27x10 - Intruder Alert!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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27x10 - Intruder Alert!

Post by bunniefuu »

hang on I'll just bring it up check it

out guys remember the strange message we

picked up a couple of days ago the one

from deep space firma t'v well it's

finally decoded and what does it say

warning to grid battle force a dangerous

criminal is on his way to earth from

across the galaxy his name is Rui Jacky

his mission is to steal valuables from

your vault right jack is armed and

dangerous that's one scary greeting card

we got to be on guard I agree I'll

assign extra security to watch the ball

there's a lot of valuable range of

weapons and technology in there do it

yeah we're already pros dad's on a diet

and would be guarding the cookie jar for

weeks he can be pretty sneaky fine but

if you see anything strange


unknown subject spotted in city sector

Delta seven nine trying to steal more

affects the biosigns are alien and Amy

that could be right Jack true broaden

come on right jack

start away from the more facts


don't touch that Nate what's he saying

sorry I don't speak evil alien you don't

grubbing darn it Devin be careful you

know somebody could do I'll figure that

out later right now I'm gonna put it

straight into our vault


there's human DNA has damaged me I need

more more facts immediately master I'm

afraid we're all out and that means and

what do you want gray Vox I'm humbled to

make your acquaintance they call me Raj

a k-- I've traveled across the galaxies

to Dubai collection of powerful weapons

from great warriors the tog of my latest

quest is grid battle force so you

understood relics from the rages be our

guest they have a stockpile of legendary

power angel weapons and technology are

they to know where it is help me and we

can share in the spoils together I know

exactly where it is and I'll tell you

but first you must help us destroy those

great battle Force Rangers we needed but

right back if you fail you'll be just

like the owner of this blaster

you'll find on very resourceful my

reanalyze that for example capable of

rebuilding anyone into a robot clone all

I need is something they armed stop

struggling and now new at your service

thanks to this compliance Cola I control

Vargo oil now they all I assure you with

him at my command we will destroy the

Rangers and get you plenty of more facts


toby succeeds and when he's done we'll

get rid of him and steal his stash of

weapons this one is going to be the most

secure area in the entire base no one

will get past these trip wires


now we just got this right Jack dudas

you're taking his time true I can use a

bathroom you think we could sneak out





what's like your alarm system come on

that's cuz you guys looked at


cowboy rages




thanks but we're fine now are you sure

you guys took a pretty good tumble yep

all good

guys the silent alarm just went off in

the vault but we were just in there no



what is that thing right jack Rangers

we've detected more alien bioscience in

the city we're on a commander lock you

in detention thanks guys let's go


so how much more facts did you get a

whole barrel good ebox

asks I deliver well done like me hey


Rangers parboil your back how that would

be my doing with it sorry new compliance

Carla your old photos whatever oh gosh

get out and give me 20 yes sir

complains color that could be dangerous

no as dangerous as me

I'm Raj AK you're right jack

now who do we catch maybe we locked up

the wrong alien changeup ads we'll

finish game effects after we destroy the


why don't we voice her friends to the



oh they're new to showing why you got






seriously though what are those

disgusting things parties and vivix

forts branches for years you need a

history lesson like history good cuz

you're gonna be history



good job nice powers now why don't I

show you my

Robbie suey quick

they just got hit hard

blue and yellow are done for we'll get

the rest later

cycle my minion goodbye No suey they

need medical attention immediately let's

get them back to base lower the

isolation shield

whatever right Jack hit them with it's

causing some kind of alien infection

their condition seems to be getting

worse finding a cure is our number one

priority this ride jack is after us and

so far he's taken down two of our

Rangers what about the alien in the

holding cell maybe he knows something

that can help us I doubt it

remember he was stealing more effects

and he broke into our vault yeah to get

his w*apon or whatever this is being

careful that thing could be very

dangerous it's worth investigating try

to communicate with him but be careful I

will let's go I hope this isn't a



what happened to me I think he's sick

getting worse

what's he trying to say he wants that oh

you sure it's fully charged with more



he's rebooting that thing recharged him

so it's not a w*apon

hello Power Rangers I am captain chokku

of the g5 galaxy police force galaxy

police he's on our side yes we hunt down

criminals all over the universe captain

Chaco you said I'm Devon this is Nate

and Steele so is this how you treat

everyone who comes to your planet sorry

we didn't know Wow

a galactic police officer that is so

cool I've traveled across seven galaxies

to hunt down ride Jack but I lost him

when I ran out of power that's why you

needed the more effects you were

refuelling yourself correct I'm here to

destroy ride Jack and stop his trail of

theft and destruction

we appreciate a second we shouldn't have

jumped to conclusions but we received a

warning the hattis on edge yeah about

right Jack he's a real piece of work he

att*cked her friends and they're in

really bad shape

they weren't hit by the blast from his

horn were they yes

then they won't survive long we have to

act fast this way


I've seen the effects of rejects horn

shock before unfortunately it can be

devastating it's critical that I treat

your friends immediately please help

them stand back I can't promise this

will work on your people but it's worth

a shot

cross your fingers and hope guys the

things I do for this ungrateful lot

we're back so then tell ask Russell

what'd we miss

let's see an intergalactic alien

criminal is working for us we were out

for that long so you've managed to take

out two Rangers not a bad start

what can you tell me about the Rangers

vice I want to collect the weapons are

came here for all in good time my friend

first you'll send in Fargo Hell to deal

with the Rangers and you send a negative

drone to steal more facts from a tower I

count the rest of the Rangers

yes ruddy check

a box soon you'll have your morphix I'll

have my weapons and those Rangers will

be destroyed

so Nate what's your report their

condition is improving Thank You captain

we owe you a debt of gratitude I am

honored to serve the greater good

bargirl has been spotted in the city

I think Giga drone is on the way copy

that Nate steel get zero Zords Devon can

you take home bar Goyle Roger that

commander I'll join you

we'll take him down together great let's



ready for this steal yo I'll k*ll you



come and get us you metal menace



Barbaro must be around here hurry ranger

last I get to crush you like the worm

you uh old friend of yours it's a long

story then let's keep this chapter short


finally free from that your clients

color no more thanks leaving


enforcer laser

SiC moves but we still got a stop or


I'm a fantastic shot right on time Cruz

I'm ready to go

barb oil is headed to a more effects

hour in the south woods close to your

coordinates copy

chokku need a ride thanks but I've got

my own wheels summon galactic


all right Devin Joe bye okay we got some

catching up to do


finally the red Rangers time is up



all right Devin you're with me let's

finish him off


enforcer strike


nicely done

you too captain okay striker megazord



striker Megazord Unleashed striker hyper



eliminating how are you feeling Robbie


I brought you a carrot smoothie Thanks

I'm glad to see you two have recovered

this is captain choco he's the one who

sent us the warning message it's a

pleasure to meet you both he's the one

that had the antidote that saved you

Wow thank you we were totally wrong

about him it's one of the good guys one

of the very good guys Thanks

you are welcome sorry for locking you up

I understand

we shouldn't have judged you so quickly

all is forgiven

I'm proud to have worked with you

Rangers it's true what they say

your mighty warriors yes I definitely

live up to the hype when I came to earth

I had one mission destroy right jack the

last of a notorious g*ng of

intergalactic criminals but it's always

good to make new friends sure is and

we're gonna work together

takedown right jack that's right

hey everyone come here we're ready to

test a new addition to our thief's

channel well that's very good to hear

show us what you got

we've installed a new intruder sensor

anyone who is not carrying one of these

new security cards would trigger the

system yep and it should be activated

wait a second

I don't have one of those security cards

none of us do then Betty



sorry everybody

Ben and Betty I don't usually say this

good job

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