02x42 - The Will of Fire Still Burns!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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02x42 - The Will of Fire Still Burns!

Post by bunniefuu »

We are Fighting Dreamers aiming high

Fighting Dreamers
don't care what people think about them

Fighting Dreamers
follow what they believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh! Just go my way

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)

Down a difficult road
filled with endless struggles

Where do you think you are going
following someone else's map?

An insightful crow comes along
to tear up the map

Now open your eyes and
take a look at the truth (Yeah!)

There's nothing to lose,
so let's GO!!!

We are Fighting Dreamers aiming high

Fighting Dreamers
don't care what people think about them

Fighting Dreamers
follow what they believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh!
Just go my way

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)
We're gonna do it and do our best!

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)
We're gonna do it and do our best! BANG!

I'd like to prove that
I could become a splendid Ninja

even though I can't
use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu!

That would be the ultimate for me!

All right!

I'm going to do my best again today!

Oh! Bushy Brow!

Oh... Good morning, Naruto.

Hey, hey, did you already get checked out
by Old Lady Tsunade?

How was it, how was it?

The Leaf Village is
in great trouble right now,

so we must do our best!

You're right.

Bushy Brow, you should get better
as soon as possible

and succeed in your mis!

- Naruto!
- Naruto!

What's the matter?

It's Konohamaru!

Huh? What's wrong with Konohamaru?

He's in trouble.

In trouble?!

The Will of Fire Still Burns

At this rate,
we will have to open it by force.

Try it! Who do you think I am?!

I am the grandson of
the Third Hokage!

If you go against me, then...

It means you're going
against the Hokage!

We need Lady Tsunade
to assume her position immediately.

Those are Pepper Smoke Bombs!

You'll get something even more terrible
if you come close to me.

Honorable grandson! Even for you...

There are things that can
and cannot be forgiven!

Shut up!

What is all this commotion
so early in the morning?

It's hurting my head.

Lady Tsunade...

It's just one kid...
What're you doing?


Get rid of him!

But it's the grandson
of the Third Hokage!

It doesn't matter if
he's the grandson or the great grandson.

I am the granddaughter
of the First Hokage!

He might just open his eyes
if he gets roughed up a little.

Now move it!

- Yes!
- Yes!



Hey, hold on there.

I don't really know
what's going on,

but don't be so rough with Konohamaru,
Old Lady Tsunade.

An acquaintance of yours?

Yes, yes...

I'll do the convincing,
leave it to me.

Then, do something
by the end of the day!

Oh, Lady Tsunade... Please wait!

Excuse me.

Oh, Sakura. Sasuke has already
been discharged from the hospital.

I'm actually here to see Lee today.
Is he in the rehabilitation room?

Not yet.
That's not like him to be late.

I see.

The probability of a successful surgery
is 50%, at best.

And if it fails, you'll die!

Hey, Konohamaru.
What are you doing in there?!

Hurry up and come out.
Then let's go eat some ramen.

Don't worry. It's on me!

You can have lots of BBQ pork, too!

All right! You can have eggs too!
How about that!

At least answer me!

Shut up, you fool!

You called me a fool!

Open up already! I'll break in! Hey!

Try if you can!

W-Why you!

- Naruto...
- Naruto!

Oh, Lee... You're here.


I wanted to bring you this.

F-For... me?

Th-Thank you very much!

I-I'm sorry, Sakura.

No worries.

Sasuke is now recuperating at home.

Thanks to Lady Tsunade.

At this rate,

seems like he'll be able
to get back to his duties very soon.

I see. That's very good.

Lady Tsunade is great, after all.

I think if you had her take a look,
you'd get better very quickly.


But if there is something
that I can do,

please feel free to tell me.

Thank you very much, Sakura.

Then I'll see you soon.

I would think that at least
one bar would be open.

There's no way.
What time do you think it is right now?

I can't drink sake, and I can't gamble.

This place, the Hidden Leaf Village,
is no fun at all.

Just like the Third Hokage.

Lady Tsunade!

Oh, I'm tired.

I just want to sit down and
have a drink somewhere.

I understand.

I will take you to a place where
you can sit and have a drink.


But I will have you do your work!

Here now, go ahead. It's hot.

Shizune... you've suddenly
become very strict!

I haven't gotten strict.
It's probably that you were not aware.

Not aware?!

"If I can't get in the room,
then I don't have to work.

Isn't that what you were thinking?

And that's why
you left it up to Naruto.

Humph! Could be...

This is the most recent list
of Ninja.

The names and lineups of
the groups have changed a lot.

So please look through them.
And I mean, look through all of it!

Oh bother.

They have sweet rice cakes, too.

I don't like sweet things!

Hey! Konohamaru, come out already!

At least tell me why you're doing this!



Everybody came here because
they're worried about you!

If you don't come out,
I'm going to drag you out of there!

Naruto Sacred Technique...

Sexy Jutsu!

Konohamaru, come out!

Konohamaru, hurry!

Hey! Say something at least!
This is so embarrassing

Don't fool around with me!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

- Stop it already, Konohamaru!
- Stop it already, Konohamaru!

One, two...

- Uh, what is this?
- What the?!

What's going on?!

Are you okay? Naruto?

This is the Old Man's room.

Eight D-rank missions,
three C-rank missions...

I see, very much like the Kurenai team.

We can easily figure out
what the Third Hokage was thinking.

This is the same as
their parents team.

I see.

Oh, I see. This team has their own specialty
and is well balanced.

My shoulders are stiff.

I'm going to go get
some fresh air outside.




Uh... Darn!

If that's how you're going to be,
then I'm not going to go easy on you.

This is the Old Man's room!

I won't let anybody
use this room besides him!

The Old Man's...?

That's why, as his grandson,
I'm going to protect it!

Fool! This isn't the time for that!

The Leaf Village is in great danger!

So what?! It doesn't matter to me.

Are you seriously saying that?!

Oh, now I'm mad!

And I can easily tear down one
or two doors with my new powers!

- Naruto!
- Naruto!

Old Lady Tsunade...

Oh! Watch out!


Listen Konohamaru.

The Hidden Leaf Village is
in great trouble right now!

Our forces have dropped to almost half,
and we have to finish our missions!

That's what I taught you!

Yeah... um... well...

But if we don't accomplish
our missions,

that's letting other countries know
that the village has been weakened.

That's what Iruka Sensei taught you!

Do you not like Old Lady Tsunade?

It's not that!
It's not that at all.

Then what is it?

Soon, nobody will call me
honorable grandson.

Then I'll just become
plain old Konohamaru.

So what's wrong with
plain old Konohamaru?


Why, why?! You hated
being called honorable grandson!

Everybody's going to forget
about the Old Man.

The Old Man.

They're going to forget what
a great Ninja he was,

they're just going to put him away
like an old ashtray.

The new Hokage will make all kinds
of changes in the Leaf Village.

That's not true!

The Hidden Leaf Village is
the Hidden Leaf Village.

And besides,
nobody will forget about the Old Man!

No! They will never forget about him!

They will forget, I guarantee it.

They won't forget!

That's a lie!

It's not a lie!
You can't believe what I am saying?!

That's right, I can't!

Oh boy!

Come with me, Konohamaru!

We just have to get Old Lady Tsunade
to promise

that she won't change
the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

And then on top of that,

we can get everybody to promise us
that they won't forget about the Old Man!


Isn't that what you want?

I can't believe that I let
Lady Tsunade out of my sight!

Did you find her, Tonton?

Revitalizing the cells, I see.

I've found you Lady Tsunade.


Lady Tsunade is studying

Be quiet! I can't concentrate.


I've never heard you use that word
except when you're gambling.

Is that Shizune's voice?


Do you remember that Medical Ninja
by the name of Kabuto?

What about him?

His ability to create new cells.

I was researching ways to use
that power on the patients.

For Lee?

If the 50% chance becomes 51%,
it's worth a try.

It really depends on the individual's traits.

Even for you,
it might be hard to acquire those powers.

I'll just have to try.

I am the Fifth Hokage, after all.

It can't be helped, Konohamaru.

I am the Third Hokage, after all.

If you don't like it,
you should just quit!

Everybody from the village
is my family.

To protect the family,
that is the duty of a Hokage.

Oh! Old Man!

Just for today,
I'm making a special exception.

What's the matter Konohamaru?

Don't you want to see
Old Lady Tsunade?


I'll just have to do it.
I am the Fifth Hokage, after all.

It can't be helped, Konohamaru.
I am the Third Hokage, after all.

It can't be helped.
I am the honorable grandson, after all.


I am Konohamaru of
the Hidden Leaf Village, after all!

H-Hey Konohamaru, wait!

What's going on with him?
Hey Konohamaru!

Lady Tsunade?


I believe your promise,
its a true heart give me courage

Always I feel it
the precious time with you

On your still shoulder

I feel the wind that blows
towards tomorrow

The city lights are like pieces of stars

That hold us together

"Each one of us glows differently,"

you say laughingly

but you look most dazzling

Like a comet,

like the rainbow after the storm

You bring light into my heart

Being lost can be the answer

Let's promise we won't cheat

Uh...like a sh**ting star,
we do go ahead.

Back then, Sensei taught me

that I would grow up to become
a great Ninja

through lots of effort and
competition with my rivals.

His words put me at ease.

A path opened up for me
just when I was unsure of myself.

I realized that all I had to do
was try my best.

But now...
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