01x11 - Trouble × With × The Gamble

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hunter x Hunter". Aired: October 2, 2011 - September 24, 2014.*
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Gon Freecs searches for the father he doesn't remember.
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01x11 - Trouble × With × The Gamble

Post by bunniefuu »

The King's self-injury...

The third party...

We still haven't correctly
deduced what happened.

I have a feeling...

At worst, the answer we find could
potentially ruin all of our plans.

It's time!

One minute to go.

Gather around.

Damn! We're out of time...

Charge x And x Invade

Two minutes before Morel
issued the call to attack...

Two men leaped from a giant bird flying high over

the Republic of East Gorteau.

Pitou was the first one to notice.

The only reason Pitou decided to look up

was "just because."

Pitou's hunch was just that faint.

Something is coming.

However, a few seconds later,
that hunch turned to certainty.

The enemy.

But at that point, the enemy was still very high up.

Too high for even Pitou's
exceptional senses to ascertain.

Pitou's decision to prepare for battle

was based solely on primal instinct.

Pitou's En...

has vanished.

Two of the Royal Guard almost
simultaneously spotted the approaching form.

A dragon!

At the Same Time

Ten seconds to go.




As Morel counted down to the attack,

Killua alone noticed that Gon's eyes sank

to a deep, dark, silent coldness beside him.






This was when Pitou ceased using En,

in order to prepare for the coming fight.




Your Majesty!

Dragon Meteor Shower
Dragon Dive

Dragon Dive.

The sighting of the enemy

and the decision to stop using En
in preparation for battle had backfired.

Where are they?

Faced with a serious threat to the King,

Pitou's six senses, sharpened to their limits,

immediately focused on the intruders.

The countless dragons that rained
down were less significant threats

than the humans in the sky.


Puppet Master's Serenity

Pitou uses this Nen ability when
full power is required to fight.

It takes less than a tenth of a second
after activation to launch the attack.

However, during that fraction of a second,
Pitou could hear Netero speaking.

I prepared for a variety of responses.

But you've made a bad move, little Ant.

Bad Move

It really happens.

You don't think it's possible.

But it is.

It's like when your life flashes before your eyes.

When you know you're about to die, you feel
as though time slows, and you review your life.

It's just like that.

In fact, I'd consider this
phenomenon even more credible.

Because you can hear what
the other person is thinking.

You can even obtain information
known only to the other person.

There is proof that it worked.

Martial artists call this "listening with the spirit."

Listening with the Spirit

It's a time perception paradox that occurs
commonly when two skilled warriors clash.

The secret behind the old man's strength?

I can think of a few possibilities.

First, his Nen is very quiet.

No one can predict his next
attack by reading his aura.

He's lived a long time for a reason.

He has a plant's mental toughness.

Hell, he was an old man when
I was still breast feeding.

He's the only man to fight my grandpa and survive.

I'd consider him an acquaintance.

We are like yin and yang.

Fool, we aren't evenly matched.

He always has the upper hand.


The secret behind his strength?

I guess there's also that...

When it comes to battle,

he has the Hundred-type Guanyin Bodhisattva.

That is his most dangerous ability.

Netero's sequential movements appeared
exceedingly gradual and fluid to Pitou.



There was no doubt that
Netero's motions had ended

in the moment between Pitou's Nen
activation and subsequent attack.

Essentially, this required the
constriction of time perception,

almost to the point of stopping
time entirely for Pitou alone,

in order to perceive Netero's actions.

In other words, the result was...

an attack that could not be dodged.

Netero, forty-six years old,
in the dead of winter.

Sensing that he had reached his limits
of both body and technique,

he spent much time in contemplation

before he reached an answer.


That answer was gratitude.


He owed a debt to the martial arts
that had helped him to mature.

The method he came up with to
repay that debt as best he could...

was to throw 10,000 punches of gratitude every day.

He would calm himself,



ready himself,

then punch.

At first, completing the sequence
took five or six seconds.

On the first day, he required over 18
hours to complete 10,000 punches.

Upon completion, he'd fall asleep on the spot.

When he awoke, he resumed
punching, day after day.

After two years, he noticed a difference.

After he'd completed 10,000 punches,
the sun was still up.

At age fifty, he had made a perfect metamorphosis.

He managed to complete 10,000
punches of gratitude

in under an hour.

This left him more time for prayer.

When Netero came down from
the mountains, his fists

were faster than sound.

Was that my imagination?

For a moment, he seemed to disappear...

I didn't hear anything until after...



Lady Guanyin...


Are you willing to defend your school?

I offer you my school.

Please accept me as a student!

A monster was born.

Sure, if you give me something to eat.

This happened over six decades ago.

Considering where his hands stopped,
the attack shouldn't come from there...


I hope that you will not return.

This will force me a long distance away!

Your Majesty!


He can't hear me...
He's too worried about the King.

Doctor Blythe!

By its nature, this ability could
only be used for healing.

Doctor Blythe cannot move from
its initial summoned position.

Since the puppet is connected to Pitou's tail,

Pitou must stay within twenty meters.

That restriction

kept Pitou in the fight.

I've stopped?




There, they encountered someone they
hadn't counted on seeing at this point.

It was Youpi.

Next time: Monster x And x Monster.

Roar! I'm gonna eat you!

Go ahead and try!


Ow! Payback time!

Chomp chomp!

Chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp!

Chomp chomp!
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