01x27 - The Smurfette

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Smurfs". Aired: April 18, 2021 - present.*
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New adventures of the Smurfs in the Smurf village.
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01x27 - The Smurfette

Post by bunniefuu »

happiness i can feel it it's happiness

in my forest and i hate it cut out that

happiness that's an order from me


you can feel it too can't you as well

all that dreadful tear


i must capture those smurfs and put an

end to all that happiness don't just sit

there think of a plan

i must find their weakness let's see

color blue

free apples

big hearts

big hearts

that's it i'll get them through their


i will send them

a smurfette

the smurfette will be their downfall

this magical lump of blue clay will

become the first female smurf a

beautiful but evil smurf to lead all the

others straight to me

let's see

a dash of sugar and spice but nothing


a dram of crocodile tears

off a pack of lies

the chatter of a magpie

and the hardest stone for her heart

it worked it worked

i have created a smurfette


wait a minute

i meant everybody pick a different

direction oh

okay i'll just follow my mirror

i'll smurf this way i hate picking

directions why don't we go that way

rocky uh okay but i hate that way boy oh

boy i'll just sneak up on those old

smurf berries when they're not looking

and lasso

oops oh sorry brainy

i've never been so miserable my whole


you know what that is oh

do you like what you see i don't know

you will

raise your village this way

aren't you going to carry me

you really know how to sweep a girl off

her feet

i suffered all night in the hideous

forest lost and alone oh

there there my dear you're among friends

now you can stay right here in our

village for as long as you like oh boy

smurfette's gonna stay

we're in for a treat

you're in for a surprise

can you hear me

it's about time where are you i'm in the



get out there and capture their little

blue hearts and don't fail remember i

made you

and i can break you


i guess i'd better get started

here i am

this is gonna be even easier than i


sorry brainia i'm sorry not half as

sorry as you're going to be and you can

blame it on her


now look what you've done

maybe i'd better try a more subtle

approach perhaps

like uh thanks for helping me with this

firewood hefty oh no problem harmony

after all what are smurfs for

how wonderful that my little smurfs get

on so well together here harmony merved

invited me to a picnic but i can't go

she already invited me and i'm busy too

here vanity you go no no i'm busy too

you take your crowd i hate picnics i

can't go either not me

i've got something cooking well i

certainly can't go look at me or me me


and i have important work in my lab

hey i wonder why they aren't coming

a present for me

oh how sweet

i knew they all could miss this thing

this isn't working out quite like i



but if i can't lure them out

maybe i can flush them out

show me how that worked hey don't you

could flood everything oh just one

little teeny weeny bull what could

happen we'd be up our creek without a


yes i'll just have to ask a smurf who

appreciates a good cake no don't go um

i'll show you how it works


how pretty

yeah well i'd better close the valve now

no way not yet

let go

where's all this water from the damn

must have broken let's get out of here

hey you you're doing this on purpose yes

you sure aren't helping any

we must reach the time before it's too



pull us out

you all saved my life


but why did you open the damn open the

damn who me

but i'd never

and so uh

in view of the evidence and what greedy

has told us do you have any defense for

trying to float the village

well uh um

i i just want to say that well what i

oh i'm so ashamed i almost let you all

into gargamel's clutch

and you've been so nice to me


well don't cry smurfette i mean my smurf

is worse than my bite i mean

whatever you do to me i deserve throw me

out of the village abandon me in the


send me back the gargame now

i wish i could be a real smurf like all

of you

a real smurf impossible not in a million


no one's ever become a smurf before you

really want to be a smurf oh more than

anything it can't be done smurf's a

smurf not made can you really make me a

smurf well

i may not be able to undo all the

gargamel spell but i can try

um ah that's right papa smurf can smurf

anything he's versus mine too you just

want you take my word for it you listen

to me you know i know what i'm talking

about hey where did everybody go

one touch of venus

add moon beams for light

essence of smurf root to smurf right and

now with the power of all i command

smurfette become smurf and before me


fellow smurfs

i will now introduce the new and improve




huh where'd they

right in your face

did you ever see a cream layered cake

with a cherry on top kablooey in your

face well um

anybody can make a mistake

that's joking's problem no sense of


i'll get you for that

what do you suppose got into them um

maybe you'd better smurf back to your

house my dear and uh

freshen up

i'm afraid you'll have to manage that

part on your own i will but how

you smurf what to do when the time comes

murphy bye-bye

it's perfect what's happened to you

you've changed i sense papa smurf's hand

in this

gargamel you nasty old wizard i don't

know what you want now but my dear my

dear i want only to grant your fondest


you mean to be a real smurf no i mean

your wish to pay back those miserable

little creatures for their bothersome



i i mean

don't you want to pay the smurfs back

for their

kindness oh yes they've been so nice to

me i should do something nice for them

exactly my child and i suggest a a party

a surprise party

and you can fix that for me gargamel it

would be my pleasure just get all the

smurf to the big oak tree by this


i'll take care of the rest

and it's waiting at the big oak in the


surprise i hate surprises

aren't you smurfing with us smurfette as

soon as i pick out just the right dress

for the surprise papa smurf

this way smurfs the big oak is just over

the hill

no this one's too long i wore that this

morning oh this one's too plain

i'll say that for tonight was this one

now that one

teach those smurfs to be happy in my

forest this visit to the big oak will be

their last

coming asriel bring me that camouflage

don't just stand there like a ninny

where's our surprise

here's your surprise my little blue


oh no

we've been smurfed by the smurfette i

told you i told you i hate a smurfette

don't waste your time you little blue

busy buddies

now what should i do with

yes we'll cook them in honey and eat

them as snacks

no no no no that won't do well

no uh we'll have smurfs on the sticks

no no no ah perfect we'll dine on soup


i must do something but i'm not even a

real smurf here

you smurf what to do when the time comes


brilliant gargamel brilliant who else

could capture every single smurf with

just one measly smurfette

the smurfs on you gargamel you missed

the lone spirit asriel

you let one escape

get him get him i must have them all

don't just do something stand there

follow that smurf

after him

where are you you miserable

rich faster as real that smurf can't

climb much farther he's almost out of


when i give the word we'll bounce

looks like this time the smurfs on you

gee thanks lone smurf boy you sure

showed gargamel but who is low smurf

at last you see

there's nothing you can't be if you only

smurf hard enough now we've really got

something to celebrate but first we've

got the smurf guard the melody he

smurfed us

now here's

this is all your fault has real you and

those blasted smurfs

oh no

we've been smurfed

i'll get you smurfs for this

wait you're supposed to pity me and take

care of me stop stop

my revenge will be terrible you say

you'll see

but i hate anybody to know about it
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