11x19 - Kiba's Determination

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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11x19 - Kiba's Determination

Post by bunniefuu »

As always, the one who gets there first will win all of this!

Don't you worry, Akamaru.

I'll split it with you.

What are you talking about?

I'm going to win.

No way, I'm going to get all the candy!

Choji, are you really going to go for it?

Kiba's going to win anyway.

Leave it to me.

I never lose when food is on the line.


If you're out, keep time for us.

Damn it, what a pain.

Hold it!

I accept your challenge!

You don't have a chance.

Go away!

Go away!

Naruto's too easy to beat!

But then, we'll have more candy.

You're right.

Anyone can join as long as they put up some candy.

Of course!

I have some here!

That's way more than I can eat!

Don't talk like you've already won!

It's already been decided, you're a loser.

Well, I'll go on ahead and give you the starting signal.


I'm going to be first!

He'll signal soon.

Bring it on anytime!


What's my time?

It's a new record!

M-My candy!

Damn it!

Kiba won again.

But we did beat that idiot.

My candy!

All right!

Once more!

Let's race one more time!


Challenge me after you beat my time.

I'll come in first, no matter how often we race.

It was a dream.

Kiba's Determination No breakfast for sleepyheads!


There's a w*r about to start, you know!

A w*r?

You can count on me!

I'll crush all of them by myself!


You are such a fool!

Don't take w*r so lightly.

Your classmate, Naruto, is the village hero, but look at you!

You're so miserable!

All right!

I'll go train then!

Why'd she have to bring up Naruto?

Getting an earful of that early in the morning is annoying!

This is all thanks to Naruto, our village hero!


We're alive today, thanks to Naruto!

Let's do everything we can to get the village back to normal.



What an unpleasant morning.

You think so too, right, Akamaru?


Don't tell me you're on "Mr.

Hero's" side?



It's the same with everyone.

Sure, he did save the village, but⦠When we were kids, that guy was such a loser.

Are you talking about Naruto?


Naruto is the village hero right now.

But he used to be the class loser.

And who lost to the "loser" during the Chunin Exam?

You did.

Made it!


If it weren't for his fart, I would've been the winner!

There are no "ifs" in battle.

That's because you can't turn back time.

There he goes with his stupid logic again.

Also⦠Naruto has surpassed us considerably.

I'll definitely catch up to him!

That's understandable.

However⦠Like I'd let Naruto leave me behind!

There's no way I'm going to get left in the dust.

See ya!

Fang Over Fang!

Damn it!

It didn't work.

You don't have to tell me.

I have to power up some more.


Are you training?

Well done!

Well done!

What's wrong?

You're not your usual self.

I want to become stronger.

Stronger than Naruto.


I've known him since we were kids.

I don't want him to get ahead of me any further.

Kiba⦠I know!

Please train me, Kakashi Sensei.

Kurenai Sensei is pregnant and Guy Sensei is away from the village!

You're the only one I can rely on right now, Kakashi Sensei!

You know Naruto's strength better than anyone else, right?

Since you put it like that, I guess I have no choice.


I'll help you!

Ninja Art: Summoning!

Earth Style, Fanged Pursuit Jutsu!


I would love to help, but I'm really busy.

So, I'll leave it to these guys to spar with you!

You can't do that, Kakashi Sensei!

This isn't training!

Not with these guys'You want to be stronger than Naruto?

In your current condition?

Don't be ridiculous!

I was just careless.

I'll make you take back your words!

I'm doing this because Kakashi asked me.

But we don't have time to waste either.

So, you better put some serious effort into this.

Kakashi Sensei ran off with a lame excuse, but I'll drag him back here in no time at all!

Make any claim you want, after you steal this scroll off my back.

Sounds like fun.

I'll end this quickly!

Ninja Art: Beast Mimicry!

All-Fours Jutsu!

You rush in and neglect coordination.

Crane Wing Formation!

You said you wanted to be stronger than Naruto, so I wanted to see what you had in you.

But if this is all you've got⦠Damn you all!

I'm not going to care if I end up hurting you!

Stop yapping and just show us!

All right!

We'll go at full strength this time.

Ninja Art: Beast Mimicry!

Man Beast Clone!

Man Beast Secret Taijutsu Technique!

Fang Over Fang!


Like I'm going to let you get away!

Circular Formation!

Ninja Hound Art!

Dust Dance!

You can go beyond our range of vision, but you can't escape our sense of smell.

He falls for such simple tricks.

Damn it!

At this rate, he'll never surpass Naruto.

There's no hope for him.

He loses his cool before a fight, doesn't try to assess his enemy's strength, and charges ahead eagerly, only to self-destruct.


Where are you going?

I quit!

Forget it!

I can't fight seriously against dogs!

So you're running away?

I originally asked Kakashi Sensei to train me!

Instead⦠You said yourself that you would end this quickly.

He got that part right.

It ended quickly.

He lost.

Shut up!

Fighting you is pointless, that's all!

Getting hurt over this kind of training is not worth it.

So you're running away.

If you're not interested, then go.

Yeah, I'll do just that!

Let's train on our own, Akamaru!

I'm not running away!

Even if I continued with that training, it would have been useless!

Hey, Akamaru!

What theâ?

Where are you going?

Hey, Akamaru!


Where are you going?


I said to stop!


Hey, this is⦠Naruto?

In the end, he couldn't beat me.

Hey, Akamaru!



I know.

I was always on top.

NARUTO 3:33 KIBA 3:37 KIBA 3:40 KIBA 3:41 How come his name is�

Oh, Kiba!

Hinata, why areâ?

Ever since our Academy days, I've been coming here to train sometimes.

It's because Naruto used to run here all the time.



Back then, he was so determined to break your record.

Damn it!

I can't do it at all!


Why can't I?

Damn it!

Damn it!

I almost did it!



Damn it!

Damn it!

I did it!

It's a new record!

NARUTO 3:33 KIBA 3:37 Naruto ran every single day until he beat the record.

Isn't it just like him?

Akamaru, did you know that?

Damn it!

That idiot is so stubborn.

Why doesn't that loser give up?

Damn it, he's such a fool.

He's so stubborn, that loser!

That stupid loser!

Sorry I made you wait.

I thought you ran away.

I figured I should quit giving up.


So you're starting off by surveying the field.

I won't charge into rocks and self-destruct anymore.

It seems you've had a change of heart.

I'm supposed to take that scroll from your back, right?

This time, I'll make you take back your words.


Let's do this!

Ninja Art: Beast Mimicry!

Man Beast Clone!

Fang Over Fang!


Hound Barricade Formation!


Dodge, Akamaru!



Are you hurt, Akamaru?


So you were able to avert a head-on collision.


Do you want to quit now?

I told you I quit⦠giving up!

So you quit?

Yeah, I quit.

I see.


That's not what I meant.

I quit giving up.

I'm not quitting training with you guys!

So you're not quitting?

No, I'm not!

Even I wanna⦠be like⦠Like what?

Yeah, umm⦠Oh!

I'm⦠going to become a fool!

'â¦going to become a fool!

'â¦going to become a fool!

You already look like a fool.


I mean⦠You're a fool, right?

Yesâ¦I mean, no.

It's a different kind of fool.

A fool is a fool.

No, I don't mean that.

Just what are you trying to say?

That's why⦠Oh man!

I'm never going to forgive you guys.


It's not our fault that you're a fool!

Shut up!

Inuzuka Style!

Man Beast Team Transformation!

Let's go!

Wolf Fang Over Fang!

This one is intense.

He's thinking.

This way, he avoids friendly fire.

However, I don't think a tight turn will work.

Dust Dance!

Not that again.

It's all right, Akamaru!

I know the terrain through the Dynamic Marking!

Ninja Hound Art!

Hound Hair Clones!

We're going to plunge right in!

You can't tell where the real one is.

Damn it!

I get it!

He just said "where," instead of "which"!

That means⦠the real one isn't here!

Calm down, Akamaru!

Stay calm!

Stay calm!

It's useless, you should just quit.

Shut up!

I said I'm not going to quit!

Oh yeah.

Calm down.

Stay calm!

Stay calm.

With both our noses, Akamaru and I will sniff out even the faintest of scents and find him!

He's there!

You got me, Kiba.

I take back my words.

Oh my, Pakkun, he got you?


I was defeated.

Kiba, you did well!

Thank you, Kakashi Sensei!

No need for thanks.

I really didn't do anything.

We'll never quit!


If we refuse to quit, maybe one day⦠What is it, Guruko?

Earlier, he said⦠'â¦going to become a fool!

'â¦going to become a fool!

Maybe he meant he wanted to be like Naruto?

He wouldn't say that.

I mean, KIBA 2:58 NARUTO 3:33 even Kiba has his pride.

Once we finish replenishing our supplies on this isolated island, we'll set sail immediately for the Land of Lightning!

Our goal is in within sight now.

Complacency is our greatest enemy!

The enemy will try to invade through any gaps in our mental readiness.

But since we're this close, we can call for backup from the Allied Shinobi Forces if anything happens.

Those Allied Forces could be transformed enemies!

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: Kakashi, My Eternal Rival!


Knock on wood!

Knock on wood!

Tune in again!
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