01x01 - The Arrival of Raditz

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x01 - The Arrival of Raditz

Post by bunniefuu »

[NARRATOR] Far away,
in an enchanted land

that seemed untouched
by the steady march of time,

there lived an old master
named Gohan who found

a baby boy abandoned in
the wilderness of the region.

The old master raised
the boy as his own child

and marveled as
the youngster grew

and became uncommonly strong.

Now the boy,
known as Goku, is on his own,

and has become the sole
guardian of his grandfather's

most mystical possession--
his Dragon Ball!

[birds chirping]



Hi! Just hanging around, huh?

[GOKU laughs]

[GOKU chuckles]

[GOKU laughs] Yeah!

[GOKU grunting]

[yells slowly]


[GOKU] Hiyaaah!


Well, that takes care of that.

I'm hungry! Whoa!

[NARRATOR] Little did
Goku know, a visitor was

approaching his
remote mountainside home.

The young boy's life
was about to begin

a radical new phase.

Totally radical!


Let's see here.
Oh, yeah, there it is!

[GIRL] You're as good
as mine, you little jewel!

[car engine starts]

[GOKU] I'm going to
go get some food.

Grandpa, stay there, okay?

[GOKU] This won't take long.
I'll be right back.


Uh. Golly,
I've never seen you

shine bright like that
before, Grandpa!

How strange!
Can you do it again?

You can wait until
later if you have to.

[GOKU] I'll see you
in a little while.

[GOKU] Now what should
I have to eat today?

Gosh, it's so hard to decide.

Why don't you decide, tummy.


[GOKU] Fish! Yeah! Ha-ha!

That sounds really great!



[GOKU] Ah, but first, I'm
going to need a little snack!

[GOKU chuckles]


[exaggerated eating sounds]

That was good.


[LION] Huh?




Missed me!

[LION growling]
[GOKU laughing]

[GOKU] C'mon...!
Catch me if you can!


[GOKU] You're almost there!


[GOKU giggles]

Uh. Uh-ah!

[GOKU yells]

That was great!

[GOKU] Mm. There.
That oughta do it!

It'll be dry in no time!

Here comes the waterfall!

Huh? Hey!
It looks like now

is a good time to do
a little tail-fishing.

[GOKU] Come on,
you little rasals.

I know you think
it's a giant worm.

Take a bite!

[GOKU grunts]

Wow! That's
what I call a fish!

This oughta
last me until dinner!

[GOKU chuckles]

[distant car engine]

Huh? What's that noise?



[BOTH yelling]

[GOKU] Aaahhh!

Yikes! Is he dead?!

What the--?!

Wow! You're alive?!

Rrrgh! So you thought
you finished me off?

Well, you're not going to
get my fish that easy,

you big monster!

[GIRL] Ahh...! Stop it!
What are you doing?!

[GIRL whimpering]
[GOKU grunting]

This is for hitting me!


There! That'll teach
you to try to take my fish!

Sneaking up on me like that!

[GOKU] Well, I'm ready
for you this time!

Why don't you come out
of your shell and fight!

What's wrong?!
Don't tell me you used up

all of your
power already, monster!

Not quite...!

[GOKU] Ow! Ooh!


Uh. Hm?

[GOKU groans]

Holy cow! Whoa!
What was that?!

But... How'd you...?
You shouldn't be alive, kid!

[GOKU] So you thought you
finished me off again, huh?!

Well Grandpa told me about
evil creatures like you.

Your black arts
won't work on me!

Alright monster!
It's your turn!

Monster? Hold on!
I'm not a monster, kid!

I'm a human being!
Just like you are!

[GOKU] You are?!
Uh, ugh... Really?!

Yes! Uhh...

[GIRL] Of course, I am!

[GOKU] Uh...

You can see that
for yourself. Can't you?

Look. I won't bite.

Uh! Stay back.

A human you say?

[GIRL] That's right.
Wanna to see my

certificate of authenticity?

[GOKU] No thanks.

How long is this
going to take?

Will you hush up?

Well, you look human enough.

But you're different.
You're thin and scrawny.

I'm a girl, silly. That's why.

A girl? Oh, so
that's what you are.

Oh my gosh!
Are you saying you've never

seen a girl before?!

[GOKU] Nope!
Besides my grandpa,

you're the only human being
that I've ever seen!


But Grandpa
told me about girls.

He told me that
if I ever ran into a girl,

that I should be as polite
as I possibly could.

I see. Well!
What a nice thing to say!

Your grandpa sounds like
a very wise man. Is he?

[GOKU] Well, he was!
He died a long time ago!


Shame on you! What do
you think you're doing?!

I was just checking
to see if you had a tail.

Huh? Oh...

[GOKU] Don't worry!
Maybe it just takes girls

longer to grow theirs!

[GIRL] Ah-heh. I'm sure it'll
sprout up any time now, kid!

What a weirdo!

[GOKU] How did you
get that monster to do

what you wanted it to do?

That's not a monster, silly.
That's a car.

Oh, so this is a car.

Grandpa told me about them

but I've never
actually seen one!


[GIRL] You know, for a little
kid, you're really strong!

Thanks! Grandpa trained
me to be like steel.

Hey. You were driving
a car around, right?

So, does that mean that you're
from one of the big cities?

You got it.

Wow! Why don't you
come to my house with me

and I'll cook you some lunch.

[GOKU] You can tell me all
about the city you're from!

Come on!

Hold on! Just a second!

[BULMA] It looks like
the Dragon Ball

is right down the road!

Maybe it's at
this little kid's house!


I think it's safe to assume

we're having fish for lunch.

Well, alright!
So what's on the agenda?

Well, we can have
a bite to eat and talk,

then play together.

Now look.

If you think we're going to
do anything improper,

you can forget it!

What does that mean?

Oh, nevermind.

[GIRL chuckles]
I guess Grandpa hasn't

told him about that yet!

This kid's so innocent
that he's adorable.


Golly. Girls sure are strange!

Well anyway, let's go.

[GIRL] Sounds good! I'll
just follow the giant fish.

So, kid.
What's your name anyway?

My name is Goku.
G. O. K. U.

[chuckles] What's yours?

Uh... My name? Mine?

Uh huh.


Hmm? Ha ha. That's funny!

Hey, Goku's not
exactly normal, so there!

[GOKU] Yeah, but it's
not as weird as yours!


Hey, you be quiet!

Bulma happens to be
very elegant!

It's a lot better than Goku!
That's for sure!


[BULMA] Wow!
That's a nice little place

you've got there, kid!

[GOKU] Gee, thanks!
Just wait here one second.



What's up?

Grandpa's trying
to talk to me.

But Goku,
I don't hear anyone ta...

[BULMA gasps]

Oh my goodness!
It's a Dragon Ball!

[BOTH grunt]

Hey! Give me
my grandpa back now!

Your grandpa? You mean this?

Yeah! This is the
only thing that my grandpa

gave me to remember him by.

Nobody can touch it but me.

[GOKU] Look!
Look what it's doing.

I think Grandpa's
trying to talk to me.

What do you think he's saying?

I hate to do this, but I
don't really have a choice!


You've got to be kidding!

You've got
two Grandpas! No way!

They're not Grandpas.
They're called Dragon Balls.

You sure about that?

Definitely. I'm positive.

Your ball started
glowing because it was

reacting to
the two that I have.

Look. Put yours down.

[GOKU] Well... okay.
But just for a second.

[GOKU] Oh.

Pretty cool, huh?

Yeah, these gems have the
power to do great things!

And not so great!
Let's just say if a bad person

got ahold of these balls,

he could really
wreak some havoc!

Well what do
these things do?

Sure you want to know?



Ah, there it is!

[DOG] It's awfully
dark in there, Sire!

[EMPEROR] Shut up, Shu!

[EMPEROR laughs] Ahh...!

Come to Emperor Pilaf,
my precious! Yes!


[PILAF] Get off of me
you bone-head! Ewe!

[bats chirp]

Uh! [clears throat]

Well, enough of that.
I'm ready to make my wish!

--[WOMAN] Sir?
--[PILAF] What?!

I hate to be the one
to break it to you,

but you can't make a wish
with just one ball,

you have to have
the others as well.

Mm! Huh?!

[WOMAN] There are
seven Dragon Balls, Sire!

You have to unite
all seven of them

before the Dragon will
appear and grant your wish!

Hm... More searching.

[WOMAN] But just imagine,
dear Emperor,

that glorious day
when the seven balls are

finally brought together!

A beautiful burst of
energy will light the sky,

and in a blazing
surge of fiery power,

the Eternal Dragon
will rise before you

for the sole purpose of
granting you a single wish.

Whatever it may be.

Yes! Yes! I can see it!

Well, okay!

I guess I can handle
a little more searching.

Any wish I want, huh?

Well then, I want to
rule the entire world!

[GOKU] Wow! That's amazing!

You can wish for
whatever you want?

And it will come true?!

I wonder why
my grandpa didn't tell me

about any of this stuff!

He may not have
known about it, Goku.

Not many people do.

The truth is,
you and I are some of

the few people in
the world that even know

about the Dragon Balls
or the Dragon.

Don't get mine
mixed up with yours, okay?

Don't worry,
that's impossible.

Each ball has a different
number of stars in it.

See. This one has five.

Oh, I get it.
Grandpa's ball has four stars.

Now you're catching on!


I can't believe that I already
have three of the balls!

If I keep this up,
I'll be able to wish for

a boyfriend before
the end of the month!

This is so exciting!

You are going to let me
use your Dragon Ball

so I can make
my wish, right?

You can forget it!

Grandpa gave me this ball
to remember him by.

[GOKU] And I'm not
going to hand it over,

just because you're a girl.

[BULMA] But your
grandpa said to be as

polite as possible to girls.



Hey, I know what.
Look, I'll trade ya.


You let me have
your Dragon Ball,

and I'll let you
have a little peak.

What do I care about
seeing your dirty ol' fanny?

It is not dirty,
you rude little boy!

Well, sh**t.
There's got to be a way.

The hunt must go on.

Hey, I know!
Why don't you come with me?

We can be partners.
Whatd'ya say?

Oh, go hunt balls?

[BULMA] Sure, why not?

You would get to see so many
new things and learn so much.

Your grandpa would
be very proud of you.

Really?! You think
Grandpa would be

proud if I went?

Of course he would, kid.

Seeing his young
grandson that he raised

venture out into
the world all on his own.

[BULMA] Learning all
about the great cities,

and crossing the desert,
and seeing the ocean!

Alright, that sounds
like a lot of fun.

I guess I'll go.

This'll be great!
So we're partners?

Alright. But I still get
to keep my grandpa's ball.

You drive a hard bargain,
but have it your way.

The little kid's stubborn,

but he'll make a good body
guard until I make my wish.

I'll wish for the most perfect
boyfriend that ever lived!

[BULMA] Well, here we go!
The start of a great adventure!

Hey, Bulma! How do we
know where to start looking?

The Dragon Balls
could be anywhere

in the whole world, right?


Just who do you think
you're dealing with here, kid?

I'm no amateur.

Look--check it out!



[BULMA] It's a special radar
that tracks the Dragon Balls.

Look. See these three dots?

These are our three balls.

And these are
the other Dragon Balls.

It looks like the
closest ball is right here--

about 750 miles to the west.

Is that far?

Let's just say that it's
out of our walking distance.

And since you destoyed my car,

we'll be needing
a new set of wheels.


[BULMA] Let's see now.
What am I in the mood for?

Ah! This one will
be fun for a while.

Stand back, kid. Stay there.



--Check it out!

Bulma! How did you do that?!

You're some kind
of witch, aren't you?

[BULMA] What? Nonsense.

Witchcraft has
nothing to do with it.

Everyone in the city
has dyno-caps.

How could you
travel without them?

Hey! Will you knock it off?

Just hop on.
It won't bite you.

[GOKU] I'm on.

[BULMA] Okay! Here we go!

Ah, aaahhh!

Neato! This thing
goes even faster

than I can run! Yep!

No duh, squirt.
Get with the program!

--[GOKU laughing]
--[MONKEY] Huh?

[GOKU] Weeee!


[BULMA] Chill out, Goku.

You're squeezing
the life out of me!

[GOKU] Oops, sorry!

[BULMA] Just relax. I happen
to be an expert driver.

I'm in total control...

--[BULMA screams]
--[GOKU laughs]

[GOKU] Ah! Wow!
That was great, Bulma!

Let's go back and
do it again. C'mon!

That was so much fun.
Just one more time. Please!

[BULMA] I almost lost it
big-time on that one.

I need to be more careful!

Hm? Uh, oh!

Uh, excuse me
a minute, Goku.

Time for a pit-stop.

Uh, okay. I'll come to.

Oh, no you won't!

Don't the words "pit-stop"
mean anything to you?

Stay right there!

What does that mean?

[BULMA] I need to pee,
you lame-brain!

Huh? I don't get it.

Why can't she
just pee right here?

How strange.

Goku! Come here! Quick!

[GOKU] Huh? I sure wish
she'd make up her mind.

Coming, Bulma!

[BULMA screams]

[TERANODON chuckles]
[BULMA screaming]

Who the heck are you, kiddo?

My name's Goku.

Are... you a friend of Bulma's?

[TERANODON chuckles]
[BULMA screaming]

Yeah, that's it!

As a matter of fact, we have
fancy dinner engagements

but the reservations
are only for two!


Gosh! I think he was lying.

You're a regular Einstein!

See ya!

[BULMA screams]

Hey, stop being
such a downer, baby!

I'm in the mood for
a happy meal!


Hey! Where are you
guys going, Bulma? Huh?

Don't just stand there,
idiot! Get! Me! Down!

Well gee, I don't
blame her for being upset,

but she doesn't have to
go calling me names.

I'd like to help her down,

but I really
don't know how to fly.

Hey! I've got it!

Let's see here.
How does this thing work?

Bulma was able to make it
fly a few minutes ago.

[GOKU] Whoa! It's moving!

Come on, whatever you are!

I know you can
go faster than this!

We've got to get moving!
Bulma's in trouble!

[engine excellerates]

[GOKU yells]

Goku! Please help me!

[GOKU] Hang on, Bulma!



[BULMA screams]

Hang on.
Just a little further.


Goku, help!



Power Pole extend!

Here! Take this
you mean ol' bully!






[GOKU] Here! Bulma!





[GOKU] Hm? Too bad.

I really don't
like to hurt anybody,

but he gave me no choice.

[BULMA] Goku!


Aren't you going to help me?!

Help! I'm having a bit
of a crisis up here.


Be right there, Bulma!

[NARRATOR] As Goku and
Bulma continue their quest

what will befall them next?

The race is on
as both good and evil forces

plot a crash course!

Who will be the first
to unlock the mystery

of the seven magic
Dragon Balls?
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