04x04 - Reality? × And × Raw

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hunter x Hunter". Aired: October 2, 2011 - September 24, 2014.*
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04x04 - Reality? × And × Raw

Post by bunniefuu »

Championship Finals, round 7!



First comes rock...

Rock... Paper...


Killua wins!



Here is your prize, the Sword of Truth.

Look, Gon...

Sword of Truth
Sword that cuts through
anything false. Has been
used in trials to determine
criminals. Breaks if used
to cut something true,
but will regenerate if left
in scabbard for a day.

This is card #83.

It goes in a restricted slot.

Okay, that's one down.


Reality x And x Raw

The problem

is how we protect the card.

We don't have any defensive spell cards.

Wait, kids!

H-Hand over the Sword of Truth!

Do as I say,

and I won't be rough with you.

No way, stupid.




Hmph, you're bluffing.

I know that you just started this game.

You have no defensive spells,

and all you would have in your restricted slots

is the Sword of Truth.

This is Thief!

Steal one random card
from a restricted slot
of one target player.

This spell card lets you steal

one random card from
another player's restricted slots!

Take this...

Thief on!

Attack Killua!

Haven't you been training at all,


Next time, I won't return your card.

You must be an amateur.

I'm impressed you got into a game for Hunters.

But that was very educational.

An attack spell won't kick in
until you finish the chant.

Th-That only works against weak players!


If you want a card,
you take it from someone.

Only fools would participate in tournaments.

Understand, boys?

I'm so pissed!

Just forget it.

Those guys were obviously pros.

At least we didn't waste too much effort.

Damn it!

Then I'm gonna start getting spell cards!

That means our next destination
will be Masadora, City of Magic.

No objections!

That's our base.

We'll begin assigning roles.

You will collect spell cards for us.

You've probably heard that there
are forty different spell cards.

We need you to obtain
one of those cards, Prison.

All slotted cards on target
page are immune to theft
or destruction via spell
card until removed from
their slot.

This is one of the strongest defensive spells.

We could certainly use another one of these.

In order to protect Breath of Archangel.

Breath of Archangel?

A super-rare SS card that no one's

ever been able to obtain.

How can you be certain no
one's gotten one before?

Reveal number of card
holders and number of
cards for a target item.

There's a spell card called List.

When you cast it,

you can learn the maximum
transformation limit of any card

as well as the number of current card holders.

I see.

The card is very difficult to obtain

because you must have all forty spell
cards before you can trade for one.

But spell cards are extremely
useful in this game,

so players tend to use them up.

However, we've been able

to collect all forty spell cards.

We would prefer to trade them in for
a Breath of Archangel at once...

But then you'd have no cards to protect it.

That's why you need a copy of Prison.


At any rate, to carry out this plan,

we'll need you all to memorize
the forty different spell cards.

Those four Galgaida cards
netted us 120,000 Jenny.

They were pretty valuable.

We don't need to worry about money now.

Let's buy some food and water,
so we can start for Masadora!

First, we'll need a map.

Map of Island
A blank map that
automatically fills in
locations as the owner
visits and gathers
information about them.

Map of Island
A detailed map
showing cities
and important
locations, as well
as useful information
such as hot spots!

The one with information costs 650,000,

while the blank one is 20,000.

Which one should we get?

The 20,000 one.

It'll be more fun to fill it in ourselves.

You're so positive, it's painful.


This doesn't tell us anything.

Then let's ask.

Head north for eighty kilometers.

After you pass the mountain,
you'll reach a lake.

If you follow the lake north,
you should reach Masadora.

If we hurry, we can go
eighty kilometers in a day.


Assuming you survive.

The mountain is crawling with bandits.

And once you pass the mountain,
you'll encounter hordes of monsters.



Now it sounds more like an RPG!

I wanna see these monsters!

Let's hurry up!

All right!

Off we go!

Please wait!

I beg you!


Please let me join you!

Oh, sorry.


Wh-Why not?

You'd be a nuisance.

Little brat...

You dare call me a nuisance?

If I chose to, I could mop the floor with
you, with one hand behind my back.

That does it.

I was just going to tease these boys a little,

but now I'm going to ruin their lives.

Hey, hold it right there!


I'll try really hard not to get in your way!

Okay, I have most of the information we need.

Then, can you tell us what you found?

All right. I'll start with number one.

I tried a hundred different people in this city,

and they all gave the same response

when faced with an unusual question.

This is typical behavior
for in-game characters.

Number two.


A normal rock found
on the ground.
Does decent damage
when thrown.

This card is real.

This one is a copy Kortopi made.


Kortopi's card didn't transform.

I believe that means the game's program

didn't recognize Kortopi's card.

Number three.

Shizuku's vacuum works in this world,

but it won't work on any items
with special abilities.

I think that's because the game was programmed

so Nen couldn't be used to collect cards.


However, the above three points

indicate another possibility.

This game isn't taking place
in a virtual world.

It's based somewhere in the real world.

What do you mean?

If the players actually entered the game,

their spirits would detach from
their bodies and enter the console,

leaving the bodies behind.

Sending them physically into the
game would be unnecessary.

And separating spirit from
body should require more

than standing before a console and using Hatsu.

It's more logical that the players
are actually warped elsewhere.


Greed Island isn't a real game.

It's a trap that sends players who
use Hatsu here, to this island.

That makes sense.

But what does it mean?

Do you remember the reward
for clearing this game?

Let's see...

What was it?

You can select three item cards

from your restricted slots,
to take back to the real world.


That means these items can
be used outside the island.

If this game takes place in the real world,

it should be possible to remove

the treasure without clearing the game.

I understand.


At the moment, we only
know about a few items.

It would be ideal to learn all of the cards.

So our first objective is
the spell card God Eye.

God Eye
Grants the user the effects
of Analysis and List on
cards 001-099 at any time.

Now we just need to find Phinks and Feitan.

Another cheap map?

But he was carrying a lot of spell cards.

Well, let's split up for now.

In one week, we'll meet in Masadora.

It's a contest to see who
can k*ll more players.

Okay, be sure to take their cards first.

Hey, what should we do about her?

Just ignore her.

Once the bandits show up,
we'll have a chance to ditch her.

Isn't that kind of mean?

What are you talking about?

Tsezgerra let her pass,
so she must have strong Nen.

She should be able to escape if it gets hairy.

I didn't think she'd keep up this long.

They have considerable physical strength.

For a couple of kids, anyway.

Let's take them.


Please help us!

We beg you!


A disease is going around the island.

It starts with a mild fever,

grows to a high fever, and
eventually leads to death.

All we can do is use medicine
to keep the fever in check.

But the medicine will only work for a week.

It's also incredibly expensive,

and we've run out of money...

We've all fallen ill,

so we're unable to do any bandit work.

Is it contagious?

That's just a scenario.

My son only has two or three days to live!

Could you spare us any money?

This is an in-game event, right?

Yeah, if we give them money,

they should provide us with
items or information.

Uh, how much do you need?

80,000 Jenny.

That's all we have left.

So they know everything about us.


I have enough to cover 80,000 Jenny.

Ah, could you shut up for a moment?

I'm gonna k*ll that brat.

Got it.

We can give you 80,000 Jenny.


Thank you so much!

You've saved my son's life!

I'm c-cold.

So cold...

Oh, no!

If his body gets any colder,

he'll die before we can
get him the medicine!

If only we had some children's clothes!

Some children's clothes!

Um, I can give him my clothes.

That'd really be okay?

You're like angels!

Words are not enough...

...to express our gratitude!

Nah, we don't need thanks.

How about some information or items?

We got nothing?

We lost our clothes,
and now we're totally broke.

Damn, they're mocking us!

What was that about?

But once we get past this mountain,

we'll find lots of monsters, right?


If we beat them and turn them into cards,
we can sell them for lots of cash.

We finally get to start fighting!

Time to see what you've got.


I wanna see what you accomplished
during your secret training.

This area is rocky...

Let's go!


There are tons of them!

Gon's punch did no damage?

So no amount of punching will take one down.

And there are so many.

In order to disable it with a single attack...

Bingo! The eye is its weakness.


Gon, aim for the eye!

Got it!

They're moving around too much,

but they're doing reasonably well.

Weaker than they looked.

The card reverted after we
left it alone for a minute.

We can do this.

The monsters come with weaknesses.

If we stay calm and think, we'll be fine.


Let's head for Masadora, then.




I'm okay!

That didn't hurt.

This one's weak.

But it's fast!

Let's catch it.


Watch the trajectory,
not its current location.

With observation, you can learn an
opponent's pattern of motion.

Your eyes are sharp, but you
aren't using them properly.

It got away from us.

Well, it won't take very
long to reach Masadora

if they're all this weak.

Don't be stupid!

What if you encounter a monster
that's both strong and fast?


It's gone...

It's loud and generates a shock wave,

but it doesn't do any damage.

When you touch them,

the red ones don't pop.

The white bubbles pop

when they make contact with a human aura.

The red ones pop when they make
contact with anything else.

To catch that horse, you must
identify which bubble is which,

then switch between Zetsu and Ten.

That's still too difficult for them.


These boys are...

These boys are just

wasting their potential!

They're raw stones that'll shine like
diamonds with a little polishing!

But at this rate, they'll run into
stronger players or monsters,

and it'll be game over!

This one looks tougher.

That's it...

I've had enough!


Keep your eyes on it!

Use Gyo!

Don't you know how?

See that?

The armor's just a puppet,

so att*cks won't work against it.

Here it is!

I got the card!

So you can use Gyo.

Why didn't you use it before?

Uh, well...


So you forgot.

Why are you just standing there?


What do you see?

The number 1.


Listen up.

If I lift my finger, you use Gyo.

And then you holler out what you see.

If you ever sense anything suspicious, use Gyo.

Got it?

Wait, why are you ordering us around?

The number 5!


Drop and give me two hundred push-ups.


It's your punishment!

Get to it!

What the hell? Why should I?

Got a problem?

You bet!

Who do you think you are?

Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet.

I'm the pro Hunter Biscuit Krueger.

I first learned Nen forty years ago.

I'm going to use my wealth of
knowledge and experience

to coach you boys.

You should be grateful.

Forty years ago?!

You're an old hag!

As it turns out, the young girl
following Gon and Killua

is a highly experienced pro Hunter.

G.I. Tutorial

Coming up, it's the
Greed Island Tutorial!

Today, we'll introduce the card God Eye.

God Eye
Grants the user the effects
of Analysis and List on
cards 001-099 at any time.

That's the card Shalnark wants.

If you use this spell, you get
a description of a given card,

number of holders, and total
number of cards in existence.

I want one!


Next time: A x Hard x Master.

My master is Wing-san!

My master is—


Another bump on the head...
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