06x06 - Citizen Frensky/D.W.'s Backpack Mishap

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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06x06 - Citizen Frensky/D.W.'s Backpack Mishap

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street

# Open up your eyes Open up your ears

# Get together and make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day - hey! What a wonderful kind of day - HEY! #

- Hey, DW!
- Hey...

Whoa... Ooh!


Elwood City Times... WHAT?

You don't say! I'll BE there! Murphy, grab your camera. We got a hot tip!

I don't know! One minute she was normal, then she was a monster!

I guess she sorta snapped.

How could she do this to me...

after all I've done for her?

Did you get my profile?


I'm telling you it's the aliens! What else?

They're controlling her mind through her tooth fillings.

Great work. It's our lead story.

WHAT? "Frensky frames friends!"

That's a dirty, rotten lie!

Citizen Frensky!


Good morning, class. You can put away your books. No school today.

- OH!
- Arthur, pinch me. I'm dreaming!

Instead, you'll ALL go to work.

Um, Mr Ratburn, that's against child labour laws.

You won't ACTUALLY be working, Alan.

You'll spend the day at someone else's parent's workplace.

- Can I go to the Brain's mum's ice cream shop?
- No, I wanna go!

You can't all go to the same place.

So I'll pass around this hat and you pick out a name.

Oliver Frensky. Cool! I'm going to the dump!

"Run, don't walk, to Crosswire Motors..."

- Great...(!)
- Ha!

I mean, GREAT!

Aw, the newspaper!

BORING! Nothing interesting ever happens in Elwood City!

Colour-coordinating flavours will greatly increase sales!

Presentation is everything! Like my daddy always says...

Never overestimate the customer's intelligence.

Just the other day, I convinced my own cousin to buy a worthless...

..new version of Speedo Accounting is far superior to Speed . .

To install it, just drag your old accounting program into the trash.

- What does this button do?
- NO!

First time at a newspaper? You must be SO excited! I'll show you round.

The building was built in of brick and limestone.

This is a broom closet. The cafeteria's that way.

The special is London Broil. Did I say the ceilings are feet tall?

Over there is a fact-checker, who checks facts. And this...

is the newsroom.

- WOW!
- And now...

for a very special treat,

we'll send you on an assignment with top sports reporter Harry Mills.

Hi, Frensky! How do you like horses?

- Horses? I love them!
- Great! You're hired!

I need someone to sh**t the horse race. Let's go!

That's where they bring the horses for the crowning ceremony!

Oh, look, they're starting!

What's that white goat doing there?

White goat? I don't know that horse. Who's the jockey?



Just one little goat can cause so much trouble.

It's lucky we had Francine to photo it. You're an ace reporter!

This will go very nicely in tomorrow's sports section.

They said I was an ace reporter.

So I'm sharing my talent by starting my own paper - The Frensky Star.

With the help of my dad's old camera

- and this high school reporting cap.
- Thanks, Francine - quite a story.

I, for one, can't wait to see your first instalment. Oh!

- Francine, I definitely can wait until AFTER class.
- Sorry!

OK, typewriter, pads, pencils, camera. I'm all set.

- Now all I need is a story.
- "The newsroom?"

What have you done to my room?

It's my room too, and it's now the headquarters of an important paper.

Have you completely lost your mind?

I want this junk out of here now!

It's not junk, it's research. I have a job.

Your only job

is to keep your grubby hands away from my stuff, you pesky little...

That was great! How about more rage?

- Give me that camera!
- Sorry, Charlie.

This is great copy!

- Thanks for helping, Muffy.
- It's OK.

Daddy and I are VERY supportive of the media, and it's free advertising.

Thanks, Gordy. Put it on the account.

- This IS embarrassing, even for Katherine.
- Mr Ratburn can't see this.

"Katherine cracks!" She looks like a werewolf.

I like the next one. "No 'ifs', 'ands' or 'BUTS'!"

- This is great. You make news interesting.
- You think THIS is good?

Wait till you see what else I have.

Very interesting!

Aw, there's a cute little rabbit!

Two hours of my life wasted!

I'd rather have done math homework.

You lost the bet. I TOLD you Nadine could hold her breath for two hours.

DW, your imaginary friend doesn't have breath to hold. You tricked me.

All right, you two! Arthur, next time YOU pick the movie

- AND you'll get an extra-large popcorn.
- YES!

Well, it worked with the goat. OK, Nemo, just like I told you.

- Meow.
- Hey, watch it.
- Whoa!

Where does your mum get all this?

Ta-da! What do you think? I need pearls.

- Oh! What was that?
- Is that lightning? Must be a storm coming. Gotta go!

Thanks, Gordy. Put it on account.

"The truth behind Arthur's love for Mary Moo Cow!"

DW tricked me into seeing the movie.

I would never wear polka dots and stripes TOGETHER. We were kidding!

Yeah, I thought I was petting a rat.

Hi! Anything good in the papers?

The Crosswires withdraw their funds!

Nobody say another word. It will end up in that rag - The Frensky Star.

Hey! I just tell it like it is.

- Can I sit here?
- No comment!

Oh! How long will I get the silent treatment?

- No comment!
- But it isn't fair.

I just reported those stories. What do you want me to do?

You could say you took those photos out of context.

I don't think so. That's not a good story.

Ha! I can't eat here, with the tabloids hounding me.

Arthur, Brain, care to join me?

- Oh...!
- You left out all the commas.

If you're going to be a journalist, you should use proper grammar.

- # La-la-la OOH! Ah-lee-la-la, ooh!

# Lee-la-la-la! La-la-la-la, ooh! #


This is the lowest of the low. This isn't news! It's just revenge.

- We didn't do ANYTHING, Francine - honest!
- Yeah, but we WISH we did.

A-ha! I knew it was you all along!

You're jealous of the praise I got. Look, you're even passing them out!

These? I found them on the floor.

Since my day with your dad, I see garbage everywhere.

- Arthur?
- Really, it wasn't us.


Even WE don't work THAT fast.

Nice work, Francine. It takes lots of character to poke fun at yourself.

Looks like the ace reporter is a laughing stock.

I think I'll call this story, "Pesky sister gets just desserts."

YOU! You're The Inquirer?

Are you the only one with a camera?

But why? Everyone's laughing at me.

So you'd know what it feels like.

- Besides, I didn't want you to lose all your friends.
- I think I did.

- Don't worry. Tomorrow, it'll be yesterday's news.
- How do you know?

Because that's what happened when I took photos of all MY friends.

My two daughters not fighting for a whole minute. Now, THAT'S a story.

- Hands off the can, Squirt!
- It's mine - I called it.
- I don't care!

- I'm older, stronger and it's MY soda.
- You wanna piece of me? Come on!

- I'm NEVER letting go.
- It's mine, you hear? Mine!

So, what are we playing today, Arthur - underwater tea party,

- or slow-motion ballet?
- Ha, ha! ME do ballet? That's a good one.

You liked doing it last weekend

and your grand jete's a lot better.

Play with your own friends, DW.

Hey, Emily, come on in! The water is DEE-LICIOUS!

I'm having lunch. Want some pate?

NO, and I wouldn't eat that. Pate is just a fancy name for liverwurst.

Hey, Tommy, Timmy, wanna play fish? I'll let you two be the sharks.

Sure, after we put on our sun block.

You missed a spot on your head.

Oh, yeah? Well, you missed a spot on your back!

Why do I EVEN bother?


I wish something would happen.

Wait! I didn't mean it. I take it back.

Honest, it was a joke!

- Stop! Turn around! Turn around!
- DW, what's wrong?

This isn't my backpack!

Someone stole my backpack!

- DW'S Backpack Mishap.
- Ta-da!

MY backpack has DW written on it and that's not a D or a W.

OM-BLE. Do you know anyone named OMBLE?

I thought they were my friends, but I was swimming with thieves!

Calm down. Someone probably put it in Lost and Found.

We'll have to come back Monday.

But today's Saturday. That's two whole days.

All my important stuff is in there.

My glitter, my Mary Moo Cow and my Crazybus tape. What can we do?

- Have some peace and quiet?
- Huh!

- Hey!
- Ow!
- Looking for my snowball, weren't you?

For the ten millionth time, I did not take it!

Well SOMEONE did and now my backpack too.

Who knows what they'll steal next?

I should put a lock on these shoes.

Arthur, look up Omble for me.

It won't be in the phonebook, DW. It isn't a real name. It's nonsense.

That's silly. Why would someone write nonsense? Unless...

they didn't want anyone to know their real name.

This Omble is sneaky. Very sneaky.

Think Nadine, think! Who IS this Omble?

Emily? The Tibbles?

No, Emily's too nice and the Tibbles aren't smart enough to pull THIS off.

We need clues.

- What's this?
- Maybe it's a horn.

You mean, like a unicorn's horn?

Sweetheart, where's your horn?

It was in my bag, but I switched it with DW's. Look what I got instead!


This means another trip to the horn store - your third this year.

No, unicorns don't steal. They're good creatures.

Maybe those are to hide the Omble's sharp, pointy teeth.

You're right! They're fang-hiders!

Look, a tiny wall and tiny mountains!

And snow! I bet this is where Omble lives!



He fattens us up on snow, turns us into plastic hamburgers

and feeds us to Polly Locket dolls.

OH! Nadine, I've got to find that backpack before it's too late.

- There's nothing you can do now. Better get to sleep.
- I can't sleep!

Mary's about to be a hamburger. A real friend would stay awake.

But I'm not real. I'm imaginary.

He flies around in a black blimp, looking for backpacks to steal.

'Backpack located.

'Owner - Dora Winifred Read. Contents - Crazybus tape, glitter.'

Oh...! Glitter!

While everyone tries to stop their stuff getting wet,

a hose sucks up the backpack!

- And he leaves this Omble one instead.
- It's hideous!

Mum said I had to baby-sit you.

She didn't mention listening to the world's most boring story!

Can I have some more pretend tea?

Um, it's all gone, Arthur.

The only thing to do is find out more about the stuff in Omble's bag.

- But how? How?
- Oh, my brain is melting with boredom!

Oh! Arthur, that's it!

Hmm! Yes, fascinating.

It seems to be an earthy substance,

composed of decomposed igneous and metamorphic rock... It's clay.

What would Omble want with clay?

It's moulded like the Eiffel Tower.

The Eiffel Tower! That's in France! So THAT'S where Omble's hiding.

We'd better start biking now, Arthur.

You can't! The Atlantic Ocean's in the way.

And I forgot the waterwings!

You could talk to Buster. He's been.

Yup, it's a perfect match!

Ah, Paris! The crepes, the croissants, the French fries.

- What's a croissant?
- A French roll, shaped like a moon. You want one?

- I saved it.
- Did you see anything like this?


What is it - a xylophone for mice?

- I think Omble uses it to hide his sharp teeth.
- Hey, you might be right!

DW, there's no such thing as fang-hiders.

- BOTH: Then what are they?
- They're... They're...

OK, I don't know,

but I know someone who will.

They're panpipes, from the Andes - a mountain range in South America.

I bet this is a souvenir of the Great Wall of China.

The wall can be seen from space.

- I've always wanted to go there.
- WOW! France, South America,

- China... Omble has been everywhere!
- Yup, he sounds very interesting.

So, a monster doesn't have your bag, just someone who's travelled a lot.

- Can we go home now?
- Just one more stop!

We are NOT going to the Andes!

- A criminal ALWAYS returns to the scene of the crime. ..Sir...
- Oh, no!

His name is Omble and he doesn't have fangs.

- Don't listen. She's just some crazy little girl I'm baby-sitting.
- Look!

Omble's blimp...! Oh, and there's Omble!

Stop, thief!

Come back, Omble! Come back!

Aah... Ooh!


- Hi, we're making mud-people. Want to join us?
- I thought it was mud-PIES!

- I changed my mind!
- Ahh!
- Ungh!

- Ngghh!
- Whoa!

- What happened?
- I don't wanna talk about it.

Mom will take you to Lost and Found tomorrow and it should be there.

Maybe, but I bet Omble won't be there. I really wanted to meet him,

even if he IS a backpack thief.

- Why?
- Because he sounds so interesting. Not like MY friends!

Hey, DW, look what I made. Know what it is?

An earthy substance of decomposed igneous and metamorphic rock.

Clay, silly!

It's the Leaning Tower of Pisa!

- We're making the world's great towers. Here's my Eiffel Tower?
- OH!

MARY! Cow-napper! You should be in jail!

I didn't. I don't know how it got in my bag.

- Wait, it's not your backpack, Tommy. It's too clean!
- And it has MY name!

See? That's a D and that's a W!

I didn't know. I can't read. Wait, if it's yours, where's mine?

It's got important stuff - my Eiffel Tower, my panpipes,

my Great Wall of China souvenir!

- You really ARE Omble.
- Where's my backpack?

Mom and I dropped your backpack at Lost and Found this morning.

You should've put YOUR name on, instead of Omble.

I did. It says Tommy Tibble.

- Arthur, you can't read!
- It used to say Tommy Tibble,

but some of the letters rubbed off.

Oh, but how come you had all that stuff in your bag?

The souvenir from China? My mum got it on a trip.

The panpipes are for our folk music lessons. I play the charango!

- Wow! You play a mean charango!
- DW...! ]

My hat! My lovely hat! It's been stolen!

One minute it was next to me and then THIS was there.

Mine had my name sewn on the inside.

- There's something there, but I can't read it!
- What does it say, Arthur?

"Dry-clean only."

"Dry-clean only!" Who's that? I don't know them!

Don't worry, Emily, we'll find him.

He's out there somewhere!

# And I say, hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart

# Listen to the beat Listen to the rhythm of the street

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

# Hey, what a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day - HEY! What a wonderful kind of day - HEY! #
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