01x19 - Ichigo Becomes a Hollow!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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01x19 - Ichigo Becomes a Hollow!

Post by bunniefuu »



What did you just say,
Captain Kuchiki?

What do you mean?

It is as I said.

Do I need to repeat myself?

Twenty-five days from now,

she'll go to
the central execution grounds,

where she will suffer
the ultimate punishment.

That is the final decision
of the Soul Society.

And this will be the last
time that you and I

shall ever exchange words.

the next time that I see you

will be at your execution.


We are taught
never to shed tears,

for to shed tears
means that the body

has been defeated by emotion.

And to us,
that simple act of crying

only proves without question
that the existence of emotion

is nothing but a burden.

Lesson 2, Shattered Shaft.

May I have your
attention please?

You have a period of 72 hours

at the bottom
of Shattered Shaft, Ichigo.

That is how long it will
take for the chain of fate

to be completely encroached.

By the end of that time,
if you have not returned

to the top of the shaft
as a Soul Reaper,

then we will have no choice,
Ichigo, but to k*ll you.

You bastard.

So you intend to k*ll me?

That's right.

I do. Once you've given up.




You're both
completely hopeless.

At this rate,
I'll never be able

to let you enter
the Soul Society.

Wait, that's not fair.

Quit it, stop whining.

Unless you are able to
activate your powers at will,

you will die like a dog
in the Soul Society.

Do you understand me?

It's not that hard.

Just remember the first
time you used your powers

and retrace those steps.

Well, that's easier
said than done.

I was so desperate
that first time.

What were you so
desperate about?

Think about it this way.

A person picks up a sword

when he's trying
to protect something.

Perhaps it's your life,
or social status,

maybe a reputation, a loved
one, or personal beliefs.

The motives may be completely
different, but in the end,

it's the same desire
to protect something.

Think back.

What were you trying to
protect when you first

called upon your powers?

Let's see.

Hmm, I was--

I was trying to protect
Ichigo's kid sister.

A red cap,

long hair.

And since
she's Ichigo's sister,

she looks like Ichigo,

but she's still a girl.


It seems you've
failed to remember.

And what about you?

Well, I--


I, uh, at that time--



I was so desperate.

So desperate.


It shined.

Huh? Really?


Hey, guys.

You summoned?

If you ever need us,
don't hesitate.

Just call and ask for help.


But considering
this situation,

for what possible reason
would you need our help?

Because that's our job.

I'm sorry.

I was remember all sorts
of things, and then--


You weren't even in danger,
and yet you called for us?

You terrible little hussy.


Tsubaki, you stop
that right now.

Shut up.
Can't you see I'm pissed off?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Stop running, you little hussy.

You heard me.

Tsubaki, stop chasing her.

Oh, dear me.
He's on a terrible rampage.

ORIHIME: Ow, the hair.
Sometimes Tsubaki is so rough.

Well done, Orihime.

Although it seems to me
that you're going to need

a bit more practice when it
comes to taming your own power.

What about you?

Any luck yet?

Tell me, why are you
going to the Soul Society?


The fifth encroachment
has just ended.

There seems to be
a cycle to all this.

First they start chomping,
then they fall asleep.

During these periods
of encroachment,

I can hardly move.

The chains are so painful.

So if I'm gonna move,

it'll have to be
while they're sleeping.




It makes no sense
what he's doing,

but he's still managing to climb
up a practically straight wall.

For a human, this guy
sure takes chances.

Oh, you don't say?


Damn it.


Are you getting
hungry down there yet?

No, I'm not hungry yet!

Besides, jerk,
I'm in my soul form.

Why the hell would I be hungry?

Well, that's great to hear,

because I'll let you in
on a little secret.

If you're in soul form and
then you start to get hungry,

it's a dangerous sign.

It means you're just one step
away from becoming a Hollow.

It's okay to feel
thirsty though.

Oh, and if you do get thirsty,
go ahead and drink my spit.

Why, you little.

Come on, Ururu, get over here.

You can do it too.

Come down here and try that.

You brats!

Ah! Stop drooling. Cut it out.

Stop it or I'll beat
the crap out of you.

Hey, I'm not kidding. Ah!




I wonder if it's dark outside.

In this room, it's difficult
to tell the time of day.

Damn it, I can't climb out.

How much time has passed?

I can't tell.

How can I climb
out of this place?



Thought I'd bring you
a little food down here.

I figured you'd be feeling
pretty hungry right about now.

Ha, you must be nuts.

I'm not getting hungry at all.

Take a good look.

The way I see it, there
are still quite a few links

to the chain of fate.

Hmm, well,
that can't be helped.

You'll find you lose track
of time in a place like this.


You know, you've been
down here over 70 hours,

and I'm just thinking,
some of the other souls

started turning
into Hollows by now.


Oh, and, uh, one more thing.

The final encroachment,

it's nothing like
the other ones.


The chains.

No way.

Stop, all of you.






All right,
looks like he's gonna

become a Hollow after all.

I've got to help.
It's time I rescued him.

Hold it.

Uh, Mr. Kisuke--

Watch him closely,
nothing more.

Usually, when a hole
becomes a Hollow,

first the spiritual body

and then it reforms.

But in his case,
the order is all mixed up.

The mask is being created
while the body is still a hole.

This is a sign
that he is resisting.

There is still a strong
possibility that in time,

he'll become a Soul Reaper.

So let's watch awhile
and see

if indeed he truly becomes
a Hollow.

Just a little longer.


Ichigo, can you hear me?

Where am I?

Over here.

So tell me, who are you?


What are you talking about?

It's me, Zangetsu.

I couldn't hear his name.

I see.

So I still
can't reach you?

How very sad.

Perhaps you can tell
me how many times

I must cry out before
you can hear me,

for there is no one
in this world

that knows me better
than you do.

Huh? What are you talking about?

I'm sorry, but unfortunately,
I don't know anyone

as depressing as you are.

How did you--? It's like
you're just floating in air.


You surprise me.

How can you just sit there
in a place like that?



If you can scream, then
you've got time, time to spare.

Why are you worrying?

Don't you know
Soul Reapers rule death?

In fact, they control
many spiritual beings.

Uh, look,
whatever you're saying,

I am not a Soul Reaper.

Remember this.

The Soul Reaper power
that Byakuya Kuchiki

managed to remove from you
was nothing more than power

that you received
from Rukia Kuchiki.

Apparently, he had hoped to stop
things by taking your power.

By destroying it,
he thought he could end things

once and for all,

but he was careless.

His mistake was that he
failed to realize one fact,

you have Soul Reaper
power of your own.

You mean I have it?

I have Soul Reaper power?

Yes, the Soul Reaper
power you have

was awakened with the help
of Rukia Kuchiki's own power.

It hid itself in the very
depths of your soul

an instant before
Byakuya Kuchiki's thrust,

and it is still there.

Now, find it.

If there ever was
a time when you must

find the power
of the Soul Reaper

that has hidden itself
in you,

then that time is now,

since the world
has begun its collapse.

See these boxes raining down,
surrounding you?

Inside one of them lies
your Soul Reaper power.

It is up to you to find it.


This doesn't make sense.

I will not tolerate
any more excuses.

There is no time left.

You must find it before this
world is completely destroyed,

or you will become a Hollow.

so what am I gonna do now?

How am I supposed to find
the one box out of all these

that contains my
Soul Reaper power?

What do I do?

What was he thinking?

I just don't have the ability
to search out spirit energy.

It's not possible.

Hey, Uryu once said
the same thing to me.

Uryu, wait.

How did Uryu find out
that I was a Soul Reaper?

You know,
it was some simple method.

Did you know?

He bragged about it,
but what was it?

Did you know that a Soul
Reaper's spirit ribbon is red?

That's it.

I found it!

What the hell?

The handle of a zanpakuto?

You have done
well in finding it.

It is my hope
that the next time

you will hear my name.

You couldn't possibly be--


What do you think you're doing?
It's crumbling.

Hurry up.
You must pull me up now.



He's at his absolute limit,

I am switching
to suppression mode.

Bakudo 99, Part 2!


First incantation, bandage.

Second incantation, deadbolts.

Hey, be careful down there,

If you do all of that,

there's a good
chance he could die.

I can't hold him
down any longer.

He must be destroyed

Right now,
before he becomes a Hollow.


Final incantation, fatal seal.

This is it.

Look at that.
Something's sh**ting out of it.

That thing--
Just what the heck is that?


Is that you?

Answer, Carrot Top.

If you're alive, answer me.



A shihakusho and a mask?

Is he a Hollow
or is he a Soul Reaper?

I may be small,
but I'll fight you.




Hey, wait a minute.

Aren't you supposed
to be a Hollow?



It seems you went and
became a Soul Reaper again.

Well done.
Lesson two completed.

Shut up.


Ha. Well, well, well.

I bet you weren't expecting me
to come back alive, were you?

I swore to myself that if
I made it out of that hole,

I would k*ll you
the first chance that I got.


Your timing is perfect.

With all of your spirit,

we should be able to get you
started on lesson three.

What did you just say?

And the best part is,
lesson three has no time limit.

Knock off my hat
with your zanpakuto,

and the lesson will be cleared.


Not bad, considering that
your zanpakuto is broken.

I wouldn't be so smug,
because I haven't really

gotten down to business yet.

Look, why don't we just
forget about

your concept of no time limits?

I think we could end
this lesson in five minutes.

Sounds good.

Five minutes.

And you say that's all
the time you need, right?




In order to release
the power of the zanpakuto,

one has to first discover
its name and then summon it.

Now then, the question remains,

can Ichigo find it in time?

Bet you 1,000 yen he can't.

Bet you 2,000 I can.
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