01x24 - Nappa... The Invincible?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x24 - Nappa... The Invincible?

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time
on Dragon Ball Z...

The two Saiyans, the strongest
fighters in the universe,

continued their intergalactic
journey towards Earth...

Their goal, torment
the population

and wreak havoc
on the planet...

That is unless Goku and
the other Z warriors

can stop them...

But they'll have to move fast
because time is running out.

Oh man, how far does
this road go on?

It seems like there's
no end to it at all.

I've been running
for days and days...

I hope this is worth it because
it's been almost a year now

and I still haven't
found King Kai!

Hang in there Goku,

remember you've got
Gohan and on your side.

And right now he's being
trained by Piccolo,

who is a great martial
artist in his own right!


Piccolo's methods
may seem a little rough

but compared to what
the Saiyans will do,

this training session
is a walk in the park.

If Gohan can master these
new fighting skills in time,

Earth still might
have a chance...

If he can't, then
it's all over!

Come on, Gohan!
You can do it!

It's in your
hands now...

'Cause if you can't save
the day, then who will?

Wake up, Kakarot...
Destroy all life forms...

Wake up, Kakarot...
Destroy all life forms...

Destroy all life forms...

Wake up, Kakarot...
Destroy all life forms...

Wake up, Kakarot...

Destroy all life forms...

Wake up, Kakarot...

Ow! My head
really hurts.

Let's take a break
for awhile, okay?

You don't need a break!

Now stop whining and
let's get back to work.

No, really, I don't
think I can move.

Fooled ya!

Can't you jump
any higher than that?

Aaaahhh! Piccolo!

I'll make that kid
stronger than all of us!

Mmm! Pineapple!


So... I think I'll
finish you off!


Say good-bye!


Oh, man...
It was just a dream.

hurt my Daddy!



Wake up, Kakarot...
Destroy all life forms.

Wake up, Kakarot...

Destroy all life forms.

Wake up, Kakarot...
Destroy all life forms.

So, there you are.
What are you up to?

Wake up! Destroy!

Wake up! Destroy!
Wake up! Destroy!

Wake up, Kakarot!
Destroy all...



Huh?! Rrrgh!


Split Form!

C'mon, Gohan! Let's go back!

For your own sake, don't
try anything foolish, Gohan!

There's nowhere
you can go, Gohan!

Now stop this foolishness
and go back to camp!

Oh no!
Gohan has changed!


A tail?

His tail has grown back!

Be sure to make a
note of that, would ya?

No problem!

I just hope he doesn't
transform again!

Not without the moon...

The moon!

How did
that get back up there?!

I don't know!

Maybe some one wished it
back with the Dragon Balls.

I don't think so!

Darn that kid!

No! He's free!

If I don't stop him,

he's going to rip
this planet apart!

I don't know how that
moon got back up there!

But it's got to go!


It's not real!

It's a projection!


Ahh! Well, I must say
things went pretty smooth.

We got all seven Dragon Balls
with two months to spare,

that's pretty good!

Pretty dangerous,
if you ask me!

Oolong, your such a coward.

I'll bet you think taking
a shower is dangerous!

Well, it is unless you have
those gritty little stickers

on the bottom of the tub
that keep you from slipping,

but no, we were
in real danger,

I hope Goku appreciates
what we did for him!

Oolong, can't you think of
anyone but yourself! Oh my?

Sorry! The pressure of
all this has gotten to me!

How 'bout
some coffee? Huh?

Oh, no thank you,
I'm fine.

Nice moon tonight,
isn't it?

Yes, it's beautiful.

A full moon!

Hey, is it just me or
does something look

different about it...

Just there's
no moonlight!

Now! Eat this, ape!


Yeah! You're definitely
a Saiyan, Gohan!

I don't think
I can beat a Saiyan yet,

I need more training!


No way! How on Earth
am I going to stop him

if I can't even
get near him?


Huh? That's it!

The projection!

It's coming from that
Saiyan space-craft!

Wake up, Kakarot!
Destroy all life forms!

Wake up Kakarot!
Destroy all life forms!

Goku's ship! What a legacy
to leave for his son!

Let's see if I can't bring
Gohan back down to Earth!

Special Beam Cannon.

You're turning out
to be a lot more trouble

than I bargained for...

And there's the root of
the problem right there!

It's this tail
of yours!

Look at him!
Sleeping like a baby.


That should take care
of you for a while

'cause I'm getting
too old for this, kid!

Sleep well, Gohan...
You'll need it.

No way! I must be
seeing things!

It couldn't be! It is!

It's the end!

I don't believe it!


Is this some kind
of bad joke?

There's nothing here!

I just can't
believe it! Nothing!

Oh, wait a second! There!

That's it! King Kai must live
on that tiny little planet!


I hope King Kai has lots
to eat! I'm starving!

Check that out!

Nice wheels!

Man! I'm getting
squashed down here!

This is nuts! How could
anyone live in a place

with this
much gravity?

Wow! Intense!

You've got to be super strong
just to stand up here! Ah!

I made it, now just
one... step at a time!

There's a house...

That's got to be
King Kai's place.

Almost there!
I can make it!

Wait a second!

I thought I smelled food!
Well, first things first!

If that's like King Yemma's
fruit, I'm in for a treat!

I hope I can
make it up there!

Wow! Goodness gracious!

Hey, there! Are you King Kai?

Whoa! I never
woulda pegged this guy

for the ultimate
martial arts master!

Uh, excuse me
King Kai, my name is Goku.

I'd like to train under you,
if you'll accept me.

Listen, I'm kinda
hungry, sir,

could I have a piece of
that fruit before we start?

Wow! That's amazing!

This strong gravity doesn't
bother you at all, does it?


Sir Isaac Newton would have
never lived to tell about it

if one of those
apples had hit him!

Hey, King Kai!

Would you mind throwing
one more apple down?

I promise I'll catch
it this time! Honest!

'Kay! Ready when you are!


Wow! I got it!

Sorry, King Kai!
I was starving!

I am ready though.
Please teach me.

Oh? I guess I'll follow.

Wow! That'll make you
strong in this gravity!

Hey, this is a lot harder
than it looks! Boy-o-boy!

I thought
I'd seen it all!

Uh, hey,
who are you?

Could Goku
have finally stumbled upon

the real King Kai?

Or has he been made
a monkey of again?

Will this mysterious character
be the one to teach him

his new martial arts skills?

To find out, don't miss
the next exciting episode

of Dragon Ball Z!
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