01x16 - Supersmurf

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Smurfs". Aired: April 18, 2021 - present.*
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New adventures of the Smurfs in the Smurf village.
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01x16 - Supersmurf

Post by bunniefuu »


lazy smirk there is more to life than



the early bird catches the worm and a

rolling stone gathers no more


i get no respect

you should cheer up grouchy smurf and

live each day to the fullest don't dwell

on the negative side of



yeah yeah i tell you

now listen to me jokey smurf there's a

time and a place for you

why thank you at least some sperm

respects me


look at all you smurfs sitting around

like bumps on a log why you papa smurf

ever found out he would be disappointed

that you wait i'm not finished yet

you've been finished for years baby



um i was just going to say that uh

the mind also needs exercise and i

strongly suggest that


when the only thing smurfs respect is

growing it's tough being the brains of

the outfits

there must be a way to earn the other

smurfs respect i just know i'll smurf up

something brilliant after all among all

the smurfs my mind is the sharpest penis

and most


maybe smurfs have goodies to fill big

mouths empty stomach big mouth is coming

big mouth is coming big mouth is coming

big mouth smell goodies


mmm big mouth sea goodies big mouth take

goodies mr big mouth that's our winter

supply of food i order you to put it



yes the first snow is due any day and if

we don't restock immediately we're going

to go hungry this winter

this is all your fault brainy smurf you

led big mouth to the village now no

smurf will ever respect me

unless i could become real strong and

somehow get the food back from big mouth

i'll show them brainy smurf has drawn as

well as brains


this is gonna take more exercise than i

can take hmm i need to do this fast

papa's first magic books i bet one of

them has a formula for making me strong


nothing i've been through all papa

smurf's book

except one

ah strength formulas but there's gotta

be one in here


strong stronger super strong

this formula guarantees the user a super

straight far beyond that of normal being

this is it

the fans try it's just gotta work


ah what's the use i'll never be strong




it worked it worked


now i'll get our food back from big

mouth and show all these smurfs


oh what's it say papa smurf dear papa

smurf i'm going to get our food back

from big mouth signed brainy super


but he doesn't know it lasts for only

two hours and he's going after big mouth

oh poor brady quickly we have to stop


there's more to this flying than i

thought but nothing can hold down super


now i'm really




that must be big mouth house

faster my little smurfs faster faster



big mouth oh here

hey what smurf won

not smurf

super smurf go away

me eating

quiet this food belongs to the smurfs

and you can't have it papa smurf always

says that


you've got to be faster than that think


stand up and fight like an ogre big

mouth flat and smurf like

yummy pancake not smurf super smurf

i hope we're not too late brady won't

stand a chance against that ogre


a wheat dream

all right now big mouth man


i'm working on it smurfette

look out


i did it papa smurf i got all our food

back it's right here in this back brady

there's something i have to tell you

about you should have seen me papa smurf

i was incredible i was rainy listen that

strength formula is

i say we take the food and get out of

here pretty's right we should get out of

here not yet papa smurf i've gotta teach

big mouth a lesson

brady you're losing your strength

no i'm not papa smurf really i'm not i'm

just the strongest




it could be worse winter's still a week

away i know because

all right all right all right all right

so we'll have an early winter

papa smurf if i only had more super

strength formula i'm absolutely sure i

could smear that way

rainy that formula causes more problems

than it solves look big mouse gonna eat

our food


not if i can help




oh mr big mouth if you only knew how

very very much we blew little smurfs

need that food

big mouth needs food too

oh of course you do you're so big and


but think of all the little starving


little starving smurfs


teensy green sea little blue slur crying

out in the cold dark night for food that

is there

that fake big mouth said

you stole our food you bad boy


and you're gonna give us all my food

that i can


hefty i'll get her papa smurf never mind

empty i still have some strength left i

wouldn't want you to strain yourself

freddy don't worry i won't i'll catch

her oh


boy am i hungry

and i'm cold

oh how will we ever get our food back i

don't know

papa smurf

i know how to get our food back

let's hear it


oh guess who coming to dinner me me



mud soup good


rocks dipped in slime


rocks nice and crispy

i have to admit brady those rocks were a

smurfy idea oh thank you papa smurf find

wins out over matter every time i always



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