01x35 - The Battle Ends

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x35 - The Battle Ends

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Dragon Ball Z!

The battle
against the Saiyans

was not going well for
the Earth's heroes...

Yamcha was defeated by
the maniacal Saibamen.

And Chiaotzu made
the ultimate sacrifice

in a desperate attempt
to stop the evil Nappa.

to go down quietly,

Tien summoned his last
remaining strength

to fire a mighty
blast at the Saiyan!

But when the
smoke cleared,

it seemed that even Tien's
finest efforts were not enough.

No... I failed...

Tien fell,

as the battle claimed yet
another casualty.

And with Goku still
nowhere to be found,

the remaining fighters' hopes
for survival were fading fast.

Nevertheless, Krillin and
Piccolo were determined

to stand their ground
to the bitter end!

I'll crush you!

But then,

as Nappa closed in for
the finishing blow...


The Saiyan, Vegeta,
called a surprise halt to

the fighting to await
Goku's return!

Ha! You think
Kakarot can beat us?

The battle resumes
in three hours,

whether Kakarot
is here or not.

I can't stand this, Vegeta!
Why are we waiting?

Because, I think we need to
teach Kakarot a little lesson.

Kakarot was given
the chance to join us.

But he chose
to betray us...

He's forgotten what it
means to be a Saiyan.

And therefore..
He must be punished.

We're going to wait for him
to show his cowardly face...

Then we'll make him watch
while we k*ll his son

and all of
his friends.

And after he's
come to understand

the price of
his betrayal..

You and I can take our
time tearing him apart...

I like the way you think,
Vegeta! That's a great plan!

Of course, it all depends
on whether or not

he actually
decides to show up.

So if the guy doesn't
show in a couple hours,

I still get to k*ll
these three, right?!

No, Nappa!
Not all three.

We still need to
ask the Namek

about the Dragon
Balls. Got it?

Don't you worry about
a thing, Vegeta.

He'll be spillin' his guts
before I'm through with him.

What's the matter,

It's just... Goku should've
been here by now!

What's the deal? Was he
brought back to life or not?


Hey! Why are we even
sticking around here, anyway?

We can't beat
these guys!

We should just run,
while we have the chance!

You can run...
But what's the point?

If we don't
stop them here,

you'll have to
face them eventually...

You might as well stay
and get it over with.

But... this is crazy!
We need Goku! Where is he?

He's the only one that
even has a chance

of stopping these guys!
Why isn't he here?!

Almost there!


Please hold on,
guys! I'm coming!

So what do you suggest
we do, Piccolo?

What happens if Goku
doesn't make it?

Who knows?

We all know that Goku
is on his way here.

Maybe he'll make it in the next
two hours, and maybe he won't.

But whether or
not he gets here,

we're going to have to
see our way through

this thing

We can't just give up because
things aren't the way

we want
them to be.

We need to be
strong... It's up to us now.

I'm really sorry about
earlier, you guys.

I guess I just froze when
I saw him coming at me...

If it wasn't for me,
Tien would still be alive...

It hurts, doesn't it?

Facing your fears would have
been much less painful.

Hey, go easy on
him, Piccolo.

Y'know, given his
age and everything,

I think it's a miracle that
he's even out here at all!

I mean, if
it were me,

I probably would've
been long gone by now!

Thanks, Krillin...

Gohan, you know how to fight.
Remember your training!

But I'm
not ready!

We still have
two hours...

Maybe you can train me some
more while we're waiting!

The training
is complete!

I taught you everything
I know. Just go home!

But, Piccolo!

Wait, Piccolo...

Gohan, it's true...

I taught you everything.
You're ready!

Gohan, come back!

Wait a second.
We need you!

He doesn't really want you to
go... C'mon, tell him, Piccolo!


you little brat!

You better
run home...

We wouldn't want
you getting hurt!

You shut up,
you big bully!

I'm not running away!
You can't scare me anymore!

I was just going to go over
there to use the bathroom,

if that's okay
with you...

You could use
a shower yourself...

What's that?
Speak up, kid!


Okay! I said...
You smell!

Why you little runt!
How dare you?!

You're brave now, but we'll
see what happens in two hours!

All right,
I've got 'em! You're on!

As you can
see, each side appears

to be waiting
for something.

The three remaining members
of the Earth's Special Forces

have already defeated
six deadly green men!

But they seem to have
reached a stalemate

with the large
muscular alien!

Let's move
in closer!

Thus far, it appears
the smaller alien

has not joined in
any of the fighting!

We are currently attempting
to approach the b*ttlefield

to get a better
view of the aliens

now that the action
has subsided.

Perhaps we will also
gain some insight

as to why the cease-fire
has been called.

But for the moment, the reasons
for this lull in the fighting

are anybody's guess.

Why do you think
they're waiting?

I'm not too sure...
It doesn't make sense.

But whatever the
reason, with any luck,

perhaps they'll
wait long enough

for Goku to
make it back.

Let's just hope Goku's
strong enough to beat them...

He will be! Goku's
never lost a fight.

Not when everything's
on the line!

But these
guys are aliens!

What if he's not
strong enough?

I mean, what's
gonna happen to us?

Come on, tell me the
truth! I can take it!

Well, what do
you think?

Those Saiyans aren't here
on vacation, you know.

They want to take over
our planet and sell it!

It'll be the end of the
world as we know it!

No! Please! I don't
want it to end!

Oh, I can't
take it.

Why did you have to go and
tell me that, Bulma?

You know that I'm highly
allergic to danger!

You mean that
you're a coward!

Uh, i-it's a
medical condition!

Right, your selfishness
produces a chemical

in your brain that
causes extreme fear!

Where am I?

ChiChi, you're here!
You'll be okay.

Oh, Dad...
Is Gohan alright?

He's just fine!

Yeah, the
fighting's stopped!

It's all over?

No, they're
taking a break!

What? But why?

We don't know, hon.

Where in the
world is Goku?

Now, now, please, ChiChi!
You need to try and stay calm!

You know Goku, dear...
Wherever he is,

he's trying his absolute
best to get there!

Hmph! Look at those
nosy human beings!

Hey, do you mind if I go
have a little fun, Vegeta?

'Cause I'm bored!

Why not?
But save some energy.

With Kakarot here, things
could get intense!

You think so?

Well, maybe. He is
one of us, after all.

Hmm. Sounds good.
I can't wait!

Alright! I won't even
break a sweat! I promise!

It looks like
the large alien is airborne!

This one has done all
of the fighting so far,

and has att*cked several
press vehicles as well!

He is considered to
be highly dangerous!

Uh... He appears
to be heading toward us!

He's about to fly
right over our heads!

He's coming!

Floor it! Let's
get out of here!


Here he comes!

Show's over!


Oh, wow...
He blasted 'em!

Oh, my Gohan...


Somebody! Bring
me a cold washcloth!

Darn it! I knew it
was gonna be easy...

But that was too easy!
That was no fun at all...

Attention all
hands! Maintain ready alert!

Alien intruder has been
spotted on the shore-line!

Hey... How 'bout that?

I didn't know these
Earthlings had a military!

Yeah... Now this
is more like it!

Squadron leader to Bravo
Team, maintain tight formation!

The b*ll*ts have no
effect! Evasive action!

Ragh! Hyaah!

I thought these guys would
be tougher than this!

They're just a bunch of
pansies in their little toys!

Say goodbye!

Oops! I broke a sweat
on that last attack!

Hope Vegeta
doesn't notice!

He's still not there!
He should be there by now!

I don't believe
you, Bubbles.

How can you be so happy
at a time like this?

You could at least
act a little worried!

Come on, Goku!

Hey! There it is!
I made it!

It's the
Check-In Station!


What is it, Kami?

Goku! He's close now!
Let's hope it's not too late!

I think we
found ourselves

a real choice planet here.

Oh yeah. Once we get rid
of all these pesky humans,

Vegeta's gonna be able to get
us a bundle for this baby!

Maybe even
two bundles!

Just look at
those poor slobs!

They don't have a clue
they're about to die...

There's just
one hour left...

If Kakarot was going
to bother showing up,

he should have
been here by now!

I don't understand
what's taking Goku so long...

I can't even sense
his approach yet!

There! He's at the
Check-In Station!

Oh, Kami!
You have to hurry!

I hope Kami's
waiting for me!

Good! He made it! He's
finally off Snake Way!

Hm... I've still
got ten minutes left.

I say one more
for the road!

That oughta' do for now.

Just a little taste
of things to come.

Taking over this planet's
gonna be a cinch.

Well, I guess I better
get back to Vegeta.

He'll k*ll me
if I'm late.

I didn't like the
feel of that!

Whatever it was, I'm
sure it can't be good!

Time is up!

Oh, great!

So, it seems Kakarot decided
to let you die on your own.

Hey, Vegeta.

Where's Kakarot?

You were right, Nappa.
He's not coming.

Yes he is! My Dad's not
afraid! He'll be here!

That's right! He'd
never abandon his friends!

Hurry, Goku...

Oh, yeah.
Much better!

I should be able
to make quick work

of these
pathetic weaklings!

Oh, man. This is it!
Goku, why aren't you here?

I don't wanna go
out like this!

Now, you wanna
die one at a time?

Or all three at once?


All right, pay
attention you two.

We only have one
chance to beat him.

But it's going to take
all of us for it to work!


I want you to charge him.
Don't get too close...

I just need you to get his full
attention for a few seconds!

Meanwhile, I'm going
to sneak up behind him

and grab his tail!
That's a Saiyan's weak point!


We just have to hope that
they share that weakness.

Gohan! While I'm
holding his tail

I want you to attack
him! Full force!

But... I don't
know, Piccolo.

I mean, what
happens if I miss?

You won't miss...
Don't worry.

You have all you need
to get the job done,

I promise
you that!

All right!
I gotta hand it to Piccolo...

Even now, he's still trying
to win this thing for us...

At least we have a
little hope left.

Gohan, shake it off!

What you did before
was only natural,

but you're ready now.
We can see that.

I have full
confidence in you.

Me, too, Gohan!



Are we ready?

Yes! Grab my arm!

'Kay! Let's go!

He-He did it! Wow... I thought
I'd never see him again!

I guess the Earth
does have a chance!

Wish I could stay
and chat, guys...

But I gotta go
save the world!

Good luck, Goku!

Every second counts!

All right! Goku is such a
wild man! Check him out!



I need
some Senzu Beans!

Right! These are
my last two, Goku! Catch!

Got 'em!

Thanks, Korin!


Give 'em hell, Goku!

Yeah! Much better!


There you are!

They're here, alright!
I can feel it! That way!

Come on, Nimbus!
Let's go!

Goku's back!

But is he already too
late to save his friends?

Find out in the next exciting
episode of Dragon Ball Z!
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