27x04 - Artist Anonymous

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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27x04 - Artist Anonymous

Post by bunniefuu »



Oh, hi mom!

You woke up early.
What are you doing?

I... saw an artist painting the wall,
but he ran away.

I don't think he wanted to get caught.

He left his supplies behind,
so... just cleaning up the mess.

Ahh, look at my hands!

Why would anyone bother to paint
a mural on a city wall?

Well some people have
a lot of time to waste, I think.

Okay, see you back at base.

Yes ma'am. I'll see you there.

Don't be late, son.

Hey, Ravi.

What have you been painting?

Um, nothing.

I just touched a wall
freshly painted in our house.

Renovating, you know?

I think I forgot that you
were doing it.

Cruise must be passing it to me.

- Hey.
- Face. Connect to the channel.


It's Devon.
Something's in the news.

Good news, I hope.

This building has been marked for demolition,

until a new mural appeared today.

- Nice.
- Do not play.

No one knows who the mystery artist is,

but people love his work.

Ravi, man, that mural is amazing!

I'm sure the cameras
do not do justice.

Let's take a picture for Dad.

Oh man. Give me a boost, little brother.

- Good idea.
- You are the best.

Get a high angle to capture it.

Here it is.

- A little to the left.
- Fine.

- What about this?
- Hey, what are you doing?!


I can not stop!


Ah, my poor hot dogs!
What a mess!


So people really like it, huh?

Sure! Your skills are
the next level.

What do you mean, my skills?

Let's go man.

Okay, I painted.
How did you know it was me?

We had a hunch.

Now get down here, Michelangelo,

and see all the people enjoying your art!

Right. I am going now.

Hey, wait a second.

You come?

You painted the mural this morning,
it was not?

That's why you were
washing the hands.

Yes it's true.

I painted.

We already know that you like to paint.

- Why lie to us about it?
- I'm sorry, bro.

I've been keeping my paint on
secret for so long,

tell lies about it
it's just a reflection now.

The question is, is it a lie or
a liar is not cool.

Would you like if I did this to you?

I wouldn't like that.

I won't lie again.
I promise.

OK. Thanks.

You better go check out your first
art exposition.

See you later, folks.

I'm lost.
Who is renovating?

Very easy.


Hi! I will be the key to your success.

Because I'm a key part! He picked up!?

Just enter Grid Battleforce and
destroy it from the inside.

And enough kidding.

There is! Metal bars don't stop me!

Open Sesame.

Do the most damage
possible at their headquarters.

With pleasure.

Task completed. We will.

Oops, enough!

- How did you get into our base?
- I am the master key!

Guys, a Robotron violated the
level one parking security.

Did someone call the locksmith?

♪ Power Rangers!

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers!



♪ It's time to morph

♪ For justice we fight

♪ With a mighty fierce morph

♪ Together we will win

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers (Go!)

Power Rangers Fierce Morph

You can't run away from me, boy.
I can open any door.

Now you just crawled
through the wrong keyhole.

Activate Fierce Power!

What? What is it?

- You are blocked!
- There is?!

Fierce Shot!


Your weapons can't stop me!

But we can!

Leave it to us, Ravi!

Thanks guys.

You just fell through
chubby old man!

This lock will lock!

Behind him!

Not so fast!


You don't get me.

- Think again.
- Which!

- Arriving!
- More Rangers? No thank you!


- Hi, team.
- Sorry I'm late.

Do not worry about it.
I have a feeling he will be back.

But it wasn't my fault!

That loser, Ravi,
was there when I opened the door!

Little blue boy had quite a day.

First, he secretly paints a mural
that everyone loves,

then spoils our brilliant plan!

Marching on GB headquarters is not brilliant.

Their plan was terrible!
As always, I have a better one.

You said the Blue is keeping
his painting in secret. Because?

The fool knows his mother
will not approve.

So we must use your lies
in our favor,

and introduce Coral Harbor to the
mysterious artist.

What are you talking about, Scrozzle?

I made this very special ink. Look!

see you
not dry?

You've outdone yourself, Scrozzle!

Shut up and walk away.

This ink is shiny and
highly expl*sive.

How about that for art?

Now, all we need is a mystery painter.

Easy. I will disguise it!

- I!?
- So what are you waiting for?

Ooh, I'll do an accent.

It will take a lot of Morph-X,

But I guarantee it will be worth every drop.

Ladyborgs and Gentlebots,
get ready to meet the artist.


I'm ready to create my masterpiece.

Great! With your expl*sive ink,

we can tear down the armored walls
from Grid Battleforce

and flood the place with a
Tronic army.

And as mayor,

I will make way for him
paint there in a short time.

That's a lot of ink, sir. Mayor.

There they are.

- Son.
- Dad, what are you doing here?

I'm working on a new one
campaign to promote Morph-X

as the world's energy source.

He convinced me to allow
that a mural was painted here,

outside our HQ.

A mural? But why?

To keep the audience excited
with the global Morph-X network.

The more noise we make, the better.

And as we all know, the new mural
of the city is extremely popular.

So we will use the same
artist to paint this.

But how will you find the artist?

He's right here.

Guys, meet Pierre.


Did you paint?

More oui. I'm guilty...
to create beauty.

The soul of the city, she spoke to me,

and my brush began to dance.

- Whatever it is.
- You don't recognize Pierre?

You chased him when he
was painting.

Is he the artist or not?

Well it's just that he moved
so fast when he ran away.

But yes. This is the guy.


I'm ready...

to make this building a work... of art.

- Let's get you ready.
- Oui.

the wall you go
paint is right here.


This guy is taking credit for
my work. Unbelievable!

Well, he's an imposter.

Sure, but we can say that
the Commander?

No, we can not.

You don't understand that my mother
expect me to follow in her footsteps.

She puts me in uniforms
since before I started walking.

It means a lot to her,
and I don't want to disappoint you.

By lying to her,
you are already letting her down.

I know, but... what can I do?

- You can tell the truth.
- Yea.

I don't know, guys.
My mother would be so angry.

I would be in a world of trouble.

But how long will you go on
lying to her?

You're right.

- I'll talk to her now.
- Fine.

Oh, oui, oui.

It's all ready for my
new masterpiece begin.

I can't wait to see
What do you propose.

Wait! Calm down.

- This man is an imposter!
- Son!


He didn't paint the city mural.

How dare you call me a liar?

But you just confirmed
that was him.

It was not him.

It was me.

I painted the mural.


But you don't know anything about painting.

Me neither, but I tried, and...

...I happen to be very good.

So you lied to me?

Mother I...

So this morning when I
I was running,

you hadn't just
pursue an artist?

Not. There was no other artist.

You... are a painter.

I can't believe you hid
this from me.

How long has this been happening?

Watch out!

Watch out!

How about this for my masterpiece?

- Which?
- No way!

They are all robots!

I... I don't believe it!

come on sir Mayor.
Let the Rangers handle it.


The paintings have you cornered now.

It's time to morph!

Activate Fierce Power!

Unleash the Beast!

Perfect! Now I can put all your
weapons safely, locked with a key.

Transport Ultra Detonator!

There is? Is not working.

No, he must have blocked the
programming means that...

We can't teleport anything!

Lucky for us, we don't need g*ns
to face them.

Here we go!

Those teenagers stopped my plan!

Fast! I need more Morph-X
before I transform.

Of course, master.

Too late! we were so close
to place Keytron on the base.

Just wait.

I will crush the Rangers into oblivion!

Master, allow me to do the
crush for you.

Or rather, one of my Gigadrones.

And I can upgrade it with the technology of
Gamerdrone dome projection.

Do and make sure the dome sucks
the Morph-X of everything inside her.

And I'll be one step closer
of my master plan!

Sorry for the delay, guys.

TIC Tac.

I'll make you pay!

thought you could use
some firepower.

- Yea!
- Handle!

Thank you, Commander.

Ultra Beast-X Detonator!

What's the situation, Commander?

One of our detectors has been triggered.

A Gigadrone is about to land
in sector Charlie - .

Beauty, let's go!

Beast-X Ultrazord, freed!

Okay, team. We got this.

Oh man! It's another one of those
dome stuff!

So you better destroy it before
drain our Morph-X again.

Okay, Commander.
The Ultrazord is inside the dome.

Let's do this quick.

- Oh no. My controls are locked!
- Not again!

We're losing Morph-X!

We have to find something fast!

Cruise, what can you do?

I did a sweep and our jet boots
are not blocked.

That's great! Use them now.

Take off!

Cutting engines now!

- Your key is broken!
- The systems are back online.

So let's get this over with.

Transport Cheetah Beast Detonator!

Ultra Beast-X Attack!

Virus eliminated.


Thought I'd meet you here.

I was looking for you too.

How are you doing?

How am I?

Knowing that you lied to me
all this time?

I'm not well.

I know and I'm really sorry.
I should never have done this.

Is that...

I worried about what
you would think.

You always say art is
a waste of time.

I was afraid that you would never
approved of drawing and painting, so...

I lied about it.

Lies are bad enough.

But what's even worse...

is that my attitude prevented
you to be true to yourself.

I love you Ravi,

and you can share
anything with me

and I will always listen.

I promise, okay?

tell me...

how art makes you...

I love to paint, mother,

And I know it sounds crazy, but...

it makes me...


So from now on,

I promise to support what makes you happy.

In fact...

I have a job for you.

People deserve to know.

That's right. My son who did this.

I am very proud of you.

Thank you mother.

You can! Jump!

I think I can.
I think I can.

Come on, Betty!

That was too much!

Cool, sis!

If you want to be rescued,
cannot return to the post.

Rescued? Who wants to be
rescued from the fun?!

Can I go for a walk?
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