01x25 - The Abominable Snowbeast

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Smurfs". Aired: April 18, 2021 - present.*
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01x25 - The Abominable Snowbeast

Post by bunniefuu »

long long ago deep in the forest there

was a hidden village where tiny

creatures lived they call themselves

smurfs they were good

then there was gargamel the evil wizard

he was bad oh i hate smurfs

i'll get you i'll get all of you if it's

the last thing i ever do


oh i'll get you i'll find your village

someday you will be so well the forest

is still there and if you listen you may

hear gargamel's rage

and if you are good you may just catch a


of the smurfs


all right


here hold my tool box clumsy oh sure




i need my snowflower pollen to reduce

the swelling oh

but it's back in my lab don't worry papa

smurf i'll get it for you

clumsy this was all your fault so you

better get that snow flower pollen right

away or papa smurf may never forgive you

oh golly


oh here i come pop smurf as fast as i

i'll take it from here clumsy huh i've

got it papa smurf oh but brainy that's

no fair


i got it

and i've had it

don't worry papa smurf i'll get you

plenty more snowflower pollen

but there's only one snowflower in the

entire world and it only blooms once a


in fact it should be blooming now just

tell me where it is and i'll go get it

i'm glad you feel that way brainy

because the snow flower i need grows at

the top of ice mountain

nice mountains


now remember smurfs you mustn't pick the

snowflower just bring back the pollen

that way the flower can continue to

bloom each year right papa smurf forward



your bravery will not be for

hefty i'm thirsty and uh and uh

i forgot to go to the bathroom and um i

didn't make my bed so can i go back will

you relax brainy there's nothing to

worry about nothing at all


i have a funny feeling we're being



ah come on spur man

all of a sudden this place has given me

the creeps too

let's just find that snowflower pollen

and get out of here oh look

there it is isn't it beautiful

last one to the snow flower is a frozen



hey where'd this big hole come from i

don't know

and i don't think we want to find out oh

let's just get that pollen and head for



easy there careful

i can't go any higher

i'm the lightest smurf here try lifting

me up

this is risky smurfette maybe you better

not no no i'm fine




what happened


smurfette's gone

we'll never forget you smurfette



the least we can do is honor smurfette's

final wish and deliver this to papa





he's no use we're trapped trapped oh i

knew it i knew it papa smurf

keep calm everybody now we have to let

papa smurf know we're in trouble well

maybe we can send smoke signals oh

i wonder what's keeping those smurfs

they should have been like long ago

would you stop that

sorry puppet smurf papa smurf


smurf smoke signals from ice mountain my

smurfs need me quickly bring a sled

please put me down

please please don't keep me here i just

want to go back to my friend hmm

look i don't belong to you and i don't

belong here now let me go

oh don't cry

i appreciate your gift

it's just that i'm actually

breathing in here


thank you but i'm starving too


but i need more than just an icicle



oh if only papa smurf were here

sounds smart


now he's really mad

and we're really cornered our only hope

is to make a stand come on smurf when

i'm have it

go away


good work smurfs we're almost there


this is the place where the snowflower

used to grow

but it's gone

and so are the other smurfs from the

look of things there was a snow slide

here and all our dear little smurfs were

swept away

poor greedy we've heard his stomach

growl for the last time

and clumsy will never be able to drop a

log on my good foot





oh we glad to see you

here we got the snow flower for you

excellent now let's follow that beast to

smurf it i'll treat my foot on the way


oh thank you snoopy that's the second

time you've saved my life


what happened to your forefoot


there he is

perfect must be inside don't worry we

got him now





isn't evil he's just lonely and wants me

to stay here

snow beast we don't mean you any harm


this snowflower pollen will heal your

sore foot


you see snow flowers can only exist in

ice and snow and smurfette can only live

in the warm climate of the smurf village

like the snowflower there is only one

smurfette in all the world

and now the snowflower is no more



remember take only what we need


thank you for sharing your snow flowers

with us may we return next year when

they bloom again

that means we'll see each other every

year too


today we honor those beloved smurfs who

risked their lives seeking the

snowflower we're so glad you're home



and i thought you'd be dead

nope i'm just out of food

have some more cake

more sarsaparilla hmm

i don't mind if i do

that is surprise for your proper sperm


yes in spite of everything it's good to

have things back to normal


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