01x16 - The Encounter, Abarai Renji!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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01x16 - The Encounter, Abarai Renji!

Post by bunniefuu »



Rukia Kuchiki.

Yes, we finally
found you.


Then give me that blade,
Soul Reaper.

My name is Rukia,
Rukia Kuchiki.

Hey, can I
ask you something?

Do you have
a crush on Ichigo?


I'll be sitting
next to you from now on.

My name is Rukia.


I-It's you.

Tell me, how do I
drink from this thing?

Uh, you gotta poke
a hole in it.

You just use the sharp
end of your straw.



My goodness.

I better get you
to the nurse's office.

That's all
believable to me,

along with flying pigs
and the Tooth Fairy.

Anyway, Rukia, tomorrow
I'll be sure to bring you some

of my other yummy desserts so
you can try them out yourself.

Then we can enjoy
them together.

Okay, I'll think
about it.

Aww, that's the same thing
you said to me last time.

You keep saying that,
Rukia, I'll think about it.

Oh, really?
I guess I do.

I did not. Take that
back right now.

Do you want more?

If I'm going to leave
here one day,

all these memories
will only be a burden.

Compassion, friendship
and affection.

Ichigo and I are
just friends.

That's all there
is to it.

They're a nuisance.

All these feelings aren't
necessary for a Soul Reaper.

They're unbecoming of me.

I've remained in world
for far too long.

It's time to move on.


Finally get it, don't you?


But you know, I really
gotta hand it to you.

I'm very impressed.

By skulking around so long here
in this world,

you actually managed to prolong

what little life you have left,


What in the world
are you doing here?



So you're telling me you
had two hunters

from the Soul Society lurking
right behind you,

but you were so lost in thought
that you didn't even notice,


I'll grant you that you
spent the last few months

in that Gigai,
but still,

don't you think you've grown
just a little too lax?

Spit it out, Rukia.

So where is
the human who took

all of your powers
away from you?

What are you
talking about?

Just because I'm inside
a Gigai right now,

it doesn't mean I've lost
any of my power.

And anyway,
why would you

even think it was a human
who took that power?

It was a human.

It's obvious. Just look at you.

Otherwise, you wouldn't
have that stupid

human expression
on your face.


You're a runt from
the Rukon district like me.

And yet, you were taken in
by the noble house of Kuchiki.

They put a lot of time
and money into making you

the perfect Soul Reaper,
one of the elite.

Huh? Am I wrong?

You're the great Rukia Kuchiki,
aren't you?

Gaping like some
worthless human.

What the hell is
the matter with you?

Captain Kuchiki?



It's you, brother.


Passing your Soul Reaper powers
to a human is a grave sin.

Be glad the higher-ups
were compassionate

and let us handle this,
instead of the execution squad.

Now, tell us where
this human is, Rukia.

It's over.

We're taking you in,

and then we're going
to find the human

who stole your powers,
and k*ll him.

Don't even try
to protect him.

You know what
just happened.

The only reason you
dodged my att*cks is

because I let you
dodge them.

The next move I make with
this blade will be fatal.





This is it.



Two armed men attacking
a defenseless young girl?

I have to tell you,
it's not a pretty sight.

I don't know.
Just isn't my style.

Know what I mean?

All right, kid.
You can see us.

So tell me,
who the hell are you?

Hmm, just a classmate.

Classmate, huh?

One who hates Soul Reapers.

Uryu Ishida,
what are you doing here?

Just passing by,
nothing for you to worry about.

But if you
must know,

I had a sudden urge

to go to
Sunflower Seams,

this all-night thread shop
I frequent.

So I happened to be out
for a stroll this evening,

and came across
your little party.

I mean, come on,
it's not like I sensed

the presence of Soul
Reapers in the city,

and then ran off into
the night carrying

a bag of needles and thread
with me to use as an excuse

when I finally
caught up with you.

That's the worst lie
I ever heard.

He's not that stupid.

Although, I understand
if you're skeptical.

Hey, I just asked you
a question.

I said, who the
hell are you, kid?


Hey, that's fine.

You don't have to answer
if you don't want to.

We can just skip ahead
to the part where I k*ll you.

Wait a minute, Renji,
he's got nothing to do with it.

Just what are
you talking about?

I already gave
you an answer.

As I already told you,

I'm a classmate of Rukia's,

and I hate Soul Reapers.

Well, I don't care
much for your answers,

so why don't you try again?

Uryu Ishiga, it's a pleasure.


What's with you
all of a sudden?


I just thought you
had a right to know.

You may be a Soul Reaper,

but you should know the name of
the one who's about to k*ll you.

That settles it.

I'm going to cut you in half.



When in the hell is Rukia

planning on coming
home tonight?

I mean, it's already
2 in the morning.

Ah, well, it's not so bad.
At least I can get a break

from the Soul Reaper
business tonight.

What the hell?

Okay, what's that noise?


Back here.




Just what exactly
are you doing back here?


I thought you were
taking a little trip.

Man, thanks for the solid.

You totally saved my ass.

Don't mention it.

I couldn't even see who was
coming in tied up like that.

I was trying to figure
out if it was you or not,

and all I had to go
on was sound, you know?




What the hell did
you do that for?

Is that how you treat
a best friend right after

he's been through the worst
suffering of his life?

Shut up. We're not best
friends, and you stink.

it's not my fault.

Rukia was the one--

Oh, my gosh.
That's right, Ichigo.

Rukia's in trouble.

Get out of my face.



Look at this right here.

Are you telling me you've
been home all this time,

and you didn't see this, pal?

Yeah, so what is it?

What's the matter
with you?

It's obviously
a farewell note.

Farewell note?

So then what were you doing
goofing around in the bathroom?

Shouldn't you have
already hit the road?

Are you even awake?

I didn't write
the damn letter.

Rukia did, you fathead.

After that whole
incident with the dress,

I wanted to come back here
and say goodbye to her

before hitting the road.

And it wasn't with my
tail between my legs, okay?

I just thought it was
the honorable thing to do.

So I decided I'd pop in.



You see, Rukia, she's--
She's left us.

She's left us for good.

What do you mean?

She left without even
telling me she was going?

Shut up. Shut up.
How should I know?

I was right here with her
when she decided to go.

She just up and left
here without offering

even the slightest

Who the hell
cares about you?

Oh, Rukia.

Oh, man.
Just what is this?

Damn, Rukia, what the heck
are you thinking?


Enjoy decoding?

"Before besir
beten bereasons,

I befear
I must bego."

Ah, what the hell?

"Here's a hint."

What the frig is this?

Son of a-- Why are there
so many B's in this,

and what's with
the damn bunny?

Oh, I get it.

Lose the bunnies.

"For certain reasons,

"I must go.

"Do not look for me

"and do not worry.

"After you read this,

"make sure that you burn it.

"And also, if you can,

keep yourself hidden
for a while."

I don't get it.

I mean, she doesn't even
give a reason for leaving.

Don't you understand?

Something must
have happened.

She said to burn the letter
and keep ourselves hidden.

What could be so
terrible that got

Rukia this worried about us?

Isn't it obvious?

Something's happened between
her and the Soul Society.

Use your head a little.

Rukia's in the
middle of something,

and she doesn't
want us involved.

So she-- She struck
out on her own.


Poor Rukia.

What if she's, uh, dead?

ICHIGO: That's enough.

We can't just go jumping
to conclusions, okay?

Let's just think
for a minute.

All of this yammering
isn't gonna help us

solve anything.


Let's go, Kon.

I'm changing into a Reaper
and finding Rukia.

All right,
I'm with you, buddy.

Uh, do you
mean again?

I don't have
another choice.

I've gotta get that Gikongan
out of your belly.

No, no, wait!



ICHIGO: Hold it.
Forget it.

Knock it off.

I don't have
time for this.

Rukia's in danger right now,
and I can't do anything

to help her unless
I'm a Soul Reaper.

Well, that's not
the point here.

Who in their right
mind would want

a hand shoved down
their throat?

This sucks just as bad for me
as it does for you, you idiot.

Hi, there.

Boy, it looks to me like you're
in a bit of a bind this evening.

Is there anything I can do to
help speed things along here?



Well, well.

Looks like you were
nothing but talk.


Renji's strong.

He's even stronger
than before.

I can barely move,
let alone stop him.

Now then...

Let's finish this off,
shall we?

Remember this as you
depart this world...

Renji Abarai...

is the name of the man
who k*lled you.

Hold on.

Pleasure knowing you.



So who in hell's
name are you?

The name is Ichigo.

I'm the one who's
gonna beat your ass.

How's it going?


a shihakusho?

I don't know you.

What squad are
you from?

Check out that
overgrown zanpakuto.

Oh, yeah?

So you're saying
I got a big one, huh?

It's funny. To tell you
the truth, I've been thinking

this thing looked kind of
big next to Rukia's blade.

But you know, I've got
to say, up until now,

I haven't had anything
else to compare it to.

The size of it reflects
a Soul Reaper's spirit energy.

How did a snot-nosed little brat
get a sword that size?

Is he for real?

Ichigo, you fool.
Why did you come?

Oh, I get it.

You're the lowly human
who took Rukia's powers,

aren't you, Carrot Top?





Come on. Come on.

What's wrong? Is that big sword
just for show?

Huh? Huh? Huh?






Don't go.


It's over.

Very soon,
you'll be dead,

and Rukia will get
her powers back.

And then, Rukia will go back
to the Soul Society to die.

Man, you are as
dumb as they come.

Rukia came out here
on her own,

just so you wouldn't have
to get involved.

You should have
stayed put at home,

but you had to
come play the hero.

Just what did you think
you could accomplish here?

You're not a Reaper.
You're a fake.

There's no way you could hurt
a real Soul Reaper.

You couldn't even lay
a scratch on one of us.


Sorry about that.

I know you were in the middle
of saying something,

but you left yourself
so wide open there,

I just couldn't
help myself.

I apologize.
Why don't you continue?

Were you saying something
about a scratch?

You punk.


You let your
guard down, Renji.

Captain Kuchiki.

This young man here,
Ichigo Kurosaki,

I believe I've
seen him before.

There was a report from
the Secret Remote Squad.

He dealt the Menos Grande
quite a serious blow,

and forced it back
to Hueco Mundo as well.




You've gotta be kidding me.

Man, the Secret Remote
Squad must really

be slipping these days.

This kid wounded
a Menos Grande?

Who in their right mind would
believe that load of crap?

I mean look at him,

And that zanpakuto.

It's nothing but an overgrown
piece of junk.

He obviously can't control
his spirit energy.

So tell me, what's the
name of that monstrosity?

What's its name?

You didn't even ask,
did you?

You mean Rukia?

Wait, are you guys telling
me you all name your swords?

I knew it.

You're not even able to ask
your zanpakuto its name.

And you really think you
could fight me as an equal?

Come back in 2,000 years.


Roar, Zabimaru.

Now open your eyes.

See what lies before you...

And fall upon
your prey.



It's all over,
you little runt.

You've lost to Renji Abarai
and will die where you stand.





It's time once again
for Kon's Bleach Trivia.

Soul Reapers in
the Soul Society

belong to 13
Court Guard Squads.

Byakuya Kuchiki is
the Captain of Squad Six.

Renji Abarai is his

Just shut up and
do the preview already.
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