )

Lots of water.


We didn't see
a thing.

We're going again today.

What am I going to do?

You can say you're sick.

That's it! You're a genius!

Tell us everything,
Arthur, everything.

Muffy's boat wasn't
that fancy, was it?


Was there a chandelier?
Fancy chocolates?

Hmph! I bet Muffy's yacht
doesn't even have a pool.

Well, actually... it did, but...



You are
so lucky.

I'd give anything
to go on Muffy's


Come on, Arthur,
the yacht's waiting.

Arthur can't
go today, Muffy.

He's sick.

Oh... okay.


Wait! I'm feeling better.

I feel great.


Are you really going?

Are you kidding?

Some people would
give anything to go
on Muffy's yacht.

See anything?

( ship's horn blows )

It's Wilbur Rabbit--
he plays Bionic Bunny.

Quit kidding around.

Ahoy there!

Who... me?

Our engine conked out.

Can you give us a lift
to shore?


Then Wilbur told me

"Artie, those are
swell glasses."

Of course, they are
exactly like his.

The odds of meeting Bionic Bunny
are minuscule.

Meet him?
Arthur rescued him.

Arthur rescued
Bionic Bunny?

He might have been
lost at sea forever.


he'll mention that when
we're both on TV tonight.

Even way out at sea, my
adoring fans manage to find me.

Hey, that's me!

And my head was like
this big on Muffy's Hi-D TV.


Brain, Arthur was on TV
last night with Bionic Bunny.

I don't remember
seeing that on
the news.

It wasn't on the news;

It was on the celebrities
at sea network.

That's on satellite TV.


Don't you have
satellite TV?

Well, no, we...

Muffy does.

Maybe she'll even
invite you over sometime.

"We the people..."

Hey, that sounds good.

"Who are friends
of Wilbur Rabbit..."

"pledge to..."

Hi, what are you doing?

We're making up the pledge
for our new club.



The Wilbur Rabbit society.

Can we join?

We love Bionic Bunny.

His name is Wilbur.

He only plays Bionic Bunny
on TV.

knows that.

And besides, the club is
for friends only.

That means only people who
actually know Wilbur can join.

"With liberty
and justice for..."

( grunts )


( coughing )

Arthur, Muffy, let's play.

And get my
new dress dirty?

I don't think so.

Come on, Arthur.

We've... got better
things to do, don't we?

Things where you
don't get dirty.



Are you going to eat that?

It's been on the ground.

But it's in a bag.

It didn't really
get dirty.

Well, it's your choice if
you want to eat a "germ-wich."


I'll take it.

My mother only gave me
one sandwich.

Some people will eat anything.

( school bell rings )

Arthur, you dropped a book.

Aren't you going to pick it up?


It's just a book.

It can be replaced.

I can't be bothered
with every little thing.

Besides, it's all dirty now.


Did you see that?

Arthur loves books.

What's the matter
with him?

Hey, Arthur, wait up!

Arthur, you...

Of course, you can have
my autograph.

Sorry, I have to go now.

No more autographs.

( gasps )

Binky, Arthur's gone haywire.

Or should I say "Crosswire"?

Arthur, let's go to the arcade.

They've got "Planet Smasher."

It's supposed to be cool.

Sorry, can't-- the Wilbur Rabbit
Society meets today.

Great! Where are we meeting?

You have to be a friend
of Wilbur's to join.

That's the rule-- friends only.

But... I'm your friend,
aren't I, Arthur?

It's for
Wilbur's friends.


( video games making noises )

In case you
haven't noticed

Arthur has turned into Muffy.

Yeah, he's gone

I want Arthur back.

He has to be

Yeah, but how?

We better think fast
before it spreads to us.

Wait-- that's it, Buster!

We can save Arthur?

Yeah-- listen, everyone.

What we're going
to do is...

( whispering )

Maybe he's
not coming.


Get ready.

How darling

would this hat
be on me?

Oh, look.

I remember when I used
to play that silly game.

Eww! I'm not touching that.

It's been in dirt.


Keep that away from me!

I'm too tired to go
all the way to home plate.

I'll stop here.

What's the matter
with everyone?

They're all acting
like... like...

I want to pitch to someone
who doesn't hit so hard.

Buster, you next.

This glove is hideous.

It doesn't go
with my outfit at all.

They're acting like...


Arthur, the Bionic Bunny Club

is meeting tonight
to watch the show.

Great! What time
should I come over?

Sorry, Arthur-- the club's
for Bionic Bunny fans

not Wilbur Rabbit's friends.

They're not acting
like me, Arthur.

They're acting
like you.


( with Arthur's voice ):
Don't you have satellite TV?

The club is for... friends only.


Friends only.

But I...

Everyone, listen--
I didn't mind it

when Arthur started copycatting
me, but this is too much.

I know you all want
to be like me

but there's
only one me.

I'm sorry.

Vomitro... ( gasps )


( loud sigh )

( all gasp )

Okay if I play?


Nice outfit.

Now let's really play
some ball.

( all cheer )

I think Muffy's right.

One Muffy is more than enough.

Want to come to my house
and watch Bionic Bunny?


The more I think about it,
it's really true.

This horrid glove totally
clashes with my outfit.


And now...

Arthur tries to act like Muffy.

Arthur should take
an acting class.

You are going
to be the king.

I am King Christopher.

This is
the storybook theater class.

Okay, everybody,
get a costume.

We're rehearsing a play.

I have a gift for you.

It is this magic diamond.

We're in acting class

and we're learning how to act.

What do you think
your name is going to be?

Princess Sirana?


Yeah, I'm an actor

But actors act
like somebody else.

You don't want to be
like somebody else.

I am Princess Sirana.

Don't slouch,
don't slouch.

Acting is like pretending.

The diamond's gone!

You just use your imagination
and put on costumes.

If you want to be a good actor

you have to have
a lot of concentration.

Announcing a ball
for our grand daughters.

One more time.

Announcing a ball
for our lovely daughters.

( laughing )

No, a grand ball.

Announcing a grand ball
for our lovely daughters.

I like acting
because it's really fun.

( all gasp )

The diamond, father!

If you want to act

become an actor.

( applause )

And now...

( camera whirring )

You know,
some people just have to do

everything themselves.

Cut, cut, cut!

I'm sorry, Arthur,
I have to stop you.

This is too boring.



you need a little
enthusiasm here.

Shape the line.

This is the opening
of the show.

Try it again.

Some people...

Just have to do...

Everything themselves.

That was it?

That's enthusiastic?


that was practice.

( clearing throat )

Some people just have
to do everything themselves!

How was that?

Tease, take seven.

You know, some people
just have to do

everything themselves.

They won't let
anybody help them.

I think
that's much better.

Okay, that's a wrap.

Cue the title.


I hope Mr. Ratburn
assigns another report.

Are you kidding?

We finished
one yesterday.

No way will he give us
another report.

This report should be
at least two pages

on any animal--

where they live,
what they eat

and anything unusual.

The teams for the report
will be as follows:

Arthur Read and...
Muffy Crosswire.

Alan, your partner
will be Sue Ellen.

( kids chatting )

A model dinosaur?

That's a great
idea, Brain!

I'll do some
preliminary sketches.

What should I do?

The sketches have
to be done first.

I'll call you
when I'm done.


So long.

I've never worked
with Brain.

It should be fun.

It'll be easy.

How do you mean?

You'll see,
Sue Ellen.

Brain is
the type that...

Brain's the best report
partner I ever had.

Well, I'm your partner
this time, Buster

and I'm not Brain.

Come on.

We're going to the library.

Sue Ellen,
don't you have homework?

Not yet.

Brain's doing the sketches.

They're preliminary.

Well, maybe I'll call him
and see how it's going.

This is going to be fantastic!

BRAIN ( with deeper voice ):
Even when I built my first model

I knew that with a little DNA
and a lot of hard work

I would one day succeed.

And now...

It lives!

( all gasp in horror )

I implore you, be calm!

( growling )

( in Jackie Mason voice ):
Hello, hello, hello!

So, the strangest thing
happened to me.

Last night, I discovered
an elephant in my pajamas.

How he got in there,
I'll never know.

( screaming )

Hmm... I have to work
on his material.

( phone rings )


I just called
to find out

how the sketches
are going.

We're ready
for the next stage.

Great! I was worried

I was going to have
to watch TV all week.

What do you want me to do?

You? Uh, well...

maybe you should...
continue watching TV.

Got to go do
some research. Bye.

( click, dial tone )

Very weird.

This is our model
of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

And I helped!

The arms are
made of cookies

and the body is
made out of cake.

( all talking excitedly )

this isn't

a cooking class.

You fail!

( Ratburn's voice echoing )

He hung up
the phone on me.

Well, I can't
even find Buster.

I hope he doesn't think I'll
do the whole report myself.

I hope Brain realizes
I expect to share the work.

I don't mind working.

Brain, is that you?


No... I mean...

That's strange.

He vanished.

That was close.

telling me!

You almost gave
away my position.

The Brain's
probably just strange

Because he's been
working too hard.

It could be he's not
getting enough sleep.

( machinery rumbling )

( crackling )

( smack )

( squeaking )

( hissing )

( snap )

( scraping )


Must keep working.

Must keep working.

I thought you
were going home.

Brain can't do
this report alone.

Wow! Did Brain
ask you for help?

No, I'll
surprise him.

He'll be surprised,
all right.


( laughing )

I came to help you
with the research.

That's all done.


Wow, that's great!

What now, Brain?

I need to finish
the vertebrae
and then the head.

We can make that
with papier-mache.

Um... clay is better.

Okay, I have clay.

I'll go get started
on the head.

( kids shrieking with laughter )

I'm afraid you're going
to be in third grade

for a long time, Alan.

( humming happily )

( humming )

( yawns )

I brought the...

What's the matter?

You look tired.

( yawns ):
Working late.

I have
something to show you.


Uh, it looks great, but...

I thought I was
making the head.

I decided to take care of it.

I'm sorry you went
to all that trouble for nothing.

We can't use this.


That head is all wrong.

The proportions of the
nasal cavities are way off.

No, Mr. Ratburn would
never accept this.

They look
exactly the same.

Maybe to the
untrained eye.

It's supposed to be
our project, Brain.

Yours, mine, ours...

I don't have
time to argue.

I have to work
to get this finished.

You want a good grade

don't you?

( mockingly ):
"The nasal cavities
are all wrong."

Honey, are you
having a bad dream?

No, a bad reality.


We have to talk
about our report.

I have everything under control.

I know;
that's the problem.

you'll drop it.

Let me help.

No, no, I can do it.

Don't touch it.

That's ridiculous!

You're just
being a report hog.

Please, it's
very delicate!

Fine! Take it.


Now look what you've done.

And she let you
fall in the mud?

( laughing )

That sounds hilarious.

It was far from amusing.

You're lucky
she only let you
fall in the mud.

I would have pushed you.

Well, I'm kind
of rude.

But you, Brain?

You're a report hog.

Like last year
on our French history report...

You were Napoleon, I was France
and you gave me no lines.


Even when we were little, you
always had to do everything.

How would you like Sue Ellen
to treat you that way?

Don't touch that!

You're fiddling with
my precious a-plus!

You don't know
what you're doing.

Go home.

I guess I would feel pretty bad
if somebody didn't trust me.

Well, I'm sorry
I called you a report hog.

Now we have
no report to hog.

Our model is wrecked.

Maybe, but our report
will be better than ever.


Trust me.


"The largest
mammal on earth."

Very good,
well done.

Alan and Sue Ellen report next.

Mr. Ratburn,
can we all go outside?

Brain and I set up
a special demonstration.

All right!

Field trip!

We have re-created
what paleontologists might find

when they discover
dinosaur bones.

Wow, Brain...
this is cool!

It was really Sue Ellen.

Now you can all dig them up

but there is
a proper way to do it

and Brain
will show you how.

Sue Ellen is right.

You must be very careful.

This is going
to take all day.

That means
we can finish our
report after school.

Okay, I'll meet
you at your house.

Oh, no, you won't.

We're sticking together
until it's done.

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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