01x03 - The World's Strongest Team

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x03 - The World's Strongest Team

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time,
on Dragon Ball Z...

With no more
battles to fight,

Goku had settled
into a peaceful life

with Chichi
and his new son!

I'm Gohan.

But peaceful
though it may be,

life in the countryside
is anything but quiet!

The woods can be a dangerous
place for a young boy alone.

Fortunately for Gohan,

his father is one of the
strongest men in the world!

And Goku was there
in the nick of time

to pull his son
from harm's way.

But even as father and son
braved the perils of the woods,

little did they know,

a far greater threat was
descending upon the Earth!

An alien spacecraft
fell from the skies,

carrying aboard an unexpected,
and most unwelcome, visitor.

Piccolo was the first

to meet this mysterious
invader face-to-face.

And the extent of the
alien's power was revealed.

Despite being one of the
mightiest fighters on Earth,

Piccolo's awesome energy
attack had little effect.

You actually managed
to singe one of my leg hairs.


Though powerless to
defend himself against this foe,

Piccolo's life was spared
when the alien sped away

to continue his search...

A search for a man
named Kakarot...

You are a discredit
to your race, Kakarot!

But when I find
you I'll teach you

what it means
to be a Saiyan!



Hey, you guys!



Wow! It sure has been
a long time, hasn't it?

Yep! But look at you!
You're as beautiful as ever!

Oh, you men...
You're impossible!

I guess you forgot about
my truffles, though.

Oh well, that's okay.
I'll forgive you.



I didn't forget!

Heh! Goodness, you're
gonna spoil this old man.

I'm so happy right now. Heh!
I could just squeeze ya!

Hey, I was just
trying to say thanks!

Why did I
think he could ever change?


Oh, wow!


Hey so, eh.. What's Yamcha
been up to these days, Bulma?

Oh that idiot! I don't even
want to think about him!

He made me so mad,
I didn't even tell him

we were going to
be here today!

I never want to see him again!
We're finished!

I mean, can you believe it?
He went out with another girl!

Breaking up
is hard to do.

I wouldn't

So, where's
Goku at?

Well, he said
he was gonna be here.

I guess he's on his way.


Hey, Krillin,
leave me some!

This power
moves with great speed!

But not fast enough...

Here we are, Gohan!

You cannot escape me!

Hey! Is anyone home?

Hm? It stopped!



Hey, who's the kid?

You tryin' to earn some extra
cash babysitting, or somethin'?

He's my son.

Your son?

Pretty wild, huh?


Oh Goku,
he's adorable!

Gohan, say hi.

Hello, everyone.

-Oh, hello!

This is Gohan.

Gohan? I see...

You named him after your
grandfather, did ya?

Well, that's wonderful.
He's a fine looking boy.

I'm sure your grandpa would
have been very proud.

Hey Gohan.
How old are you?

Um, uh, four and a half.

Are you gonna grow up to be a
brave fighter like your dad?

Well, ChiChi doesn't
let him train.

Huh? Oh...
No martial arts, huh?

So what do you want to be
when you grow up, Gohan?

An orthopedist.

Wow, uh...
An orthopedist, huh?

He's just
saying hi, Gohan.

Hm... A tail.

Yeah! He was born
with it, just like me!

I think he wants you
to pet him, Gohan.

Oh, man! Goku,
has anything, you know,

strange ever happened
to Gohan at night?

What do you mean?

She means, has Gohan ever
looked at the moon at night?

When it's full?

I don't think so...

No... We all go to
bed pretty early.

Uh, why?

Wh-Why, you say?
Oh, no reason...

Heh, heh, heh! Uh, no
particular reason at all!

Well, uh... He sure
seems a lot different

than you were when
you were a kid, Goku.

I know.

ChiChi can be pretty

when it
comes to Gohan.

She makes him study
all the time,

and she says martial arts
are a waste of energy.

Three... Go!

Oh, yeah? Then what
does that make us, then?

Now, now.
Settle down boys.

You can't expect
everyone to agree

with what
you're doing.

It would be all
too easy, then!

Watch out! He might
pinch you, Gohan!

That crab's a
mighty sore loser!

Oh, how neat.

That's a real Dragon Ball on
your hat, isn't it? Isn't it?

Yep. The
four-star ball.

It took me a
while to find it,

but I wanted
Gohan to have it

since it used to belong
to my grandfather.

I've been collecting
Dragon Balls for fun.

I've got the three-star ball,
and the six-star ball too.

They're at home.

Wow. You know,
it's wild to think

of all the crazy
adventures we used to have

trying to find
those things.

Yeah, really...

So, Goku, what are
you guys gonna wish for

when you get
all seven?

I don't know, Krillin.
That's a good question.

Come to think of it, I
don't really want anything.

-Oh, wow!

I thought Goku had less power

now that he settled down.

You're still
one bad dude, Goku!

What is it?

What, Goku?

There's something bad
heading straight for us...

Are you sure, Goku?

I'm positive.

I've never felt a power
like this before.

Yeah, I feel
it now, too...

There's nothing
there, you guys.

What is it?

I've never sensed anything
like this before.

Such an...
An awful power!

Look! There!

Oh, yes!
I see it, Goku!

Who is that?

It's not Piccolo, is it?

This isn't good.

I smell death in the air.

So, we meet
again at last...

You've grown up.

I recognize you,
though, Kakarot.


That's right.
That's your name.

His name?

Who is this?
You must be nuts.

Kakarot! What have you been
doing here all these years?

Your mission was to terminate
all life on this planet!

Why haven't you
carried it out?

Listen, mister...
I don't know who you are,

but you've obviously
got the wrong guy!

Shoo! Shoo! I think you've
been dippin in the egg nog.

Allow me to escort
you off this the island.

Krillin, watch out!


Ahh! A tail?

I don't believe it!
He's got a tail, too!

That's good.

I wondered how long it would
take you to recognize me.

What are you... I...
I've never seen you before!



You mean to tell me you
have no idea who I am?

I don't know who this 'Kakarot'
person is you're looking for,

but I'm not him!
My name's Goku!

What happened
to you?

Ah! Gohan! No!


Gohan, get back!


Tell me... Did you ever
suffer a serious injury

to the head when
you were young?


When you were a kid
did you ever hit your head?


Did you hear me?!


I don't remember it very well,

but you're right, I did hit
my head when I was a child.

I still have a scar
where it happened.

You stupid fool..
You forgot!

I forgot what?
Tell me!


There's something...

Something your
grandfather once told me

that I think you
should know...

Long ago, your grandpa Gohan
was walking through the woods

when he came
upon a crater

that had been recently
made in the ground.

When he went to examine
it more closely,

he found what appeared to be
some sort of spaceship.

And next to it...
There you were.

Lying in a little
round pod.

Gohan tried to take care
of you, but you were wild,

downright uncontrollable,

and unusually
powerful for a baby.

You wanted nothing to do
with Gohan's kindnesses.

Then one day, there was
a terrible accident...

You fell into a deep ravine
and badly injured your head.

Your grandfather feared
that he had lost you.

But somehow, miraculously,
you survived.

Yes, any other child
would have died,

but you recovered.

And from that day on, you
became a happy, loving boy.

I'm from outer space?


Well, that would
explain a lot...

So you think Goku has some
connection with this guy?

I wish I knew...

Okay. You've got
my attention.

Now tell us
who you are!

Well, I wasn't expecting
to give a history lesson

when I came
here today...

But all right...
I'll tell you everything.

After all, you are going to
be working for me from now on,

and I do like my subordinates
to be well informed.

Hey, Krillin...
You alright?

Yeah, be careful Goku.
This guy's not normal.

Mm-hm. Believe me, I know...

I could sense that from
the minute he landed.

Even now, standing here
talking to him like this...

Something about him
turns my stomach.

Such harsh words...

Careful. You're more like
me than you realize.

You were born on
the planet Vegeta...

You are a space fighter,
a Saiyan warrior...

Just like me.



Allow me to
introduce myself.

I'm Raditz...
Your big brother.

Goku has a...
a brother?

He looks like you!

Why should I
believe you?

Yeah, that's right!

What the heck is Goku
doing on Earth

if he's from
another planet?

That's simple...

We sent him here.

Kakarot was given specific
orders to clear this world

of its current

A mission which he
has failed miserably.

You see, we Saiyans are sort
of like... Planet brokers.

We scour space
for planets

that will bring a high price
on the galactic market.

Once we find them,
we send our warriors there

to purge them of any life
and make them ready for sale.

It's a very, very
profitable business.

And we take great pride at
being efficient in our work.

For example, if we
discover a planet

with strong

we send a team of our adult
fighters to wipe them out.

But for planets full of
weaklings like this one,

one of our babies is
generally sufficient

to carry out
the order.

If what you say
is true,

you Saiyans are
just an abomination!

You're space pirates!
That's what you are!

How can you send little babies
off into space all alone?

Trust me,
they're more than capable

of looking
after themselves...

Well, most of them.

you're a disgrace!

You could have easily wiped
out every living thing

on this planet
by yourself.

If you hadn't
forgotten your orders,

it would have only have taken
you a year or two at the most.

Especially considering this
planet has a nice, big moon.

Yeah, lemme guess,

I was probably supposed
to blow that up, too...

You fool! You know
as well as I do,

it's the key to unlocking
your true potential!

I'm sure at least
once in your life

you've looked at
the full moon...

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Ah! Aaahh!

Wh-What happened
to your tail, Kakarot?

My tail? Why?

Answer me! Now!

It was removed permanently
a long time ago!

Do you have any idea
what you've done?

Your true power
is gone now!

Without your tail,

you've lost your ability to
transform at the full moon!

Now I can see how you
can be on good terms

with these weaklings...

Listen! This is my home!
And these are my friends!

So it doesn't matter
what you say I am!

And you sure don't act like
any brother I'd wanna have.

My name is Goku
and I live here!

Now leave us alone!

Yeah! Just go!

Even if you
are brothers,

that doesn't mean Goku has
to destroy peaceful planets

like you do,
you big creep!

Right! Goku even saved
this planet once, mister!

So, go away!

So baby brother
wants to be left alone...

Well, it's a pity that's
not going to happen.

No, at this point I'm afraid
you're far too valuable

to us for that...

You see, three years ago,
our home planet, Vegeta,

met with an
unfortunate accident

when a huge comet slammed
into its surface.

The planet was vaporized and
the Saiyan race destroyed.

There's not too many of
us left now, brother.

In fact...

As far as we can tell, there
are only four... including you.

We were the only
Saiyans away from home

when the
planet exploded...

Like you, the rest of
us had been sent off

to perform a few
'hostile takeovers.'

And now we've found another
world we'd like to conquer.

It should bring in
a very high price.

But unfortunately,
the job's a little too big

for only three
of us to handle.

We were almost afraid
we'd have to pass it up...

Until I remembered
you, Kakarot.

You're not as powerful as I
might have hoped, but still,

with your help we
should manage nicely.

Well now, what do you
think? Are you excited?

You should be... I've come to
take you back into the fold.

I've heard enough!

I'd die before I'd join a
g*ng of pirates like you!


I have been meaning
to ask you, Kakarot...

I couldn't help but notice
your son has a tail.

Leave him out of this!

I'll decide that!

If you won't join us...

I suppose I'll just
have to settle

for taking the boy
in your place.


We'll see... Hya!

I see the fire in
your eyes, brother.

You should come with us!

It's in your blood...
You love to fight.


I'm right
here with you, Goku.

Just stay close
to Gohan.

Watch him, Goku...

Ah! Daddy!

-Are you okay?

Gohan, no!


Like I said...
I'm taking your son...

If you ever want to
see him alive again,

I suggest you
listen closely!

Come on Goku.
You have to get up!

Now then, I'll give you one
day to think about my offer.

Although, let's be
realistic, Kakarot.

I'm not giving you a choice.

So, when you decide to
join us and you will...

There's something
I want you to do...

Prove to me that
you mean it...

You can start
by eliminating

100 of these
pathetic earthlings.

Just stack them here on
the beach when you're done.

I'll be back tomorrow
for a head count.

So what do
you say, Kakarot?

I do hope you'll come
through for me on this one.

After all,
he's my nephew.

It would be a shame
if I had to hurt him.

Aahh! Help, daddy,
I'm scared! Aaahh!


Aahh! Help me! Aahh!

The unthinkable
has happened...

Gohan has fallen into the
clutches of the evil Raditz!

And against his older
brother's incredible strength,

is there anything Goku
can do to rescue his son?

The outlook is grim, in the
next episode of Dragon Ball Z!
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