26x01 - Beasts Unleashed

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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26x01 - Beasts Unleashed

Post by bunniefuu »

[somber music]

[woman] After years of waiting,
we are now just hours away

from when Mayor Daniels

will pull the switch for the first time,

and clean Morph-X energy will flow

from the Power Rangers'
Morphin Grid into the towers

all around Coral Harbor.

We're tapping into
the energy source

that gives the Power Rangers
their heroic abilities.

Is this a stroke of genius

that will save the planet
from pollution?

Or is it, in fact,
a dangerous mistake?

Today is the day we'll find out.

Good energy, guys.

- [grunting]
- Two.

- [grunting]
- Three.

- [grunting]
- Four.

- [grunting]
- Five.

- [grunting]
- Six.

- [grunting]
- Seven.

- [grunting]
- Eight.

- [grunting]
- Good.

- Nine.
- [grunting]

- Ten.
- [grunting]

- One.
- [grunting]

- Two.
- [grunting]

- Hey. Buddy.
- What's that?

We're not disturbing you,
are we?

No, not at all.
I was just, um...

I see.

That was sarcasm.

The only way you're
gonna learn karate

is by following what I do...

and practicing.

Totally agree.

Just waiting on you
to teach moves that are

a little bit more...

You want moves that are
more challenging? Is that it?

That'd be great.

- [grunts]
- Whoa!

That was really close.

Blaze. Leave him alone.

Back off, Ravi.



Hup. Ah.


[grunts gracefully]


[exciting music]

- Whoa!
- [onlookers gasp]

[grunts gracefully]

Careful. Someone's
gonna get hurt.

That someone is you.


- [thud]
- [groans]

- [clang]
- Agh!

[onlookers groan]

Tried to warn you.

[grunts angrily]

[both grunt]

- Ha!
- [groans]

Blaze, stop it!

[both grunt]

- [grunts]
- Hyah!

[exciting music]

- Hyah!
- [gasps]

Ok, I'll admit it-- a couple
of your moves were a little...



[foreboding music]

Hey, Dad.

His dad's the mayor.

You are leaving... now!


Thanks for the lesson, Blaze.

This isn't over.

Imagine my shock
finding you at the gym

when you were supposed
to be at a job interview.

After the strings I pulled
to set it up for you,

you just... blew it off.

Yeah, well, I don't know
anything about cleaning carpets.

But you're an expert
at video games and karate.

Son, those aren't gonna
take you anywhere.

You have so much
potential, Devon.

[video game blips, trills]

Someday opportunity will knock,
and I just want you to be ready.

Drop me up ahead, at Grid
Battleforce Headquarters.

You're going into
Grid Battleforce?


Rumor is they have this
incredible battle simulator--

supposed to be unbeatable.
Can I come?

Absolutely not.

That's where they tapped
into the Morphin Grid.

This whole Morph-X experiment
is a dangerous mistake.

I don't want you to go
near that place.

Not today, not tomorrow,
not ever.

What's that?

[dramatic music]

I'll see you at home.

Sure, Dad.

[mechanism whirrs]

[tense music]

Hold it.

Thanks. I can take it from here.

[dramatic music]

I do love a challenge.

I'm here to see the Commander.


That looks a lot like you.

It is me.

Well, we'll see
about that, won't we?

[comical music]

- Retinal scanner!
- Coming!

Stay right there, sir!

You won't even know it's on.


- [boom]
- Ugh!

- [groans]
- [sighs]

- [boom]
- Hey!

Is that really necessary?

Body scan!

[detector trills, whirrs]


- I'm-I'm-I'm ticklish.
- No, no, no, no.

[laughs] I'm a bit ticklish.

Stop! Stop! Just-Hey!
Don't do that!

Just stop!

Do you know who I am?

I do. You're Mayor Daniels.

[both] Huh?! The Mayor?

- [sad trombone music]
- That's right.

Welcome to Grid Battleforce...
[chuckles] ...sir.

Oh man!

I heard you were coming today.
I'm Zoey Reeves.

Nice to meet you, Zoey.

Follow me sir.

Today is so exciting.

Morph-X is gonna change
the world, and I'm gonna help.

I've got ideas-- lots of 'em,
like Morph-X-powered bicycles

- and Morph-X-powered--
- Thanks, Zoey.

[mumbles] Right after I get out
of the laundry department.

Of course I trained to be
a Battleforce cadet, but...

I got cut. Still, I can
make a difference,

because I'm not afraid of big
problems. I solve big problems.

That's exactly why
I became mayor.

I think you'll go far,
young lady.

There you are, Mr. Mayor.

Commander Shaw.

Back to work, Ms. Reeves.

Great to meet you.

Let's start in
our main laboratory.

That, Mr. Mayor, is Morph-X.

In the Morphin Grid,
it exists as pure energy,

but I've refined it into a liquid.

This is Nate Silva,
our chief scientist.

Nate Silva, the child prodigy.

I read about you.

Came here when you were
just six years old.

At he discovered how to

tap into the Power Rangers'
Morphin Grid.

Which, if my calculations
are correct,

means we'll have
unlimited access

to the most powerful energy
source in the known universe.

That's exactly what I'm afraid of.

It seems that the Mayor thinks
what we're doing is a mistake.

A huge mistake.

Since before you were born,
every monster out there

in every dimension--

from Rita Repulsa,
to Sledge and Galvanax,

they've all wanted to
take the Rangers' power

and rule the universe.

And now that you've
wrapped it up with a ribbon,

some evil mind will
try to take it again.

And when they come,

this place...

Grid Battleforce...

won't be able to stop them.

I beg to differ.

It's time I showed
you something.

[whirring, trilling]


You! Hold it right there.

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

[action music]

♪ It's Morphin time ♪

♪ For justice we fight ♪

♪ With peace, morph and light ♪

♪ Together we rise ♪

[exciting music]

- ♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪
- ♪ Go ♪

- ♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪
- ♪ Go ♪

- ♪ Power Rangers ♪
- ♪ Beast Morphers ♪

Are you in the right place?

I was just looking for
the, uh, Battle Simulator.

This belongs in
the morphing lab.

Let's move it.
We're running behind.


- [trilling, beeping]
- Unload it right over there.

No way.

[dramatic music]

What you're about
to see is classified.

Forget what you've heard,
Mr. Mayor.

Morph-X will do
a lot more than power

the city's lights
and automobiles.

This master computer controls
the entire system.

When you activate
the Morph-X Tower network

for the first time, the Morph-X
will flow from here to here,

where it will combine
with animal DNA.

Then it'll flow into our three
subjects, mutating their DNA.

Mutating them into what?

Into our secret weapons.

You're creating Power Rangers.

That's correct.

Rangers? Cool.

The mutation should work
perfectly with teenagers.

And our top three cadets have
proven they have the courage

and fighting skills it takes.

We've developed special
equipment-- Beast-X Blasters,

Beast-X Sabers,
Beast-X Morphers,

and... Morph-X Keys,

all powered by Morph-X.

What the...?

These transporters can
send anything to anywhere.

Wait till you see this.

Where'd it go?

Exactly where I sent it.

[whooshing, whirring]

Very impressive...

So if someone or something
comes to steal our Morph-X,

we'll be ready.

I sincerely hope you're right.

- Can I meet your team?
- I'm sorry.

Their identities must
remain secret.

I'm sure you understand.

Of course.

Mr. Mayor, the ceremony
begins soon.

Good luck, Commander.

- Nate.
- Thank you, sir.

The cerebral scan is complete.

Good. Get the cadets
into position.

[heavy, shocking music]

Time to suit up.

Seriously? Them?

- [rattling]
- [screeches]


Who in the...?

Show me your clearance badge!

He doesn't work here.
That's the Mayor's son!

Excuse me?!

Sorry. My dad said he had
a meeting, and, well,...

I just wanted to try
the simulator, so...

We don't have time
for this right now.

Hold him in detention.

Wait. There's something
in your computer network--

a virus, maybe.

I'm telling you,
I saw an avatar.

It was this totally
creepy snake.

It moved in the system
like it was alive.

The firewall is up and secure.
All systems in the green.

That's because it's
already inside!

Take him out of here.

You gotta believe me!

Told you that guy was crazy.

Check the system!

Run a full check on
the computer system.

- We don't have much time.
- Then do it quickly.

Yes, ma'am.

[dramatic music]


- Ugh!
- [beep]

[computer] Holding cell secure.

Are you nervous?

Morph-X is about to combine my
DNA with the DNA of a gorilla.

Yeah, and hopefully
make me into a superhero.

- [laughs]
- Yeah, I'm a little nervous.

- You?
- No.

Because I've got you
to back me up.


Roxy, we talked about this.

We can't be together--
not any more.

We both knew the rules
when we were chosen.

Rangers can't date Rangers.

But you said
that rule was silly.

It is. But it's still the rule.

[wistful music]

Please don't make this any
tougher than it already is.

[softly] Yeah.


[pneumatics hiss]

- How are we looking?
- All systems go, Commander.

Nate, status report.

The morphing lab is go,

I'm immobilizing the cadets now.

And as for that earlier concern,

I've finished checking the
system... no virus detected.

Okay. Continue the countdown.

Yes, ma'am.

Rather than relying on fossil
fuels that pollute our world,

today we tap into an endless
source of clean energy.

And once our city
proves it's safe,

the entire Earth will
follow in our footsteps.

Citizens of Coral Harbor,
the future has arrived,

and the future...

is Morph-X!

Wow! We're making history!

Activate the Morphin Grid interface.

Morph-X flow initiated.

Here we go.

[power whirrs]

[applause, cheering]

Morph-X entering the system.

Begin Morph-X
DNA reconstruction.

Subjects locked
into neural aligners.

Phenomenal! It's working.

- [alarm blares]
- Wait!

The system's detecting
a foreign virus.

I am Evox. [laughs]


The Morphin Grid will be mine!

[dramatic music]

That virus... it's
infecting the Morph-X!

[alarm blares]

Nate, abort the morph sequence!

Yes, ma'am. Shutting down.

This is Commander Shaw.

All non-essential
personnel evacuate!

Holding cell malfunction.

This way, people!

Is this a drill?

No! There's an attack in the
morphing room. We're evacuating!

No! I'm not afraid
of big problems.

I solve big problems.

- Hey!
- Ow!

- We solve problems too!
- No, we don't.

Oh man!

[funny action music]

- Oh!
- Hey!


- Ah!
- Whoa!

Nothing! The system's
not responding.

I can't stop the morph.


[menacing music]

[evil laugh]

Stop right there!


[sinister music]


- Oh!
- Are you security?

Not exactly.
I work in laundry. You?

No. Just trespassing.

[pneumatics hiss]

[both grunt]

[tense music]


[giggles] Pathetic human.

We avatars serve Evox now.

[chuckles] Yes.

And one more will join us.


- [groans]
- No!


You'll pay for interfering!

[strains, yells]

- [thud]
- Ugh!

Big mistake, laundry girl!

Look out!

- [grunts]
- [clang]


[dramatic music]


[blows, kicks land]

[all grunt, groan]

[blows land]

Evox can't be stopped!

[action music]


- Hyah!
- [crash]

[both grunt]

[both yell]



Get down!

- Whoa!
- [thud]

[both grunt]

[menacing music]



The Morphin Grid will
finally belong to Evox.

Why fight it?

[groaning, grunting]

[dramatic music]

- What?
- No!

[computer] Initiating
morph sequence.

[all exclaim]

[dramatic Power Rangers theme music]

What just happened?!

They've morphed
into Power Rangers!

Whoa. She's right.

- Whoa.
- You're the Yellow Ranger!

No way! Don't look now,
but you're the Red Ranger.

[both snarl]

I don't know who you are,
or what you are,

but you're not Blaze and Roxy.

Master of the obvious.


[blows land]



How'd I do that?!

It's the cheetah DNA inside you.

[both yell, grunt]

Whoa! Whoa!

That was... incredible!

It must be my jackrabbit DNA!

Ha! [yells]

- [thud]
- [groans]

Let's try my gorilla strength!


[both groan]

Nice one!

We have to find a way
to get rid of these avatars.

Hey! Those things can
teleport anything, right?

Affirmative. Whatever's
caught in the beams.

Yes! Nate,

program them to teleport
as far away as possible.

Oh, OK.

[computer trills, beeps]

Get up!

[gasps] Uh-oh.

Almost there.


- Blue, you distract them!
- On it!

[blasters boom]


Good to go!

Hyah! Ha!



- Get down!
- [groaning, whirring]


[all gasp]


[dramatic music]

[all pant]

It worked!

[triumphant music]

[vacuum hisses]

[rising music]

[electricity crackles]

[pneumatic hiss, whirr]

We're Rangers now, Roxy. You
know we can't be together.

[wistful music]

I drove us apart.

I'm so sorry, Roxy.

Nate says if it wasn't for
you guys, I'd be an avatar too.

Thank you.

I'm just sorry that
we couldn't help them.

You're the guy that Blaze
was hassling at the gym.

I'm sorry. I should've
jumped in and--

No sweat, man. I can
take care of myself.

So I've noticed. I'm Ravi.


And I'm Zoey.

[pneumatics hiss]

Nate. Report.

Their bodies are
perfectly healthy,

but their brains are functioning
as if they're in a deep sleep.

From what I can tell,
the virus duplicated them,

creating... essentially
their evil twins.

So how do we awaken
Blaze and Roxy?

Blaze and his avatar,
Roxy and her avatar--

they're linked through
the Morphin Grid,

meaning that as long as
their avatars are awake,

our friends will be asleep.

So the only way to
save Blaze and Roxy--

--is to destroy their avatars.


Even though I've
sent their avatars

to a different dimension,
they're intelligent.

They'll find a way back here.

That's why we have the three
of you, the Power Rangers,

to protect the Morphin Grid.

You can count on me, Mom--
I mean Commander.

Zoey, Devon,

The Morph-X has combined
your DNA-- with cheetah DNA

and jackrabbit DNA.

You are the Red and Yellow
Power Rangers.

Roxy should be here to
protect the city herself,

but until she can,

I'm proud to take her place.

This isn't what I expected
when I woke up this morning.

But it is pretty cool.

Whatever I can do, I'm in.

Very good. You have
a lot to learn.

Take them to the
Battle Simulator

and teach them what they need to
know. We may not have much time.

The Battle Sim?! Yes!

[action music]
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