26x07 - A Friend Indeed

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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26x07 - A Friend Indeed

Post by bunniefuu »

Aha! Exactly what we need.

Time to make a Robotron.

To derail the Grid Battleforce.

All aboard for real trouble!

You will help us steal the Beast Bots' memory data.

And put them... in this.

Because if we get that data to Scrozzle,

he can figure out how to control... the Megazord.

And use it against the Rangers!

Oops! I need a break.

He is well.

Drink? I chose for you.

It's blueberry. Would you like?

- Blueberry, for the Blue Ranger. - Yea. Not worth.

Water is fine.

Accepted. I am thirsty.

Sorry I'm late, Devon. I brought your... favorite drink.

Too late, friend,

did you take that shortcut through the park I told you about?

- No, but I -- - It doesn't matter.

I think I've trained too much for one day.

Seriously? I'm ready for another round.

Of course you are. You're a machine.

But I'm not. Until later.

Hey, hey, hey... maybe I can train with you.

I know what you need to train.


Alright, it's for now.


Come on.

There you go.

Why is it beating so softly?

Well I don't want to hurt you.

I'm not that fragile.

If we're going to fight, you have to...

Hey, what is this?


Oh no, it's in my hands.

Sorry, I must have... picked it up at... lunch?

This is a new shirt.

Lunch? Are you a robot. You don't even eat.

Of course I don't!

- I... - Never mind.

Enough for today.

I have a lot to do.

Fine. Sorry, Ravi.

Hey Nate, have you seen Jax?

Yes, he was here a minute ago.

He left that bag.

Must be my office supplies.

What is it... ?

Oh! Zoey! Are you back?

What happened to my stuff?

Did you get... napkins, disposable plates and... party hats?

Oh, you must be kidding!

The clerk must have given me the wrong bag!

What a bag

Hey, Jax, we need to -- hi, Zoey!

Did you come back so fast?

Yes, and she noticed that the clerk gave me the wrong bag.

What a thing!

It's hard to find another good employee.

Don't worry, I'll get stuff.

Ben, Betty, can you... help me?

Oh, I'd love to, Jax.

- Oops! Watch out, people. - Sorry.

Excuse me.

Where are they going in such a hurry?

Jax fumbled.

I asked him to get some office supplies, and...

and somehow he ends up with party supplies.

Mission training. We meet back there.

Don't forget your Beast-X Detonators.

We have the same problem with our Beast Bots.

Cruise is always forgetting things, which makes him late.

And Smash is always spoiling me.

He's very irritating.

Sometimes I'd like to do just what we ask,

no questions, no drama, you know?

Come on.

- Nate? - He said to meet us here.

It must be the Evox!

What happened?

It was a hologram.

A hologram?

- You mean it was an illusion? - Yea.

Wow! It felt so real.

I installed a nano-projector on all your detonators,

so they can create holograms when they have problems.

Hi... we were thinking that maybe you guys want to take a break.

It's too hot today.

Thanks, but not now, Cruise.

Just for a few minutes?

Smash, we're learning about a new w*apon. Is important.

Sorry. Maybe later, guys?

Everything is fine.


Watch out!

This is not a simulation! Protect yourselves!

Oh no!

We will!

They keep coming!

It's time to morph!

Activate Fierce Power!

Unleash the Beast!

Go Devon! Go!

The distraction worked!

Your memory data is mine!

Choo, Choo, Choo! One is gone, two to go!

Well done, Ravi!

Nobody messes with the Blue Ranger.

But I'm going to mess with his Beast Bot.

Yea! There are two types of memory data!

Show them who's boss, Zoey!

Last stop before the Rangers' destruction!

power Rangers

Go, go, Power Rangers!



It's Morphin time!

For justice we fight

With Beast Morphin Might

together we rise

Go, go, Power Rangers! (Go!)

Go, go, Power Rangers! (Go!)

Go, go, Power Rangers!

They go!

They go!

It's time to morph!

For justice we fight

With a mighty fierce morph

together we will win

Go, go, Power Rangers! (They go!)

Go, go, Power Rangers! (They go!)

Power Rangers Beast Morphers

Show them who's boss, Zoey!

Last stop before the Rangers' destruction!

Jack, watch out!

Until later!

What the hell!

What happened?

I've been att*cked!

I only have two data disks!

That's what we have for now. We will!


People! Bad news!

That Robotron had some weird disks.

He said he needed one more.

One more disk?

Guys! Come here.

There's something wrong with Cruise.

Cruise? Are you okay?

Full reset. I'm Cruise.

What are your orders, Red Ranger?

Why is he talking like that?

There's something wrong with Smash too!

Full reset.

How can I help you, Blue Ranger?

Same as Cruise. Let's take them to the lab.

Let's go friend.

That Robotron seems to have stolen

all types of data

of your memory units,

including their personalities.

It means what?

It means they don't remember becoming friends with you.

All they know is that they must obey you, period.

Just... obey us?


No questions asked?


Until I can figure out how to replace your memories.

It's not urgent, Nate. Take your time.

This could be a stroke of luck for us.

Enough of forgetting things.

Enough pampering.

They will do whatever we tell them.

These guys devalue their Beast Bots.

I wish I had someone like Cruise or Smash to take care of me.

Someone to talk to when I'm sad.

- Like a brother. - Exactly, like a brother.

Trust me, brothers can be a pain, too.

Even Jax drives me crazy sometimes.

Does Robotron have other data?

Still do not know. But I will find out.

Even if it takes all night.

We're having fun, Cruise.

Thanks for picking me up.


Should we try the shortcut I told you about?

As you wish.

Adjusting the route.

I'm very impressed with the way you obey me.


Watch out for the trees!

Oops, watch out!


Pay attention!


Are you trying to hurt me? It was a terrible shortcut.

But you told me to take it.

I think so.

Okay... let's go.

But enough shortcuts.

At your service.

Now, you're not going to go easy on me this time, are you?

I will do as you ask.

Finally, a real workout.

I want you to go full speed ahead.

Don't wait until I'm ready, don't think it's gonna hurt me, just boom,

like a real fight, you know?



What was this?

I wasn't ready yet.

You told me not to wait until you were ready.

What? I talked?

Oh yes.

Well, I didn't mean that.

Change order registered.

Oh! Hi Zoey! Something I can help?

Yes, have you seen my tablet?

Of course yes. I put it to load.

It's in Nate's lab.

I actually looked in the lab and it's not there.

I'll just check if you left it here.

I'm sure it isn't.

Do you know the code?

- The code for that door? - Yea.


Jax... you just got out of there.

You must know the code.


Ah nevermind.

Sorry, Zoe.

So let me see if I got this right.

Cruise took you to a shortcut, and Smash punched you.

Exactly as you said, but are they the ones who made mistakes?

- Yea. - Exactly.

Has anyone seen my tablet?

Jax said he put it here to load, but I looked it up and he didn't!

Affs! Sometimes I think it would be better without a Beast Bot.


I heard this.

Jax, I...

It saw? Your tablet is charging.

You... put your coat over it.

Jake, wait...


What is it?

It was supposed to be a surprise.

Smash, Cruise, and I wanted to throw them a party.

So that's why you had the party supplies.

And I thought you were just careless.

Cruise was helping.

That's why he was late picking you up, Devon.

Let me guess...

Smash had frosting in his hand because he was icing the cake.

He felt bad for his shirt.

We see how hard you work and how you risk everything to protect the city.

We wanted to give you a break, a party just for you to say thank you.

It might be the best thing anyone has ever done for me.

For me too.

We are three.

I'm sorry about the tablet and… everything.

I think I'm counting on you for more than I thought.

The truth is... I devalued you.

All of us.

We don't deserve friends like our Beast Bots.

Not with the way we behave.

There you are.

I know why Blaze stole your data.

He got the programming to pilot the Megazord.

But he would need programming from... all three Beast Bots!

That's why they were after Jax.

If they captured your memory drives...

they could control the Megazord.

I'm the last one left to have your memory erased.

But if they want me so badly,

maybe I can help set a trap.

No way... you could get hurt.

Jax, I haven't been a good friend, but I promise to be one now.

And that starts with making sure you're safe.

Zoey, this might be the only way to get Smash and Cruise back to normal.

And besides, if anyone can keep me safe, it's the Rangers.

All right, Jax... tell us your plan.

Nate said Robotron was made here.

It could be hiding nearby.

Let's split up!

Looks good.

Here we go...

Where is that Robotron disaster?

Things are about to go off the rails for you!

There is?

The little train is coming for you!

No! Don't take my memories too!

No! Don't take my memories too!

You can't stop me from adding your data to my collection!

You useless bunny!

"Useless" I can accept.

But nobody calls me "small"!



Oh no! The discs

memory ones!

They belong to us!

Fierce Shot!

I took the two memory disks.

Jax, take this back to Nate.

- You have to hurry! - I'm going!

Take care.

Now let's get this over with.

Want to fight?

I'll hit them with the Coral Harbor Express!

I need to get back on track!


Transport, Beast-X Detonator!

Good try.

Oh no! Wait!

Let's get it!

Time's up!

Cut Beast-X!

That should be enough.

Sorry guys!

This train... is out of order!

That's what you get for messing with our Beast Bots!

Great teamwork, folks.

We lost Beast Bot data!

Let's see if the Rangers like the new gigatronics inside this alpha model!

Transforming into Railtron.

Sending Beast Bot memories.

A gigadrone was detected.

It's good that it works.

We can't beat that gigadrone without their help.

And most importantly, we just need our friends back.

Oh my!

I feel dizzy!

It's like a train hit me.

I'm so happy to see you again, Smash.

Welcome back, Cruise.

Did we go somewhere?

We will explain later, now we have some issues to deal with.

We will.

Go ahead, Ravi!

Smash, activate Gorilla Mode.

I thought I would never ask.

m*ssile Storm!

These three are powerful!

You're right, Ravi!

They're teaming up again!

Yeah, well, they're not the only ones who can match.

Let's show them!

Disassembly triggered.

Megazord Beast-X, match!

Megazord Beast-X, released!

Beast-X Blade, fire!

Transport, Cheetah Beast Detonator!

Beast-X Super Attack!

Virus eliminated.

Oops! I can not see anything.

Hello? Anybody here?

Are you sure the Rangers said to meet us here?

Oh man... did someone screw it up again?


"Thanks, Beast Bots!"

"You are our best friends."

Damn it! That's impressive.

I think I'm going to cry.

Oh, don't. You will rust.

We found out that you guys planned a party for us, and the truth is...

You are the ones who deserve the party.

We may forget to say this, but you are our best friends.

And we Rangers... wouldn't be Rangers without you.

Thank you, Zoey.

Have you seen Ben and Betty?

Cruise, you should remind me.

Oh no! I forgot.

What's happening?


Were you there all the time?

In fact, it wasn't that bad.

We ate a lot of cake.

Carry on!

Put it there!

Take that cart to the warehouse now!

Hey, go faster!

We have a lot to do here.

Somehow this place is even more of a scrap heap.


This stuff is part of my secret plan.

It's way better than any of your crazy schemes!

- I'm creating a cyberportal. - Which?

Evox can use it to return to his Earth dimension,

and finally take over the Morphing Grid!
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