01x16 - Escape from Piccolo

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x16 - Escape from Piccolo

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time,
on Dragon Ball Z...

Gohan's trials

as the creatures
of the wilderness

fought to capture him
for a tasty snack.

And it was all
Gohan could do

to keep himself
out of their claws!

Gohan's adventures dropped
him into the dark center

of an ancient ruin,
where fortunately for him,

he discovered he
had some company...

Who are you?!

But when the ruins
suddenly began to collapse,

Gohan's robot friend threw
himself into harm's way,

and held back the falling
rock just long enough

for the young
boy to escape.


Time to shut down...

It's my fault...

Now, alone once again,

Gohan journeys into the unknown
with a new determination

to make himself stronger,

so that the next time
trouble rears its head,

he'll be able to
help his friends...

Good luck, Gohan! The
Saiyans arrive in one year!

It's harder bringing you
back than it was catching you!

Ah, berries...

Now, just a little
bit farther...

Ahh, yum!

Uh oh, I better
get back.


I can't believe this.

I never thought I'd have
to do this myself...

I hope I'm
doing it right...

There we go!

No, daddy!
It hurts!

I know it stings a
little bit, Gohan...

But I promise
it'll help!

No, I don't want
any of that stuff!

I want Mom to do it!

Come on...

That's it! You did it!

Now it'll be better in no time.

All right.
Here it goes...

It's the
bottom of the ninth,

the defending
champions are leading

the Taitans
six to three...

And it's the pitch!


Murdock caught
swinging on the change up!

Oh-ho boy! You know he's gotta
be hating himself for that one!

You've got
that right, Martin...

And you can bet the
intimidation factor

from this man here had
a little something to do

with that little lapse
in concentration!

Absolutely! Rocky
Rivers has hit more batters,

and he's pitched
fewer innings

than any other pitcher
in the league!

Now those are stats

you don't want to
write home about.

And the
pressure has got to be

mounting for that man.

Right! Yamcha's
already hit three solo homers,

but how long can he
keep up the streak?

What's up, Puar?

Gee, I thought you
were snoozing!

Aren't you nervous
about winning the game?

What's there to be
nervous about? This is too easy.

It seems like every time
I step up to the plate

I hit a home run.

Yeah, but that's a
good thing, isn't it?

I'm a fighter, Puar!
I'm not a ball player!

Don't talk
like that!

Fighting doesn't pay
the rent, Yamcha.

You have to make
money somehow!

Rocky Rivers
with the windup... The pitch!

And Murdock's been hit!

Atta' boy, Murdock!

Hey, Yamcha!

We got two men on
for you hot-shot!

You can bring 'em in,
can't you?

Hey, it's worth a bonus.
Well, what d'ya think, huh?

It's a pretty
big game.

The Pennant...
Twenty thousand zeni...

How's that for
a nice bonus?

It's hard to believe
the entire season's

resting on my shoulders.

That's an awful
lot of pressure...

it is.

Wow. That'll pay the rent.

And there's
the Taitan's slugger, Yamcha,

in the warm up box...

Tying run at
the plate...

Play ball!

Two men on...

Bottom of the ninth... Two outs.

And look at Freddie Hines

signaling in to
Pepper Johnson.

Bottom of the ninth...
The Pennant at stake...

You have to wonder
with all the pressure

if he even knows
what he's doing.

Looks like he's
had too much coffee to me!

And here's the pitch!

Striiiiiike one!

Johnson caught
looking, or rather, not looking.

And you have to wonder
just what signal

the Taitan manager
sent in earlier.

Here it comes, ladies.

And here's the pitch!

Breaking ball...

Now Johnson's been hit!

That's two in one inning!

Boy, that's
not going to go over well.

Pepper Johnson is
obviously shaken-up.

I wouldn't be surprised if
a fight broke out here.

Hey! You jerk!
You did that on purpose!

So what! What do you think
you're gonna do about it?

That's it,

Come on!

There goes Johnson!

And now both benches
are clearing! What a game!

I've never seen
anything like this, Martin!

Not in a
Pennant race!

And there's
the Taitan slugger, Yamcha!

So far he's one of
the few players

that's chosen not
get involved...

He probably
doesn't want to get hurt.

Yamcha, stay
out of it!

You don't want to hurt
anybody, now do you?

Oh, Puar, it's just a little
rumble! I'll try to be careful!

Okay, have fun!

Oh, my...

You little punk!



What are you doing here?

just hangin'!

I do have something I need
to tell you though, Yamcha.

Why don't we
go over here?


Are you serious?

But, Goku can't be... dead.

Yeah... he
sacrificed himself.

But don't forget about
the Dragon Balls!

Once we get all seven
we can wish him back!

follow me!


Oh... You jerk!

Hey... Guys?

Bulma's still mad about
the time you stood her up!

You should explain that you
were just out of money.

Huh! Yamcha was broke
ninety-nine percent

of the time anyway!

Besides, he took
Becky Hafford

to see the concert
three nights later!

I had tickets..
You wouldn't go!

Man! Being a jerk just
comes so natural to you!

Yeah? Well, I'd say
I owe all my training

in that department
to you, Bulma.

Krillin, if you need some
help against those Saiyans,

let me know.

Wait a second! That's what
I came to talk to you about!

I do need you!

Korin wants us all to report
to him for special training!

For real, Krillin?

Well, too bad!
You're gonna miss out!

Hey! C'mon guys!
We don't want to be late!

Korin's waiting,
you know!

Oh man, that's sharp!
Poor arm...

It all looks
the same...

I don't even know how long
I've been running...

It doesn't feel like I'm
any closer to the end now

than I was
when I started...

Wow, I slept
like a rock...

My heart feels like it's
going to pop out of my chest!

Wait, I can't
run away!

My dad wouldn't run away...
Besides, my sword's in there!


Uh, actually, I can
come back for my sword later...

if you want.

Goodness... That's gonna
have to come out.

Hey, this is
gonna hurt,

but you'll feel better
when it's all over.

Whoa! Poor guy! This was
in deeper than I thought.

This is something
my dad showed me.

It'll fix you right up!

Trust me... You're
not the only one...

There we go!

I know! It stings!
But I promise it'll help!

I'm back!

There. I think that
should be enough.


Great! Now I need to find
more food for my friend...

And I know
just the place

where I can get tons
of berries for him.

He'll like those!

Wow! I haven't felt this
good in a long time!

There's going to be
a fight, isn't there?

That's right!

And it's not going to be pretty.

Well I'm not gonna bow
down to those Saiyan jerks!

We've got Piccolo
on our side

and Goku's gonna be back
even stronger than before!

That's true...

And besides,
it's not every day

you get a chance to be
trained by Korin himself!

Hey! Right, Yamcha!

Korin's training will
make us stronger, too!

We might be
twice as strong!

That's true!
It's possible!

In any case,
those sorry Saiyans

are going to have
their hands full.

I'll make
sure of that!

Wow! Now you're
talking, Yamcha!


Oh great! She still
likes him. Bummer...

Oh! How romantic!

You know...
I wonder...

Maybe after the big
fella' gets better,

I can keep him as a pet!
That'd be so much fun.

And it'd be great having
a friend to keep me company.

Can't wait! Ha, ha, ha!

Wow! My arms are getting
pretty beefy! Heh, heh, heh!

Well, I have
to try it sometime...

I guess today's as
good a day as any.

Hmm... Maybe it's time I
tested my strength out, too.

My dad could make
rubble outta this rock.

Aahh! Hm.

Not even a crack...

I'm back again!

I was gonna get
you some berries,

but I couldn't
find any.

Instead, I found a bunch of
fruit I think you'll like.



Ah! Please! Help!

So it's you! I'm not gonna
let you hurt my friend!

Let him go,
right now!

I mean it!


My sword!

keep... going.

What happened?

Oh no, my friend...

The course of nature
isn't always easy to accept.

But as Gohan is learning,
in the remote wilderness,

survival of the fittest is
the only law of the land.

And difficult
though it may be,

sometimes there
is little choice

but to put the past
behind and forge ahead!

Don't miss the next exciting
episode of Dragon Ball Z!
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