01x11 - Trouble on Arlia

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x11 - Trouble on Arlia

Post by bunniefuu »

On the last
episode of Dragon Ball Z...

For this reason, we
humbly ask that you allow Goku

to seek training
from King Kai himself.

With the help of Kami,

Goku was given
permission to receive.

King Kai's
special training.

But in order to reach this
legendary fighting master,

Goku must first
travel the length

of the treacherous
Snake Way!

How long is it?

They say it's
over ten thousand miles,

but nobody really
knows for sure!

As Goku boldly set
out on this new adventure,

little did he know,
back on Earth,

his son Gohan was about to
begin an adventure of his own.

Your father and I barely
managed to defeat

the Saiyan who
kidnapped you today.

And we've learned
that two more Saiyans,

even stronger, are on
their way to Earth...

We won't be able to
beat them alone...

That's why you're
going to train.

So you can fight
by our side!

After discovering
Gohan's hidden powers,

Piccolo has decided
to give the boy

a crash course
in martial arts.

If Gohan can endure Piccolo's
severe training for one year,

he could be a valuable
ally in the fight

against the Saiyans.

But the more pressing
question is...

Can he survive
the first day?

Um, okay, Mr. Piccolo.

I guess I'm ready.

Uhh... So, what happens now?
What do we do first?

Heh, heh. We don't
do anything...

You do.

I do?

That's right.

The first thing
you need to do

is learn how to take
care of yourself.

If you can survive out here
for six months on your own,

I'll teach you
how to fight.

You want me to stay out
here all by myself?

I can't do that!

It's too scary!

Please, I don't
know what to do!

I've never been
all alone before.

Heh. That's the
whole point, isn't it?

Besides, you
won't be alone.

There'll be plenty of
hungry wild animals

to keep you company.

You mean like,
lions and tigers?

But they'll eat me!

Quiet! Crying
won't save you!

It's time to start
acting like a man.

Don't leave me.

You have to learn
to rely on yourself.

If you can find the courage
to survive on your own,

you'll be a stronger fighter,
both in body and in mind.

Remember, there's a
great power inside you,

waiting to be unlocked, but
it's up to you to bring it out.

Use it! Rely on it!

And if you can do that,

I guarantee you'll
live through this.

I'm afraid.

You'll laugh at
your fears

when you find out
who you really are!

I know you don't
believe it now,

but you already have everything
you need to survive.

Well then, I've got to
begin my own training.

See you in
six months.

No! I don't have anything!
What about food? Or a bed?

What am I supposed to
do out here all day?

What about
my homework?

I told you I wasn't
going to go easy on you.

You're on your own.

Uh... You can't leave me.

That's cruel.

Hey, guess what!

Sometimes, kid,
life is cruel.

And don't you
forget it.

Hey! Wait! Don't go!

Please! Come back,

You were just kidding,
right? Come back!

Kami, what's wrong?
You look upset.

It's Piccolo.

I can feel the evil
in his heart, and yet...

There seems to be a change
coming over him, Mr. Popo.

He's not acting like
the villain I would expect.

It's quite surprising.

Piccolo would never
have been willing

to train Goku's
son before.

Yes, I was equally
surprised when he agreed

to forge an alliance with Goku
in order to fight Raditz.

I realize he had his
own selfish motives...

But still... That does
not change the fact

that he chose to
defend the Earth,

instead of allowing
it to be destroyed.


And though it may seem
Piccolo's true evil nature

revealed itself when
he eliminated Goku

along with Raditz...

We must not forget, that Goku
chose to make that sacrifice.

And perhaps,
his death was

actually a blessing
in disguise...

For now,
Goku has received permission

to seek King Kai's
training in Other World.

Piccolo knows that Goku
is certain to return,

and yet he has still
chosen to train his son,

a boy that may
one day grow to be

a powerful enemy
in his own right.

I know. It doesn't
seem to make any sense...

Perhaps it does, Mr. Popo.
Perhaps it does.

Yes, Piccolo may have
realized as I have,

that in one year...
We will die.

What? No...

I'm sorry, Mr. Popo,
but I have foreseen it...

I do not know the exact cause,
whether Piccolo will lose

his life in the battle
against the Saiyans,

or if I will simply
pass away from old age.

But either way,
the result is the same.

But Kami...

My life force is
forever bound with Piccolo's.

We're two halves
of a single being.

One cannot exist
without the other...

Such is the curse
of foresight.

I'm able to see the
day of my own demise.

If Piccolo has indeed
sensed my mind,

he may wish to pass his
knowledge on before he dies.

Even if it's to the
son of his enemy.

Wait... What about
the Dragon Balls?

Hm. There's time
for one more wish.

I don't wanna be alone.

Somebody? Anybody?

Hey there...


Hey! Wait up!


Okay. I think I've got... Ah!

I think I've got it.

There you are!

I'm not gonna find any of
your friends in here, am I?

There. That wasn't
so bad, I guess...

Now let's see.

There's gotta be
somewhere I can go...

Oh hey, you don't know a place
where I can stay, do you?

Great! I'll just
follow you!

Wow. I had no idea
Gohan was so strong!

What he did against
Raditz today was amazing!

I guess he's a chip of
the old block after all!

Why do I feel I'm getting
nowhere all of a sudden?

I know! I may not be able
to fly, but I can still jump!

Yeah! Now that's
more like it!

I should have done
this from the start!


Then again, maybe
this was a bad idea!

Man! That's sharp!
Uh oh...

Whew! That was too
close for comfort.

I won't make that
mistake again!

I guess I still
have a long way to go.

Okay, now here I go.
Okay, uh, now...

ChiChi, you're not going to
believe this but, uh...

Goku is gone,
and Gohan...

Well, we sort of let
Piccolo borrow him for a...

Well, for a while and uh...

Okay, how 'bout
this way...

ChiChi, um,
guess what!

Goku's in Other
World with Kami,

and Gohan, well,
he's been kidnapped again!

Oh! Krillin!

Uh, hi.

What are you doing here?
I thought Goku was with you.

Oh, well, he was, but uh...

You know how plans get changed,
you know... I mean...

Hey! Krillin! Hi!

Hi, Ox King, uh,
nice to see you...

Krillin, you're acting
strange. Where's Goku?

Right! Goku! Uh, well, to
tell you the truth, he's, uh...



He's dea... Delayed!

He is?

Uh, yeah! That's it!
He's uh, he's running late!

Really? So, then
when is he coming back?

Uh, well, uh...

Actually, he's not coming back.

He's not
coming back?!

Well, he is!
Just not right away...

Krillin! Just what in the
world are you talking about?!

ChiChi, now, now.

Why don't you
come in, Krillin?

ChiChi's got some
good dinner cooking.

I'm so excited to see
Gohan! I can't wait!

You know, I haven't seen
him in almost a year!

He's probably all
grown up by now!

Aw, man. How can I tell him

he's gonna have to
wait another year?

I just don't have
the heart...

So, Krillin...
Where is everyone?

I tried calling
Kame House earlier,

but there
was no answer.

Oh! Well, uh,
there's no one on the island.

Yeah, I think they all went for
a ride in Master Roshi's boat!

A boat, yeah. No phone.
Yeah, that's it!

Oh, that sounds fun.
I didn't know Roshi had a boat.

It's... It's, uh, new.

Well, I hope
he's having fun.

Because Goku's got a lot
of explaining to do

when he gets back.

He should know better than
to keep Gohan out this long!

He has homework to do! Hmph!

Now, ChiChi, calm down.
It's okay.

Goku knows what he's doing.

I'm sure they'll be
home any minute.

You're right, Dad. I'm sorry.
You know me, though...

Always worrying! Oh well,
I better finish making dinner.

Okay. Well, uh...

I should go now.

What? Really?
But you just got here!

No, Krillin. Please stay!
At least until Goku gets home.

That's right.
I insist!

But, I've got
a lot to do!

Not until you
have some dinner!

I wanna go home.

I'm Gohan.



Somebody! Help!
Ah! Please!

Wait. Where'd he go?

I'm stuck!
Can anyone hear me?


Looks great,
doesn't it, Krillin?

I hope Goku brings
Gohan back soon.

I'd hate for
them to miss out!

Ha! Goku can starve
for all I care!


I'll have the ribeye.
Hold the rib.

Here you go.

Here's your change.

Let's see now.

There's ten, twenty, thirty...

You shorted me!

He said, tell Master
Roshi and the others

not to wish me back with the
Dragon Balls for one year.

So, Goku want me to go
down to Kame House?

Yep! He said
he'll owe you one.

That boy already
owes me plenty.

But I suppose
I'll do it this once.

I don't know what that
guy was talking about!

He said I wouldn't have
to worry about food,

but I'm starving!

I'm hungry and cold...
and tired and scared...


Wow! Two of 'em!

Wow! These look
delicious! Oh, boy!

Now that's weird...

I don't see a
tree anywhere.

Huh, well...

These apples
are sour...

I miss my mom's cooking.
I wanna eat a real dinner!

I wonder what she's
making tonight...

Spoiled kid.
Be glad you got that.

Well, that's
a little better...

Nope... It's still
way too scary...

I hope you enjoyed it, kid.

That's the one and only
time I intend to help you.

If you can't survive
on your own after this,

then it means I was
wrong about you...

And you're just a
normal little brat.

Gohan's first day of
training was a difficult one.

But this will
seem all too easy

when compared with
the days ahead.

The true hardship
is yet to come!

Don't miss the next exciting
episode of Dragon Ball Z!
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