26x05 - Taking Care of Business

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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26x05 - Taking Care of Business

Post by bunniefuu »

- Thanks. - Thanks.

- Hey! I'm looking for Sudsey. - Oh yeah, he's in the office.

So why am I here, Dad?

- Well... - Hi!

I'm Sudsey. Welcome to the Sudsey Car Wash.

Here's his uniform. You start now.

Come see me when you're done here.

Hey! Do not do it!

Dad, I don't know if I can take a job right now.

Is something keeping you busy?

Yes it does. I am one...

... a champion of the... arcade.

And there's a tournament for Backstreet Brawler III today.

Listen, I know washing cars isn't glamorous,

but you need to start somewhere.

Please, do it.

By me?

- Okay, Dad, I won't let you down. - Excellent.

The only thing stopping me

to escape this miserable hole of one dimension is the Morph-X.

I need more!

Master Evox, I found a way to invade

all the security cameras in Coral Harbour.

- I'm waiting-- - Don't wait!

I want action!

I have a plan.

A plan to make a Robotron powerful enough

to cut straight into a tower and get an ocean of Morph-X.

What do you think about this?

Good, but it better work.

Guys, what is so urgent? I said I got this job.

General Burke, may I introduce the Rangers and Nate, our head of technology.

It's time for Grid Battleforce to go on the offensive.

Fortunately, someone here had a great idea... my two brilliant kids.

- Hi Dad. - Hi Dad! We are ready.

Are Ben and Betty his children?

That explains a lot.

Introducing our incredible advancement, the Doggotronic.

We pick up the pieces left over after your battles

and we did a little reprogramming.

- Sit down! - Good boy.

Give the paw.

Lies down.

- I know. - Good doggy.

And the most important...


No! No!

- I do not! - Run!


Ben and Betty might have something, sir.

After each attack, there are pieces of Evox Gigadrones left behind.

There may be technology we can use, like Doggotronic.

You're right.

Ben and Betty really have a lot of potential here.

My division has a secret special ops hangar in the forest west of town.

Use it for your operations.

Collect all the Gigadrone pieces you can find.

- Starting soon tomorrow. - Yes ma'am.

Sorry guys. I didn't know the General was coming.

How long do you have to work in this car wash?

I think until I prove that I can be responsible. You know my father.

Because you can't tell him you're a Ranger.


I'm in my lunch time. I have to go and finish my shift.

I can have shifts all week.

Don't worry about tomorrow.

Well, we'll take care of the Gigadrone wreckage.

Thanks guys.

Okay, let's go.


Take it to the special operations hangar.

Thank you, Ravi. Jax and I are on our way.

Come on, carry on!


- Here it is. Thanks. - Thanks.

We have located more Gigadrone debris, delta sector - .

Go get them, Zoey.

Understood, commander.

Debris is coming. Heads up!

I caught! I hope this is worth it.

Me too, Ravi.

Nate, did you find any useful technology?

No useful technology. Scan the next part.

Looks good!

Hi Dad.

How about I take you to lunch?

It would be great, but I have a lot to do.

I have an hour until the next meeting.

I'll show you some of my trade secrets.

Did you work in a car wash?

How do you think I paid for all those dates with your mother?

Wash the car, not me.

Hey boss, what do you want me to do now?

Come and give me a hand.

Time for my innovative plan.

It better be as sharp as expected.

The name is Slicertron! I can cut anything!

What do you have in mind?

That's all we can find.

- Did you find anything useful? - Not yet.

What are those things?

My lab was getting a little crowded,

so I had to get some of the equipment out of here.

Blaze and a Robotron were seen at a construction site in the Foxtrot- sector.

I'll contact Devon.

We're heading there now.

- Thanks for the help, Dad. - Anytime, son.

That's what parents are for.

Looks like we have company!

Only Yellow and Blue, right?

Don't you have an embezzlement today?

Even more than they can handle.

Let's cut them!

power Rangers

Go, go, Power Rangers!



It's Morphin time!

For justice we fight

With Beast Morphin Might

together we rise

Go, go, Power Rangers! (Go!)

Go, go, Power Rangers! (Go!)

Go, go, Power Rangers!

They go!

They go!

It's time to morph!

For justice we fight

With a mighty fierce morph

together we will win

Go, go, Power Rangers! (They go!)

Go, go, Power Rangers! (They go!)

Power Rangers Beast Morphers

Let's cut them!


- Where's Devon? - He will come. We will.

It's time to morph!

Activate fierce power!

Unleash the beast!

Come on!


Take it!

Oh no!

Gotta go, Sudsey! Sorry, it's an emergency!


I'll take a kick to destroy them!



Time for a slice


Watch out!


Good job. Now eliminate them.

How about I cut them into small pieces?

What is it?!

Another plague.

Sorry I'm late. Did I miss a lot?

Only his teammates were nearly destroyed.

And you are their leader?

Not worth it. Don't let him annoy you.

Transport, Beast-X Detonator!

Okay, cover me!

What do you think about this?

This isn't over yet.

You came by a hair's breadth.

I almost overheated. Blaze almost got us.

Devon, I don't think this is going to work.

You are a Ranger. You have to get out of this job.

I can't.

I've been nothing but a disappointment to my father so far.

And for the first time, he's happy with me.

I've never seen him like this, and I don't want to miss it.

- Hey! - What is it, Nate?

Sorry, but the Gigadrone circuit is fried when it explodes.

These parts are useless.

Okay, thanks.

Hi boss.

How many?

Yes, I can stay late.

I'm coming back now.

I have to go.


Don't worry, Sudsey. I'll wash everything tonight.


Listen, kid, if you work here, you gotta be here. Or you leave.

Need help?

OK folks.

You don't have to help. I can handle it.

We don't want you to lose your job.

We are a team. We are with you.

Well, okay. You are too much.

It will be fast.

Blaze, Roxy, you might be able to slice the tower after all,

- the old Scrozzle saved the day again. - Get out!

Hey! Watch out!

Well, look at this.

Your communicators are vulnerable.

Time to put my saws to use.

- Come on. - Beauty!

That's it, now we're having fun.


That's a cut!

Nobody will call them now.

Let's find a Morph-X tower.

Well, looks like we're done.

Mom, what are you doing here?

I was going to ask you the same question.

That Robotron cut a Morph-X turret.

Fortunately, it was almost empty and they only got tons.

What? tons?

- Why didn't you call us? - We tried. Your communicators are offline.

- Offline? - Which?


We must have had visitors while we were working.


Blaze and his Robotron were seen heading towards another tower in the Kilo-- sector.

Nate has to transport new communicators for the Rangers.

We will.

Just a second. I have to tell my boss I'm leaving.

- Sorry, boss, but - - It's an emergency.

Yes right. I don't care if you're the mayor's son.

If you leave again, you're fired.

I'm sorry, but I have to go.

Your father will know this.

The perfect slicing tower is just around the corner.

- Rangers! - Hey, worms.

- You won't get another drop of Morph-X. - Do not count on it!

Watch out, Ravi!


What do you mean, "Devon got away"?

Sir, something is happening.

The Rangers.

I came, I saw, and now I conquer.

The Rangers.

I came, I saw, and now I conquer.

got you!

- Don't worry. You are fine now. - Thanks.

Let's get out of here!

Let's see if you like my Gorilla Attack.

This is not working. We have to think better.

Until later.

Hey, what about me?!

You'll have to put up with us.

And you won't like it.

- Scrozzle, you need to do- - Quiet! I'm way ahead of you.

This new Gigadrone model range has a trick up its sleeve.

Fierce Shot!


Rangers, a Gigadrone has just landed in the city.

We've never seen this guy before.

You can leave it to me. Send the Cruise.

It's ready, and Zord Racer is on its way.

I'll take care of it, guys.

- Good luck, Devon. - Let's get this over with!

Not if I break up with you!

That thing is attacking the tower. We have to go fast.


In position.

Zord Racer, Battle Mode!

Want a slice of me?

Get away from that tower, you piece of garbage.

Oops! A shield!

Hang in there, Devon.

Are you okay?

I'm fine, but this new Gigadrone just crashed our systems.

We can't stop him from going to the tower.

Cruise, we need to restart before he gets to Morph-X.

- How long is it going to take? - Too long, I'm afraid.

We have suffered some damage.

No! The Morph-X!

Smash, Jax, the Rangers are fighting,

but we need to send your Zords before the Gigadrone sucks the tower.

- Fly the Zords alone? - Absolutely no problem!

They go! They go! They go!

Yes ma'am.

- How are we doing, Cruise? - Sorry. Still restarting.

Look who is here.

- Don't worry, Devon. - We're here to help.

Fast sh**ting!

Fierce Ray!

You're deflecting our sh*ts!

We can't break the shield!


- We got him! - And even?

Devon, I don't think this Zord can take any more.

We are almost there. Not much longer.

- Got them! - Which?!

Back for you!


Let's blow it to smithereens.

No! Wait!

Beast-X Fire!

Looks like I was left on the guillotine.

Well, it's about time.

Our systems are in critical condition.

But we're almost restarted, and I have an idea.

Nate, are you there?

how can i


What you said before,

a Gigadrone that explodes is no use to you, right?

Yes, why?

That thing almost took out my systems.

I have a hunch that if we take your systems out,

so we can defeat the Gigadrone without an expl*si*n.

There you go.

% restarted!

- Direct all power to the sword. - I understood.


On target!

A giant slicer drone deactivated without an expl*si*n.

Virus eliminated.


We're stuck in the Gigadrone and heading to the special ops hangar now.

Preparing for the delivery of the hangar.

Take it easy.

Great, the Gigadrone is safe in the hangar. Going out.

Phenomenal! It's almost completely intact.

I'm looking forward to seeing what data I'm going to do with this thing.

What is the problem? Your instincts saved the day, but...

... it looks like your goldfish has turned red.

Is nothing. I'm fine, sir.

We can get rid of all the useless scrap we collected before.

It's not useless!

Look what we can do with this Gigadrone hand.

Yes, let's test it!

Ben, get your sister out of there.

- Sorry! - Help, Ben, help!

We will!

I'll catch you, sis! Catch you!

Are you okay?


That hurts.

Hello, dad. I heard you got caught up in one of the Ranger battles.

I just wanted to make sure you're okay.

I'm in one piece, but I just got a call from Sudsey.

Oh, you got it, right!?

Fired so soon. How did you get this?

- I'm sorry, Dad. - Not as much as I.

Your father?

Back to square one.

Look who's on TV.

In the past, I was a strong critic of Grid Battleforce.

But now I'm here to applaud the Power Rangers' heroism.

And after seeing them in action today, I can say this...

...even if their identities are secret,

We couldn't be more proud of you.

Did you see that? Your father is proud of you.

He just doesn't know yet.

Someday he will.
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