26x09 - Silver Sacrifice

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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26x09 - Silver Sacrifice

Post by bunniefuu »


not a bad design if I do say so myself

hey bro

where are you going I'm about to defeat

every program in this simulation room

want to help but I was about to give you

a tudents overhaul

I remember thanks but I don't think I

need one but are you bugging me because

you have mantis DNA and you get it bug

mantis anyway why do you care so much

about my maintenance why because you're

family and you're my only brother we

need to look out for each other fact is

it can replace a lot of things but you

can never replace family oh come on we

may share the same DNA but if you lose

me you can just build a new me no steal

even I couldn't do that you're very

complicated fine why don't we both do

some maintenance you need some exercise

how about we climb Mount Everest well

maybe we just go for a jog okay fine

we'll do Mount Everest another time we

have time

we're brothers forever right we sure are

now have a seat and let's get going

okay make sure the wiring is bridged or

the connection won't work how long are

these repairs gonna take Cryer Jessie

this isn't my fault

you two fools left me out with you and

now we have to lower Rangers to deal


chill out straws Roxy and I will

recapture the robot silver Ranger they

give the robot buddy back to its

rightful owner a Vox how will you find

that robot

don't stress Graz we have a plan

here's the antenna great this should do

the trick


all we have to do is listen to the grid

battle force frequency and soon I'll

know exactly where that robot is find it

the Rangers transmissions I'm impressed

by your form steel don't be so surprised

I am a spectacular piece of machinery

I get why humans need exercise now I

feel like new me too

let's go again tomorrow hey I have to go

check out our new stores

wanna come do I ever oh this will be

fantastic there they are

what do you think now that is a sight

your wrecker sword is quite phenomenal

Nate but my jet sword is utterly

magnificent just like me

general perk so you're our new Rangers

yes siree

the best yet check out the new striker

morphers needed vented their blasters -

and that's not all

our Zords can actually teleport into

battle I suppose that's impressive


hey kids be careful


thank goodness sir about our resorts we

just need your authorization to fill

them up with more effects and they'll be

about already I'd be happy to after you

fill out this paperwork I need to know

that all the I's are dotted and the T's

are crossed procedures must be followed

Oh what

don't worry Nate we can fill it out for

you in a jiffy yeah leave it to us we'll

be clean oh hey guys what's up

we just finished training in the woods

you'd you want to hang yeah sure

Steele and I will meet you at the

riptides gym great see you there Champa

let's go

so what are we hanging from a jungle-gym

no steal whoa nice robot baby who are

you calling a robot can't you see I'm a

human just a joke very funny

all right he's my science experiment you

have to try to blend in okay it's hard

to blend in when you may just stand out

this is this steal the most popular

hangout spot in town now that I'm here

it is shall we

sorry my finger slipped plays pricey

what are you creeps after only that's

Steely hunk why thank you

you'll have to go through me if you





Talgo rages






did you guys see that it's like I'm some

sort of chronic magnet it makes you so

popular Eve ox isn't done with you steel

we gotta get you back to base okay team

let's split he got away

patience please they don't know we're

listening in we'll have another

opportunity soon enough

why do they want him we think they've

rebuilt the cyber Gator and if we're

right but steel is EVOC his ticket out

of the cyber dimension if they were ever

to get ahold of this robot ebox could

upload himself into it and be unleashed

on the world it's too dangerous

he has to be shut down and put into your

secure vault immediately damn steel

we can't do that he's not just a robot

he's my brother you honestly think that

robot is your brother now I've seen it

all well clearly you have a lot more to

see sir this isn't right please he's one

of us our job is to protect the city

right now that means shutting down steel

you have your orders

but Dad I'm sorry

you've been a good brother to me I wish

I could have flown my new sword hey no

one's shutting you down

Nate's right Rangers protect people that

need us and right now you need us but

the general said on any other day I'd be

the last one to go against the direct


but the truth is you're only dangerous

if that cyber gate exists that's right

if we destroy this cyber gate he Fox has

no way to get into this world then he

won't need my body guys I figured it out

I'm a genius come on we have to get you

out of here without anyone knowing

good thing I'm magnificent at hiding


yep have you seen that robot Ranger no

Journal I haven't the Rangers have gone

to unbelievable work there's a lot of

pages so what's up dad

the Rangers are missing they disobeyed a

direct order that I don't know

you two need to search this base from

top to bottom but what about the sword


paperwork red alert find those Rangers

coming transmission over I've got a fix

on the Ranger sir they're in the

industrial district and they have the

robot unity I need exact coordinates now

almost too easy

2010 Agard the cyber gates gotta be just

inside it's huge

no way they moved it Sonic's are moving

away but let's go

you're too important we can't risk your

getting near that thing

I got something in mind



don't move a muscle Rangers seize the

robot wait please we have a plan just


you disobeyed a direct order listing

time is over

please Roxy please let them go love to

just hand over the robot and they don't

get hurt sir what are your orders I

I don't know we can't just give them

what they want but my kids

tick tick tock so what is it going to be

general you kids go take me still no

it's okay brother

you've taught me what family means and

this is the only way general Rangers

protect people in need

and right now your family needs me with

my body Eve ox will be strong but I know

you can destroy him


well you're full of surprises

actually I'm full of wires

kids thank you you're welcome

I don't want to lose you I'll miss you

brother more than anything else

toodles let's get this party started

I was so wrong I didn't see it until now

but you and Steel really are family I'm

sorry Nate sir I can't let this happen I

have to at least try and save him get

your brother back before it's too late


we do this together where was your name





the robot body will be more

soon the morphing dreams

Hey stop right there you are too late

steal what something isn't right




it's okay we got you

just that is not just a robot

they're human they're no minute yeah my


he's my brother they're possible you

haven't seen power until you've seen the

power of family transport Stryker saver


can't send you home

yes we still have time to crush the

Rangers with a Giga job right Sonics

destroy them

I'll take it from here


today has not gone to plan but maybe

some of the old strats or as matters can

turn things around morphing alpha model

into a temperature

look it's already here

Rangers looks like you've got big


Devin Cruz is almost to your location

I'm sending you your Zord deploy the

races Ord we're not vote deploying race




in position racers or battle mode

to give them everything we got yeah


Oh No

dive into trouble ah I have an idea

ready it kids yep it's done blah a whole


forget procedure fuel up the wrecker and

jet swords

heads up worth k*lling your swords for

teleport thanks commander

this is going to be fun transport

in position in position

okay steel we gotta help Devin follow I

leave records or mantis mode jets or me


look resorts now still

Worf thanks I portrayed

did they just suck North axe from the

gig atronics I think so

let's finish it



don't mess with a mighty mantis

time for scare repeller

oh gosh anyone who gets in my way let's

take out antenna drone with pleasure

transport channel bass blaster



iris eliminated well this is everything

left of the cyber gate and don't worry

general Berg ebox and his minions can't

make another without all the tech

there's no way he can get to it if it's

in our vault very good work I owe you an

apology if I had my way that vote would

have been your permanent home but now I

know you're truly a crucial member of

the Ranger family indeed I am the

complete package thank you sir good to


that when the city is in trouble we have

two new Rangers to give us a hand

well of course general Burke I'm happy

to lend a hand anytime you like but I'll

need it back later okay give him a hand



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