26x17 - Ranger Reveal

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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26x17 - Ranger Reveal

Post by bunniefuu »

shouldn't be long now guys

I can't believe I bought a signature

breath in person her movies fantastic

yeah hi Georgie's is critical and if you

ask me

her latest one was the best

this is awesome my mom's really except

you didn't be Nikki don't get some sh*ts

of the crowd okay sure

Zoey you're here I wouldn't miss your

big day Dioner vez yeah a little energy

doing a Nikki Webb is gonna take my

career to the next level you'll be great

as always thanks honey she's gonna be

here any minute big sis we can't miss

our chance to get a photo

I'll get the Xtend Oh selfie stick buddy

thanks Ben

geez the user reviews weren't so good

well here goes nothing excuse me to the

other leg all right

okay turn it on it's working it's


it's a bit far maybe should reel it in a

bit huh good point then




on it

it's stuck




it's Nikki red hi Nikki its Muriel are

you close by oh I see okay sure I

understand I'm sorry too goodbye what's

wrong it's bad news

excuse me everyone I have an

announcement I'm afraid Nikki I've just

cancelled her interview so she won't be

visiting the studio today I'm so sorry

but thank you for coming

mom I'm sorry I know you were really

looking forward to it it's okay I better

go tell my boss

it's for Goyal I know you Rangers are

itching to take me on what it's gonna

take you out it's not the time

unleash the beast you all think you're

so special but I've got something better

up my sleeve

he's got super speed which is still


how about a taste of this

please that's like my gorilla string is

that all you got


child's play how did he just jump as

high as need you and your beast powers

aren't special anymore now I'll destroy

every one of you



I'm running out of more facts already

here that he's losing power

let's light him up transport


oh man we almost had him how do bar girl

get these powers like ours it's baffling

somehow they must have copied your

cheetah gorilla and Jackrabbit abilities

let's get to the lab and run some tests

come on you camera this was recording

the whole time

the Rangers must have morphed right here

which means it's all on video this could

be huge the memory cards damaged fix it

maybe the memories pretty badly

corrupted but I can fix it by the six

o'clock news you'll have your Rangers

now remember Dave this is my scoop so no

one else looks at the footage got it

of course I'll let you know when it's


makeup artist please report to the

producer I hate mom I came as soon as I

got your message

what's up there you are Zoe I'm so glad

you're okay I've got a hot new scoop oh

oh great

what is it so my camera was rolling when

the Rangers left so I'm pretty sure it

recorded their secret identities really

so um you know who the Rangers are not

yet no memory card was damaged but it'll

be fixed for tonight's news show in the

meantime I got to write down what I'm

gonna say on camera such a big moment

you know but Mum I don't think that the

Rangers would want anyone to know who

they are

look maybe they would have already told

everyone if they wanted us know right

come on

the Rangers a lot being famous hey who


and besides everyone's gonna want to see

the story which means my career is gonna

take off like a rocket Hey near you

Nikki's manager is called we've rebook

the interview it'll be just before the

news speaking of the news I've got video

footage of the Power Rangers morphing we

can be the first to reveal their true


their identities really oh good work

Muriel Zoe we'll talk later

wait mom make this your top priority

so once we activate this memory pulsator

you'll be able to access all the more

facts you need to return to the real


destroy great battle force and take over

a morphing grid don't listen to this

fool master he tried to take on the

Rangers and had to run away like a

scared little mouse we have a brilliant

new plan

behold the memory pool say do you copy

bark or what check out my masterpiece

you gutless spark all our idea I would

never do that it just tell me

he built it for me you know in Fargo

smart enough to steal mirepoix and he's

smart enough to carry it out I couldn't

agree more

mastery votes which is why the Rangers

and great battle force are doomed rages



I'm not sure it's even worth fixing Ben

hold on hold on

just about got it are you sure do we

have a screwdriver absolutely not

I tried to convince my mom not to air

the video but she thinks that the

Rangers would like being famous that's a

huge problem well maybe she's right

a little thing might be fun precisely

I'm built for fame you know I have this

great idea for a cooking show but still

you don't eat I've been meaning to talk

to you about that not now Steel I'm sure

the commander wouldn't approve we need

to let her know what happened oh wait

let me try to solve this please I don't

want to get my mom trouble what are the

shot I guess there's no need to sound

the alarm just yet



Oh booze leaky roof

we gotta help her you're right

pressing appointment he's way in this

wagon just yeah no space please what are

we waiting for juice I'm ready to

redirect energy cow struggle we're ready

for phase 1 at the plan you send in the

Giga trone bossy and you Bay to the

Rangers into a fight dry socket Ron

ready to rock and get this little baby

ready we've got some transport for you

oh great take her back to the hotel

thanks for rescuing me back there guys

glad we can help

I wish I could return the favor bye see



did you see the way those fins hounded

her yikes Fame seems tough

I don't think twice about a cooking

chill now even if you do give me the

ability to eat I wasn't going to give

you the ability to eat we'll talk about

that later Steel's right think about it

if people figure out that we're Rangers

we can never be able to do our job


go ahead a rowboat Ron's been detected

in Sector Foxtrot Niner three and

there's a Giga job all the way to Roger

that we handle the Giga drone will take

the robots right nice one looks like

everybody now today

now where can I get some energy before

the Rangers show up

hey you Lego who you callin

light bulb let's light up this Robotron


all right v-steps

outragers your Energy's coming back


how's that for a comeback sabers only


in position and ready for takeoff

in position all right

Recker sword battle mode


those clueless Rangers are too busy to

catch me setting up my devious device


seems like this Giga drone can really

take a hit

whoa commend Emmett the speaker joint is

absorbing our blasts and sewing him back

we could really use a hand here




that's some sweet timing no doubt let's

take them on together


nice move now that's cold like that it's

almost time for the 6 o'clock news oh no

we gotta go talk to my mom I think we've

got this thrown under control

great then meet us at the TV studio

let's go

Roger that guys will be as quick as we


great now it's my turn

transport cheetah bass blaster


nice tight

virus eliminated hey Dave are you almost

done with the memory card yep it's just

about ready wait mom mom I need to talk

to you about something can it wait honey

I'm super busy

hey Nicki I've just arrived Oh looks

like we had some fans here too look I'd

love to interview Nicki right now but I

can't this Ranger story is too important

Uriel it's three minutes to air who else

is gonna do it I hate how about me

the audience will get a fan's

perspective they'll love it

my daughter has been watching me for

years she is pretty good so you're in

your eels daughter and you're a fan okay

let's do it

head to set hey thanks

I just did you stop her not yet but I

have an idea

mom won't listen to me but she might

listen Nicki okay clear the floor first

positions everybody

I mean well I normally work with

professionals but but I do owe you a

favor so so let's do it great and we're

live on air in three two

good evening I'm Zoe Reeves here to talk

with some star Niki Rev right to hear

what's are we gonna do have to find out

I'm good to go

done the footage is all fixed fantastic

you go on the minute lick your EV is

done Dave so tell me what being a big

superstar like Nicki Reve is actually

like I'm I'm grateful for my fans but

being a celebrity isn't as easy as

everyone thinks how so well everywhere I

go I get recognized sometimes that can

be amazing but other times it can really

be a problem like earlier today I was

hounded by fans at the airport that's

why I missed my interview this morning

now I just want to make movies but being

famous well I can really mess things up


I guess that's how it is

thank you for your time Nikki thank you

I really enjoyed it and we're out folks

you're up time for your big Ranger of

you hey you a great kid wait you think

it worked okay clear the set please

and we're back in three two hello Coral

Harbor this is Muriel Reeves I've got

something extraordinary for you today

exclusive footage of the Power Rangers

morphing wait the rangers civilian

identities are right here on this memory

card but like me you probably saw my

daughter's interview with Nikki Webb it

made me realize something if the Rangers

were hounded like celebrities they

wouldn't be able to do their jobs and

that could put us all in danger

revealing the Rangers identities might

be the biggest story of my career but

it's not the right thing to do


their identities must be protected that

was close

and now Percy Jones takes us to the

County Fair where they have a taco you

have to taste to believe and nice work

people I know why you asked Nicky those

questions I should've listened to you

earlier honey I almost made a huge


true but you're the one who made the

right decision in the end thanks honey

Hey how'd you get so smart anyway that

wasn't exactly the news you promised to

deliver well it was much better excuse


the phones are ringing off the hook

everyone loves you a reporter with

integrity good word Mariel wow thanks

the Robotron distraction worked I've

secured access to the TV stations

transmitter have you finished the

programming it needs going as fast as I

can tell me the second you're done the

final destruction of grid battle force

is near


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