03x04 - Background Blues/And Now Let's Talk to Some Kids

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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03x04 - Background Blues/And Now Let's Talk to Some Kids

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

( electronic whirring )

( electronic barking )

Hi, Hal.

How's it going, boy?

( laughing )

Hey, R .


( electronic bleeps )


I got mittens on sale

for only
$ million.

Mom, w deleted
my hologram.

Why don't you
do your homework

instead of fighting
with w?

( electronic buzzing )

Homework done.

R , Will you play
Virtual Flingee
with me?

Please, please,

All right.

Quit greebing.

Stop throwing
it so hard.

You're hurting me.

No, I'm not,
it's all in your imagination.

All right, you two

I want you to sit on the
barcazoid and watch a datagram.

R :
What is it?

It belonged to your

They used to call them "videos."

You can see what life
was like in ancient times.

( Pal barking )

( crying )

I'd like you to research
your family history

and present it to the class.

I found interesting things
about the Ratburns...

As we can see, the Ratburn line

can be traced far back
into history...

Travaillez plus.

Travaillez plus.


Laborate plus diligenter.

( not speaking )

I've learned
that the Ratburns

wouldn't be where they are today
without much hard work.

Let's see what you find out

I can't wait
to start.

I bet I find lots of
queens and princesses

in the Crosswire family.

I'm sure
I'll find some
famous Frenskys.

Maybe one was an
important explorer.

What if my great-
grandmother discovered

the land route
to the Pacific Ocean?

Francine, I think
Lewis and Clark did that.

Oh, well, maybe
she helped them.

( panting ):
I have to stop, Lewis.

I can barely
move my arms.

( panting ):
You said it, Clark,
I'm bushed.

( growling )

A bear!
We're done for!

You're right, Clark,
this is the end.

Keep your shirts on, boys.

It's Ma Frensky!

( growling and groaning )

Go, Ma Frensky!

Go get him, go!

( bellowing )

One, two,
three, four... five

six, seven, eight, nine, ten!

I win!

I want you boys
to follow this route

until you hit
the Pacific.

Great idea!

Why didn't we
think of that?

And stay out of trouble!

I bet my ancestor
gave yours a medal

for being so brave.

He was probably
the president at the time.

Oh, yeah? Well,
I bet my relatives

were the presidents
after him.

You guys, it's
not a contest.

Yeah, I'm sure
we're all related

to some
interesting people.

Grandpa was
a toll booth operator?

Wow! And what did
his father do?

I don't know what
my grandfather did.

I never asked him.

Now I really wish I had.

I'll check in the library.

I bet I can find
stuff about him there.

Cool! My great-uncle
owned a cheese shop.

That makes three uncles
I've found so far.

Gee, I'd settle
for a second cousin.

I haven't found
anything about
my ancestors.

Hi, guys, where is
the Crosswire section?


Oh, never mind,
I'll just ask Ms. Turner.

( electronic beeping )

No... I'm sorry

we don't seem to have
any books on Crosswires.

But this is a library.

You're supposed to have
books on important people.

Hey, Muffy,
guess what I found.

My grandfather
owned a castle.

There's an article on it
in this paper.

What'd you find out?

Oh... the Crosswires
are too important

to be in this public library.

We have our own
private archives.

This is it?

Where are the books about us?

What about the family jewels?

There's nothing
like that.

We're just
plain folks, honey.

Mother, how could you say
such a thing?

You should visit
great-aunt Olga.

She'll know things
about the family.

It's my grandfather's lunch box.

My mom found it last night.

At least now
you have a visual aid.

Yeah... for the world's
shortest report.

I can't
even open it--
it's stuck.

Hi, guys! How's the report
going, Francine?

I just learned that my
grandfather's grandfather

was an adviser
to President Lincoln.

Well, I'm off to visit
my great-aunt.

She's a princess.


It wasn't really a lie--
she could be a princess.

Wait a minute,
she's too old
to be a princess.

She'd have
to be a queen...

And if she's a queen,
then maybe I'm... a princess.

I'm sorry I'm late,
your highness.

The limo had a flat.

Is that you, Anastasia?

No, it's Muffy.

Oh, well,
you'll do.

Crown her.

So I'm actually

the long-lost princess
of Translatvia?


Oh, no! Are you sure
this is the right address?

The Crosswires used
to sell used horses.

And after that
it was used carts.

( laughing ):
And now it's cars!

This is Juniper.

Thought you might want him
for your report.


Francine probably
has something

from Abraham Lincoln.

And Vingo Frensky advised
Abe Lincoln to trim his beard.

Guess what-- he did.

Want the photo
to show your class?

Oh, that's all right, Grandpa,
I'll... describe it to them.

How about this one?

It's of the hamburger castle
I used to own.

Hmm... okay.

I have more stuff
in the garage.

There's a box

with some of
Lincoln's beard.

There-- now it looks

like the type of castle
Muffy's family might have.

I'll say the bottom was cut off.

And then the Crosswires
owned all of England

And France, too.

But they sold that
to the Germans.

Get this: I have

A picture of Grandpa
outside his castle.

We owned
a hundred castles.

A Frensky
advised Lincoln.

So? Lincoln was
my second cousin.

I think my ancestors
were taken by spaceships.

That's why I can't find any.

Oh, please, Buster!

That makes
everything I said
sound believable.

I knew it!

Oh, it's no use.

None of
my relatives

were rich
or famous.

The Crosswires were
just... plain folks.

That's okay, Muffy.

I Bet they're still
pretty interesting.

Easy for you to say.

Your relatives did
exciting things--

Like own castles
and advise presidents.

I mean, they really did do
those things, right?

Oh, yeah, definitely.

My ancestors were all...
really important people.

Hiya, Franky.

I found some more
photos for you.

There are terrific pictures

of the inside
of the hamburger castle.

Uh...thanks, Grandpa.

My pleasure, Franky.

I'm sure it's
going to be
a great report.

Make the Frenskys proud.

Good night.

Good night, Grandpa.

Oh... Grandpa would be
really hurt if he knew

I was trying to make the
Frenskys seem more exciting.

Maybe I should
just tell the truth.

Here's my grandfather
making a hamburger.

Here he is mopping.

( snoring )

This a picture
of a salt shaker.

( laughing loud )

And I thought
my relatives were boring.

Hiya, son.

I just stopped by
to give you this palmetto

and wish Francine
good luck with her report.

She just left, Dad.

She left the photo album behind.

She's going to need that.

From covered wagons to Cadillacs

The Crosswires
have kept transportation

alive and thriving in the U.S.
for over years.

And that's the way it was.

This has been Wolf Blitzen.

Thank you and good day.

( applause )

That was very
impressive, Muffy.

Francine, you're next.

A lot of my relatives
were really important

but the most important
was Vingo Frensky.

He was an adviser
to Abraham Lincoln.

I'll now give you
a dramatic recreation

of one of their
important conversations.


Sorry to interrupt.

Here, Franky,
you left this at home

And I thought
you'd need it.

Would you like to stay?

Francine was about to start.

Like to? I'd love to.



This is a picture of
my grandfather's castle--

I mean... hamburger castle.

A hamburger castle?

Cool! Which one?

The one right
outside Elwood City.

I've eaten

I love
those burgers!

And Vingo Frensky

did advise Abe Lincoln.

But it was just
to trim his beard.

I've actually
got a box here

with some bits
of his beard.

Whoa! Let me see.


That was a great
report, Francine.

You're sure
your relatives

didn't own
a real castle?


You're such
a good friend.

I thought all
I'd have to show you

would be my grandfather's
lunch box

and my report would be boring.

But then I found
this sandwich inside.

It's from !

Mmm... bologna.

( all groaning )

Wss life
really like that

years ago?

I guess so.

I liked it,
but it didn't
make a lot of sense.

I mean, what's a hamburger?

Beats me.

And now...

Hi, my name is Matt, and
this is my third-grade class.

Today we're making posters
of someone in our family.

I made a poster
about my cousin Loreen.

She's in the Navy.

She loves reading
and writing letters.

I'm doing a poster
on my grandmother Agnes.

She loves to go to Maine
and she loves seafood.

Right now I'm going to tell you
about my father.

When he was little, his favorite
toys were cars and balloons.

Let me tell you
about my Aunt Mary.

If you want to know
her most embarrassing moment!

One day when she was
playing basketball...

when she was just about to
get the ball through the hoop

her two front teeth
got caught onto the hoop.

( laughing )

When my grandpa was in school

he always liked
to be in school plays.

I'm doing a poster on my uncle

and he likes to go fishing.

Every time when
he has free time, he sleeps.

( uncle yawns, snores )

( laughing quietly )

I did a poster
on my dad, Stephen

and he likes... ( laughs )

he likes, um...

( laughs )

he likes... ( laughs )


And now...

Have you
ever noticed

how people's
fit them perfectly?

We need more homework
and quizzes.

( laughing )

I love jokes!

They're funny.

No, I'm not going
to the mall;

I'm playing soccer,
and so are you.

Oh, you are so rude!

Now, imagine if they had
different personalities.

They'd seem
really weird.

( in Buster's voice ):
For tonight's homework

everyone find one
really funny joke for tomorrow.

If I laugh, you get an "A."

No, I'm not going to the mall.

I'm playing soccer,
and so are you.

( in Muffy's voice ):
You are so rude!

I'd rather go
to the mall.

They had
the cutest sneakers!

( snoring )

( in Ratburn's voice ):

Are you thinking
about math or

Seven times three
is not --

it's .

Seven times one
is seven;

Seven times two is ...

Okay, okay!

You see how weird that would be?

It's so much better

when people act
like themselves.

Well, most of the time.

And after you do
your homework

I want you to scratch me
behind the ears.


♪ ♪ ♪

♪ There's a level and a rule ♪

♪ and keys for
all the padlocks ♪

♪ tools don't have
to go to school ♪

♪ they learn
in the magic toolbox! ♪

This is
a great show.

What's Sammy Screwdriver
really like?

I like Newt
the Nut better.

He's screwy.

I like the part
where real
kids talk

and it's coming on,
so be quiet!

Gravity is the force that
makes us stick to the earth.

Without gravity we'd float away.

Gravity is what makes
an apple hit you on your head.

How do they
choose these kids?

Their parents
probably work
on the show.

Imagine if
they picked you.

Here's Arthur on TV:

"My name is Arthur
and my dog is named Pal.

"And blahdee-blahdee-blah!

Isn't that

And here's the audience
watching Arthur on TV.

( snoring )

( giggles )

Very funny, D.W.

I always think
snoring is funny.

Fill in all the country names
in the entire world

in their proper locations.

And as always,
spelling counts!

Who can tell me
where this is?


Um, Earth?

That's right, very good!

Cookies for everybody!

( cheering )

( groans )

I'm so sorry
to interrupt a quiz

but I have
exciting news!

The TV show
Magic Toolbox

is coming here
to make

a "let's talk to
some kids" segment.


And because this class
is the hardest-working

in the school

you've been chosen!

My mom said working
hard in class
would pay off

But I didn't
think so soon!

( kids talking excitedly )

I can't believe
we're all going to be on TV!

All? I don't know.

The camera probably
won't be able

to resist
focusing on me.

They'll put me on for sure.

Here's the new star
of Magic Toolbox

Francine Frensky!

I better prepare for this!

See you!

Do you think
Francine will get

all the attention?

TV shows need action!

Hi-yah! Ah!


( yelling )

I've got to go, too-- bye!

What would
you practice
to do on TV?

I won't even think about it.

I'm working on a project
for the science honor roll.

I'm not thinking
about it, either.

( playing difficult piece )

Well, see you!

( groans )

Gravity is the only
important scientific principle

that can really hurt
your backside.

What time is it

when an elephant
sits on your watch?

Time to get
a new watch.

Thank you, thank you!

What are
you doing?

Practicing to be on TV.

Maybe I'll get
my own show.


On TV?

Hey, D.W.!



I knew it!

I knew there were

Little people in the TV-- Mom!

If I become famous

you can be on
TV with me, D.W.

No, thanks.

You'd try
to make me look

like I'm a brat.

"There's footprints
in the peanut butter!"

( laughing )


"There is no joy
in Mudville."

Hi, guys.

Arthur says you're
not going to prepare

anything for TV.

No, I'm rather busy

working on
my science project.

Oh, yawn!

Like that's
as important

As The Magic

This is your big opportunity!

He's just afraid
he'd be boring.

What would he do
on TV anyway? Think?

( Arthur theme music plays )

♪ Every day when you're
Walking down the street ♪

♪ You stop and think... ♪



( music stops )

Hmm... hmm.

Brain's new puppy.

Mom, Dad!

I'm thinking about
getting a new puppy.


Hmm... hmm.


Boy, that would be entertaining!

I'm being sarcastic.

Being on TV
isn't all that
important to me.

The Brain really
doesn't care

about being on TV.

Are you kidding?

This is the saddest
thing I ever saw

including me
not getting a puppy.


He's obviously

We have to help
him realize

he's good at things
he could do on TV.


Believe me,
I know people.

Behind all that confidence,
he's secretly shy.

You know,
you're good

at a lot
of cool stuff:


that thing with
all the numbers...


Yeah, math!

There's all
kinds of things

you can do well.

What's your point?

my point?

I don't

I remember!

There's plenty of stuff
you can do on TV.

I don't care.

I tried
everything I know.

There's no reason

you shouldn't
be confident.

I am confident.

He's not.

He just won't
admit it.

It's okay if you're
afraid to go on TV.

I'm not afraid!

See you tomorrow.

The poor guy!

( tapping on window )


What are you
doing here?

You don't want the boys
to know you're afraid.

I have ideas
to make you

Francine, I...


Can you do
any imitations?

Frog... a cow... bee?

Or can you juggle?

Or be "The kid who
skates all the time."

It's catchy... very TV.

I'm really busy
on my project

for the science
honor roll.

Notice the science
honor roll isn't on TV.

It's very
important to me!


you could be Kazoo Boy!

( playing kazoo )


He didn't even

want to be
Kazoo Boy.

I offered him
my best jokes.

Maybe he really doesn't care.

Ugh! You don't
understand people.

In your professional

which of these
will photograph best?

Muffy, please
be seated.

How rude.

I'm just trying
to project

An effective
media image.

All right.

The Magic Toolbox
crew will talk to you

the solar system.

My mind went blank!

Tell me something
about the solar system!

Me, too!

Yeah, me, too!

Okay, remember,
there are nine planets:

Venus, Earth

Jupiter, Saturn

Uranus, Neptune
and Pluto.

The solar system
is really...


Even compared to me.


All the, um... planets
are moving around the sun.

That's called... orbits.



A poem about the universe:

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are."

The universe is so big

that nobody's ever seen
the whole thing...

I think.


( laughs nervously )

Uh, I know!


( whispering ):
Francine, the...

What? I can't hear you!

Speak up!

Mars is called
the red planet

and the camera's
right behind you!

Mars is my...

Mars is my favorite planet.

It is the fourth planet
from the sun

and it is red,
my favorite color.

So it is my
favorite planet,
the planet red--

I mean, Mars!


I mean Mars!


Boy, we were
better than
I thought.

I said on camera

was what Brain
told me.

Me, too.

And he never said anything.

That poor guy.

He'll never ever
get to be on TV.

Topping a lifetime
of great accomplishments

Professor Brain
perfected teleportation.

( crowd gasps )

( crowd gasps )

More on Professor Brain
after this

here on The Professor Brain

Didn't you once say

Brain would
never get on TV?

They've got a whole
channel for him!

Channel, schmannel!

He still never
got to be

On The Magic Toolbox
like us!

( barcazoid humming
electronically )

( coughs )

Want to watch it?

I've still
got the tape!

Look, there's me!

That's Muffy.

Oh, yeah.

And there's
Buster Baxter!

happened to him?

Remember the song?

Who could
forget it?

♪ There's a level and a rule ♪

♪ And keys for
all the padlocks... ♪

( both singing different words )

♪ What a wonderful
WGBH Edkind of day ♪ndatioy

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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