05x07 - Sleep No More/Pet Peeved

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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05x07 - Sleep No More/Pet Peeved

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )


Today, as a special treat

my esteemed colleague,
Professor Baxter

is going to speak to us about
a subject he knows all about.

( applause )

Thank you.

Today we will discuss...

Roll the tape, please.


Sleep is the most necessary
part of our lives.

It replenishes our strength
so that we are physically fit.

( snoring )

It rests our brains so
that we are mentally fit.

Mr. Ratburn ( on tape ):
This animal belongs
to the genus Sus scrofa.

Can anyone tell me the sound
animals of this genus make?

( snoring loudly )

Mr. Ratburn:
Excellent, Buster!

That is indeed the sound
of Sus scrofa, the wild boar!

And finally, it saves our energy

for the truly important
things in life.

( yawns )

Now I can prepare myself
for something truly important!

( spits )

( snoring )

( applause )

Thank you,

Come back next week, when
Professor Baxter will present

part two of his sleeping lecture
series: Eating after Sleeping.


TV narrator:
For Apollo astronaut Neil
Strongarm, landing on the moon

was not only the dream of
a lifetime; it was his destiny.

Adventures in Space will
continue, right after this.


do you ever
wonder what
your destiny is?

Nope, I know it:
I'll win a gold medal

on the Olympic hockey team.

I'll discover the origin
of the universe.

I'm going to end
world hunger...

after my career as the world's
most glamorous fashion designer.


Well, I think
we all know

what Buster's
destiny is...

Mattress tester.

Woman ( on TV ):
It's coming...

the most magical
kingdom of all...

Man ( on TV ):
Pizza Paula's Pizzaland!

The first theme park
made entirely of food!

Chorus ( on TV ):
♪ Come to a heavenly place ♪

♪ Where cheese and tomato
and thick-or-thin-crust dough ♪

♪ Are all that
the eye can see. ♪


Woman ( on TV ):
As a special Pizzaland
Grand Opening event

the First Annual Pizza
Paula Pizza Pig-Out!

The contestant who
can eat the most pizzas

will receive a lifetime pass

to any one of my many
pizza restaurants.

But, Mom, you
always tell me

to do the things
I'm good at

and I'm excellent at
all-you-can-eat contests!

Francine said

it's my destiny!

That or mattress tester.

I'm sorry, Buster, but
that park is miles away

which means we'd have
to stay in a hotel.

We don't have
the money for that now.



( yawning )

( yawning )

( yawning )

( Tibbles laughing )

Will this help
pay for a hotel?

Oh, Buster,
it's wonderful

that you're working
so hard for...

My destiny!

I know, but I'm sorry.

A hotel costs a lot...

( phone rings )

I don't think

this is how destiny
is supposed to work.

Yes, this is
Bitzi Baxter.

Yes, I'm the editor
of the Elwood City Times.

What, Mom?


This is so cool

that you could invite
us all to Pizzaland!

Well, since
Pizzaland asked my mom

to cover the
grand opening

and gave her a free
suite at their hotel

I figured we
shouldn't waste it.

What luck!

It's not luck.

It's destiny!

Paula ( over speaker ):
Welcome to my Pizzaland.

Just step on the welcome mat
and come on in!






Mmm, crust.



please don't eat
the sidewalk.

Okay, everybody,
here are your maps.

Let's meet back
here at : sharp.

You want to go

to the Anchovy

There's something
I have to do first.

I'd like to register

for tomorrow's contest, please.

( crowd gasps )

Sorry, guys.

It's my special talent.

( contestants moan )

You're going to bed at : ?

I need my rest
for the contest

But you'll miss the laser show
at the River of Extra Cheese!

Buster's being smart.

The better rested,
the better he'll eat.

Let's give him peace and quiet.

As if a marching band
could keep him awake.

It's just an excuse

for him to nap.


Almost forgot my exercises.

And bite

chew, chew...

and swallow!

( gulps )

Okay, that's enough.

( sighs contentedly )

Pizza Pig-Out...

( synthesizer playing )

( crowd oohing and ahhing )

Wow, that was deep.

I can't sleep!

...and every time I shut my eyes
I think about the pizza contest!

I see the pizza, I taste
the pizza, I smell it.

I mean, look!

It's probably
because you tried

to go to bed
so early.

Yeah, that must be it.

Why don't you
try my mask
and earplugs?

( others giggling )

Okay, well... here goes.

Good night.

( "Blue Danube" waltz plays )

( Buster sighing dreamily )

( music stops abruptly,
Buster gasping )

( others snoring )

( groans )

Here you go,

You just eat breakfast
while I clean your room.

Is there anything else
you'd like me to do for you?

Oh, goody!

Let me see.

First is seven hours,
minutes and
seconds to go.


Seven hours, minutes...

...and ten seconds to go.

Seven hours, minutes
and zero seconds to go.

D.W., don't go!

( others grumbling at Buster )

Come on, Buster.


I can't!

I've got it.

Buster, look over here.

Now, just think of math class...

( thump on pillow )

( kids whisper congratulations
to Brain )


I dreamt I heard
the lunch bell.

Harder, harder!

Feel the burn!


Now are you tired?


I'm hungry.

I can't believe I'm doing
this for you, Buster

but a proper bed
is the only way

to get a good
night's sleep.

Good night, Buster.

Good night.

( crunching )

Okay, out!


You know, it always helps me
to punch my pillow a few times.

Does that
make you sleepy?

No, but it makes
my hand hurt

so I think about
that instead of
how I can't sleep.


Hey, Arthur

you haven't come up
with any ideas yet.

Oh, well, uh...

I don't know... counting sheep?

( others groaning )

That is such
a lame old trick!

It never works!


( snoring softly )

After I destroy
all my Crazy Bus stuff

I'll start on Mary Moo Cow.



Buster, no!

You fell asleep!

You counted sheep!

I know, but then

I started dreaming
about shepherds

which made me think
about shepherd's pie

which made me think
about pizza pie...

Buster, stop it already!

It's just
a stupid contest!

It's not just
a contest!

It's my destiny!

You've got to help me!

Oh, what's the use?

It's hopeless.

Well, there's only
one thing to do

when destiny bites the dust.

Bite back!

( touch tones beeping )

Hello, room service,
could I have a pizza?

Man ( on phone ):
Room service is closed
for the night.

Perhaps you can come down to
the kitchen to get something.

What are you doing
just standing there?

We've only got six hours,
minutes and seconds

until the contest!

Here, twirl this!

I just wanted a snack;
I couldn't sleep.

Tell me about it.

What are you
guys doing here?

We couldn't sleep.

This always
happens to me.

I blew the Rhubarb Rita
Pie-Eating Contest of '

the Barbecue Brenda
Rib Jamboree of .

I haven't had
a good night's sleep

in years.

Wait a minute.


How can you be so crazy
about a silly contest?

It's not a silly contest!

It's my destiny.

But there are
always contests--

if not this one,
there'll be another one.

That's right... there'll
always be another one.

Cone on--

help us with this work.


( yawns noisily )

Right, work.

Uh... will you
excuse me a moment?

( thunk )

( snoring )

Announcer ( on P.A. ):
Welcome to the Pizza Pig-Out!

( contestants snoring )

Pizza Paula would like
to make an apology.

Due to her incredible excitement
about today's Pig-Out

she didn't sleep a wink
last night

so the contest is postponed
until tomorrow.

That gives all you
contestants a chance

to get another
good night's rest!


Pizza, anyone?

( others snoring )



Okay, "Connect piece A-
to B- .

"Then connect the piece
marked 'right corner
facing Main'..."

Never underestimate the
importance of directions.

Imagine if they didn't
follow instructions

when building the Eiffel Tower.

See? I told you!

We were supposed
to connect piece Z-quinze

to C-soixante-sept.

If you listened to me,
this wouldn't have happened!

Even repairmen need to look
at instructions.

Don't you want to look
at the instruction manual?

Don't need it.

This machine's as good as new.

( yelling as machine rumbles )

is boring.

Look, I made this

and never looked at
the instructions once!

Dad and Arthur:

See? Who needs

( howling )

No can do, Francine.

My mom said it'll be
bad for my asthma.

I don't think so--

it would make Pal
feel uncomfortable.

Mom just re-upholstered
the couches

and doesn't want
them all ripped up.


Now what am I going to do?

Nemo, I'm sorry

you can't come camping
with me this weekend.

And I can't find anyone
to watch you--

I've tried everybody!

I tell you, Binky

there's no better pet
than a dog.

( growling and barking )

Look at that

Crusher could eat him
for lunch!

He could eat him
for breakfast!

I bet he could eat him
for an afternoon snack!

On a cr*cker!

( all laughing )

Why don't you

take your dog and get lost!

Sorry, Nemo, but I still have
to find someone to watch you.

If I don't, we'll have to put
you in... the kitty kennel.

( meows plaintively )

Francine, sorry
I teased your cat.

I was just playing along.

You understand.

See you!

Let's see, Arthur's not
tough enough for the job.

Neither is Buster.

I need someone
really, really tough!

How about Sue Ellen?

Actually, Binky,
I was thinking of you.


Oh, yeah, me--
I'm tough enough!

What's the job?

Pet watcher!

What, a pit bull?


A python?


A piranha?

No, it's my cat, Nemo.

Your cat?! No way!

Come on, Binky,
it's just for
the weekend.

I'll pay you
five dollars a day.

Make it ten for
the whole weekend!

Uh... okay.


ten dollars!

See you at my place!

( chuckling )

Ah, Binky, you sure
know how to bargain.

Hi, Nemo!

Ready to have
some fun?

Well, here's
all his stuff:

food, toys,
sleeping basket...

( clearing throat )


Your money's
in the envelope

with Nemo's
cat care instructions.

It's very important
you follow them.

We'll be fine, Francine.

See you Sunday!

Be good to him!

First things first.

Okay, Nemo, you're not going to
believe what I built for you!

Let's go!

It's this way, Nemo.

( meows )

( sighs )

Oh, brother.

Pretty cool obstacle
course, huh, Nemo?

Go on, try it out!

Okay, I'll do it once,
then it's your turn.

( loud thud )

( meows )

Where are you going?!

Come back!

Let's see if you know
any tricks.




( groans )

Listen, cat,
I'm in charge here

and we're going to have
some fun, understand?


So, you like
staring contests, huh?

Okay, but I'm warning you

I'm the best
starer in...


Okay, that one didn't count!

I had dust in my eye!


Stop right now!

I order you to stop!

( gasps )

( growling )

( Nemo meows )

( Nemo meows )

We can work this out--

just come down now
before Rattles sees me.

What are you
doing, Binky?

Talking to a tree?

I was just
practicing insults.

Quit crying,
you... weeping willow!

( laughs weakly )

( barking )

Hey, look,
it's that cat!

Aw, he's
too high up.

Hold on to him
if you can catch him.

He'd be a great
chew toy for Crusher!

( laughing nervously ):
He sure would!

A chew toy!


Okay, we'll do
whatever you want.

Just come down, please!

Some fun that dumb cat
turned out to be!

( meow )

Get off of my shoe, furball!


You're playing!

Well, if you like shoelaces

I've got something
you're going to love!

( meows )



( laughing )

Binky Barnes!

What on earth are you
and that cat doing?

Clean up the yarn
this instant!

Hey, get back here!

Half of this mess is
yours, you know!

Nemo, stop that scratching.

Nemo, please
stop that.


Stop that!

( stops scratching )

Thank you.

( meows )

( purring )

( moaning )

Here you go,
breakfast time.

( meowing in dismay )

Hurry up and eat.

Francine will be
here soon.

What's the matter?

You don't want
to go home?

( hissing )

You want to stay here with me?

But you're Francine's kitty!

Hey, wait!

Has Francine been rotten to you?

Is that why you're scared?

( alarm clock ringing )

You were supposed
to wake me up!

I gave you
specific instructions!

Great, now I'm late!

No food for you
today, Nemo!

Now, clean this floor!

I want it to shine!

Come on,
Nemo, clean!


Let's go, Nemo,
move it!

( whip cracking )

( meowing pitifully )

Aw, you poor little guy!

No wonder Francine said
it was a tough job!

She wanted me to be
a sl*ve driver like her!

( gasps )

Don't worry,
little buddy!

Binky won't let mean, old
Francine hurt you anymore.

Hide in here--
it'll be safer in case...

Hey, Binky.

They're after us!

Francine's looking
for you.

She wants
Nemo back.

( stammering ):
Uh... uh...

Cat got your tongue?


( Nemo meows )

Did you just meow?

Um... yeah, I meowed!

Why? Can't a kid meow
if he wants to?

It's a free country, isn't it?

( Nemo meows )

Meow, meow!

Meow, meow...

You can stay here

Tomorrow we'll build
a secret hideout.

Almost empty.

You'll need more

if we're going
to be hiding out.

I'll be back-- stay here.

Please, just stay here.

( birds squawking
in background )

Would you like
some vitamin-rich
parakeet food?

No, I'm looking for cat stuff.

I mean, I'm... about
to get a cat... I think.

Follow me.

There are some
essential items.

Aisle one: grooming combs
and brushes and shampoo.

Aisle two: flea spray
and flea collars.

Aisle three:
an exercise ball
and booties.

Aisle four:
a traveling cage

and finally,
the best-selling books

When Cats Go Bad
and When Cats Go Really Bad.

Is this going to cost
more than ten dollars?

It'll be $ . .

( screams )

Nemo! Where are you?

( meow )

What are you doing out there?!

I'm really sorry, but
I can't afford to feed you.

I'm going to have
to take you home.


Come out, Nemo!

You're acting
like a cat again!

Hey, wait up!

Whoa! Hey!

What's going on?!

Still trying to catch
that chew toy!

( Crusher barking )

Just a little bit closer.


( gasps )

Where's Nemo?

( gulps hard )

Get that little

( gasps )


( barking and hissing )

( squeals in pain )

That's it, Nemo,
right on the kisser!

You ought have
that cat on a leash!

He's dangerous!

Hey, Crusher,
come back!

Here, Nemo!

He's right, Binky--

Nemo should be
on his leash!

He could have
gotten hurt.

Oh, you're one to talk!

You make him wake up
and clean the bathroom...

( purring )


But I thought...

Come on, Nemo

let's get your stuff
and go home.

( yowls )


Aha! I knew Nemo didn't
want to go with you!

Have you been
mean to him?

No! You have!

Nemo's allergic to milk!

It makes him cough
and act weird!

Didn't you read
my cat care instructions?

What instructions?


It says right here,
"Don't feed him milk."


( laughs sheepishly )

I'm sorry, Nemo.

I guess it was
a pretty rotten
weekend for you.

Wow, I've never
seen him

like anyone
that much!

Oh, yeah, he likes it
when I rub his belly.

It helped him
sleep last night.

( sighs )

Here's your
ten dollars back.

You can keep it...
if you promise

to be Nemo's official
cat watcher from now on.


Next time we'll have
so much fun!

I'll teach you
how to box!

You've got
a great southpaw

but your footwork
could use help...

( yowls, yawning )

Or we could
just nap all day.

( purring )

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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