03x04 - The Two Princesses / The Cloud Monster

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Care Bears". Aired: September 14, 1985 - November 1988.*
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Follows the Care Bears adventures where they live in a faraway place up in the clouds called Care-a-Lot.
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03x04 - The Two Princesses / The Cloud Monster

Post by bunniefuu »


just bringing me the travel we're gonna

be there

three two one I'm almost finished

planting all my flowers oh sorry grams

now which one of you Cubs would like to

run up the hill and bring down the rest

of the flowers

let me turn okay Sam you're safe and

sound and I'll give them your fun with

touch hugs why not do it together



are you two all right

you are okay Graham sorry about the

flowers always in fact this reminds me a

story story oh it's nice to see you too

a real hunter now let's see Once Upon a

Time in the Far Away kingdoms heartland

service two princesses two sisters as

different as hot and cold princess cheer

bear and princess sweetheart

and so the damsel in distress says to

the night I didn't know the big green

thing was a fire-breathing dragon I

thought it was just a giant frog with

garlic breath I had a special gift for

making people laugh he was the most

fun-loving dream in the whole kingdom

and then there was princess to bear her

sister and with this clock tower

everyone in the kingdom will be able to

see what trip it is




this is cube a was able to get the

people to join together and do things

that is good for the whole village one

is me what's wrong King brave heart it's

my daughter's princess treat heart and

princess tear bear I have to select one

of them to become Queen after I retire

but I don't know which one to choose

they're both so popular Oh have you seen

my crown

oh here it is

thanks a lot now could you please summon

the princesses yes sire


princess tree heart young princess Care

Bear your father wants you I could have

done that you found me yes I did

I have an important question to ask you

okay who wants to be queen

hmm how to decide any suggestions Squire

bright heart maybe if they picked a

number from one to ten toss the coin

perhaps they could retrieve the missing

jewel oh yes

test the Royal jewel lies in a windmill

on top of Thunder Mountain guarded by a

vicious two-headed monster then so be it

whoever brings me the Royal jewel shall

be queen

in the real time job but I know I'm the

lunch cuz if I don't do it it won't get

done this is going to be fun hey it'll

make a great story to tell my subjects

when I become queen I will be that stamp

your queen forever already good is a

happy Kingdom if nothing ever gets done

when I become a crane everyone's going

to be busy building library and Bridget

and Kirk what good is a very clean

demand everyone's too busy to be happy

don't you just love picnics to your

bears but stress is a serious mission

tree hunt you're right I think yeah

there's a fork in the road very funny

well let's not waste funny I think we

should climb but the other way looks

like more fun it can emerge too long

well then have fun

and so each with their own way both

determined to find the jewels





my journals the Royal jewels not a




why couldn't we have been born twins

instead of this I know I could do it Oh

laughing to it there's no turning back

world Oh

give me the jewel it's my turn do we

have here looks like dinner to me I want

ketchup on my half

Oh pepper pepper help there's nothing

funny about this that's it I'll make a

tasty snack but I get to choose which

one gobbles me up you want w alright you

gobble me up little princess has good



hey wait he bit me first

yeah I demand a recount


I did not you did and fine sand dragon

rap dragon breath there's a test get

away wait there be a way to beat the

monster and maybe if we put our heads





oh my they should be back by now gonna

be queen well we work together to get

the tools and we make such a good king


that's a great idea I pronounce you

queen free heart and queen cheer bear

and so the top consensus learn to

appreciate each other's talents by

working together and they lived happily

ever after

be it now how about getting back to work

okay but this time we'll work k*ller

we'll do it fast and great I guess two

heads are better than one

that's the North to heaven



just bringing me the travel we're gonna

be there

four three two one hook up the hoses

raise the ladders hurry

turn on the water free park to the

mosque use my car where are you right

here Braveheart Wow the hall right

Horace what's all the fun not foster

fire there's no fire then what's all

this smoke it's not smoke it's clouds

clouds yeah from my new cloud making

machine I've been working night and day

and I'm almost finished you you've been

missing told me simple practice to work

on this yes but now we can get tricky

and beastly lost in pubs and they'll

never find their way of isn't it

wonderful Braveheart and how are we

supposed to find our way out well I'm

working on that right are the Care Bear

family is a team if you really want to

do your part come to Tony simple

practice with the others

where's the fire me


our team Tommy sample practice today

right heart for the whole team me there

but I'm trying to be part of the team

the way I know how when this magic

potion see it will tap the shadow of a

catalog that will darken the cities of

those wicked cabin











that said that sting trying to keep me

oh don't be so silly

well I'm saying



stand up straight find your Center

think nice thoughts and squeeze okay

team now you try it

not bad

Braveheart oh I'm here to help out the

team like you said okay bright horse

give it a try right hard what are you

doing I figured out a way to make our

tummy cymbal sh**t around corners

corners yeah just watch hurry Braveheart



I wonder how that whole got there



we have to stop this before it gobbles

of all kerala right hard over here we

need your help

okay everyone care bear countdown

four three two one


you should have practiced fried heart


everybody it's all my fault

I gotta show them I'm part of the team


don't be so proud of those how proud of

you speak proud of you not me no never

me no I would never behave would its

getting bigger by the minute

okay team battle stations

let's go wait for me

oh sorry bright heart but you're out of

practice charge





that sounds like thunder I've got an


now what do we do free board Hey

likewise going after the monster all by


hey bright art come back I hope my color

machine worked


oh stop right on

stop oh what a time to break down



just me one more little class what about

the size of my class car should do the

trick right




right hartfeld the cloud monster so many

clouds it exploded yeah way too cold

right heart I was wrong to think you

weren't one of the team I was just

trying to do my part well now I know

that the team strongest what everybody

helps out the best way they know how


ruined by those dopes

do you mean for bad cuz bad is good to

us and goodies out drea dokie

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