01x19 - Can't Win × But × Can't Lose

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hunter x Hunter". Aired: October 2, 2011 - September 24, 2014.*
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Gon Freecs searches for the father he doesn't remember.
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01x19 - Can't Win × But × Can't Lose

Post by bunniefuu »

Fearsome monsters... Exotic creatures...

Vast riches... Hidden treasures...

Evil enclaves... Unexplored lands...

The word "unknown" holds magic.

And some incredible people are
drawn to that magic.

They are known...

...as Hunters!


Are you serious about this?

Dead serious.

Those who win will join
the ranks of the Hunters.

Can't Win x And x Can't Lose

Nine applicants:

Gon, Killua, Kurapika,

Leorio, Pokkle, Bodoro,

Gittarackur, Hanzo, and Hisoka,

head to the Final Phase, having passed
the exam's Fourth Phase.

Well, gentlemen.

Did you get plenty of rest?

This hotel is owned by the
Hunter Exam Selection Committee.

The place is all yours until the
battles have concluded.

For the Final Phase, we will be
holding a one-on-one tournament.

So only the last person standing passes?


One win is all you need to pass.

One win?

Then, in this tournament...

The winners are removed from competition,

while the losers continue up the bracket.

In other words, the person who
finishes at the top will not pass.

Does everyone understand now?

So you're saying that only
one person will fail.


And here is the bracket.

Impressive, right?

After all, everyone has at least
two chances to win.

But some people,

like #294 and #405, get five chances.

Why didn't you use a balanced bracket?

A question that must be on everyone's mind.

This bracket was assembled
based on your performances

throughout the entire exam.

Those who performed better
received more chances.

That doesn't sound right.

Can you explain how you
scored our performances?


Why not?

Your scores are classified information.

So I can't tell you everything.

But I can explain our methods.

First, we consider three major criteria:

physical strength, mental strength,

and overall impression.

For physical strength, we use
an aggregate of agility,

flexibility, endurance, and perception.

For mental strength, we use
an aggregate of resilience,

adaptability, judgment, and creativity.

However, this information is only
used as a reference point.

After all, you were strong enough

to advance to the Final Phase.

However, we are most concerned
with your overall impression.

This refers to any intangible factors

not previously mentioned.

You could consider this

an evaluation of your potential as a Hunter.

And we also incorporate the
opinions of your peers.

That was our process.

Based on performance,
I should be ranked higher...

Do I have less potential than Gon?

The battle rules are quite simple.

Weapons are allowed.

No cheating.

If your opponent admits defeat, you win.


If you k*ll your opponent,

you will be immediately disqualified.

All remaining applicants will pass,
and the exam will end.

Are we clear?

Then, we shall begin the exam's Final Phase.

The first match is Hanzo versus Gon.

Please step forward.

I will serve as the referee.

My name is Masta.

Best of luck.

Hey, good to see you again.

You were tailing me during the Fourth Phase.

You noticed?


I'm assuming that each applicant was
assigned an examiner for the Fourth Phase.

Well, I'm sure everyone else noticed.

I had no idea.

I obviously noticed.

I thought it wasn't worth mentioning.


How was I supposed to notice that?

You have my thanks.

My rank was higher because your
reports on me were accurate.

Though the outcome was never in doubt!


Moving on,

I have a question for you.

What is it?

We only win if our opponent
surrenders, correct?

It doesn't count if we knock them unconscious.

No TKOs allowed, either.

Yes, that is correct.

I see.

This one could be difficult...

He looks tough, but we should be even

in terms of strength and speed.

I can use my speed to keep on the
move until I get an opening.

Now then, it's time to begin.

Get him, Gon!

How well can he do against Hanzo?


Put some distance between us...

You must be confident in your legs.

You have my respect.

You did well for a kid.


I could have easily dodged that attack.

Well, this would already be over
if it were a normal fight...

Here, wake up.

You must feel terrible.

I hit you hard enough to make
your brain bounce around.

Do you understand?
You have no chance against me.

Might as well give up now...

No way...

Think about it.

If you surrender now, you'll still be in
decent shape for your next fight.

There's no reason to be stubborn.

Just surrender.

Never gonna happen!


Gon! Don't be silly!

You'll still have another chance!

You should...


If you were in Gon's position,
would you surrender?

Hell, no!

That guy thinks he's hot stuff...

Gon feels the same way!

I know! I know that...

But there isn't any other choice!

You're contradicting yourself,

but I understand how you feel!

Yield this fight, Gon!

It's su1c1de!

Honestly, the chairman's nasty
streak is in a class all its own.

What do you mean?

The applicants who've made it this far

are unlikely to simply surrender.


This goes beyond a "rather peculiar fight."

This system is just plain crazy.

That kid's in danger.

Hunter Vocabulary


It's been three hours.

There's nothing left for him to vomit.

Get up.

Enough, already...

I'm gonna k*ll you!

I'll fight you in his place!

If you can't take it, leave.

It's only going to get worse.

What was that?!

No one may interfere in a one-on-one match.

And if you step in, Gon will be
the one disqualified!

It's okay...


This is...


I-I can still fight...

I'm going to break your arm.

I'm not joking around,

so give up.



He really broke his arm.

There you go.

You can't use your left arm anymore.

Kurapika, don't try to stop me.

If that bastard does anything else to Gon...

Sorry, Gon, but I can't stop myself.


Stop you?

Don't worry.

There is no chance of that happening.

I'm sure you're in too much pain to listen,

but hear me out.

I am descended from the shinobi,
a clan of covert agents.

From the day I was born, I was forced

to endure harsh training in order
to master the art of ninpo.

For eighteen years,

I have trained my body and
technique, without rest.

By the time I was your age,
I had already k*lled a man.

Heh, that's nothing to brag about.

At this point in time,
you cannot defeat me in combat.

I'm trying to be nice.

Admit defeat—


Damn it!

My head's cleared a bit, after all the
pain and that long explanation.


Gon, go!

Kick him while he's down!

If you're eighteen, you're only
six years older than I am.

Besides, this isn't a battle
to see who's stronger.

It's to see who's willing to surrender first.

I let you kick me on purpose.


You don't understand...

This isn't a warning.

It's an ultimatum.

Was it too hard for you to understand?

Then I'll make it easier for you.

I'll cut off your legs,

so that they can't be reattached.

A permanent injury should
help to wake you up.

But first, I'll ask you once more.


I won't accept that!

I don't want my legs cut off,

but I don't want to surrender.

So let's find a different way to fight!

Hey... Do you understand
your own situation?!

Excuse me.

You don't get to make demands!

Are you trying to insult me?!

I'm seriously gonna cut off your legs!

But I still will not surrender.

Besides, if you do that,
I'll bleed to death.

He'll be disqualified if that happens, right?

Oh, yes.


Neither of us wants that to happen.

So let's think of a better way.

I think he's okay now.

Gon's taken control.

He's so self-centered...

But he's succeeded in convincing
Hanzo and the rest of us.


What is this?

The situation hasn't changed.

Gon hasn't gotten stronger than his opponent.

His arm is still broken!

So why is the brutal
atmosphere from before

suddenly so much lighter?

You really don't get it...

If you die, you'll never get another chance.

If I k*ll you here,

I need only try again next year.

We are not on equal footing!

He's right, Gon.

You can try all you want
to talk your way out of this,

but he's far stronger than you.

That isn't something you can
neutralize on the spot.

It all comes down to power.

Why won't you concede?
It's easy to do.

You can try again next year.

You value your pride more
than your own life?!

You're really willing to die for your pride?!

I'm going to find my dad.

Your dad?

My dad is a Hunter.

So I'm going to become a Hunter
and find him!

I believe that I'll find him one day...

But I have a feeling that if I give up now,

I'll never find him!

So I won't surrender.

If you don't yield, you'll die...

He defies reason.

I give up. You win.

I can't k*ll you.

But I can't think of a way
to make you surrender.

I'll take this loss and take my
chances in the next battle!

I can't accept that.

That's not fair!

We both have to think of
a way to settle this fight!

Heh, I knew you would say that.

You fool!

There's no point, because you'll
never surrender!

But I don't want to win like this!

What am I supposed to do?

We can work together to figure it out!

In other words, I've already
given up on this match,

but you want me to try to win again,

while helping to determine a way to
make you feel good about your victory!

Is that right?


You moron!

Hey, ref.

I lose. Let's move on to the next match.


But I want to tell the executive
committee something first.

When he wakes up,

he'll probably refuse his passing judgment.

Because he's a stubborn boy,

as we've seen.

Only one person will fail this round, right?

If Gon fails, wouldn't that make the
rest of our fights meaningless?

Gon's victory has been assured,
following Hanzo's concession.

The Final Phase, to determine
the single failing applicant,

has only just begun.

Next time: Baffling x Turn Of x Events!

They got Gon, too!
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