01x22 - The Battle Begins... Goku Where Are You?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x22 - The Battle Begins... Goku Where Are You?

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time
on Dragon Ball Z,

the race was on to get
into fighting shape

before the two uninvited
Saiyan warriors

make their
appearance on Earth...

And everyone,
even Piccolo,

is training twice
as hard as ever.

Not only is it a
battle against time,

it's a battle
against themselves...

But an
unexpected storm

has threatened to put an end
to Gohan's training plans...

All alone and
lost at sea,

Gohan is surely in for the
fight of his young life...

That is, if
he survives...

Who is he?

He doesn't look like
he's from around here.

I dunno...

He must have fallen off
a ship or something...

Well, don't get too
close, he could be dangerous!

He won't wake up!

Is he alive?

I'd better check!

I guess not.
Too bad.

Oh no...

How can you tell, Rom?
What did you do?

The old ear test!

You mean you're
six years old

and you haven't heard
of the ear test before?

Yes I have!

Hmm. It doesn't look like
he has anything valuable on him.

Hey, look, Rom!
What's that?

Oh, wow! A sword!

Check it out!

That's my sword...

I guess he's
dead again.

Keep it on, Rom!
He's waking up!

Is he?

You're right! Hello there!


How's it going?
I'm Rom!

And my name
is Chiko! Hi!

Hi. Where am I?


Where's here?

Here is wherever we
happen to be at the time.

Oh, cool...

It's great, isn't it?
This is our house.

It's free because no
one wants it...

Where'd you
come from anyway?

I don't know... I think it
was a desert or something.

Oh, wow. I can't
believe you're all alone!

Not anymore!

From now on you can hang out
with us! We're orphans too!


We only have
one rule, never cry.

But Chiko breaks that rule all
the time, so don't worry...

I do not!

I'm Gohan.

It's nice to
meet you, Gohan.

Don't believe everything that
Rom tells you though, okay?

Y'know, You're the
first new orphan ever.

The rest of us have been
together since the tidal wave!

Say whatever's on
your mind, Gohan.

We speak freely
around this place.

That's good!

It's just that I've been
alone for so long...

I forgot how to talk.

There was a huge tidal
wave about two years ago...

Boy, when it hit,
it wiped out the whole town!

It was so scary!

That why there's
a lot of kids around here

without families
or homes to go to.

That's the place,
right up ahead there!

Um? I'm not a...

It's the goon squad!
Let's go!


What's up?

Gohan! Let's go!



C'mon, Gohan!
You're gonna get caught!

They're not
back there! Hm?


I'll be right back.
I'm gonna get Chiko across!

He's a goner.

Give it up, kid!
There's nowhere to go!

coming with us!



Take that!
You big apes!

Grr! Those
little brats! C'mon!

Uh, who are those guys?

They're from
the home, where kids

get spanked and yelled at!

They put us in a pen
if we're caught,

and they'll treat
us like animals!

Sounds terrible!

If they get you,
there's no escape.

You'll have to spend
the rest of your days

working for 'em doing
chores in the home!

Well, not me! I'll hide
from them... I will!

They've found us now...
They'll come back!

Oh no...

Be quiet!
Come on!

Noo! Aahh!

you little brat!


That's enough outta you
clowns! The girl stays!

That's what
you think!




That's enough now!

We're not here to
hurt you children!

We just want to
take you to a place

where you can
have new clothes,

and hot meals and a
bed to sleep in.

Hear that?

C'mon, she's
lying, dummy!

We don't want all of
that stuff! Just leave!

What about the
other children? The small ones!

Maybe some of them want
a home to live in?

We all had homes
before the tidal wave hit!

If you really want to give
us nice things, that's fine!

Just bring 'em over here.

We'll be back!

We did it!

All right!

Is he new?

Yeah, he is. He was shipwrecked
and we found him on the beach.

Hi, I'm Gohan!
Nice to meet you!

And since he's the smallest,
he gets food everyday now!

Nope! You're still
the smallest, Chiko.

Hi, Gohan, my name's Pigero.
It's nice to meet you.

Come on, Yudon!
You can take him!

Step right up,
ladies and gentlemen,

I've got the freshest
goods in town!

These are the
juiciest, son!

Oh, the poor boy!

Let's go!

Hey! You rotten kids!

I'll get you!


They went
that way!

Rom! Faster!

you thieves!

Said stop!

Oh my!

Oh yeah!

I'll get you
kids for this!

That was fun,
wasn't it?


Who needs parents?
We sure don't!

You bet!

We do just fine!

We're a
family now!

Isn't that

Yeah, sure.

I remember that tidal
wave like it happened yesterday.

Hey, Gohan!
What's up?

Hey, what are you
doing up so late?

I'm on guard!

Sometimes the workers from
the home come at night.

I do night duty ever
since Rom nodded off

and fell out
of the tree.

So what's
up with you?

You must have something on your
mind if you're up this late.

Well, I'm not
really an orphan.

When I was shipwrecked, I was
on my way home to see my mom.

Hmm. I see.

Oh, so you
do have a home?

Sorry, you guys.
I just couldn't say it.

Hey, don't worry
about it, it's cool.

Yeah, I really didn't
give you the chance to tell us.

So, where is
your house?

Uh, it's right by Mt.
Paoz in the forest.

Hey, that's just a little
ways inland from here.

Wow! Seriously?

Hey, if you know where it
is, can you show me?

No problem, I'll take
you over there tomorrow.

Man! Thank you!

Hey, so what's your
mom like, Gohan?

Well, she's sweet
and she's pretty,

but she's really into
making me study a lot.

I guess I could
study if I had to.

No way!
Not me!

Oh, it's not
that bad!

You get to
play some.

Oh, wow,

Yeah, not enough, though.
But it's better than nothing!

You know, all of
these big cities

are only a
hundred years old.

Before that, kid's didn't
even have to go to school,

they just worked
on a farm.

Wow, cool!


Yeah, lots of people
never went to school!

That must
have been cool.

To just live on the land before
all this junk was built.

I hear ya... We could've
done things differently.

What would we
do differently?

Well, for starters,
we'd set aside

a beautiful place
for orphans.

Yeah, and we wouldn't be too
busy to spend time with them!

No cars and
highways! Nope!

Except ice cream trucks,
those are okay!

Hey, what do you say we
all drive to Gohan's house

tomorrow and
drop him off!

Yay! That's great!

But how are
we gonna do that?

I have
a plan! Listen up.

No sign?

Not yet!

They're late today.

Maybe they've
finally given up...

Hey! Here they come!

Places everybody!


Hurry up!



Alright, kids,
it's over!


Now what, hotshot?



Pigero, you're our hero!

What about the other children?

Maybe some of them would
like a home to live in!

Come on!
Let's go!

But, the others!

Never mind!


Come back!



Hey, Pigero! Why!
Why did you leave them?

You were their
hero! Why?

You don't understand!
I didn't have a choice!

I can't take
care of them!

They need more than
I can give 'em!

Those kids need
a real home!

Later! You're one bad dude,
for real. Keep it up!

will you go?

I don't know!
There's a whole world out there!

Take care of
that mom of yours!

See ya!

Thank you, Pigero!
I hope we meet again someday!

Home! Here I come!


So what's your
Mom like, Gohan?

I think it's great
that you have a home!

Keep it up, huh?

There's a whole
world out there!

Gohan... What
is your mission?

Say it!

To prepare for the Saiyans!
To fight!

And to beat them!

Then let's go back!


That's the way, Gohan!

This isn't the time
for a family reunion

because danger is
approaching fast!

The two Saiyans
are getting close

and you have
to be ready.

There's no telling
what kind of damage

they will inflict
on the Earth.

And if you at home
want to find out,

don't miss the next exciting
episode of Dragon Ball Z!
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