01x26 - Gargamel, the Generous

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Smurfs". Aired: April 18, 2021 - present.*
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01x26 - Gargamel, the Generous

Post by bunniefuu »



uh why is everybody laying down on the

job the new garden path looks very

smurfy handy yes every smurf is smurfing

a good job papa smurf ow clumsy

that is almost every smurf clumsy knock

it off uh okay


clumsy why don't you go round up some

more rocks and let us do the hammering

oh you bet papa smurf i'll be back in

the jeffy with some more rocks

uh no rocks here

and no rocks there

no rocks over there

no rocks back here either

hey here's a whole bunch of rocks

they're kind of funny looking but they

ought to do the job


oh humiliating we've been smurf hunting

all day and not one little blue eye to

show for it

i guess it's beans and skunk cabbage

soup again tonight

if only some good luck would come our

way for a change what's that

i could beat you if it's azrael it's a

diamond it is another one and another

and another

someone must have dropped these that

means there must be more lots more come

israel start looking this is our lucky


oh hey

i got lots of rocks for you what kind of

rocks are those they're so pale are they

sick oh well a rock is a rock is a rock



it turned to dust oh clumsy these rocks

are useless yeah smurf them back where

they came from and get us some good

rocks gosh i can't do anything right

right there's no sign of more diamonds

anywhere else


asriel help me look down here diamonds

don't fall from the sky


a smurf

they've got the diamonds



smurf is me clumsy's in trouble quickly

to the forest


well well smurf did you spill your


what treasure i i was just dumping some

old rocks old rocks tell me smurf uh are

there more of these old rocks oh oh sure

a whole bunch over that way in a in your

village right uh no no no no not in the


don't lie to me you little gargamel

unhand that smurf

smurfs austria get them


ready smooves


why you little imps i'll show you

that and that

i just threw away all the diamonds


i must have their diamonds and i will

have their diamonds

yes yes the smurfs will gladly give them

to me before i'm through


remember grouchy papa smurf needs lots

of rocks so keep your eyes open leave no

stone unturned

that's a little joke i hate little jokes

but i hate traps even worse that's why

papa smurf says always look before you

step and meow help help


oh please don't be frightened i'm

terribly sorry about this

you are

i thought i had removed all these nasty

old traps some poor little smurfs could

get hurt


have bye-bye nice day

yeah all that sickening sweetness makes

me break out in a rash

come on

now we must prepare for our next good



this quick sand pit should trap me a few



oh you poor little things oh how

terrible here here i'll save you



you saved our life oh

what a friends for


but gargamel you've never been our

friend before yeah you've always been a

mean nasty wicked old wizard but i've

seen the light my days of miserable

meanness are over

and you know it feels so much nicer

being nice and and now why don't we all

skip along to your village and tell

puppet diamonds

papa smurf the good news


oh papa smurf guess who's coming to



wow just like he rescued me and grouchy

i'm a new man papa smurf

fiddle smurfs

oh papa smurf have pity

you don't know how lonesome it's been

always fighting with you nice little


never having any friends



double fiddles


but papa smurf i think we should at

least give him a chance

thank you brother vanity now why don't i

carry all this wood back to your village

so we can have a nice friendly chat no

we've done enough chatting come on

smurfs we're leaving but papa smurf he

seems so sincere bye bye guys


if they won't take me to the diamonds

then i'll make them bring the diamonds

to me

hello there little friend

oh gosh well i'm sorry mr gargamel but

papa smurf says we're not supposed to

talk to you but all i need is a teeny

tiny favor friend a friend

yeah yes i'd like to borrow those rocks

you have in your village

oh sure i smoke you a whole whacking

load you will oh thank you

be right back

i hope he gets back soon i'm about nice


oh mr gargamel i got your rocks

wonderful right over here

azriel i've done it i'm rich rich

and to celebrate you may have this smurf

here they are let me see let me see

what why you stupid sniveling smurf

those are


i finally figured out what gargamel is

after those diamonds you smurf the

diamonds what a diamonds papa smurf


and they are very valuable in the human

world your phony friend was taking

advantage of your kindness

my little smurfs we're through with this

wizard wait maybe i'll give you these

nice beads for them

i'll throw in these baubles and then and

some brand new bangles no deal gargamel

about papa smurf i could use a new

mirror oh and i'd like some of that

smurfy ribbon those beets could come in

handy too

all right all right we'll meet tomorrow

at noon by the river and when you give

me all the diamonds then you'll all



here are all the diamonds mr gargamel

you've brought them ah my little


very well and now for your payment

not anymore

i was afraid of this so i came prepared

mikey magic

save your breath papa smurf it's too


magic smurf my spell

hear me now and all is well

at last azriel we're rich rich

i wouldn't be too sure of that gargamel

maybe smurfs you but but where are my

diamonds in the other bag thanks to a

quick magical switch


oh no

oh papa smurf we're sorry for listening

to that bad wizard not you but he did

seem nice for a while well it just

proves there are some people you can't

trust no matter what they say exactly

papa smurf in other words don't smurf

candy from strangers or strange wizards

or as i always say beware a wizard in

sheep's clothing

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