03x24 - The Beast Within

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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03x24 - The Beast Within

Post by bunniefuu »

Connecting old words
that have been used up

I just want to convey
my simple thoughts

That day's faint wind blows away

at the castle ruins of yesterday

I'll laugh with you
and live for the moment

Still that incident
will continue to trouble you, right?

That's why it must be good bye

Leaving nothing behind,
let us share what is left

In time, we'll realize
that it was everything

And sadness will touch our cheeks,
creating a river of tears

Trembling thoughts swept into a vortex
and melting away

The Beast Within



Why do you run away?!



be staring at...


He's faster than earlier!

The medicine from earlier...

Was there some kind of
special ingredient in it or something...?

Not... bad...

Moving around kind of...
made me feel super weird...

Oh, my...!

What was that...all of a sudden...?

Did he really...fall asleep...?

You fell for it, eh?!

It looked like I was sleeping,
but actually I wasn't!

This is the Shinobi secret...!

Guy Sensei... I did it!

Guy Sensei... I... I...

You fell for it yet again, huh?!

You're sorely mistaken
if you think I'm the kind of person

to sleep spread eagle
in a place like this!

I... I...

What...? What am I doing
in a place like this...?


Why...? Why...?


He's just drunk, huh...?

If so... I'll send you to another world
before you can even feel pain...

Damn it...
I don't have enough Chakra...

At this rate...

As might be expected,
things will get hairy

if I stay in the water any longer
with this wound...

Why won't it hit?!

And here I was sleeping comfortably...

You're a buzzing, annoying fly!

Hey! Bring it on! Hey c'mon...
I'll show you...

What're...those movements...?

As you know, in that technique...

one gets stronger the more one drinks
and the more one gets drunk.

I know...

At the restaurant before...

When Lee mistook it for water
and drank a small cup of alcohol...

It took Neji and me, the both of us,
to finally... be able to overpower Lee.

You couldn't restrain him yourself...?

I could overpower him
if I was fighting him as an enemy...

But well, I couldn't inflict a serious injury
on my beloved student...

That's right...

That's how it was
just with one small cup, so...

If he were to drink
an entire bottle of alcohol...

An invincible strength, huh...?

But it's just after
he got out of the hospital.

How long will his body
hold on for...?

A Loopy Fist User, huh...?
It's my first time seeing one...

If you're not going to come...
then I'll go!

His att*cks are straight as usual...



It's your fault!

I... I...!

I'm enjoying my youth!

He's too unorthodox...

And most of all...he's fast!

Right in the middle of my youth...

Dance of the Camellia!


I can't read his movements...

An attack on me...
That's quite some Taijutsu...

I have no choice...

My attack ability is bones...

You heard that earlier
from the Clone brat, right...?

I'll sober you up right away.

I'm... not drunk... or anything!

Then I'll wake you up!

I'm not drunk or anything!

In the first place, I'm a minor!

Minors shouldn't drink at all!

Unorthodox, isn't it...?
This is my Kekkei Genkai.

Calm down...Think of a strategy...

Seek...some kind of possibility...

Humph. With that wound...

It seems he wasn't able
to escape very far at all...

This is my limit...
I can't move...

Damn it...
He's already caught up?


My head's pounding...

And what's with this wound...?

It seems I was drunk, eh...?

Your appearance...!

It seems you've sobered up...
This is my Kekkei Genkai...

Kekkei Genkai...

My Kekkei Genkai freely controls
osteoblastic and osteoclastic cells...

It even controls the concentration
of calcium. It's an ability to form bones.

Basically, there are over two hundred
bones in the human body...

But for me, that's not a set number.

But bones are bones, after all!

If they break, they break!

Wh-What a hardness...!

Are these really human bones...?!

If so...!

Larch Dance.

I've had it...

A little more... you clod.

It's not like the time before with Asuma...


There's probably zero possibility
of someone coming to help...

Hey, what's the point of thinking
about someone helping...?!

Calm down!

The smell is moving away...

I'm saved...

Who is?


I knew it...

My coat?!

It seems you didn't notice your own smell
that you're routinely used to smelling...

With that you erased your own smell?

You understand well the attributes of scent.
It figures why I didn't smell you.

And... as would be expected,

it's tough having you guys split up in two
to search for me...

Damn it...

Please wait!

The real deal... is from now!

My role now is to stall this person
as long as possible...

So, I should've avoided a big technique
that could be self defeating...

But it seems this isn't an opponent
easy enough to be able to beat

without using my Secret Technique...

Here I go!

I just had surgery
and am not at my best.

But if it'd just be opening the first of the
Eight Inner Gates, The Gate of Opening,

I should somehow...

The first gate... Gate of Opening...


Primary Lotus!

The impact of the kick
was suppressed by the bones...?!

That's some speed... But it's over.

Damn it... No matter how much I think,
I can't come up with any good strategies!

I've had it...can't hold any further...

With me right in front of you,
you can't even howl like a loser...?



You're mine!

Don't you be smiling
before you're going to die!


Who're you?!

Heh... It seems
you're an ally this time...

Who're you?!

A Sand...


ally of the Leaf!

For the first time, I spoke to you

And you smiled

For the first time, I was able to speak

In my own words

Would you think it was
a bother if I approached you?

Despite my doubts,
I worked up my courage

My clumsy attempts with words

You listened without turning away

No wonder I get carried away by you

But you don't feel anything for me, do you?

I feel so sad


For the first time, I spoke to you

And you smiled

For the first time, I was able to speak

In my own words

For the first time, I spoke to you

And you smiled

For the first time, I was able to speak

In my own words

For the first time, I spoke to you

I heard that the Sand and Leaf
had made up, but...

It wasn't that we att*cked the Leaf Village
for the fun of it.

It was just a mission, same as this time.

Humph! I see.

By the way, weren't you three
headed this way together?

We had no choice.
Since you guys are weak...

Idiot. Don't take them lightly.
These guys are out of the ordinary.
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