04x09 - What is that Thing?/Buster's Best Behavior

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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04x09 - What is that Thing?/Buster's Best Behavior

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

You know, tires aren't
just good at being... tires

they also make great swings.

I guess inner tubes

were invented
for truck tires

but someone discovered
they make cool rafts.

You can find lots
of uses for anything

by using
your imagination.

Hey, this reed makes
a cool spitball sh**t.

( spits )

a million years ago.

Our ancestors
had to find

many uses for things
just to survive.


Whoever discovered that wood
could be used to make fire

was one of the greatest
geniuses in all of history.

( exclaiming
unintelligibly )

Fire drill...

Fire drill!

How many uses can you think
of for a single object?

I know what
a big brother
can be used as.



An umbrella.


Who invented the
refrigerator magnet?

I don't know.

Who invented the donut?

And who invented
the donut hole?

I don't know!

Well, you would
if you took me

to Mr. Ratburn's
puppet show today.

It's all about inventors.

Get Mom to take you.

Sorry, Arthur, it's our day
for paying bills.

Why don't you go?

It could be interesting.

And it's free.

We spent way too much

on movies last month.

Who invented the movie?

Who invented a month?

Okay, okay, I'll go.

Just stop asking me
stupid questions.

Maybe Buster can come along.

Sorry, Arthur.

I'm entering that "Idea for
a Bionic Bunny Story" contest

but I can't think of anything.

How about an episode

where Bionic Bunny
fights a giant guppy?

Hey, that's a great idea.

That's the one I used,
but I'm glad you liked it.

See?! All the good ideas
have been taken.

It's hopeless,
I'll never think of anything.

I can't go--
I have to take care of Nemo.

He's afraid of water.

Since when?

Since I read him

, Leagues Under the Sea.

I thought he'd like to hear
about Captain Nemo.

Now he thinks
all water has giant squids.


( meows )

Cat on my head!

Cat on my head!

Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Oh, poor Nemo.

Sorry, Arthur,
but I can't go.

I could never
enjoy myself

unless my cat
is ecstatically happy.

Well, have you tried...

I've tried everything.

There's no solution.

If there was one,
I would have found it.

Muffy-- just the person
I wanted to see.

Mr. Ratburn's puppet show
is this afternoon and...

Can't, Arthur.

My new anteater
doll has fallen
down the drain.

Pull my... nose.

He has a vocabulary
of , words

and all I've heard
are those three.

Maybe you could...

I've tried

I even called
the fire department

but they won't rescue dolls.

All I can do
is hope for a miracle.

Sorry, Arthur.

The remote control airplane
I just got

is missing a wheel...

And you can't do
anything to fix it

so you're going
to sit and mope.

No, I'm going
to take it apart

send it back
to the company.

Then I'm going to
sit at home and mope.

I guess there's
no getting out of it.

It's just going to be
me and D.W.

Hey, what is that thing?

Maybe it's a yo-yo
for leprechauns.

Ach, this is fun.

Look, I'm "walking the bug."

This sure beats re-soling shoes.

Or part of a robot.


Oh, no!

Bob's brain
is missing!

Or maybe it's...

the pet of a bigger
metal thingy.

Let me see,
let me see.

Don't touch it,
it's mine--
I found it.

I want to see it!

Thanks, now
neither of us
can play with it.

You better start
getting ready.

The show's
in half an hour.

That's the last time I let my
father help me build anything.

What is that thing?

Looks kind of like
a little wheel.

Maybe it came from someone
else's model airplane.

I wonder...

( airplane buzzing )

( whooping )

Hey, Brain, can you help me

come up with
a new villain

that the Bionic Bunny
could fight?

Hmm, let's see...

Squids have been done,
turtles have been done.

How bout a... duck!

Nope-- episode # :
"The Mean Mallard Master."

No, Buster-- duck!

Oh, no, my third wheel.

How am I going
to land this thing?

I need that wheel.

( humming )

( water running )

( Nemo meowing )

It's all right, Nemo.

( meowing )

Phenomenal control
by Duane Lutz.

Here's a surfer

who can really handle these
Hawaiian nine-footers.

( meowing )

Poor little guy.

If only there was something
I could do.

What are you looking at?

You look hypnotized.

What is that thing?

You are not afraid of water.

Water is your friend.

You love water.

It works!

It must be a professional
cat hypnotizer.

Now when I clap my hands
I want you to...

( bird twittering )

Hey, come back
with my cat hypnotizer--

I may need it again!

Francine, have you seen
the wheel

of a remote-control
model biplane?

No-- have you seen a bird
with a cat hypnotizer?

Uh... no.

Pull my... nose.

If only I could, Arnie,
if only I could.

( sighs )


Birds are so rude.

What is that thing?

Looks like a tiny fishing reel
or something.

Hold on, Arnie...

I'm sending down a rope!

Pull... my... nose.

Now, if I just remember
that slip knot

daddy taught me on the boat.

( Arnie squeaking )

Hee-hee-hee, that tickles.

I like you.

Want to sing the alphabet?


You're safe, Arnie!

Boy, was I lucky to find that...

that doll rescue rope
just when I needed it.

Oh, no, my doll rope.

Hmm... "Bionic Bunny Versus
the Giant Dead Leaf"--

that hasn't been done before.

Probably because
it's really dumb.


What is that thing?

It's a cat hypnotizer

and it's mine.
No, it isn't.

It's a doll rope
and it belongs to me.

I like to... share.


It isn't a doll rope.

It's a biplane wheel,
and I need it to land my plane.

Without it,
the plane will crash!

How do you expect
to land your plane

with my cat hypnotizer?

If I land the plane
on top of the wheel

at just the right angle

it'll safely snap
the wheel back into place.

See? And there's no such thing
as a cat hypnotizer.

And why not?

There are pet psychiatrists,
aren't there?

Why not pet hypnotizers?

You're both crazy.

I know for a fact
that it's a doll rope

because I just
saved my doll with it.

That was just a coincidence.

It's obviously a biplane wheel.

Give it to me.

It's my cat

No, my doll rope!

Actually, it's a bobbin

and it's mine.


Aren't you supposed
to be giving

a puppet show
right now?

I had to postpone it
to search for my bobbin.

But... what's a bobbin?

Come and find out.

It starts in a few minutes.

See you there.

( model plane buzzing )

( all screaming )

Oh, no!

Your plane!

Sometimes in life

things end
in tragedy.

This is one
of those times.

We got to get to the show.

Elias Howe, what are up to?

It's been days
since you've been seen.

That's because I've
been hard at work

the sewing machine.

A drive wheel,
a feed dog, and a bobbin

are all parts
of this wonderful invention.

Oh, Elias, this machine
is beyond compare.

You betcha.

Look how fast
it makes underwear!

( laughter )

Hey, I thought you guys
were all too busy to come.

How did you solve all those
unsolvable problems?

Well, I guess
they weren't

we'd just
stopped trying.

Maybe there's something
to be learned
from all this.


Hey, Francine,
did the bobbin

really work as
a cat hypnotizer?

I don't know...

( water running )

( screams )

You know, Buster,
you're the only one

who the bobbin
didn't help.

I wouldn't be
so sure about that.

What is that thing?

Whatever it is

it's hypnotizing cats
all over the city.

( meowing )

That's a bobbin,
Bionic Bunny.

Quick, pull its nose

before the cats
take over the city!

( Bionic Bunny gasps )

Elias Howe!

Now I can conquer
the world!

( laughing evilly )

Tune in next week for part two:
"Bionic Bunny Versus Elias Howe"

written by Buster Baxter.

Have you ever had
one of those times

when you wish
that just for a minute

you could be someone else?

Mommy, I was watching TV
and Arthur tried to...


( gasps )

Like when you're in trouble.

Arthur Read, I...

Oh... hi, Thora.



Or when you just need
to be grown up.

( practicing )

Or when you have to
do something that's too hard.

( playing smoothly )

But I know one guy
who's so cool

that he must never
want to be different--

my best friend, Buster Baxter.

Yo, Artie-man.


Pick Buster.

Pick Buster!

Yeah, Francine,
pick Buster.

It's my pick
and I pick... Buster.


( cheering )

Okay, then we pick Arthur.


( sadly ):
Yay, team.

( groans )

( cheering )

Wow, you guys
really beat us.

I didn't do

Francine scored
every goal.

Yeah, when it comes to soccer,
Francine's the best.

( improvising )

( laughs )

That was great!

Sue Ellen and Binky

are the ones
who play great.

Yeah, but what you did
was so funny.

( imitates tuba )

Here's my food chain project

showing how a shark eats
everything in its path.

Cool shark, Buster!

Ah, it's just
a dumb drawing.

Buster, are you all right?

You're hardly eating.


I didn't notice.

Button, I'm a mother
and a newspaperwoman

so you might as well
tell me what's wrong

because I'll find out.

It's just...
I'm not the best at anything.

Of course
you are, shug.

What am I the best at?

You're the best at being
my cute, cuddly little boy.

That's not exactly the answer
I was hoping for, Mom.

And Buster did this
cool picture of a shark

and in music class
Buster did this...

( imitates tuba )

It was hilarious!

Bumpster sounds
like fun.

I bet he'd make
a great brother.

Can we trade?

Bumpster can live here.

And he can move out.


I just want everyone
to be happy.

Am I the only one
with family values?

I need a thing that when
everyone thinks of Buster

they think,
"Yeah, Buster's the best at..."

Say, soccer.

Why not soccer?

D.W.'s right, Pal.

Buster is cooler than me.

Everyone wants him
on their team.

Everybody loves Buster.

I do on each foot
every morning.

, ...

Me, too.



And I've got to work
on my defensive game.

Oh, yeah.

Defensive game.


What is it exactly

that makes Buster
so much fun to
be around?

What's he got that I don't?

Let's approach
this mathematically.

If we subtract
Arthur from Buster

what's left
is the difference.

That's what I want to know--

the difference
between me and Buster.

The difference is "X."

Let's call it "Element X."

What's Element X?

That's the difference.

Yeah... oh.

But what is it
and how do I get it?

Discovering that
could take years

and millions of dollars
in research.

Or you could try reading
his favorite joke books.

Hope your team
is ready to lose!

Yeah, hope your team
is ready to lose!

I got it!

I got it!

I'll get it!

I got it!

Oh, no!

This one's mine!

This one's mine!

Buster, you scored
on our own team!

( laughs nervously )


Francine's team lost big time!

What were you doing?

Do you feel okay?

( thinking ):
Guess I'm not going
to be the soccer guy.

My blouse is an original
Rudolpho Kasper off the rack.

And my Monanini skirt
completes the ensemble.


Hey, this school doesn't
have a fashion guy.

That's it!

My shirt is an original...
uh, "T"

and my blue jeans with
a touch of green grass stain

complete the ensemble.

So what?

Aw, never mind.

To get the attention Muffy gets

I'd have to wear girls' clothes.

I don't want
that much attention.

Now, given that Einstein's
general theory of relativity

is the obvious proof
for my time-travel theorem

you can see that
the quantum variables

suggest numerical evidence
of black holes

right, Buster?

( exclaims in fear )

( grunts )

( grunts )

( grunts )

( growls loudly )

( growls loudly )

( snarls ferociously )

( exclaims fearfully )

Buster was so weird today.

I bet Arthur knows why.

I haven't seen Arthur all day.

I bet you could find him
in the logical place.


He's behind one of these books.

He always is.

Hey, guys!

What's wrong with Buster?

He's not himself today.

My definition
of a well-balanced meal...

( swallows )

is a carrot in each hand!

( laughing goofily )

I think we've
found Buster.

We better go talk
to the Brain.

This being-the-best
idea was all wrong.

If I want
to improve myself

I should try to be more
like the person I most admire.

Like Arthur, or Abraham Lincoln.


It'll probably take me years
to grow a beard.

But I can be like Arthur!

Hey, thanks!

It was fun talking.


( thud )

Mommy, Arthur was wrong.

That guy's no fun at all.

What you're telling me
is very hard to believe.

Did you hear about the chameleon

who walked down the street
and turned into a store?

Get it?

He turned into a store.

You know, I was just
in the playground with D.W.

Her imaginary friend is
always getting in the way.

I've never seen
anything like it.

I can't tell which
is who anymore.

They even look like each other.

Muffy, Buster's the
one with the ears!

Oh, yeah.

This has something to do
with Element X.

I know what the problem is--
all boys are weird.

Hey, I can explain what I mean!

Have you heard
the joke about the
talking tennis shoes?


That Pal is one smart dog.

Yeah, I know.

Well, I better get going.

See you.


Arthur's just
kind of boring.

He keeps telling me
all these old jokes
I've heard before.

Buster's not funny anymore.

And he keeps
talking about D.W.

Who wants to listen to someone

complain about D.W.
all the time?

Arthur's so depressed.

It's like he's lost
his best friend.

It's like he is
his best friend.

I did a lot of research

and I discovered something.

What? What?

This isn't in any books.





They hardly speak
to each other.

They've both been
ruined by you and
your Element X.

Scientists are not to blame

if you don't like
their discoveries.

Well, somebody's
got to do something.

Hey, Buster, Arthur.

You guys want
to play soccer?

Gee, I don't know.

I have library books to return.

And I'm pretty hungry.

I can't stand this anymore!

You guys better cut it out!

What she's trying to say is

you guys have transferred
Element X.

No, no, no!

Forget Element X!

We like Arthur as Arthur

and we like Buster as Buster

and so do you!

You were perfect
just the way you were

so cut it out and be yourselves!

Give me that book.

Buster, get rid of that sweater
and no more talking about D.W.

She's Arthur's sister,
not yours.

I was trying to be
like a really great person.

Yeah... me, too.

Don't... say... anything!

It's over!

Now, you're going to come
play soccer and have fun!

I think it worked.

Of course.

I've seen Francine
yell at rain and make it stop

when she wanted to play ball.

( laughing ):
Here's a good one:

What runs around the field
but never moves?

The fence!

( laughing )

Oh, you know what
D.W. did yesterday?


That's more like it.

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪
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