01x28 - The Return of Goku

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x28 - The Return of Goku

Post by bunniefuu »

on Dragon Ball Z!

Gohan endured his most
severe training session yet!

And though the young fighter
showed vast improvement,

Piccolo wasn't
about to let up!

So you figured out how to
dodge my punches and kicks...

Now try this!

But Piccolo's seeming
cruelty was not without purpose.

For the veteran warrior
understood all too well...

The enemy they were
both preparing to face

would employ tactics
far more ruthless.

It's a lesson the rest
of the Z-Fighters

had also
taken to heart!

To survive the battle
against the Saiyans,

they knew they would have to
hone their fighting skills

to their highest
levels ever.

And under the watchful eye
of Kami, they did just that!

Meanwhile, far away
in Other World,

Goku continued
to sail through.

King Kai's tests of strength
with flying colors!

And after months of
difficult training,

it seems the student has
finally surpassed the teacher!

Goku's strength
and speed

may have him running
circles around King Kai,

but the
question is:

Will his newfound powers be
enough to stop the Saiyans?

The time to find out
is drawing near.

The two evil Saiyans are on
their final approach to Earth!

The invasion begins...

Goku, this will be

the last day of your
training with me.

You've done well,

but I'm afraid you're
lacking in one area...

You still can't seem
to deliver a good joke

when the
pressure's on!

Everything else is good...

Let's review!

'Kay... Bubbles, you're up!

On your mark... Get set...

Aaaand... Go!

Whoa! Less than a
second! A new record!


Alright! Ha, ha!

On your mark! Get set!

Aaand... Go!

See ya! Ha, ho!


Hey, thanks!

Well, okay! Now it's time
to test the Spirit b*mb!

I've been
waiting for this!

Now form it into a ball.

'Kay! Whenever you're
ready, King Kai!

Let'er rip!

Hm. Alright! Here goes!

Remember, Goku! Don't use
your eyes, feel it out!





Ohhh! I can't
believe it!

Well done, Goku!

To be perfectly honest,

I didn't think you'd
be able to handle

the Spirit b*mb
so skillfully!

It wasn't easy.

Mm. Goku, you
mustn't forget...

The energy used to
form the Spirit b*mb

is gathered from
all forms of life.

From trees... From
animals... From plants...

Even the particles of energy
that make up the air

in the atmosphere contribute
a small share of energy

to the b*mb. Therefore,
you must be very careful.

You see, you have
mastered the Spirit b*mb

here on this
small planet.

But the Spirit b*mb that
you will form on Earth,

with its innumerable
life forms,

will have immense power
compared to this small one.

And if the sun
happens to be up

when you form
the Spirit b*mb,

you will be harnessing and
trying to control a power

of indescribable

that could easily
destroy the Earth

if even the slightest error
is made in handling it.

If possible,
I'd like you to refrain

from using
the Spirit b*mb...

But if you must, use
it only once. Understand?

Mm. Got it! I'll stick to
the Kaio-Ken Technique.

That should do it!

Well, I'm afraid the
time has finally come

for us to say
our goodbyes...

The Saiyans will be
arriving on Earth tomorrow.


Oh, no!

Wh-What? What's wrong?

I forgot to
include in my calculations

the time it's
going to take you

to get back to
Earth on Snake Way!

What?! But King Kai,

I thought that you were just
going to zap me back to Earth!

What?! You've got to
be kidding me! Right?

It took me nearly a year
to get here, you know!

Yes! But, um...

After your training,
you'll be much faster!

You should be able to
make it back on Snake Way

within two days if
you go all out!

No! But that means I'll
get there a day late!

It'll all be over by then!
I can't do that!

That's enough, Goku!

I'm not perfect, now am I?
Even I make mistakes!

Now! Let's keep our cool so we
can take the next step! Alright?

You need to
tell your friends

to wish you
back to life!

What? Tell them?
But, they're not here!

Just put your
arm on my back!

Then speak to them
with your mind...

Your thoughts will get
through, don't worry!

Uh... There?

Yes, yes, get on with it!

Master Roshi?

Master Roshi, it's me, Goku.

Can you hear me?
Master Roshi?

Master Roshi? Master Roshi!

Eh? Goku! It's you!
But where are you?

it's sort of a long story.

But I'm still dead,
if that's what you mean.

I'm talking to you with my
mind from King Kai's planet.

Can you
hear me okay?

Yes, I can.

Great! Did you guys

manage to collect all
seven Dragonballs?

Sure did! We're
ready when you are!

I understand that
you've been undergoing

some sort of
new training?

Yeah, that's right!

And it's been going great!

But I've learned
all I can here,

and it's time
to come home.

I need you to wish me back
to life right away, okay?

Those two Saiyans
are going to arrive

on Earth
sometime tomorrow!

What?! When?!

Tomorrow you say?
But that can't be!

I mean, has it been a year
already? Oh, this is bad...

I know.
And I won't be getting there

until the day
after tomorrow!

Somehow the others are going
to have to hold them off

until I get there!

Ease up!

I-I'm gonna pop!

Ah! Oh, sorry!

Hey, uh,
now listen...

I'm not sure how this
all going to turn out.

But I have a feeling it's going
to be some messy business.

I hope you're ready.

I am. Don't worry.

Well, that is a huge relief.

Ho-boy. Tell
ya' what...

I, uh, I change
my mind, Bulma.

You can go next
if you want.

That's okay.

Hey, g*ng! Get the Dragon Balls!
I just talked to Goku!

King Kai! That was great!
I could hear him perfectly!

Heh, heh. Well, of course.

They're going
to wish me back.

Ah, good! Well,
while you're waiting,

I have a present
I'd like to give you.

We can't exactly have
you going into battle

looking all ragged
out now can we?

Wow! New clothes?

Hey! These clothes
are light as a feather!

Yes, I thought
you'd like that...

The material is light,
but it's marvelously tough!

It's incredible!

Those clothes repel
att*cks, too... Small ones.

Thank you so much,
King Kai!

Ahh! Check it out! You left
the turtle emblem! Neat.

Although I was
hoping that since

I've been training
under you,

I'd get to wear your
symbol now. Y'know?

Look on the back!

Ahh! The back!

What's there? I can't see it!

Your old master's
emblem is on the front,

but mine's the big
one on the back!


Go ahead! Don't just
dodge! Get inside!


Darn it!
He surprised me...

That was a
reflex shot.

I didn't mean to
hit him so hard...

Hey... You cheated.
You said no eye-lasers.

And what if I did?!

You should never believe
anything the enemy tells you!

Yeah! But, I mean...
You're not the enemy.

Here goes!

Dragon, arise!

Uh, I don't think
I'll ever get used to this...

tell me about it!

Even my nose hairs
are standing up!

What a storm! I've never
seen anything like it!

That's no storm...

Ugh. Hands off, pig!

Hey! C'mon, Bulma!
I'm scared here!

Why have you summoned me?
Tell me your wish now!

Yes, uh... 'Scuse me,
Mister Dragon,

could you possibly
destroy the Saiyans

that are on their way to
Earth right about now?

Hey, Oolong!
That's not the wish!

What about Goku,
you little pig?

What? We could
wish Goku back!

But why not wish
him back next time

and have the Dragon
save the world now?

Your wish cannot
be granted.

Because the guardian of
the Earth created me,

I cannot grant a wish
that exceeds his power.

Then I wish for Goku to
be brought back to life!

So be it. Your wish
has been granted!

So they've
finally used the Dragon Balls

to wish Goku back...

Which means the Saiyans
are going to be here

sooner than I expected!

Oh, good! Your halo's
gone! You're alive, kid!


It's time, Goku!


Listen! Don't expect
those two Saiyans

to give you
a fair fight!

You must be on your
guard at all times!

If things get rough, just
kick 'em in the tail and run!

That's good advice...
And hey,

I really want to thank you
guys for all your help...

I promise I won't
let you down!

Oh, and thanks for the
new clothes King Kai!

I love the new symbol!
I'll wear it with pride!

Bye, Bubbles!


See ya'!

So long!



That Goku truly does have
some incredible powers...

Not only that, but his heart
is as pure as gold!

It's hard to believe that
he was living down on Earth.

He's stronger than you
now, isn't he, King Kai?

Well, he has surpassed me
in every area except one...

I am still the funniest
man in the universe!

Yay, hey!

Man! I feel
lighter than air!

This is great! Heh, heh!


I almost forgot!
Every second counts!

Hey, Dad?
Can we eat, please?

It's almost lunchtime.

What was that?!

What happened?

Who knows?
Help me!

Wh-What is it?

It's got to be
some sort'a ship...

Wait, you mean,
like, from outer-space?

Ah! That's it!
It's a space-pod!

Remember that movie
where the plant people

took over the city?

Someone call the cops!

Yeah, right!
What are they gonna do?

They'll just say it's
a weather balloon!

There could be thousands
of tiny aliens in there!

There's another
pod over here!

Stay calm!

Forget that!
I'm outta here!


He's getting out!

No! It can't be!

What do they want?

My neck
is k*lling me...

So, the Saiyans
are here.

That means my Dad's gonna be
back soon, too... Doesn't it?

Wow... You feel that?

Yeah. It's them...
Without a doubt!

After a year of waiting,

the countdown to doomsday
has finally expired!

The Saiyans have landed!

And unless Goku and his
friends can stop them,

they'll carve a
path of destruction

across the globe in their search
for the seven Dragon Balls!

Don't miss the
expl*sive confrontation...

Next time on
Dragon Ball Z!
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