01x04 - St. Smurf And The Dragon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Smurfs". Aired: April 18, 2021 - present.*
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New adventures of the Smurfs in the Smurf village.
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01x04 - St. Smurf And The Dragon

Post by bunniefuu »

Here, take this one!

I hate eggs.

Now, look the other way.

If you look over time,

You can give it all up
social responsibilities with the baby.

And in the future more...

Hey Clumsy, some
smurf stole my cake.

Haven't you seen him around?

Oh yes, I don't know.

what is it that is
hiding back there?

If my cake is there, I'm sorry...

You are lucky.

Well well well.
We're pretty close, Cruel.

Today I will find
this miserable little village.

And when I find...

I will flatten them.

Quiet you idiot beast.
You will scare them away.

There's one now!

Cruel, get that smurf!

Cruel! Here he is, get him, stop him!

Gargamel is coming!

Papa Smurf, Papa Smurf!
Gargamel is coming.


Smurfs, smurfs!

I will find them, you little ones
miserable smurfs.

I will find them!

He cannot find the village.

What will we do Papa Smurf?

I will make the village invisible.

Oh good, now he'll never find us.

Oh, by Saint Smurf!

Quick, I'll need...

A rubber plant leaf.

I'm close, I can feel it,
I'm very, very close.

One last ingredient.

Strawberries, lots of strawberries.

That's all I found Papa Smurf.

That is all?

The village is not here.

Papa Smurf is getting weak.

We will.

Bye Bye!

That was a well thought out idea,
Daddy Smurf!

I was worried for a moment.
I always say.

Right Genius, you always say.

But, the danger is not over!

And we have to find more strawberries.

I want all smurfs
get as many strawberries as possible.

You owe everything Papa Smurf says,

because Papa Smurf knows
what is right then...

So go and do it...well done.

Oh no, that's the last bush
that we found without any fruit.

Who is picking the strawberries?

Well, it's a tough problem, maybe
we must rest.

Go that way and look for it.

It's quite robust.

Oh how terrible, I dreamed
that was on fire.

Help help!


Oh poor thing!

Thank you very much Smurfette, I...

You seem to be very sick,
little baby dragon.

Be careful Smurfette, he has nails.

This little boy doesn't
would hurt no one.

At least, not on purpose.

We have to take him to the village,
for Papa Smurf to heal him.

I was afraid you would say that.

Breathe... now!

I was afraid you would say that.

A dragon! I asked for strawberries,
not by a dragon.

We couldn't find it,
Papa Smurf, it's all gone.

He's sick Papa Smurf, you
cannot help you.


Well, I'll see what I can do.

Some bat brains,

a tough tool touch,

and a disgusting apple.

Ready Cruel!

I created a storm, with
whirlpools and strong winds,

that will destroy the smurfs
and your precious village.

Once and for all.

It's working Cruel!

My storm is almost ready.

To tear the smurfs apart
into small blue pieces.

Well I was close.

This will cure the dragon's hiccup.

You got Papa Smurf,
he got better.

Calm down boy, calm down.

Smurfette, better take him back
to the forest where he belongs.

And the rest of you will look for more
strawberries, before Gargamel returns.

Yes, Papa Smurf.

Papa Smurf, I have news!

We searched the entire forest and
all the strawberries disappeared.

Except this last one here.

And we'll plant it here.

Now I hope my
magical plant food works.

Fantastic Papa Smurf,
I'll get a basket.

This amount will be enough
for the invisibility formula.

Oh no, they're gone.

And the final ingredient.

Mouse breath.

That's it, when that cloud
get to the village

It will grow and grow and grow...

And it will freeze those smurfs.

And now, look for the forest, for the
more disgusting and heated...

And turn them into ice.

Oh, I'm bright, bright.

Before they have time to breathe,
all will be frozen.

Laziness, you should be looking
for strawberries, as Papa Smurf said.

I'm waiting for the sunlight.
Will it snow, you know?

This is great nonsense,
we are in the middle of summer.

Oh yeah, so what is that?

I can't believe it, not even
we reached our groceries.

Oh, what's causing this
terrible storm Papa Smurf?

I think Gargamel is
trying to freeze us.

And without the strawberries for my
potions, he will get it.

we will no longer be able
to pick more fruit.

Daddy Smurf.

It is and it's getting colder.

This must have some origin,
that I need to find out.

What f

hi this?

The dragon is back.

Oh poor thing, he got a cold.

What luck for us.

I know if there is a formula
suitable somewhere.

Ah, here it is.

Now dragon, cough in that direction.

This is Papa Smurf's dirty work.

But he will never defeat me, ever.

Here dragon, a surprise!

That's not funny.

what do you think of my new
trap for the Cruel, Grumpy?

Skillful, I hate traps.

Excuse me Smurfette, but something must be
done about the dragon's sneezing.

But when it cools down, it will...

Papa Smurf, Papa Smurf!

I found some strawberries.

Where are they?

In front of your door. We will!

Hey, he ate the strawberries.

Oh no, naughty dragon.

Well now we know how
the strawberries disappeared.

And that's why he's not well.

I'm sorry Smurfette, but
he cannot stay in the village.

You and Robusto must take him back
to the forest where he belongs.

oh i think you are
right, Papa Smurf.

And we still need
find more strawberries.

Cruel, listen...

That sounds like the smurfs.

Oh, for a minute I thought
we were in trouble.

You are in trouble, you
miserable little smurfs.

Now I got them.

Oh, I'll live for that glory day.

Oh you're better than a handsome
armored knight.

Hey, watch out.

Hold those smurfs you big
lizard, hold.

Or me...

We lost two Cruel smurfs.

But we gained a secret w*apon.

Papa Smurf, Papa Smurf!

Gargamel Captured the dragon.

In Gargamel's hands,
he can be our worst enemy.

now we need
strawberries more than ever.

Invisibility will be
our only defense.

We'll find it, Papa Smurf!
Don't worry.

I hate strawberries but I
I hate Gargamel even more.

You are not looking right.

If Papa Smurf were here,
he would say...

Look ahead, look up,
look back.

Some smurfs can't
take a direction.

There must be a way to tame
this fiery beast, Cruel.

I already know, oh what a genius
evil that I am.

Evil, evil, evil.

I am a wizard in front of the
my time, Cruel, way ahead.

This time, there's no way these wretches
smurfs to hide from me.

The village must be here,

Definitely Gargamel!

He will see the village, Papa Smurf.

And we still don't have strawberries
for the invisibility potion.

Somehow, we have to delay him.

Leave it to me, Papa Smurf.

Oh, all this excitement
makes me tired.

Aha, here they come,
as I imagined.

Cruel, prepare to attack.

Now let's reveal
our secret w*apon.

Oh, it's the dragon.



Watch out!

What a wicked secret we
we have, my dear friend.

Laziness, we have to arrive
closer to hit the balloon.

Ready... and... fire!

hair pieces,
more pieces of hair.

It's over Papa Smurf.

So get more.

Yes, Papa Smurf,
I would already do that.

There is no haircut here. But I
I'll get Papa Smurf, yes sir.

Hold on Laziness,
here we go again.


There, there is the village. oh this is
too good to be true.

It's ready, keep your distance.

I'm coming, you miserable smurfs.

He found the village.

We have to stop him.

The village is right on target.


The Dragon!

Oh no


What happened to the village?
I saw it, I know I saw it.

It worked Papa Smurf.

Cruel, we lost the village.

You wretched beast,
it was your fault, your fault.

And for the act of bravery, I congratulate
you Stout and Sloth.

Where is Sloth?

I knew that everything would
right Papa Smurf.

I was not scared
at no time.

I told you to be careful of...


This is all your fault,
your stupid cat.

What do you have to say in your defense?
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