01x01 - Departure × And × Friends

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hunter x Hunter". Aired: October 2, 2011 - September 24, 2014.*
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Gon Freecs searches for the father he doesn't remember.
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01x01 - Departure × And × Friends

Post by bunniefuu »

These suction cups saved me.

Anyway, aren't you an octopus?


Ikalgo x And x Lightning

A mob of assassins att*cks Killua after he
and Gon split up to stop the selection.

One of them is Ikalgo,
an octopus Chimera Ant.

Aren't you an octopus?

Don't call me an octopus!

See ya!

I need to find a new host, or
I can't charge up my next shot.

I'll let the Ortho siblings take it from here.

Yo, we meet again.

So we do...

Long time, no see!

Ya know?

Can I ask you something?

Sure, go ahead!

Why didn't you dive underwater to escape?

You should have an advantage in the water.

Don't tell me you can't swim.

Uh, well...

It's the blood, right?

When they smell blood, your
buddies in the water go berserk

and attack the injured, no matter who it is.

With those wounds, if you went in there,
you'd be torn to shreds.

Am I wrong?

Uh, w-well...

I suppose that's one way to...

Ikalgo, did you finish off the kid?

No, we're still fighting!

Who are you talking to?

I screwed up!

Right, you all can communicate via telepathy.

Talking to your boss? It's that guy
who was flying over me, right?

Wait, now look here...

Uh, so...

Hey, Ikalgo! Answer me!

You could say that's what I might be doing...

Yes! We're still fighting!

Oh, sorry to interrupt you.

Let me know if you learn anything.

If he sees dozens of dragonflies
flying around inside a cave,

the enemy would get suspicious...

I won't be able to send my
Satellite Dragonflies inside.

Let's make a deal, then.

If you tell me about his power,
I'll spare your life.

You have ten seconds to answer.

Eight seconds left.

Six seconds.

I wanted to be reborn a squid...

I would've given anything to have
been a Chiroteuthis imperator.

Do you think octopi and squid are similar?

If so, you're mistaken...

Octopi are ugly.

Squid are squidderific.

I think they look divine!

Two seconds.

I won't betray a buddy!

Yeah, I could see that in your eyes.

I can only hope

that in my next life, I'll be born a squid...



Because you're a cool guy.

In different circumstances,
we could've been friends.

You lowered your guard!

Didn't think fish could jump, eh?

I'll crush you and the rock behind you!

Come in, Ikalgo.

Y-Yes, the fight isn't over yet!

Has he used any weapons or special abilities?


No, he's been fighting...

with only his bare hands.

Come on... Beg for your life.

Otherwise, it's no fun!

Or are you in too much pain to talk?

Yeah, this is a relief.


Fighting scumbags like you is a lot easier.


I have no qualms about k*lling you.

Yep! He was just a scumbag!

That's why he was the decoy!

I did it, Ortho-sama!

I've attached the badge!

Coburn pulled it off!

Time to start the game.

Let's enjoy ourselves.

Damn, the bleeding won't stop...

I need to find an exit.

A digital sound inside my head?



A fish? But I'm not in the water!

What's going on?

I didn't sense anything!


I didn't see anything or sense any
aura until the fish hit me!

What's going on?

This is bad.

I can't tell where the att*cks are coming from.

108 points.

You have no idea what's going on?

I should say that you're
hearing my voice in your head.

Well, if you survive long enough,
you'll figure out what's happening.

These are fish made from Nen.

So why can't I sense them?

Something must be triggering
them from somewhere else.

That's the only possible explanation!

How else could I be att*cked by
something I can't see or sense?

This is going well...

Well, have you determined
anything about these att*cks?


He can only materialize three fish at once.

After that, the fish will disappear.

And the vivid colors of the
target he put on me...

It can only mean one thing!

Your power involves



That's correct.

But the great thing about our power
is that figuring it out won't help you.

Because my Nen fish darts

have no physical form until the
instant they pierce your flesh.

That makes it impossible to block them.

Incidentally, your left shoulder is 54 points.

I have a dart board

that's linked to various parts of your body.

For instance...

Your right elbow is 27 points.

Your right hand is 18 points.

99 points...

Hey, what's wrong?

I can't hear your screams.

Are you already dead?

The game's only just begun.

Triple 6!




Brother, that was magnificent.

You're on a roll.


Our lives are on the line...

This is how the Ortho siblings' power works.

The sister creates a Nen badge,

which activates after it's affixed to the target.

That links the target to the dart
board created by the brother.

Until the game ends, no one
can deactivate the badge,

not even the Ortho Siblings.

When the brother's darts hit the board,
the target is att*cked by needlefish.

There is no way to avoid this attack.

That is because, until they've
hit the target's body,

the needlefish do not exist.

Thus, it is impossible to sense
them coming or dodge them.

This is our unbeatable power...

Needlefish De Darts!

Death Games

Death Games
Needlefish De Darts

Of course, the siblings incur some risk.

Once the badge activates, they are invincible.

But if the brother misses the board with the
final dart that decides the game's outcome,

all of the damage the target has taken

will transfer to the siblings.

We are invincible. That is because...

We are bound by the
strongest trust in the world.

It isn't over yet...

Well, it seems the game's almost over.

Why don't you tell him that?

No need to be that nice.

If he were pleading for his life,
it'd be easier for me to focus.

Or if he were to give up
and beg me to k*ll him,

or if he wanted to be a nihilistic hero
and said, "Not a bad way to die."

Those would help motivate me,
as I toss my darts.

But he'll just have to dread his impending
death, never knowing when it will end...

Until he dies.

It's not...

It's not over yet!


This looks pretty bad...

I've lost way too much blood.

I could die here,

so no point in saving what's left.

Now, then.

It's my final turn.

Left ear.

That sure gave him a big earring.

Right calf!

Okay, time for the last throw.

My brother, I trust you.

I've got this.






You're the best in the world!

I'll go check his corpse.

I'll come with you.

We should share some of the
meat with Coburn as a reward.

Aren't you gonna eat?

Can I ask you something?


What made you decide to trust me?

It wasn't that I didn't trust you.

I just didn't know why you were following me.

And you swore that you weren't lying.

Huh?! That's it?

Isn't that enough?

Hell, no!

Liars make promises all the time!

A promise is the one thing
you should never trust!

Then you were lying?

I'm different...

I don't lie!

I only tell the truth!

Then it's okay.

I think I'm starting to lose it.

He's strong, but he's just a kid.

I'm putting my fate in the
hands of this clueless boy?

Besides, if you're lying, that'll
actually make things easier for me.


I won't have to show you any mercy.

I'll be free to destroy you.

The look... The look in the kid's eyes...

Yes, this is why I had a hunch...

There's something special about this kid.

I can't even tell how much
power he really has...

You hit him right in the forehead.

Flutter-sama, we've taken out the target.

Really? That's excellent.

I will tell Leol-sama that a
promotion is in order.

Thank you very much.


We can be assistant squadron leaders now!





How can you be alive with a dart
sticking out of your brain?!


It's a suction cup from an octopus.

No way.

How did you manage that trick?

No, wait...

My... My darts were perfect!

It's absolutely impossible to stop them!

Yeah, I didn't stop it.

I just grabbed it,

the moment it materialized at my head.

From what you were saying, I could tell

you could hear my voice,
but you couldn't see me.

I had plenty of time to switch out
the needle for a suction cup.

H-Hold on...

No human has reflexes fast
enough to catch a dart!

Well, it wouldn't have been possible had
I not known where it would appear.

But I knew exactly where and
when the last dart would hit.

The final dart must hit the board's
outer ring per double out rules.

And you were playing an 01—501 game.

You start with 501 points,
and the goal is to reach 0.

These rules are used in professional competition.

I n-never told you what rules I was using!

As soon as I knew you were playing darts,
my suspicions were confirmed.

Remember how

your first dart hit double 4?

The game starts by hitting the board's outer ring.

A double in...

A sign that you were confident in your skill.

A skilled player would play by official rules.

Players with talent and confidence
tend to seek public recognition.

After that, I just had to do the
math and endure the pain.

I subtracted your points from 501,

and waited until your score was under 40.

At that point,

I placed my hand in the 40-point area, my forehead.

That's all it took.

To improve his reflexes, Killua changed
his aura into electricity.

When the dart touched his skin,

the sensation did not travel

from his skin to his brain
using the nervous system.

He used Nen to ensure that, as soon
as the aura registered the dart,

it sent a message directly to his
left hand, to grab the dart.

Do you have some history with darts?

At age six, I mastered the game.

I've counted down from 1,440 points.

It was part of my early training.

It's your fault for getting cocky
and talking too much!

Or was I seven?

You're so stupid!

Guess it doesn't matter...

Pipe down! You just stood around and clapped!

I talked too long.

I need to hurry!



My body won't do what I tell it to...

Wait, is this really happening?


All this is my blood?

It feels like I'm taking a warm bath.

Wait, this isn't the time to think about that...

I should get going.

Crap... Now I feel cold...


And after that last fight gave me a hint...

for improving my power.

Am I...

going to die here?

Gon... Sorry...

I wasn't any... help...


Don't call me an octopus!

What are you doing?

Isn't that obvious?

I'm turning traitor.

Lame, huh?

Now stop talking.

I know a secret doctor.

It won't take long by underground waterway.

Don't die before we get there!

Are you an idiot?

I spared... your life...

Now they'll be hunting you...

I know that!

Don't ask me why I'm doing this.

But you know...

After you told me, an octopus,
that I was a cool guy...

After you said we could be friends...

I couldn't let you die!

I'm gonna save you!

Don't die on me!

Next time: Power x And x Games.

If you smoke, your teeth will turn black.

I'm a chameleon, so I don't have teeth!
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