27x06 - The Blame Game

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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27x06 - The Blame Game

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, passing.

- Nice!
- That's right, Devon!


- Square!
- Take it, Steel!

And "touchdown"!

Right? That's how it works?

What are you doing, young lady?

you can't just
throw your garbage on the floor.

I want you to take more
three pieces of garbage.

- Right now. Go!
- Ahh, Dad!

Wow, that's a bad father,
punishing the poor child.

Not at all.

He's just teaching a lesson so that
next time she doesn't throw the garbage.

- So it's a good thing?
- That's called discipline.

I've been through it.

When I did wrong, my parents punished me

forcing me to weed
garden weeds.

It straightened me out fast.


You cannot take these plays.

So people use punishment to
teach each other lessons, right?


- Scrozzle!
- Well, it's about time!

I waited all day.
Got what I need?

Yes, we did.

Your precious puppet.

- To work!
- It's for now, Master.

Remember, we're after the Gold Ranger.

We cannot make mistakes.

Controlatron is ready to go
this puppet show!

Who can I play with?

Your target is the Grid Battleforce.

Blaze, Roxy, take him!

- Yes Master.
- The fun begins!

We will!

- What's up?
- Yes, I know, I know.

- Hey guys.
- Hey!

Come on, Ben.

You know, I'm not one to complain,

but this leaf blower like, you know...

Is it a drug? We can fix this.

A little Morph-X boost and kazoom!

We'll clear the leaves in a moment.

I don't know. This thing was not done
to run on Morph-X.

Everything will work out.

Hold tight!

This is enough.

- All right, just call!
- Right.

- Betty!
- I'll help you, little brother!


Do you think anyone will notice
the missing tree?

Ah, man!


Next Please.

Wait a second. What do you think you're doing?

Sorry, is there something wrong?

Would you let this worker in
without scanning her package.

- That's against the rules.
- No, Toni works here.

and that's just her lunch.

That's what we're going to see.

Oh, right.

We were lucky this time,

but Battleforce rules state
clearly that all packages

must be inspected...


You're right, Mr. Steel.
I'm really sorry.

Apologies won't help.

To learn your lesson,
you need a punishment.

Go sweep the square off the building, now!

Hmm... maybe I'm being a little harsh.

Hey, Steel is right.

Rules are rules.

All right, I accept my punishment.

Working at Grid Battleforce is a dream
done for me, so...

I promise I won't commit
the same error again.


I don't know if it was necessary.

Absurd. I call it a lesson learned.


I already have the gift
Gold Ranger prepared.

A virus infected puppet.

Very good.

As soon as it touches it, it will be controlled
by me, the puppet master!

And we're going to use this one
to get to him.

Go do your thing.

Own! That's cute.

He's all mine now!

Now turn, and right, and back!


Now be a good delivery man

and take that package to the Golden Ranger.



This is for me?

Special delivery for Nate Silva.

Weird. I'm not expecting anything.

Whose is it?

A puppet?

Seems a bit...

♪ Power Rangers!

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers!

♪ Go!

♪ Go!

♪ It's time to morph!

♪ For justice we fight

♪ With a mighty fierce morph

♪ Together we will win

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers (Go!)

Power Rangers Fierce Morph


- Hey guys.
- Where have you been?

- Where's Nate?
- He's working in the lab.

And I've been too busy helping to improve
my human companions.

I mean what, exactly?

Well, let's see.

First I caught some technicians driving
your cart very fast by the base.

Oops, oops, oops! For!

Over the speed limit, eh?

You can think about it while
clean the bathrooms.

'Then another coach untied the laces.'


The rules clearly indicate that this
It's a serious tripping hazard!

Tie them up!

And how did you punish her?

Cleaning your Zord with a cotton swab?

Do not be ridiculous. I told her
to use a sponge.

Well, never.
Is that gum in your mouth?

Oh yes.

It's against the rules to chew
gum at the gym.

Spit it out. Go!

- Sorry...?
- Sorry is not enough.

- As punishment, how about you -
- All right, Steel.

That's all, thank you.

I think you are applying
the rules a little

What are you talking about?

I'm teaching important lessons
about rules and safety.

Rangers, a Robotron has been seen
behind the base.

I understood. Ask Nate to meet us there.

Nate isn't answering the communicator,

but I sent someone to find him.

Understood, Commander.

We will.

There's Nate.

- Look!
- Hey bro.

Oops, a Robotron!

Watch out!

Hey, what are you doing?

He will do what I say,
like a good puppet!

I'm a good puppet.

What are you talking about?

It's show time!

- Let's Play!
- Nate?

Don't hurt him!

Stop, bro!

And a punch and a kick!

It's no use, Rangers.

I'm in charge here.

It's the puppet. is controlling
Nate's moves!

Let's do our own show.

It's time to morph!

Activate Fierce Power!

Unleash the Beast!


You heard the golden boy.

Go Rangers!

Now, don't hold back, puppet!

Calm down, bro!

He can't control himself.

They spin, fly, kick and punch!
What a show!

It will sweep you.


I caught!


And stay on the floor!

Come on, we have to help Nate.


Are you ok?

Sorry, but it's break time!

Come with me. Master Evox has
Bigger plans for you!


Oh man, Nate is completely under
Robotron's control.

We need to find out how to stop him.

Let's find out what happened.

Now look,

this Ranger here has the competence
to complete

the schedule of my secret project,

and Controlatron is making him do it!

could any of you
have made it happen?

Blaze and Roxy, y'all keep it up
failing me.

And voila!

The schedule is complete.


Then we'll move on to the next
phase of my plan.

Meanwhile, the golden boy can
help us destroy your friends.

Very well, master!

Know what's better than
a Gigadrone attack?

Two Gigadrones attacking!

None of the Rangers will escape
of destruction today!

I think we should talk about this, Steel.

Without conversation. The Commander needs to know.

Devon, we think we might have
I saw Nate behind base.

Seriously? It cost.
I'll take a look.

What's happening?

Commander, we have pictures
Cole's security

taking an unscanned packet
into the building.

It's the second time today.

Only this time the package came from Evox.

It is true. Look.

Look, in his hands!

Did you see this?

Cole made it through security without
have the package scanned.

And that's how Nate was
under their control.

A puppet?

I understood.

- How do you explain this?
- Sorry, I don't remember.

My mind went blank.
It's like a fog.

Lame excuse.

Cole, you're fired!

Fired? Wait.

No, Steel is right.

You repeatedly violated the rule
that requires inspections,

and that put a Ranger in serious danger.

You are relieved of your duties.

I failed you and the agency.

And I'm sorry.

Please, leave.

What is it now?

A pair of Gigadrones arriving.

- Tango Sector- - .
- You three, get your Zords.

- Understood.
- Devon, where are you?

I'm outside the building.

Ben and Betty thought they saw Nate here.

Okay, be careful.

Your team can handle
the Gigadrones for now.

Understood, Commander.


False alarm, Commander.

There's no sign of Nate here.

Maybe we have to check
surveillance again.

Devon, watch out!

So close!

Activate Fierce Power!

Transport Saber Beast-X!

It's the fight you've been waiting for!

The detector picked up two approaching Gigadrones.

Let's keep an eye out.

- Right.
- Right.

Wow, great punch!

Robotron is messing with you.

You have to get out of this!

Shut up!

You are wrong!

Please, Nate, listen.

Nobody tells me what to do.

- Do you like it?
- Cool, team!

Smash, what's that behind us?

No! he took control
of our systems.

Oh no. That's a great puppet!


Sorry, I can't stop it.

Me neither!

Get up and fight, idiot!

There is? Wait a second.

No! Not my precious puppet!


How are you friend?

Just a little silly.
What happened?

- They used you as a puppet.
- Speaks seriously.

Beast-X viewfinder, connected!

And now.

Activate Beast-X Mode!

Beast-X mode, done!

My puppet days may be over,

but I still have an advantage over you!

Beast Striker Fire!

It's my turn.

Cheetah Beast-X Charge!

I just wanted... to put on a show!

Sorry, Steel!

This is hard!

Smash, try to bypass the system!

Already tried! Is not working!

Fast sh**ting!

- Back in control!
- Thanks, Zoey.

Coming with everything!


In position.

It's good to have you back, brother!

Hyper Striker Shot!

Transport Cheetah Beast Detonator!

Hyper Beast-X Attack!

Virus eliminated!

I'm sorry for making it so difficult for you.

Thank you for not giving up on me.

Nate, none of us ever
I would give up on you.

the worst part is that

I don't remember how long it was
under Robotron's control.

My mind was completely empty.
Everything was hazy.


My mind went blank.
It's like a fog.


Oh no! That's why Cole doesn't
remembered nothing.

It is clear.

He must have been mind controlled
to take the puppet to Nate.

So it wasn't his fault.

Commander, I made a terrible mistake.

And how would you like to fix things?

There's only one thing to do.

You can't turn splinters of
wood back in a tree,

but you can grow a new tree.

Let's give this little seed
a little help

of liquid fertilizer
Nate's hyper-focus.

Just a drop, sis.


Hey guys! Hello, Commander!

Hey guys.

Hey! Hey guys?

Cole should be here any minute now.
I told him it's important.


Oh, hey, there he is.

Commander, did you want to see me?

In fact, I want to.

I was wrong to be so hard on you.

Take the evil package to Nate
it wasn't his fault.

You were being manipulated by Robotron.

- I was?
- Yea.

And the thing with the lunch box, well,

I may have exaggerated a little.
Everyone makes mistakes.

Not all of them deserve punishment.

We would like you to come back and work
with us at Grid Battleforce.


Well, of course. Thanks!
Thank you very much.

And I promise I'll remember to scan
all packages from now on.

Even my own lunch box.


What a busy day.

Couldn't get crazier.

I take that back.
This is madness!

We achieved! It's a new tree!

Could you help us?
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