01x18 - Reclaim! The Power of the Shinigami!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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01x18 - Reclaim! The Power of the Shinigami!

Post by bunniefuu »



Nothing feels real to me now.

It doesn't feel real
being here in school,

that I was beaten up and
almost k*lled by those two guys

from the Soul Society.

And the strangest thing of all
is that she isn't here anymore.

Not a single one
of my classmates

even remembers that
Rukia ever existed.


Man, are you still
doing that stupid laugh?

You're just jealous
because I can

the coolest guy on TV.

Have you made any plans
for the summer yet, Orihime?

Nope, I don't have a clue.

Here's a great idea.

You should stay
the summer at my house.

My parents will be on vacation,
and it'll be just you and me.

Oh, no, you don't.
Well, why not?

It's not like I'm inviting
her to take a bath with me.

Is this what it really

means to be returned
to the Soul Society?

You just disappear from
this world completely?

You're erased from
people's memories?

Every trace of Rukia is
vanishing right before my eyes,

fading away into white.

All right, students.

I only have one more
assignment for you.

Everyone try to get
yourselves back here

in one piece in September.

Class dismissed.
Have fun.


And for some reason,

Uryu, the one person
I thought might remember Rukia,

decided to cut
the last day of school.

Ichigo, ha, round
and around and around you go.

Now then, see if you
can hit the watermelon.

Nice try,
but that was my melon.

It's okay though, because
I don't need a head

to think about
anything anymore.

School's out for summer,
and summer means the sea.

And the sea is where we're all
going because I, Keigo Asano,

have planned a super
trip for us to the beach.

Ten fun-filled days of
sunbathing, swimming, fireworks

and lots of unsupervised and
questionable activities, right?

Sorry, but I'm afraid
I've already made other plans?


I'm not too keen on
the ocean either, Keigo.

I've got the nationals
tournament to go to.

Well, if Orihime and Tatsuki
aren't going,

then neither am I.

Sorry, but I have some
things I have to take care of.


And I'm flying to
Hawaii tomorrow.

What could possibly be better
than going on vacation with me,

you jackass?

I'm going o this great trip
to Hawaii with my girlfriend

and nine of her friends,
so that's like 11 of us.


Just you and 10 girls?

So how'd you forget
to invite me?

How dare you leave me out
of a sweet deal like that.

It wasn't my idea.
I promise.

I won't have any fun.

It feels weird.

Everyone's acting normal.

Our world still
rotates without Rukia.

But then why shouldn't it?

Rukia's originally
from the Soul Society.

I guess she never really
belonged over here.

But what if that's true?

What does that mean for me?

What do I do now?


Orihime, what are you doing?

Is something wrong?

Ichigo, where is Rukia?


Why has everyone
forgotten about her

like she
never even existed.

I need you to explain
what's happening around here.

So you're saying Rukia went
back to this other world

she came from?

I gotta admit.
I am surprised.

I really had no idea you've
been able to see us, Orihime.

For how long?

Ever since the incident
with my brother.

Oh, makes sense.

I don't think I've ever
properly thanked you

for everything you did for him.

By guiding his spirit
on the other side,

he's finally in a place
where all he knows

is peace and happiness now.

Somehow I can just feel it.

Is that so?


I imagine Rukia is happy
on the other side as well.

She probably has friends
and family waiting for her.

I have to go and
bring her back.

But why should you bring her
back if she's happy there.

Because I know she's
in serious trouble,

and they just might k*ll her
if I don't get her out in time.

Here's what the Ichigo
I know would do.

Hmm, he'd make a mad face
and tell Rukia she can always

visit with friends and
family later if she lives,

but she won't have that
chance if she's dead.

I bet you've already made
up your mind, haven't you?


You really were here.

I know that.

And you belong here, Rukia.

Thanks a lot, Orihime.




I still can't believe
Ichigo would take off

on a summer vacation
and leave the rest of us behind.

Grow up, Yuzu.
He's always taking off.

We don't need
Ichigo to have fun.

Why don't you play
a game of truth or dare

with your dear old dad.


You're so weird!

Couldn't you act a little
bit more like a grownup?

Oh, it hurts me to see
you two fighting.

Oh, not half as much
as it's hurting me.

I guarantee you that.

Good morning,
Lieutenant Abarai, sir.

At ease.

Wait, wait, come back here.

I'm gonna get in so much
trouble if they find out

I let you get away.

Oh, I'll have to lure it back.

Hey, there,
big butterfly.

Come here and check
out these antennae.

I'm a Pisces
with double D buttercups and--

You still can't handle
hell butterflies?

Uh, I'm sorry, sir.

I didn't know you
were coming in today.

I had to come in
and check on the prisoner.

Is she still insubordinate
and difficult?

I'm not insubordinate.

If you're not insubordinate,
then why do you refuse to eat?

Maybe I'm just not hungry.

Does that bother
you, Mr. Lieutenant?

Oh, so you resent that I'm
the lieutenant now, is that it?

I can hear it in the
tone of your voice.

Hit a nerve, did I?

Well, don't worry,
Mr. Officer, now you have

the rank
and the pompous attitude

and the weird eyebrows
to go with it.


How dare you mock me.

I could k*ll you for
an insult like that.

Tell me something.

Am I really
going to die, Renji?

Oh, absolutely.
For what you did,

I expect you'll
be ex*cuted immediately.

Very well.

I understand.


What do you mean
you understand?

I was just kidding,

It was only a joke.

So which one is it,
you idiot?

An idiot, huh?

If I'm an idiot,
then how come you're

the one locked up
in the cell?

You're pretty lucky
Captain Kuchiki is probably

pleading for clemency
for you even as we speak.

Well, I doubt that.

How can you say
such a thing?

A man like Kuchiki would
never stand by and do nothing

while his own sister
faces a death sentence.

You're quite
correct about that.

He'd rather k*ll me himself.


I know it for certain,
because I know full well

the kind of man he is.

40 years have passed since I was
taken in by the Kuchiki family,

and in all those years, he
has never once looked at me.



No way, this place is amazing.

Who would have guessed
that all this time,

there was a huge subterranean
training ground under my store?

Oh, forget the acting.

Obviously, you knew this
place was down here,

but I will admit
it's impressive.

So then, you wanna
get down to business?

Yeah, let's just
get on with it,

this training session
or whatever you call it.

Always be careful
what you ask for.


What's the big idea of knocking
me down like that, you--


It's hard to breathe when
you're in the form of a soul,

isn't it,

Right now,
your Soul Sleep,

which is the wellspring
of your spirit energy,

and your Soul Chain, the
booster, have been destroyed.

So now, your soul
is like any ordinary human

with no spiritual power.

And so before we can
proceed, we must first

restore the spiritual
power you have lost.

All right already,
just tell me what to do.

You're so impatient.

All right, let's bring
out your opponent,

and then we can start.

Warrior, are you
ready for battle?

Nice to see you again, Ichigo.


Here's your first lesson.

You must go up against
Ururu one on one.


The rules are quite simple.

Lesson one is over
when one of you

is no longer able to
continue the match.

If you can, I suggest going
for the knockout punch.

Are you kidding?

You expect me to
punch a little girl?

It's always dangerous
to underestimate

your opponent, Ichigo.

Please put on all this
protective gear, Ichigo.

I don't want to k*ll you.

This whole thing's ridiculous.

I'm not fighting her.


We tried to warn
him, didn't we?

So where'd he go?

I don't see him anymore.

Do you suppose he's dead?

Hard to say.


It looks like he's
going after her.

Hey, he just ran
right past her.

If little Miss Muffin
hits me with another punch

like that one, I'll be
taking a long dirt nap.

Hat-and-Clog, how do I
put this gear on anyway?

Strap the headgear onto
your forehead, Ichigo.

Like this?

That's right. Now yell
as loud as you can,

"Amazing Headband of Justice
in place,

Amazing Armor of Justice
protect me now."

Go on, say it.

The amazing headband of-- what?

Ah, that's just stupid.


Interesting how the fear
of imminent death

can change one's mind.

All right, I'll say it.

Here goes nothing.

"Amazing Headband of Justice
in place.

Amazing Armor of Justice
protect me."

Well, what do you know?

I can't believe he
actually said it.

What? You're
gonna pay for that.

Look outside behind you.

Oh, great.

All right, bring it.


Amazing Armor of Justice
my ass.

More like Armor of Junk.

Running for my life is the only
thing that's saving my life.

Wait a minute.
If I'm outrunning her,

it must mean
my speed has returned.

And that means maybe
I can dodge her punches.

Here it goes.



I can do it.

I won't aim for her face.

I'll just give her a tap on her
headgear to make her back off.

And then because of my
size, I can-- oh, damn.

I cut her.



Give me one more
crack at her, please.


I pronounce
lesson one cleared.

What the hell are
you talking about?

She kicked my ass just now.

I lost.

I never said anything about
you having to actually win

the fight in order to
clear the lesson, did I?

I thought--

The fact is, Ichigo, Ururu
here has the fighting skills

to counter even
full-fledged Soul Reapers.

A mere human would
never have a chance

of defeating her outright.

By the way, are you still
having difficulty breathing?

No, now that
you mention it.

Which means that
we've successfully

restored your spirit energy.

The entire point
of that lesson was

to determine in
a one-shot battle

whether or not you could
dodge Ururu's first attack.

Spirit energy
increases a lot faster

when the soul is in
danger of being destroyed.

We just needed to
find out if you'd be able

to raise yours fast enough
to dodge that fatal punch.

And if I hadn't succeeded?

Then you would've died.

Why the hell didn't you
say so in the first place?

I wasn't worried about it.

I had a lot of faith
that you'd be successful.


Well, so far, so good.

Now then,
let's celebrate the return

of your spirit energy,
shall we?

Now, let's continue
with your second lesson.


You'll need them if
you want to learn more.

I suppose I do, but
this all seems so sudden.

Plus, it's a little weird
dealing with a talking cat.

You think so?


Your friend Ichigo is preparing
to go to the Soul Society.

If you also want to learn to
use the new powers awakening

inside you, then you will have
to agree to take my lessons.

After that, the choice
will be yours

whether you want
to go or not.

Well, I'm going to go.

Are you really?

Aren't you scared? I am.


I won't force you.


Excellent, this will
be the perfect place

for me to train
in complete solitude.

There he is.

We found him.

Hi, Uryu. Whatcha doing?

I could ask you
the same question, Orihime.

So how did the two
of you find me?


He just followed your aura,
and it led us right to you.


Did you come out
here to go camping?

Huh? Not exactly.

You're training, aren't you?


Who said that? Huh?

It was me.

I'm right over here.

I'm Yoruichi.

Ah! No, a talking cat. No way!

What? You've never seen
a talking cat before?

Honestly, don't be
such a wimp.

You are making kind of a fuss,
Uryu. What's the bid deal?

Well, if it makes you
feel any better, Uryu,

I'm having a little trouble
with the talking cat myself.

Some humans have
so much trouble

adjusting to the unexpected,
especially the males.

Excuse me.

Why did you come here anyway?


Ichigo is planning on going
to the Soul Society?

Yes, he's going to go there
to try to rescue Rukia.

We thought you'd want to know
so you could help him too.

What Ichigo does has
nothing to do with me.

But what about Rukia?

Her life is in danger.

You're forgetting
that I'm a Quincy,

and the whole reason
I'm out here training

is that I'm angry
I lost to a Soul Reaper.

Rukia doesn't mean
anything to me.


Too bad, but I understand
that you're only

doing what you
think is best, Uryu.

It's completely confusing
to me at this point,

but I'm going to
keep on listening

and try to learn all I can
about these changes that

are happening.

It's a little scary to have
new powers awakening inside me,

but I want to know what
I can do with them.

Be careful, Uryu.

Sorry to let you down,

Orihime, but this
training is too important.

I can't let anyone see
what I'm about to do.

Please watch over me, sensei.

I feel like I'm--
I'm dying.

That's because you are.

You see, once the chain
of fate has been severed,

you can no longer return
to your physical body.

Death comes quickly.

Do you have to be
so casual about it?

That's not even
the worst of it.

Your chain will begin
the encroachment

where it was severed.

When the end reaches your
chest, you will become a Hollow,

and that will be the end of you.

What do I have to do?

If you don't want
to become a Hollow,

you must become
a Soul Reaper.


If you manage to
clear lesson two,

you will find that
in the process,

you have regained your former
powers as a Soul Reaper.

Of course, which path
you choose is up to you.

As if you even needed to ask.

All right, then.

Let's get this party started.



Well, what do
you think of that?

We really suckered him
that time, didn't we?

Yeah, good one.

That's one deep whole,

I do my best.



What the hell have
you done to me?

Bakudo, 99,
Part 1, Restrict.

No doubt you think it
rather harsh of me,

but until you have
cleared this lesson,

your arms must unfortunately
remain bound, Ichigo.

Ah you-- dammit.



Start climbing back
up the shaft, Ichigo.

That's all there
is to this lesson,

otherwise known
as the Shattered Shaft.

Yeah, that'll work with my
arms tied behind my back.

I wouldn't waste time arguing
about it if I were you.


You have a period of 72 hours
at the bottom

of Shattered Shaft, Ichigo.

That is how long it'll
take for the chain of fate

to be completely encroached.

By the end of that time,
if you have not

returned to the top
of the shaft as a Soul Reaper,

then we will have no choice,
Ichigo, but to k*ll you.



Hey, Jinta and Ururu!

How quickly do you think

Ichigo can
come back as a Soul Reaper?

I say five hours.

More like 12 hours.

I'll bet you 1,000 yen
he never makes it back at all.

I'll teach you
guys to doubt me.
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