03x01 - Wish × And × Promise

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hunter x Hunter". Aired: October 2, 2011 - September 24, 2014.*
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Gon Freecs searches for the father he doesn't remember.
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03x01 - Wish × And × Promise

Post by bunniefuu »

While Killua returned to the Zoldyck
compound for a reunion with Alluka,

who was locked up deep underground...

I'd say there were six other cases
in which two people died...

Our mother didn't believe Killua,
so that was another pair.

Another pair died to satisfy her curiosity.

Even after she was convinced,

she sacrificed two more pairs to verify
how the other victims were chosen.

Then Milluki

exchanged the lives of two pairs
of tourists for some cheap toys.

During that time, there were two major incidents.

There were thirteen confirmed deaths in
the first, and sixty-seven in the second.

k*ll him for me.

Milluki was responsible for the first one.

I want to be a millionaire.

Yasuha, the butler, was
responsible for the second.

Alluka x And x Something

Sure, a few pictures are no problem, Muna-san.

I'm just taking Alluka and Kalluto for a walk.

Oh, they're my younger brothers.


Hey, Muna...

Eat this.



Oh, sorry...

He likes to make requests.

You only need to refuse.

k*ll him for me.

Figuring out the tourist incident wasn't easy...

But since another butler paid the
price for the butler's incident,

it was easy to track down the victims.

After investigating, I realized something.

The criteria that determines who dies

is different for more than two people.

Perhaps there are different
rules for when a pair dies,

and when many people die.

Zoldyck butlers are trained in
a facility on our property.

At the exact moment Kasuga died,

every butler in her class at that
facility was wrung to death.

Her head teacher and specialized teachers also died.

Butlers from other classes...

Friends from her orphanage...

Her foster parents and their parents...

All people she was close to.

Still, that she liked all of her
classmates was impossible, right?

It becomes clear when you look at her
hospitalized biological mother.

Every month, she could only meet
her mother for half an hour.

Records from Kasuga's student days say she
loved her mother most in the world.

But her mother, in the hospital, survived.

Well, people change...

Love and hate are two sides of the same coin.

I agree, but that wasn't the case here.

It wasn't that she began to hate her mother.

Rather, she found someone she loved more.

Kasuga had just begun a relationship.

She'd spent even less time with her lover
than she had with her mother.

But wait...

You didn't investigate her past after the fact.

You chose her to test after learning her past.

Oh, you could tell?

Yeah, that's right.

We used her to confirm our suspicions.

Since our butlers aren't allowed to
have relationships, or they're k*lled.

The first incident made it clear
that this power was dangerous.

Capable of destroying the Zoldyck
family, if we didn't understand it.

After investigating the first incident
and reaching a conclusion,

the second incident confirmed it.

If you fail to grant four of Alluka's requests,

you must pay with your life.

When the price is two lives,

you and the person you love most will die.

When more than two must be sacrificed,

you and the person you love most will die,

along with, in order, those you've
spent the most time with.

So Kasuga's mother didn't die because she
hadn't spent enough time with her.

And Kasuga's lover died,
despite his short time with her.

This is a problem.

Isn't it?

Killua will make a wish to Alluka, to restore Gon.

If Killua makes the wish

and lets someone else fulfill the requests,

there shouldn't be any problem.

But I'm sure Killua will do things
the other way around.



Killua will have someone else make the wish,

and will then attempt to fulfill the
consequent requests himself.

Sorry about leaving you down
here for so long, Alluka.

I'm sorry.

It's okay! I'm really happy!

I've missed your scent...

The leader of the monsters was strong enough
to force Netero to resort to the Rose.

To defeat one of its subordinates,

Gon's restriction and covenant must
have been harder on him than death.

Restriction Covenant

A wish to reverse that would far exceed
the power of money and medical science.

The wish will likely be granted.

And then, Killua will do whatever
he can to fulfill Alluka's requests.

Killua will receive requests he cannot fulfill.

Still, Killua will try his best, and fail halfway.

Mission failed.

The one he loves most, or the
one he's spent most time with...

Either way,

the restored Gon will still die.




Am I wrong?

When you mentioned that "both" would die,

were you referring not to Killua and Gon,

but to Killua and yourself?

Yes, that's right.

I have issues, but you are just as bad.

And if things go wrong,

it won't only be Killua, Gon, and me.

Every Zoldyck will die.

I'm thinking that this wish will cost
tens of thousands of lives.

So you'll probably die, too.

That's why your comment surprised me.

Oh, this is a problem...

Brother, die.

Okay, sure.


I'll ask Killua to follow proper procedure
when he makes his wish.

I want you there, hidden.

If Killua either refuses,
or agrees, but you feel he's lying,

I want you to dispose of Alluka.

He has no combat abilities.

You can consider him an ordinary child.

We just don't know where he came from.

Third Election for the 13th Chairman
1) Pariston — 258
2) Cheadle — 49
3) Botobai — 31
4) Ickshonpe — 28
5) Mizaistom — 27

6) Morel — 18
7) Teradein — 17
8) Saccho — 15
9) Sanbica, Bushidora — 14
11) Loupe — 11
12) Cutie, Biscuit, Linne — 10
15) Tsezguerra — 9
16) Knov, Kanzai — 6
18) Kite, Satotz — 4
20) Menchi, 6 others — 3
27) Saiyu, 3 others — 2
31) Gon, Hanzo, 21 others — 1

There were 68 absentees.

Absentees — 68 Turnout — 89.7%

The turnout was 89.7%.

Oh, dear... Oh, dear... Oh, dear.

This is strange.

In the second vote, there were
thirty-three absentees.

This time, we have sixty-eight absentees.

More Hunters were absent.

Is this because they previously
submitted invalid votes,

which is no longer possible?

So they chose to put their licenses
on the line by not voting at all?

What's going on?

Why would they go that far?!

Then it's okay if we take licenses

from anyone who's committed both offenses?

Yes, I suppose we have no choice.

Cluck-san, this is the list.

Please send them a letter
that says these two things:

They must bring their licenses to headquarters.

And that we expect them to explain their absences.

I don't know...

Will that really be enough?

Once they lose their licenses,
violators gain exemption from the rules.

They no longer need to fear
the penalty for not voting.

Taking away their licenses was your idea!

Huh? But we put the proposal to a vote.

Besides, everyone was against the idea

of temporarily stripping them of Hunter status.

If my goal had been to quickly improve turnout,

then I would have agreed.

Yes, he's hard to deal with

because he readily accepts
suggestions that hurt him.

And he'll even propose ideas
disadvantageous to him.

It's as though he enjoys the obstacles.

That's the one aspect that's
similar to Chairman Netero.

And I don't like it!

So I have a proposal.

I think the twelve Zodiacs should give a speech

before all of the Hunters.

We must express this election's importance!

For the Association...

For humanity...

For the world!

Speaking through a screen is no good.

We must look each of them in the eye,

and let them hear our voices,
and feel our souls in person.

For the sake of the former chairman!

This is why

I hate your guts, Pariston!

Brother, wake up!


You're so good!

Alluka's power has rules the rest of
the family doesn't know about.

Brother, let's play shiritori.

Okay, sure.


I'll start with the ending "A" in "Alluka"!

The one that calls me "Brother" is the real Alluka.

The one that calls me "Killua"

is something else.

Brother, pat my head.


Killua's being a model big brother.

That's three requests down.

So a computer was no big deal...

S-S-Sorry, Papa...

I won't do it again!

That means Alluka is ready.

Yep, Killua just has to make his wish.

Milluki, I want you to go over the rules again.

Ah, sure.

I'm aware of five rules.


When someone fails to fulfill one of
Alluka's requests, causing them to reset,

the request difficulty returns to level 1.

That's the best time to make a wish to Alluka.


Once Alluka starts making requests to someone,

he will not switch his requests
to someone different.

That's why I always ensured
that Alluka made a request

to a butler before sending
him to you and Mama.

I'd guess Killua did the same thing.

That's why Alluka has never made
any requests of you two.


If the person receiving Alluka's requests
dies before clearing them all,

it's considered a failure,

and at least one more will die.

This was confirmed by experiment.


If he doesn't know someone's name,
Alluka can't make requests of them.


The same person can't make two wishes in a row.

That's all I know.

I'm not hiding anything from you!

I swear on the deal we made.

Why isn't Killua making a wish?

He probably has some foolish idea...

If Killua makes a wish now,

someone else will have to clean up the mess.

That makes no sense.

Can he not save his friend first,

and worry about the consequences later?


Would his friend be happy to know

that many lives were sacrificed to save him?


That's what's going through his head.

Since he's stupid.

His mind doesn't work the way ours do.

That's why you had Illu-nii use
his needles on him, right?

He's moving.

Father, open the door.


Make the wish in that room.

We cannot let you go outside.

As I thought.

They don't know about any of these rules.


I am definitely your son.

You called Alluka "something that
came from somewhere else."


I call the black-eyed Alluka "Something," too.

We're leaving.

I'll clean up my own mess.


if we haven't left the mountain in half an hour,

k*ll my mother!

Huh? Hey, Killua!

If we've left the mountain in half an hour,

I want you to kiss me on the cheek.

Got it?





How can you issue such cruel commands?

It's magnificent! You've grown up!

Damn! You're allowed to do that?

As long as only one wish is granted,

you can give yourself options!


open the door.

Something is skilled at destroying,
but fixing isn't her forte.

When she's fixing,

she must touch the target,
or her power won't work.

If we've left the mountain in half an hour,

I want you to kiss me on the cheek.

I will save both Gon and Alluka!

Killua's determination to save Gon
has set events in motion.

And that man returns.

Next time: Join Battle x And x Open Battle.
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