01x02 - Pokémon Emergency!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x02 - Pokémon Emergency!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ I want to be the very best
Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause ♪

♪ I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide ♪

♪ Teach Pokémon to understand
The power that's inside ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all
It's you and me ♪

♪ I know it's my destiny
Pokémon! ♪

♪ Oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all
A heart so true ♪

♪ Our courage will pull us through ♪

♪ You teach me and I'll teach you
Pokémon! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Pokémon! ♪

That's right.
I declare to the Pokémon of the world,

I will be the greatest
Pokémon trainer,

the greatest Pokémon Master
of all time.

[narrator] Last time, Ash,
our hero from Pallet, chose Pikachu,

a Pokémon who was not too thrilled
with its new trainer.

Soon they found themselves fighting off
a flock of fearsome Spearows.

Pikachu saved the day with
its amazing Thunder Shock,

but the electrifying encounter
left Pikachu weak

and his fate in Ash's hands.


-We beat 'em.


[woman over speakers]
Attention, citizens of Viridian City.

Attention, citizens of Viridian City.

We have reports of possible
Pokémon thieves in our area.

Be on the lookout for suspicious
looking strangers.

Repeat, be on the lookout
for suspicious looking... Huh?

Speak of the devil.

[Ash pants]

Hold it. And just where do you think
you're going with that Pokémon, young man?

It's my Pokémon and its hurt

and I've got to get it to
the hospital right away.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I thought you might be stealing it.

Just show me your I.D. and you can go.

I.D. I don't have any.

You see, we just came here from Pallet
and we--

You know, you're the fourth person
I've seen today from Pallet town.

The fourth. Oh, that means Gary Oak
is here already.

It's very unusual for someone to carry
a Pokémon around in his arms

and not in a Poké Ball .

How do I know you didn't steal
that Pokémon,

especially since you don't have
any identification?

Please let me through.
I wouldn't steal a Pokémon

and I've got to get Pikachu
to the hospital. Please, miss.

Hey, what's that in your pocket?

What? Oh, this?

This, this is perfect.

A Pokédex!

-This will solve our problem.

Let's see. If you're the real deal.

I'm Dexter, a Pokédex programmed
by Professor Oak

for Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum
of the town of Pallet.

My function is to provide Ash
with information

and advice regarding Pokémon
and their training.

If lost or stolen, I cannot be replaced.

Oh, my Pokédex.

I didn't realize it was also my I.D.

Can I take Pikachu
to the Pokémon Center now?

I'll get you there in no time at all.

Sit back, hold on and don't yell.

[engine revs]


Hey, what's the big idea?
Ugh, come back here.


A wanted poster. How flattering.

[James] Flattering?
This picture makes me look terrible.

Then you should be happy
the photographer captured the real you.


We'll show these bumpkins.

The people of Viridian City will be sorry
they ever saw this face.

We're all sorry to see your face.
Stay focused.

We're here to capture rare
and unusual Pokémon.

Don't forget. Meowth!

-But of course.

And just remember, I'm the top cat.

-[James] You got it.
-[Meowth] Meowth!

[engine revs]

There it is.

Pokémon Center. It's gigantic.

This is tricky. Just hold on. Here we go.

[Ash] Whoa!

[brakes screeching]

-We have a driveway, you know.
-It's a Pokémon emergency.

-Please help it.
-Looks like a Pikachu.

We'll do what we can.

I need a stretcher
for a small electric Pokémon, stat.

[both] Chansey.

It'll be okay. Rush this Pokémon
to the critical care unit.

[both] Chansey.

We'll begin the treatment right away.

-Who are you?

His name is Ash.
He's the Pokémon's trainer.

If there's anything I can do,
please, just tell me.

-You can be more responsible.

If you want to become
a Pokémon trainer, young man,

you don't let your Pokémon battle
till it's in this condition.

But you don't know what happened.

What's past is past.
Now we have to heal your Pikachu.

-What can I do?
-Just leave everything to me.


It's in your hands. I know you'll give
the Pokémon excellent care.

-You got it here just in time.
-That's my job!

Oh, my goodness. I left my motorcycle
parked at the front desk.

Next time, use the driveway.


Ash, you'll have to go
to the waiting room.

Can't I...

[in mind] Pikachu.


I'll call home.

[computer] Ring, ring, ring!
Phone call!

Ring, ring, ring, ring!
Phone call, phone--

this is the Ketchum residence.

[Ash] Hello, Mom?

Oh, hi, honey.
Is everything okay?

-Where are you, Ash?
-The Pokémon Center in Viridian City.

You're already in Viridian City?

It took your father four days to get there
when he started Pokémon training.

Oh, he'll be so proud.
You're the apple of his eye.

Yeah, a rotten apple.

Oh, Ash, don't get discouraged.
You're doing fine.

Honey, you're growing up
right before my eyes...

spreading your wings
and soaring like a Spearow.

I feel more like a fallen Pidgey.

I won't let you talk
about yourself that way.

Just be confident.

You can do anything
that you set your mind to.

-Do you understand?

And are you changing
your underwear every day?


Good night, son. I love you.

Me too, Mom. Bye.


Hey. Wow.


[in mind]
That's the flying Pokémon I saw. Hmm.

[computer] Ring, ring, ring!
Phone call!

Ring, ring, ring!
Phone call! phone call!

Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring!

Uh, this is Ash. Who's calling?

Here I'm over here.
Ash, it's Professor Oak.

Don't you recognize me?

No, Professor,
I didn't recognize the back of your head.

Eh? Oops, wrong camera.

There. Ahem.
I just spoke with your mother

and she tells me you've made it to
the Pokémon Center in Viridian City.

Is that correct?

I couldn't be talking to you
if I wasn't here.

You couldn't be talking if you--
Oh, I see.

I dialed the Pokémon Center in
Viridian City and you were able to answer.

Yeah, because that's where I am.

Mm hmm.
I suppose that proves it.

The other new Pokémon trainers
made it there with no problem

and I'm pleasantly surprised
you got there so soon.

I admit, when you left, I had my doubts
that you could handle your Pikachu

but when my grandson Gary said

that you wouldn't have
a single new Pokémon

by the time you got to Viridian City,

I bet him a million dollars
that he'd be wrong.

Well, money isn't everything, right?

Oh, why do I even bother?

But I did see a flying Pokémon
like that one.

It flew right over the rainbow.

Don't talk such nonsense.
You couldn't have seen this Pokémon.

Trainers have searched
their whole lives and never seen it.

-It sure looked like it.
-You must have been mistaken.

[doorbell rings]
Ah, there's my pizza.


It was very nice talking to you, Ash.
And good luck.

Mm, anchovies, spinach
and pineapple pizza.

-[Misty] Now I've got you.


I knew I'd find you here.

Hey, what happened to your bike?

What happened to my bike?

You happened to my bike, you little loser.

This is what's left after you stole it
to save your Pokémon.

Now I can see why your Pokémon
is in the... Whoa, whoa, ah, ah, ah!


-[Misty groans]
-Let me help you.

I don't need your help and you're going
to pay for what you did to my bike.

I'll make up for it.
I promise I will, really.

But I can't do anything about your bike

I don't want any
of your lame excuses, kid.

I just want a new bike right now!

It's my Pikachu.

-My Pikachu's not too good.

Is it very serious?

I think so and there's nothing
I can do to help now.

[Misty] Oh.

[both] Huh?

Pikachu, are you all right?

Your Pikachu's resting.
It's a good thing you got it here so fast.

The procedure went well
and it should be fine.

-Thanks to the Pokémon Center.
-Yes, thank you very much.

Now your Pokémon needs a good rest
in the recovery room.

You should go in with it, Ash.

Listen, I'm sorry about your bike,

but I'm going to need some time
to make things right.

-No way, I fell for that last time.

Well, you should take care of Pikachu now
and we'll settle up later.

Uh, okay.

[alarm wails]

[woman] Your attention, please.
Our Viridian City radar sensors

have detected an aircraft belonging
to a g*ng of Pokémon thieves.

If you have a Pokémon in your possession,
exercise extreme caution.

Guess we woke up this sleepy dump.

And how dare
they act like we're criminals?

They should welcome Team Rocket.

Well, we'll teach them
to respect that name.

And when we snatch all their Pokémon,

those scared little mice
will know I'm the top cat.

We know, Meowth. We know.

Ekans, Koffing, attack!




What are...? Who are they?

[Jessie] Don't be frightened, little boy.

Allow us to introduce ourselves.

To protect the world from devastation...

To unite all peoples within our nation...

To denounce the evils of truth and love...

To extend our reach to the stars above...


[Jessie] Team rocket,
blast off at the speed of light.

Surrender now or prepare to fight.

Meowth! That's right.

What are you talking about?

He just doesn't get it, does he?

How can I? You don't make any sense.

We're here for the Pokémon.

You're not getting Pikachu!

Pikachu? We're not interested
in your precious electric rat.

We seek only rare and valuable Pokémon.

You're wasting your time.

This is a center for weak
and injured Pokémon.

Well, that may be so,
but I wouldn't be at all surprised

if we find a few little Pokémon gems
among all the junk.

You're starting to bug me.

-Isn't that cute?
-the boy's bugged.

Meowth. Then let's squash him.

-[James] Koffing, attack!
-[Jessie] Ekans, go!



Hey, the lights.
They must've cut the power.

But we've got our own pika power source.

[all] Pika, pika, chu, chu.

Oh, look at all the Pikachu.

[all] Pika, pika, chu, chu!

A crisis situation has arisen.

Initiating emergency Poké Ball
transport sequence.

We have to save those Poké Balls.

This is the Viridian City Pokémon Center.
We have an emergency situation.

Transporting Poké Balls.

[computer] This is the Pewter City
Pokémon Center. Downloader activated.

Ready to receive Poké Balls.


-[both] Oh!
-Get those Poké Balls!

Uh, right!

This is w*r.
Don't just hold them. Throw them!

All right. Poké Ball, here we go. Ah!

-Pidgey. Aah!

That thing can't beat us.

No? Well, try this one.
Poké Ball, here we go. Aah!


-We're never going to beat them that way.
-Some of the Poké Balls are empty.

Well, now she tells me.

This one feels like a real winner.
Poké Ball, go. Aah!


-Heh, pipsqueak.


I guess I'm going to have to take
this into my own hands.

You grab Pikachu and get out of here.

I'll take care of these three clowns.

That's pretty big talk
coming from such a little lady.

At least you're right
about the pretty part.

Thanks for the compliment.

The girl thinks she's pretty.

I agree with her.
I think she's pretty too. Pretty pathetic.

[grunts angrily] I'll show you.

Poké Ball, go!

Goldeen, goldeen, goldeen, goldeen,
goldeen, goldeen...

[both] Huh?

Goldeen, return.

Goldeen, goldeen, goldeen.

-That's her best shot?
-She's all washed up.

You know as well as I do
that a water Pokémon can't battle on land.

-I was just warming up.
-Warming up?

-Just get Pikachu out of here.

[grunting and panting]




-Pika, pika!
-[all] Pikachu!

[all] Pikachu!



Do I have to do everything?
That mouse is cat food. Meowth!

Just wait. Pikachu, you're mine.

-Pika, pika, pika, pika.

-Pika, pika?

-Pika, pika power?

So you want... You want more power.

What's this?

Well, let's just say that Pikachu and I...

are going to generate a little
excitement for you, Meowth.



Pika, pika. Pikachu!

[all groaning]

[brakes screeching]

Too late. But not for the fireworks.

Great, a cat losing to a mouse.

That Pikachu is no ordinary Pikachu.

It's certainly very rare, a perfect prize.

-Let's catch it.
-Perhaps we will.

[all groaning]

Your Viridian City Pokémon
were transported here safely.

Thanks, sis.

Ash, Misty and Pikachu are heading
your way, to Pewter City...

if they can get safely through
the Viridian Forest.

Don't worry, from what I've seen,

those three can take pretty
good care of themselves.

Well, I hope you're right.

[distant squawking]

[Misty screams]

[squawking and Misty screams]

-What's the matter?
-Look, over there.

Oh, cool, it's a Caterpie.
It's one of the bug Pokémon.

Even if it is a Pokémon, bugs are
disgusting and I don't like them.

-Do something.
-All right, stand back.

This one's a piece of cake.

Poké Ball, go.

Will Ash capture the Caterpie?

What sinister plans are being concocted
by Team Rocket?

Will Misty ever get a new bicycle?

All the answers on the next Pokémon.

You guys up for the Pokérap?

There’s 150 Pokémon.
You gotta name 'em all!

I’m doing 32 today, so try to keep up.

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon! ♪

♪ Zubat, Primeape, Meowth, Onix
Geodude, Rapidash, Magneton, Snorlax ♪

♪ Gengar, Tangela, Goldeen, Spearow
Weezing, Seel, Gyarados, Slowbro ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all, yeah! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all! ♪

♪ Kabuto, Persian, Paras, Horsea
Raticate, Magnemite, Kadabra, Weepinbell ♪

♪ Ditto, Cloyster, Caterpie, Sandshrew
Bulbasaur, Charmander, Golem, Pikachu ♪

♪ At least 150 or more to see ♪

♪ To be a Pokémon Master is my destiny ♪

All right, how’d you do?
Loosen those lips, shake out that tongue!

Give it a rest, today’s song is sung.
We’ll be back tomorrow!

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon! ♪
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