03x04 - Defend × And × Attack

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hunter x Hunter". Aired: October 2, 2011 - September 24, 2014.*
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Gon Freecs searches for the father he doesn't remember.
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03x04 - Defend × And × Attack

Post by bunniefuu »

They're coming.

They are definitely coming!

Defend x And x Attack

September 1st.

The day Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio

had chosen to reunite in Yorknew City.

On this morning, Gon and Killua

were visiting the Yorknew market.

Wow, there are so many people!

But this market's purpose

is to swindle people who
have come for the auction.


This isn't the auction venue?


Yorknew's dream auction

is held once a year in the
world's largest auction house.

They say that, just during the
ten days of official bidding,

tens of trillions of Jenny exchange hands.

Tens of trillions?

Yeah, an item sold for ten thousand

can be turned around for a
hundred million the next day.

You can make a fortune instantly.

It's where dreams come true.


Well, that's why a lot

of underworld auctioning
happens at the same time.

That's awesome...

Anyway, do you think Kurapika
and Leorio will show up?

They promised to meet us here.

I'm sure they'll come.


They might try to contact us.

Hey, you have to buy a phone!

It's standard Hunter gear.

Ah, that's true.

Hey! Welcome!

This one's great...

It's the hottest current model!

Super-thin and no bigger than a credit card.

It has GPS, which comes in
handy for meeting with people.

Don't bother.


That feature doesn't work in many countries,

and it isn't even waterproof.

That model is for people
who only make calls.



I would recommend...

this Beetle 07.

It's a little heavy and pricey,

but it includes a translator for the
two hundred languages used worldwide.

What? Seriously?

Go with this one.

I'll buy one, too!


Two, please.

Two will cost four hundred thousand.

Four hundred thousand?

That's expensive, pops!

Thanks, Leorio!

But, damn, 110,580 Jenny apiece, huh?

It's a new model, so that's a
fair price in this market.

Still, talk about overkill.

I've never seen

a cell phone purchase greeted
with applause before.

But you really saved us.

Just so you know, that was nothing.

The serious dealing only starts
when the seller tells you to leave.

He's the last person you
would find at an auction.

No kidding.

So how are you guys doing?

What do you mean?

You've trained and gotten stronger, right?


You returned the tag to
Hisoka at Heavens Arena?

And you have to be pretty good
to make it to the 200s...

How strong have you gotten now?

Hey, did you learn Nen, Leorio?

Yeah, you bet.



Why would I lie to you?

It's the ability to build up a shroud
of aura, one's own life force...

That's Ten,

one of the four major
principles for learning Nen.

Eh? There's more to it?

Figured as much.

Greed Island ? What's that?

A legendary game.

We're trying to get a copy at the auction.

But why a game?

I think this game holds a
clue to finding my dad.


The game holds a clue to finding your dad?

What do you mean?

Well, it's a long story.

Anyway, the problem is the cost.

How much are we talking?

The lowest starting bid is

8.9 billion Jenny.

8.9 billion?!

How much do you have?

We made some bad investments,

so we're down to 5 million.

Listen up, kids...

This event is held at Southern Piece,
the world's finest auction house.

The money you have won't
cover the entry fee.

But the game has a low difficulty rank
on the Hunter site's treasure list.


Because you only need
money to get a copy.

It always comes back to money.

This world runs on money!


That just means that a real
treasure can't be bought.

If you can't obtain an item
like this with ease,

you can't be considered
a pro Hunter, right?

I don't need you to tell me that.

But first, we need money...

We'll need some starting funds.

Let's find a way to make
some money in Yorknew!


A simple fool.

Leorio's probably also an Enhancer.

Damn! What's wrong?!

I created a complete
duplicate of the program.

Why aren't any events being triggered?

Did Kil somehow trick me?

No... No way.

He isn't capable of creating a fake game,

and he's not stupid enough
to lie over a deal.

Was he tricked when he
obtained this card?

I want to know the answer.

I'll do whatever it takes to
uncover this secret...

No matter how much I have to pay.

I have 12.7 billion left.

I'll need at least twice that amount

to guarantee a winning bid...

Dad, I want to make a deal.

I'll k*ll fifteen people,
so lend me 15 billion.

Got it.


Autopilot engaged to Lingon Airport.

I think I was ten...

The last time I went outside.

Huh? Swap?

What does that mean?


An auction technique.

Slang for the exchange of goods.

Also see "Bind."

What's a bind?


The seller names a condition
besides money as their price.

The winning bid will be the
one that comes closest

to meeting that condition.


No idea what that means.

So that's it...

There's another kind of auctioning...

Tonight, at 9 PM,

the mummy of Princess Corco
will be auctioned off.



and Baise,

you'll handle the bidding.

Will three people be enough?

Each group of bidders
is limited to three people.

You cannot bring weapons,
recorders, or communication devices.

All on-site security is handled by
the Mafia that runs the auction,

so there's rarely any trouble.

All it takes is one wrong move

to turn every Mafia member,
worldwide, against you.

This auction is built on trust.

Which is why the Mafia don't
use security cameras.

The unspoken rule is that

any grudges and the like are left outside.

Which means

that if anything does happen,

their testimony will decide everything.

Their words are treated as gospel.

So it's imperative to make
a good impression.

Don't start any petty fights.

Avoid talking to anyone
outside this group.

What about the rest of us?

Basho and Linssen

will cover the rear entrance.

Kurapika and Melody will
take the front entrance.

Squala and I will guard the lady.

And with that,

the mission begins.

Come on down!

Let's have some
conditional auctioning fun!

Here's what's up for bid.

A diamond worth three million.

Comes with the appraisal of the
store where I just bought it.

Arm wrestling will decide the winning bid.

The first person to beat this
boy wins the diamond.

You must pay a 10,000-Jenny entry fee.

Now, let's start

the auction!

Yeah! It's mine!

I'm in!

Count me in!

Okay, don't push...

Form a line.

Adjust your strength to
match the opponent.

Every now and then,
pretend to be struggling.

Okay, you're first!

You need to pay the entry fee up front.

Here you go... 10,000 Jenny.

Thank you, step right up!

Okay, clasp hands.

Just follow my instructions.

Are you ready?

You get a single round!




Will he do it?

You almost have it...

Hang in there!

Oh, so close!

Damn, I lost to a little kid...

Next, please.

Ready... Go!

I get it.

So this is how conditional
auctioning works.

But to reach 8.9 billion,

we're going to need 889,999 wins.


And you lose!

Next, please.

You lose!

He's beaten a hundred and fifty people!

He's gotta be running out of steam.

He looks tired,
and he's sweating hard.

Don't lose before I get my turn!

I feel bad about tricking everyone.

I'm even breaking out in a cold sweat

at the idea of making so
much money so easily.

Okay, next person, please.

Well, we have our first
female challenger!

All right! Get him, girl!

Go easy on her, muscle boy!

How old are you?

Where are you from?

Huh? You're no fun.

Let's have a fair contest.

Oh, yes.

Ready... Go!

Oh, too bad! You lose!

Good job, girl!

Thank you very much.

Oh, you're welcome.

A pity.

That was your full strength, wasn't it?


I wonder who she is...

The world champion arm wrestler?


I lost.

He's strong.

That little boy?

I sort of wanted that diamond.

You should've used your left hand.

Yes, why didn't you use
your stronger hand?

Oh, right...

He extended his right hand,
so I did the same.

I'd like to challenge him again.

You can't.

No time. We have our job.


Besides, buying and
bidding would be wrong.

We're thieves.

If we want something, we take it.

No way! I'm going!

Can you hear me?
I'm ready to give up...

Yes, her tantrum—

That is, her crying exhausted her,
and she's asleep now.

I don't know what will
happen when she wakes.

I vow to obtain the items she desires,

but her goal is to participate
in the bidding personally.

So she'll be disappointed

when she wakes up and realizes
that she missed her chance.

Very well.

I'll adjust my schedule and
head over personally.

For now, just be sure to get
that mummy princess,

so we can get Neon in a good mood again.


It's me. How's it going?

Nothing unusual.

No changes visible from the outside.


We'll notify you if anything happens.

Still, they're being quite thorough.

Only Mafia security are allowed

within five hundred meters
of the auction house.

If they didn't do that, the surroundings
would be crawling with thugs.

They're practically announcing that
unwholesome practices are going on.

I suppose so.

Will the Phantom Troupe

really show up?


That's the same sound I heard earlier.

You see,

I happened to see you
leaving the Hunter agency.

When you walked past me,

your heart was playing a melody of rage.

May I ask you a question?


Scarlet eyes.

Exactly what...

do they mean to you?

Why do you ask?

No real reason.


When you saw the image
on the data card,

your heartbeat was even more fearsome.

It played a melody of boundless fury.

I suppose that I can't lie...

I am a Kurta.

Our eyes are normally brown,

but they're red when we're excited.

So I wear black contacts
to avoid discovery.

I am searching

for the eyes taken from my brethren.

I'll do whatever it takes to
return their eyes to them.

Will you report this to Dalzollene?

I will not.

I do not wish to be k*lled.

You could read my intention?

A heartbeat is always honest.

When you began to confess
your true nature to me,

your heartbeat was calm, but frigid.

The heartbeat of one

who is prepared to k*ll.

Your heart said that, though you would hold
no grudges, I was fair game if I talked.

Why did you take this job?

Why do you ask?

I'll probably lie.

I'll know if you're lying by your eyes.

I'm also a pro Hunter...

A Music Hunter, I suppose.

I'm looking for a certain musical score.

You aren't lying,

but you are concealing
something important.

Well, let's just say that you're correct.

I'm looking for the Dark Sonata.

A solo said to have been
composed by the devil.

There are four versions...
For the piano, violin, flute, and harp.

If a human plays or listens to the piece,

it's said that disaster will befall them.

Isn't that just a myth?

I doubt something like that
could exist in reality.

I've heard the flute version.

One movement alone turned me into this.

My friend who played the piece died,
their entire body like this.

That friend learned a single
movement from someone

who said never to play the music.

That day,

we were drunk and giddy.

My body was destroyed, but I
gained this ability in return.

However, I wish to restore my body.

I'm willing to do anything.

I don't want anyone else
to end up like me.

So I'll find the score and destroy it.

I chose this job because

it will be more efficient to
work from the underworld.

It's time.

The underworld auction is about to start.

It's time.


The Phantom Troupe prepares
to bare its fangs.

How will Kurapika, now a
Nostrade Family bodyguard,

deal with them?

Brush Your Teeth.
Unripe Fruit

Gon and Killua's Hunterpedia

Coming up, we have Gon

and Killua's


It's Gon

and Killua's


Gon and Killua's Hunterpedia

Today, we introduce Basho!

A Hunter hired as one
of Neon's bodyguards.

Watch for his Great Haikuist technique,

which manifests any haiku he recites.

His hobby is writing haiku,
a form of poetry from his home.

I'll try one.

"This segment is a

test of the heart and soul."

Too many syllables!

Next time: A x Shocking x Tragedy.



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