01x03 - Ash Catches a Pokémon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x03 - Ash Catches a Pokémon

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ I want to be the very best
Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause ♪

♪ I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide ♪

♪ Teach Pokémon to understand
The power that's inside ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ It's you and me, I know it's my destiny
Pokémon! ♪

♪ Oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ A heart so true
Our courage will pull us through ♪

♪ You teach me and I'll teach you
Pokémon! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all
Pokémon! ♪

Deep in the dark Viridian forest,

Ash discovers a Caterpie

and tries his best
to make his first Pokémon catch.

Caterpie, you're mine!




Hm? [chuckles softly]

Yes! I did it!

Aha! I did it! I got Caterpie!

I did it all by myself.
I caught my first Pokémon!

This is the first step

on my way to becoming the number one
Pokémon Master in the whole world.

-Ah! Hey! Wait a minute!

I'm getting dizzy!
I'm going to get sick! Quit it!

[Ash] Look out, Pokémon.
Nothing's going to stop me now.


-Ash, you're acting like a... [groans]

Inside this ball is the very first Pokémon
I ever caught In my whole entire life.

Great. Just keep it away from me,
will you?

You're not afraid of an itty-bitty
Caterpie in a Poké Ball, are you?

Bugs get me all bugged out,
even when they're In a Poké Ball.

Just keep it away!

I like bugs
even if they're not in Poké Balls.

It must be great for Caterpie
inside the Poké Ball

all cute and comfortable
inside there.

I love my new little Pokémon.

I guess it takes a worm
to love a worm.

Very funny. Pikachu...

...we've got a new friend.

[sniffs] Pika!

Oh, Pikachu,
I'm glad you like it.

And from now on, we'll catch
a whole bunch of new friends.

Caterpie, you're sticking with us.

Uh. Does that mean--

Caterpie, come out! Ha!


There's nothing to be scared of.

Come on, Caterpie,
climb up on my shoulder.


[Ash and Misty gasp]

-Hey, Caterpie, come back!


Hey, Misty, Caterpie really likes you.
Isn't that cute?

Get this disgusting bug
away from me!

-Please don't come any closer to me, huh!

What? You think Caterpie's disgusting?


-Pika pika.

I know.
You be friends with that creepy bug

-and I'll be friends with Pikachu.
-Pikachu only likes me

and zaps anybody who tries to--

[both giggling]

-Argh! Pikachu.


It's so gross. Ash, put that slimy thing
back in the Poké Ball!

Bugs are one of the three most
disgusting things in the world.

Aside from you, what are
the other disgusting things?

Very funny! Carrots, peppers and bugs.

Everybody has something they don't like,
and I don't like bugs!

Yeah? Well, I like carrots,
and peppers, and bugs.

What I don't like is the way
you're hurting Caterpie's feelings

-with your silly fear of bugs.

I don't think you're ugly
or disgusting at all, Caterpie.

Come on, climb up on my shoulder.


Chu, chu.

You're not going to scare misty anymore.



-What do you mean he won't scare me?
-We'll go on without her.


Oh, yeah? I'll show you.


-Pika, pi.
-Huh? What's the problem, Pikachu?


Oh. [whimpers]

-What are you following us for?

My... my bike. I'm holding you
responsible for my bike.

When are you going to get
over that dumb old bike?

For your information,
Mr. Pokémon Master,

you're the dumb one, because if you
hadn't destroyed it in the first place,

I could've ridden out of here
by now.

I told you I'd make good
on your bike one day.

And if I'm so dumb,
how come you're still following me?

I'm not following you. This happens to be
the fastest way through the woods.

-Fine. Do whatever you want.
-That's exactly what I'm doing!

Pi, pi.


We'd better
get some sleep, you guys.

Tomorrow's going to be a big day.

[both gibber]

Well, we'd all get some sleep
if you'd shut your big mouth.

-Huh. don't let the bedbugs bite.
-[Misty] Humph!


-[Caterpie squeals]

-[Caterpie gibbers]


-[Caterpie gibbers]
-Pi. Pi, pi.




-Pikachu! Pikachu!


Pi. Pikachu!

Pi, pi, chu, chu! Pikachu!






[Misty screams]

[all scream]

What's wrong? What's happening?

What is this thing
doing sleeping near me?

Huh? Heh, Caterpie just wants
to be your friend.

If that thing wants to be my friend
it can stop bugging me already.

If you're a Pokémon, get out of my face
and into that Poké Ball.


Oh, Misty, you are so unbelievable.
Caterpie means no harm.

Why it likes you, I'll never know.

Caterpie, what's the matter?

-Hey, hold on, Caterpie!

All right, Misty,
you owe Caterpie an apology.

-Pokémon have feelings too, you know?
-Ah, hmm!

Come on, Caterpie, don't you worry.
Someday we'll show her.


Wow, a Pidgeotto!

Pidgeotto, an evolved form of the Pidgey.

It is armed with sharp claws and dives
from the sky to capture its prey.

Unlike the more gentle Pidgey,
Pidgeotto can be dangerous.

Approach with extreme caution.

All right, Pidgeotto.

Ha, I'll show you
who's the dangerous one around here.

Poké Ball, go!


[Misty] You don't get it, do you?

You don't just throw a Poké Ball
and capture a Pokémon.

You have to make it battle
and weaken it first.

The only reason you got to catch Caterpie
is because it's already a weakling.

I know what I'm doing and you just
better quit picking on Caterpie, okay?

And now, if you kindly keep
your big mouth shut,

you'll see how it's done.

Go, Caterpie!



Ha, I told you
I knew what I was doing.

You don't have any idea of the mistake
you've just made, do you?

-Did I do something wrong?
-[Caterpie screaming]

[all gasp]



Caterpie, counterattack!



-Quick, call it back!

Huh? Caterpie, return! Ugh!

Pikachu, go!


-Pikachu, Thunder Shock, now!

Poké Ball, go!

Yes! We got Pidgeotto!


-I am the greatest.
-You're the worst!

You have no idea what you're doing.

It'll be a long time
till you're a Pokémon Master

-like, a million years.
-Ugh. I'm trying to--

You should try to learn something
about Pokémon first.

With Pokémon,
you've got to use strategy.

Pidgeotto is a bird. Caterpie is a worm.

Birds eat worms,
Mr. Pokémon Master!

Well, if you just try hard enough,
things will work out, won't they?

No, Ash, I'm afraid
things won't just work out

if you try hard enough.

The Pokémon trainer's judgment
is more important than anything else,

and unfortunately for you,
the trainer has to have a brain!

-[Jessie] Ha-ha.

So we meet again.

I know that voice.

[Jessie] To protect the world
from devastation.

[James] To unite all peoples
within our nation.

[Jessie] To denounce the evils
of truth and love.

[James] To extend our reach
to the stars above.


No, not this again.

Team Rocket,
blast off at the speed of light!

Surrender now, or prepare to fight.

Meowth! That's right!

-Uh, we're kind of busy now, So if you--
-Quiet, little boy.

We're not here to listen to you.
We're here to get your Pokémon.

-[James] Hand over that Pikachu.

Hey, this is my Pikachu.
Go out and find your own.

The only Pikachu we want is that one.

We're only looking for the rarest,
most valuable Pokémon in the world, kid.

And that special Pikachu's
just the kind of Pokémon we need.

[both groan]

[Meowth] You idiots,
stop giving away all our secrets!

Is my Pikachu really that special?

Your Pikachu's powers
impress even me.

I really got a charge out of it's
incredible attack the last time we met.

Its powers exceed its evolutionary level.
Your Pokémon would--

Now you're the one
giving away all our secrets!

Shut up
before you tell them everything!

I'm in charge! Cut it out!

Make things easy
and hand over that Pikachu.

-Huh, forget it!
-Then you leave us no choice.

Pokémon battle! Ekans, go!

-Koffing, go get them!

-Hey, two against one? That's cheating!

Well, as we say, "all's fair in love, w*r,
and Pokémon battles."

I say that saying's rotten
and so are you.

Of course we are. We're the bad guys.

Well, if they're going to use two Pokémon,
I don't see why we can't use two Pokémon.

The Pokémon league rules
say only one at a time.

Ash, if you follow the rules,
you're going to lose all your Pokémon.

Koffing, sludge attack, now!

[all gasp]


If you think you can use your dirty tricks
to beat me, you're wrong!

They might try anything
to get what they want.

But no matter what happens,
don't let them have Pikachu, understand?

Misty, come on!

-But what about the other two?

So, what's your big battle plan?

I can't send Caterpie.
It's too weak from the last battle.

Pidgeotto, go!

Koffing, it's grime time.


Ekans, go get your dinner.

Pidgeotto, quick attack!

Ekans, go underground.

Pidgeotto, behind you. Watch out!


We're going to get a Pokémon!
We're going to get a Pokémon!

We're going to get a Pokémon!


Gust counterattack, now!




Pidgeotto, return!

-Ah! I'll show you!

[Ash pants]


-All right, let's go! Put 'em up!
-Ha, what a fool.

In Pokémon battles, only the Pokémon
can fight each other.

-Buzz off.
-[grunts] Ow!

-Are you okay?
-Guess you've got no choice.

Let Pikachu in
and watch Team Rocket win.


No, Pikachu,
you can't battle In this condition.

-Ash, what are--

I know you're still weak
From battling Pidgeotto,

but now, Caterpie,
you're my only hope.

Just give it your very best shot.

Caterpie, go!

[squeals softly]

-What's that?
-It's a bug, a measly little bug.

-[all laugh]
-Let's get the bug spray.




Hang in there.


[grunts angrily]

Caterpie, string shot, now!


-Uh? Beaten by a Caterpie?

That really bugs me.

Now watch
a real Pokémon in action.

[grunts and meows]

It's time Team Rocket blasted off.

You may have won this round
but we'll be back.

Come back anytime.
We'll be glad to beat you. Mm!

We did it. We did it!

We won our first Pokémon Victory
fair and square!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!


Caterpie, I'm very proud of you.

You really did your best
and we won because of you.

-You're stronger than you look, Caterpie.


Well, Misty, I guess you feel different
about Caterpie now.

-Uh, well, I...
-So why don't you two make up?

Just pat Caterpie on the head
and say thanks for a really great job.

[Caterpie whimpers]

You like Pokémon,, so it's only right
to congratulate one for doing a good job.

I guess you're right.


-[Ash] What?
-[Misty] It's evolving.

Caterpie, this is so great.

Metapod, Caterpie's next stage.

It has encased its body in a hard shell.

This specimen reached this stage faster

than any previously discovered
Pokémon of this variety.

Hey, maybe that means
it could keep on changing

and go on to the next stage right away.


Nice to meet you, Metapod. [chuckles]

-Not in the mood to talk?

[Ash chuckles]

I've never known anyone like him.
He really does love Pokémon.

Hm? Ah!

Misty, you two were just about
to make friends.

-You didn't forget, did you?
-I didn't forget, but I...


Oh, I'll do anything.
Let's just get out of this forest.

No way. There're still plenty more
Pokémon in this forest.

Hey, wait for me!

Come on, we've got
lots of Pokémon to catch!

[narrator] The future looks bright
for our heroes now,

but up ahead, the Viridian Forest is
deeper and darker than they know

and a dangerous new challenge
is waiting.

♪ Pokémon! ♪

♪ Is that time again!
150 Pokémon, five days a week ♪

♪ That’s about 30 or so each day ♪

♪ It’s not too hard
Just listen real good ♪

♪ Alakazam, Doduo, Venonat, Machoke
Kangaskhan, Hypno, Electabuzz, Flareon ♪

♪ Blastoise, Poliwhirl, Oddish, Drowzee
Raichu, Nidoqueen, Bellsprout, Starmie ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all, yeah! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all, ow! ♪

♪ Metapod, Marowak, Kakuna, Clefairy
Dodrio, Seadra, Vileplume, Krabby ♪

♪ Lickitung, Tauros, Weedle, Nidoran
Machop, Shellder, Porygon, Hitmonchan ♪

♪ At least 150 or more to see ♪

♪ To be a Pokémon Master is my destiny ♪

[singer] Okay, so today was pretty easy.

But you got to put
all five days together.

It’s the only way to name all 150.

Catch you here tomorrow.

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Oh, gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon ♪

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Ooh, gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon ♪

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Yeah! Pokémon ♪
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