02x10 - Late for the Show, But Ready to Go! The Ultimate Secret Technique is Born!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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02x10 - Late for the Show, But Ready to Go! The Ultimate Secret Technique is Born!

Post by bunniefuu »

Yeah, turn your sadness into kindness,
your uniqueness into strength

Even if you get lost, let's start walking

One more time

Are you really happy

when you're always meeting
to someone's expectations?

Even if you change to
who you really wanna be

Will you always have a great smile?

Dreaming of only "the beginning,"
I wake up

and someday, I'll live on my own.

Yes, precious things are never in shape

You never know what it is
when you get it or lose it

Yeah, turn your sadness into kindness,
your uniqueness into strength

Even if you get lost,
let's start walking

One more time

Please stop this match right away!

There's nothing to worry about...


Sasuke and I...

We didn't just get here late
for no reason.

Late for the Show, But Ready to Go!
The Ultimate Secret Technique is Born!

The third eye...

There is no doubt... That Jutsu is...!

Darn... Gaara...

Tora, Saru, Ne, Tatsu, Tori,
Inu, Ne...

Mi, Inu, Uma, Ushi, Tora, U, Tori...

Tatsu, Mi, Inu, Ne, Tora, Ushi, Saru...

Tatsu, Mi, Hitsuji, Saru...

Tori, Saru, I, Hitsuji, Uma...

Tatsu, Tora...

Tora, Saru, Ushi, Hitsuji, Ne, Uma...

Tora, Ushi, Ne, Tora, Tatsu...

Tori, Tatsu, Mi...

Hitsuji, Saru, Tori...

Tatsu, Tora, Hitsuji, Saru, Tori...

As I thought, it's no good.

I, Hitsuji, Uma, Tatsu, Tatsu,
Tatsu, Ushi, Ne...

Inu, I, Tori, Saru, Hitsuji, Uma...

Withdrawing like that...

I don't know what you're up to...

but the timing is perfect.

This thing of mine also takes time!

Hey, is something the matter?


It must be my imagination...

Hurry up!



What did you mean when you said
that you didn't get here late for nothing


You want to know why?

Like I said, this isn't the time
to be talking about that!

Shut up and watch him.

'Cause you'll get a real surprise.

That idiot...

Gaara...we never know when
the signal is going to come!

I'm gonna tear him open.

That's how it comes out.

The contents...

Lots and lots are coming out, right?

I'll give it all to you.

I'm always a good boy!

Yeah, let's do it.

Mother, I'm watching so...

Darn! He's totally useless,
no matter what we do now.

He's not even
abiding by the plan.

He looks like he's just going
to screw things up!

That Gaara!

Hey, hey, wouldn't it
be better if we flee...?


How's it going?

All preparations are proceeding
in accordance with the timeline.

Please hurry up with preparation
for Summoning.

I want to be sure we're able to
make our move at any time.


All right, I'll leave that to you.

D-Don't tell me that...

The reason I decided to
train Sasuke was...

because he was like me.

A physical Activation?!

I see...

That's why he went through
the physical training

and increased his speed significantly...!

That's right!


The Chakra is clearly visible
to the naked eye...

What in the world is happening?!

Don't tell me that
he learned that Jutsu...!

So this is the Uchiha Clan...


W-What the heck is that?!

What a sound!
What's that technique?

That's just a jab...


However, it is the one used by
Leaf Villages! number one technician.

That's the only original technique
of the Copy Ninja, Kakashi...

It's the special technique used
only for assassinations...

Its secret is in the speed of the jab,

and also the physical aptitude
that gives forth a gigantic Chakra,

the ability of the Chakra to
focus solely on the target,

and moreover the speed of
the jab makes a chichichichichi sound...

A unique sound attack similar
to the rumbling of a thousand birds.

And that's why that technique is called...

Chidori: One Thousand Birds!

No way!
That Gaara's absolute protection is...

It's impossible...

Don't tell me...

Excellent work!...



Also known as Lightning Blade.

Lightning Blade?

Lightning Blade is another name
for the Jutsu derived

from Kakashi's ability to cut through
lightning using that technique.

Huh? Cut through lightning?

Huh? That sounds fishy...


The real name of that technique
is Chidori...

The secret is the speed of his jab
that surpasses any human limitations

and the intensity of
the Chakra on his arm...

And that arm turns virtually
into the equivalent of the swing

of a celebrated sword that
cuts through everything.

But what a reckless technique...

That's not for you to say...

Right, Lee?

It's beyond my scope of
comprehension, but...

What an awesome technique!

I can understand it...

If it were me, if I made
a running start at that speed,

I wouldn't make a direct jab attack
on the opponent...

Or rather, I couldn't.

For an opponent,

a straight line attack just gives him
an easy chance to launch a counterblow.

And moreover, I don't have the eyes
to read that counterblow.

I envy you...Sasuke!

When I fought you once, I said...

Even if one understands visually,

it's meaningless unless
one can move physically...

I was filled with
a feeling of superiority.

But now, you have a body that moves
at the same high speed as mine.

Moreover, you have...

the Sharingan!

I caught you!

Third Squadron.
We are ready any time.

All preparations are complete
on this end too.

Roger. Proceed with action
at the signal.

Looks like it's almost time.

The guy who was worrying about
Sasuke until just a moment ago...

is now jealous of him.


This is the feeling!

Summoning Jutsu!

I've gotten stronger...

In order to become Hokage...

In order not to lose to anyone...


In order not to lose to you.

I want...to fight you, too.

But you are...


What...? This warm thing...?

Mother...? What is...?

Blood... my blood is...!

D-Don't tell me that...

D-Don't tell me that
Gaara is hurt?!

What is it?!

It's that thing's arm!

Darn! Doing something
careless like that...

Has the Perfect Possession happened?

I don't know.
He seems to be injured...

This has never happened before.

It gives me the chills
just to remember...

When I first saw that thing,
I wasn't able to eat...

I mean, visually it's totally...

What is...

this sensation?

He's hurt, after all...

The shell was broken when
his body was incomplete!

It's different! Those aren't the eyes!

W-What was that...
that look earlier on?!


What's this...? I can't see...

Kakashi! This must be!

Yeah... a Genjutsu!

- Release!
- Release!

What's going on...?


Is Kabuto already moving?

In that case, it's just about time...

It's coming!

Shall we begin?!

It's the signal!

- Start the operation!
- Start the operation!

Everyone makes mistakes
It's nothing to be ashamed about

Don't let this scar be for naught
Walk with a smile

Yes, breathe in the air
Lift your face to the sky and jump

If it rains, take a break
Go where the wind takes you

So many regrets
Don't let this scar be for naught

Let's go carve the badges in our chest
Yes, it's Show Time, life begins now.

Everyone makes mistakes
It's nothing to be ashamed about

Don't let this scar be for naught
Walk with a smile

Transform sadness into the wind
and continue to forge on

Forge on strong

It got dark all of a sudden...
it feels so good.

I hear something in the distance.

Sakura's voice, Kakashi Sensei's voice...

Scream? I just heard something loud.

I think I do, but...

I got to watch his match!

But I really don't know
what's going on.

What in the world is going on?!
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