10x23 - Kakashi Hatake, the Hokage

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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10x23 - Kakashi Hatake, the Hokage

Post by bunniefuu »


No, no!



What's wrong? I was just about to start!

This is terrible!

It seems Lord Danzo has died!

He's not the Sixth Hokage anymore!

Not anymore!

What are you saying?

I've prepared and I've studied Lord Danzo's face so well

I even see him in my dreams!

Damn… What the heck?!

So… Who's going to be the next Hokage?


She originally worked for Orochimaru

before she joined up with Sasuke as a shinobi for the Akatsuki.

That means she knows a lot.

You better treat me well.


It looks like she was there when Sasuke and Danzo battled it out.

You saw them fighting?

You're interrogating me here?

Okay, we'll hold her at the Intel Division.

We'll get everything she knows.

Take her away.

Yes, sir.

Hey…no! I won't try to escape.

So let go of me, will you?!


I'm so thirsty, give me something to drink!

By the way, how's Lady Tsunade doing?

She's still unconscious.

I see.

Well, I'll go make my report to the superiors.

Excuse me.


The chain of command in the Hidden Leaf Village

is in shambles.

Someone has to restore order as soon as possible.

Yeah… I know that.

Kakashi Hatake, the Hokage

Sasuke did that?

It's an unbelievable situation.

That's why I want you to let me handle Sasuke.

You'll take on Sasuke alone?!

How can you expect us to agree to that?

Tenten is right, Naruto.

We can't just give in to your stubbornness.

The reason is because this is a big problem for the village.

I'm not being stubborn.

You said you'd give us the details when we got home,

but I never thought this is what you'd say!

We've all made up our minds to k*ll Sasuke!

Hey Naruto, don't tell me you're saying

you'll get Sasuke all by yourself,

when you're actually planning to protect him.

No, I have no intention of protecting Sasuke.

– Chidori! – Rasengan!

After all that fighting at the Five Kage Summit,

and fighting Danzo…

If Sasuke was weakened at that time,

why didn't you take him out right then?

Madara was there too!

It didn't seem so easy.


That's no reason to let him get away so easily!

Hey Naruto…

You're strong.

You're the hero who took down Pain, aren't you?!


Yeah. You could take Sasuke down like you did back then.

That's not true.


I wouldn't be able to beat Sasuke with something like that now.

That's what I found out.

Inside him…

What is it that you found out?

In any case, nobody should take on Sasuke as he is now.

What do you mean?

I'm the only one who can fight him.

That's what I mean.

That doesn't tell us anything!

Explain it in detail. What happened?

I said I'd tell you when the time comes.

Hey! There you go again! Giving us the runaround!

Damn it.



Were you able to read…

what was inside of my heart?

And you saw it, didn't you?

That if you and I fight…

we will both die.

What are you hiding?


Please leave it to me.

Hey! Naruto!


Hey, Naruto!

Danzo too?

Such a shame. The best ones go first.

We must quickly hold a meeting

to determine who will be the next Hokage.

The Allied Shinobi Force will be stalled

if the Hokage is missing.

That cannot be helped.

We will recommend you for Hokage.

The Sand, a member of the alliance,

has also recommended you.

I am prepared for it.

Oh… That was easy.

Of course, it would be a little out of character for me

to be the Hokage.

That's fine.

I will go to the Feudal Lords to request a conference.

Go back to the village and prepare until you are called.

There really isn't anything for me to prepare.

Listen, Kakashi.

Let me just say one thing to the next Hokage.

It is true that Danzo was very ambitious,

but everything he did was for the sake of the village.

Hiruzen out front and Danzo in the back.

Things went most smoothly in Hidden Leaf back then.

Is that meant to be some sort of excuse?

Just some advice.

Don't try to take on everything by yourself.

It would be best to have a confidant beside you.

We are the only ones remaining from the old days.

There is no telling what the fate of the shinobi will be.

Sensei… They say I am going to be the next Hokage.

Yo! Kakashi!

Looks like you got home safely.

How are you?

You weren't injured, were you?

Oh, I'm fine.

Okay, in that case…

It's been a while, so why don't we have a match?



Why? What do you mean?

Because you and I are eternal rivals, that's why!

We've had over matches up till now.

Let's add another one!

In that case…

No using the Sharingan now.

– Rock, paper, scissors! – Rock, paper, scissors!


Not that! I don't want Rock Paper Scissors!

Our challenge will be…that!

I've set up a goal up there.

We'll race to there.

This is not the time for…

That's exactly why I want to have a hot challenge.

You'll accept it, won't you, my eternal rival?!

You're right. No time like the present I guess.

All right! Let's do it!

What? You want to start way out at the entrance to the village?

I want to enjoy this challenge to the fullest.

Are you ready?


– Start! – Start!


When did you get those things?!

Oh, before we started. From a pile of rubble.

That's not fair.

Take that!


Take that!


Are you thinking about Naruto?


Forget it. I don't think it'll do any good.

Won't do any good?

If Naruto doesn't talk, we won't find out anything.


I guess.

What was that?

Has something happened?

With the village being reconstructed,

the roads are all different and I can't tell where we're going!

Seems like it!

What is that?

Listen, I don't think anyone will be satisfied

with the way things stand.

What are you talking about?

About Sasuke…

Are you satisfied, Sakura?

I think you have some sort of plan, so…

I'm putting my faith in you!

Is that Kakashi Sensei and Guy Sensei?!

So fast!

Those two… Don't tell me they're at it again?!

No mistake about it. It's their rivalry contest.

Guy Sensei probably challenged him.

Of all the times to do this.

No, that's exactly why he challenged him now.

Huh?! Why?

As expected from my rival!


While Guy Sensei is battling it out, I will fight too!

Lee, who won?

Kakashi Sensei is…

the winner!

That was a pretty good challenge.


Oh no… This is nothing to be congratulated for.

Congratulations on becoming the next Hokage!

When you become the Hokage,

you probably won't be able to accept my challenges so easily.

That's why I wanted to challenge you for the last time

before it happened.

Thank you, Kakashi.

This isn't the last time.

We'll still be eternal rivals. That won't change.


Guy, seriously, I find it reassuring having you there.

I hope I can count on your continued support.


I can't bring this whole village

– together by myself. – You're making me cry.

– Hey are you listening? Hey! Hey! – I'm listening.

You're Kakashi Hatake, aren't you? The next Hokage?

Yes, well…

Oh, this is perfect! Let me measure your face!

I want to get a mold too.

W-What is this?

It's for the Great Stone Faces. The Stone Faces of the Hokage!

I need you to come with me.

J-Just a minute.

It seems it's not easy being the Hokage.

I guess I've been one-upped by my eternal rival.


Yes! Now it is your turn to pass him.

If Kakashi is to become the Hokage, I will aim beyond that!

I will go beyond Hokage, far and beyond!

Good luck, Sensei!


By the way, what is beyond the Hokage?

I wonder what it is.

This hairstyle is okay, right?


The headband should be at an angle.

You don't have to be exact.

You must be joking.

Once it's carved, it can't be changed easily.

I see.

That's it! We haven't missed anything, have we?

No, sir!

Then let's get ready to make the mold.

Got it!

Is that plaster?

That's right.

We'll paint this on you in thin layers

to make a mold of your face!

I want to start right away, but you'll have to take that off.


That mask.

Your Stone Face won't look good if you're hiding your face.

Somebody! Somebody, come quickly! Please!

What's happened?

Shizune… Don't tell me…

Thanks for accepting.

I would feel a lot better

if you would become the Hokage, Shikaku.

Don't be ridiculous.

I'm old enough to retire and have my son take over.

Of course, I'm in no position to do that.


To think that Danzo fell to the Akatsuki.


We must decide on another Hokage.

We are all recommending Kakashi Hatake.

Oh, that man?

Kakashi Hatake, enter.

Oh… Seems like a good choice.

All right. Now then, Kakashi Hatake, I appoint you…

I appoint you…

My lord, what is wrong?

Oh, well… What number Hokage do I appoint him?

What number?

Danzo was appointed Number Six,

but he died before he formally assumed the office.

I don't know if Kakashi should be Number Six or Number Seven.

Even if Danzo had not formally assumed the office…

A missing number?

He should be Number Six.

No, I think Number Seven.

But Number Six never really…

All right. Kakashi Hatake! You will be…

Please excuse me!


What is this?! We are in an important conference.

I have come to report a sudden change in the state of affairs!

What? A sudden change?!

Lady Tsunade!

Shizune…you're hurting me.

Send messages to the other villages!

Tsunade, the Hokage of Hidden Leaf Village,

is alive and well!

Report this to the Feudal Lords of the other lands as well.

We should let the people of our village know at once.

I will leave that to you.

Umm… Well…

May I go home?

Since we're here now,

why don't we go and eat at that sushi boat restaurant?

Let's see who can eat the most!


It's no good! Stop!

What happened?

They say Lady Tsunade has been reinstated as the Hokage.

You gotta be kidding me! I wasted my time again!

It was indeed I who summoned you.

Who're you again?

C'mon, could you remember my name already?

That's right!

That's right! I have seen a prophecy involving you.

Listen carefully.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Prophecy of the Great Lord Elder"

It's all clear to me now.

Tune in again!
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