02x29 - A New Training Begins: I Will Be Strong!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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02x29 - A New Training Begins: I Will Be Strong!

Post by bunniefuu »

We are Fighting Dreamers aiming high

Fighting Dreamers
don't care what people think about them

Fighting Dreamers
follow what they believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh! Just go my way

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)

Down a difficult road
filled with endless struggles

Where do you think you are going
following someone else's map?

An insightful crow comes along
to tear up the map

Now open your eyes and
take a look at the truth (Yeah!)

There's nothing to lose,
so let's GO!!!

We are Fighting Dreamers aiming high

Fighting Dreamers
don't care what people think about them

Fighting Dreamers
follow what they believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh!
Just go my way

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)
We're gonna do it and do our best!

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)
We're gonna do it and do our best! BANG!

Well then, Guy.
I'll leave Sasuke to you.

Master Jiraiya...


Be sure to find Mistress Tsunade
and bring her back to...

You bet we'll find her
and bring her right away!

Naruto! I like kids with guts like you!
I'm going to give this to you!

This made Lee stronger...

Huh?! What?! What?!

This is it!


They're breathable and
moisture wicking,

and perfectly designed for free movement,
all in a beautiful, stylish package.

You'll notice a difference immediately
if you train with them on!

They're going to grow on you!

Before long, you'll be wanting to
wear them all the time like Lee!

Of course, I have a thing for them, too!


Why couldn't you bring a mirror
or something

instead of carrying around
those things, you dork!

Do you think they'll look good on me?

Don't even think about it.
Get a load of that...

Now that is truly dorky.

Okay! This is the place!


The gambling house frequented
by the entire town...

Your target is Naruto, after all.

To abduct Naruto is the No. 1 priority
placed by our organization, Akatsuki!

What's wrong?

Pervy Sage... Why are they after me?

You know, don't you, Pervert Sage?
Tell me why...

They're not really after you...
They're after what's inside of you.

What on earth is this thing?

It's a horrible demon that
att*cked Leaf Village, right?

And was dreaded by all.

So why do they want it so much?

Indeed, the Nine Tailed Fox
is a demon

that appears at each critical juncture
throughout the ages

destroying everything in its path...

And people feared it like
an act of nature.

The reason they want that thing...
for what purpose.

Honestly, I can't quite say.

Just that now that Nine Tailed Fox
is sealed up inside of you...

they might be thinking
they want that power in their control.

It must be harsh to know

that Ninja like them
would keep coming after you...

But well, that's your destiny!

Now don't you worry,
I'm going to protect

Then there's nothing to do
but hurry up and get stronger! I've got to!

Okay! Let's go find that Tsunade person,

have her save Sasuke
and get down to some serious training!

That's just like this kid...

A New Training Begins.
I Will Be Strong!

Th-This place has the highest antes...!

Don't go fretting over
every little thing!

Let's go!

Oh dear! Please wait!



The beautiful woman you
want to "research" on...

That's this Tsunade person?

Whoa! That's sharp coming from you!
And what about it?

She's part of the Sannin thing
like you, right, Pervy Sage?

Yes, and what of it?

How... old is she?

My age.

Heck, she's an old lady.



Th-This woman is...!

Would you mind changing all
of this money into chips for me?

Oh no! She's really going for it!

Just who is this? This lady...

You don't know?

She's that woman with
the famous alias...

Famous alias?

So, well... what kind of person
is this Tsunade like?

Oh, you want to know?


Let's see...

Put simply, she's an unpleasant type.

Besides that, she's a diehard gambler
and her face is known far and wide for it.

Then we should have no problems
finding her!

If she's that famous!

She's famous, all right...
Legendary, you might say...

Boss, what's this alias?

The Legendary...


Oh dear! They're all laughing!

- Legendary...
- Legendary...

Sitting Duck!

Yup! But no matter how famous
Legendary Sitting Duck is,

I doubt we'll find her right away.

Why not?!

She hates growing old so much

she's probably used some special Jutsu
to change her appearance.

She's actually 50 years old,

but no doubt she looks like
she did when she was 20...

And not just that,
recently I heard that...

she transforms into her teens or
30s or 40s as the situation calls for

to escape moneylenders.

What?! That's a horrible thing to do!

Tsunade has always loved
to gamble more than anything

But she has terrible luck and no skill.

She was always being played
for the Sitting Duck and the name stuck...

Then she was always borrowing money
and skipping out on her debts, too...

Ah, it brings back memories.

This is no time to be
getting all nostalgic!

Tell me, how do you propose
we go about finding her?!


We may very well have to
put our noses to the ground,

but we're not without our little tricks.

What?! So you have no idea
how long it's gong to take?!

We won't be wasting any time.

All of our time on the road
will be your time.

My time?

Time to make you strong...


No, no... I told you that is definitely out.

I won't be seen walking with someone
dressed like that.

Come on, Pervy Sage!
Let's hurry up and start training!

Now now, don't get ahead of yourself...

The training won't mean anything

unless it's done in the process of
gathering information on Tsunade.

Huh? Gathering information?

In this town.


Cool! This is my first time
for this kind of thing!

Down time is important, too!

You go have yourself some fun
before we start training.

The festival should continue
for some time.

We'll stay here in this city
for the duration.

We'll train here, too!

All right!

Whoa! That's a fat wallet!
You're rich!

I have quite a bit!

I've saved it little by little
throughout my missions.

Well then!

- Wait! Naruto!
- Huh?

I'll hold on to your wallet for you!

Wh-What do you think you're doing?!

You can spend this much...

What?! Only 300 ryo!

No complaints!

Remember Shinobi must honor
the "Shinobi's Three Taboos"!

Shinobi's Three Taboos...?
What's that?

What?! You don't know!

The "three taboos" are
the three temptations

that will bring Shinobi to ruin!

The three temptations are
booze, women and money...

Oh, then this doesn't really apply
to me all that much!

I'm a minor, so I can't drink yet!
I don't quite get the women thing!

And I worked so hard
to save all that money,

I don't really feel much like using it...

You fool! Don't you underestimate
the desire for money!

Once you start using it,
it goes really fast!

Money has a frightful power.

This Tsunade we are going
to be looking for

has ruined herself over it!

Your desire for women is always
getting the better of you, too, Pervy Sage!

I'm going on
an information gathering mission!

Here, you hold on to my bag for me!

If you get lost,

my tracking SummonsToad
will follow my scent!

He's really just a child after all,
contrary to appearances...

Okay! First, I'll get a little something to eat!

I'll take one order of
octopus dumplings, sir!


- Potatoes with butter please!
- You got it!

- I want chocolate bananas.
- Right!

- I want apricot candy!
- Thank you!

- I want okonomiyaki too!
- Here you go! Watch out, it's hot!

One extra large order
of fried noodle, sir!

Right... But my you've got
a lot of food there, young man!

You don't plan
to eat it all yourself now, do you?!

Eh? As a matter of fact,
I am gong to eat it all myself.

Oh, um, here you go...

I think I ate a bit too much.

I wonder how everyone is?

Kakashi Sensei... Sasuke... Sakura...

I'm going to train hard every day
and come back stronger.

Just you wait and see!

But before that...
I better work off that meal!

Last one!

- All right! Perfect!
- Oh! Amazing!

That's the fruit of hard training
throwing shuriken.

You stink, sonny!

Hah! Gosh darn it!
Well, just watch this!

Hold it!


Attention: Shinobi!
Ninjutsu strictly forbidden!

Thanks now!

You shouldn't try to walk around
with the mask on.

It's Pervy Sage's bank saving book.

One, ten, one hundred...

L-Look at all those zeros!

He should be treating me now and then
if he has this much money.

Stingy old geezer!

There's only a little left...
One more stand and that will be it...

Time to make you strong...

Two grilled squids please, sir!
Make one of those an adult size!

Okay! Someone sent you
to buy some squid, eh?!

I'll throw in a child size for free!
Coming right up!

Hurray for you, sir!
You're a man among men!

Oh, you can tell, eh?! All right!
I'll give you the adult one for half price!


Good grief, where did he go to?!

Huh? The voice of Pervy Sage?

Young ladies are so nice.

Oh, Naruto! You've already had
you're fill of the festival?

Repeat those three Shinobi Taboos again!

You're breaking all three at once!
You bastard!

W-Wait, Naruto...

N-No, I won't wait!

You used all my hard saved money!

- Take this and this and this!
- N-Naruto, stop!

I'll pay it all back!
I'm sorry, p please!

You! You!
You made my froggy wallet all flat!

Hey! Look what you did, you urchin!

You stained Leader's designer suit!
You'll have to pay for it!

Fork over 100,000 ryo!

What?! You're telling me
that suit cost 100,000 ryo?!

Yeah, really, that's quite a stretch

to say a dorky suit like that
cost 100,000 ryo.

Are you asking for it?!

You better put a lid on it
if you know what's good for you.

The leader used be a Chunin from
the Hidden Village of Stones,

the legendary dark Ninja, feared by all!

Come again? Legendary what?

You seem to want to get hurt!


Perfect timing.

I'll show you a Jutsu now...
Watch very carefully!

Now you've done it!


I was holding back quite a bit...
You guys are so weak.

A-Are you? The... legendary...

I'm sorry...
We kind of destroyed your stand...

H-Here... Fix. It with this.

Oh! Thanks.

Would you mind if I bought all
your balloons and water balloons

at the same time, my man?

Fine by me...

That wasn't an ordinary hand move...

What in blazes was that?!
That Jutsu!


Come with me! It's training time!

Yes, sir!

Finally, the mood is right
for a little training.

- Here! Water balloon!
- Wha?

Eh?! What is it for?!

You saw that Jutsu I just used, right?


What Jutsu did it look like to you?

It looked like you made
your opponent spin violently.

His perspective's off...
But I guess that's to be expected.

Right, okay... Yes, spinning

He's spinning the water in the balloon
without moving his hand?!


The tree climbing exercise

to learn to gather and
maintain Chakra in necessary places...

The Walk on Water exercise

to learn how to release
a set amount of Chakra...

You did both of these, right?

And now with this water balloon exercise,

you'll learn how to create
a stream of Chakra...

In other words, spinning.

Create a stream of Chakra...

I'll give a more detailed explanation
of the Jutsu

once you get these first steps down.

First, you must gather
and maintain Chakra in your hand

using the tree climbing technique.

Then you must continuously
release Chakra

using the Walk on Water technique.

Then you push and churn the water
in the balloon with the Chakra!

I get it!

Then you spin the water
in the balloon faster and faster

until the balloon pops!

You're catching on
more and more quickly!

Okay, today we're going
to train until evening

Yes, sir!

A cycle of hardship, right?

Inside, we were crying, right?

But the one thing we won't give up
is the dream we've chosen, right?

It's a secondary role,

a role in the shadows

But in reaching for that dream,

let us stay centered,
let us stay true

Over and over,
we hung on without giving up

Over and over,
we kept coming back up

Over and over,
we believed and dreamed

Over and over,
we've seen fools

Over and over,
we've stood in the shadows of others

Now, it's our turn...
Let us bask in our dreams

I will break this water balloon
no matter what!

Hey, you're full of spirit!

Perhaps I can expect him
to master the Jutsu.

The water inside the balloon
is moving.

By the way, when does that pop?

Aw geez! Why won't it pop?!
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