01x06 - Clefairy and the Moon Stone

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x06 - Clefairy and the Moon Stone

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ I want to be the very best
Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause ♪

♪ I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide ♪

♪ Teach Pokémon to understand
The power that's inside ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ It's you and me
I know it's my destiny ♪

♪ Pokémon! Oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ A heart so true
Our courage will pull us through ♪

♪ You teach me and I'll teach you
Pokémon! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all
Pokémon! ♪

[narrator] Last time, Ash and Pikachu
faced their toughest challenge yet,

a match against
a Pokémon Gym Leader.

Ash won a Boulderbadge,
his first step toward competing

in the Pokémon
League Championships.

Joined by the Gym Leader Brock,

Ash and his friends
continued their journey.

But as they left Pewter City,

little did they suspect that their next
adventure would be out of this world!

[narrator] Ash and his friends
hike toward Mt. Moon.

Many strange and astonishing tales have
been told about this mysterious place,

and the group's about to discover
that all of them are true!

Mt. Moon!
Ah. Doesn't the name sound romantic?

People say that a huge meteor
crashed into the mountain

back in prehistoric times.

[Ash] A meteor!
Is it really true?

The meteor is called
the Moon Stone.

Ah. Now that's romantic!

[man screams]

Look! Over there!

[Zubat screeching]

[man screaming]

Ah. It's a bunch of Zubat!

-They're attacking that guy!
-[Ash] Dexter, analyze!

[Dexter] Zubat. Flying Pokémon
with supersonic powers,

Zubat live in caves
and hate to fly outside in daylight.

Not these Zubat.

This is no time for jokes!
That guy needs our help!

You're right. I'm sorry.

Pikachu! Thundershock!



[electricity crackling]


Ah. Oh. Ah.

Ah. Are you okay?

You guys are the greatest!

-Really, it was nothing.
-I'm talking superfantabulastic!

I mean, two thumbs up! Way up!
The best rescue I've ever had!

[both scream]

They say man's best friend is a Pokémon,
and with you two, I believe it!

-Oh, that's nice.
-I'm so moved!

Such friendship I thought I'd never see,
when the Zubat began attacking me.

I thought I was done for,
when who should arrive?

Two heroes thanks to whom I'm alive!

I'm alive!

Thank you so much!
Thank you!

He certainly doesn't look like
the poetic type.

-Did I mention how grateful I am?

Um, anyway, why were the Zubat
attacking you, mister?

Ah. Never call me mister!
My name's Seymour!

Seymour, the scientist.

Knowledge! Research!

I'm Seymour, the scientist!

See? The cave is all lit up inside.

Somebody has strung these lights
through the whole cave.

But the Pokémon
in this cave need the dark.

These lights are upsetting them
and making them confused.

Which is probably why the Zubat
left the cave and att*cked you.

[Seymour] Look here. These Paras
are planting their mushrooms everywhere,

and the hot lights are drying up
these sandshrew.

-That's why I'm here.

On patrol to protect the mountain

from the troublemakers' attack
against these caves.

Why attack a cave?

I'm afraid it's because of the Moon Stone.

-The Moon Stone?

The Moon Stone is an awesome boulder
a million years old or even older!

Deep in these caves, the meteor hides,

though no explorer has found the place
of the legendary rock from space!

We've studied its fragments
for many an hour

and discovered it increases
a Pokémon's power!

And that is why the attackers are here!

They've come to take the Moon Stone
or so I fear!

The Moon Stone?

Ever since I was a little boy,

I've believed the Pokémon
came to earth from outer space.

-[all] From outer space?

And where, you ask, is the spacecraft
that brought them to earth?

In this cave!

-It's the Moon Stone!
[Misty] It sure is an original theory.

But, don't you see? It means the
Moon Stone belongs to the Pokémon!

We humans must not take it from them!


-You agree with me, don't you?
-Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Clefairy. Clefairy.


[Brock] That looks like a Clefairy.

Ah. It's so cute!

[Dexter] Clefairy. This impish
Pokémon is friendly and peaceful.

It is believed
to live inside Mt. Moon,

although very few
have ever been seen by humans.

Clefairy. Clefairy. Clefairy.

-Oh, I got to catch it.
[Seymour] You can't!

-Clefairy. Clefairy. Clefairy.


Sorry, but its best
if you just let it stay here.

I hope you understand.

Hmm. Sure, Seymour.
I understand.

[all] Huh?


Don't be scared of Meowth!

-Huh! Its Meowth!

-What are you doing here?
-Looking for troublemakers like you.



So Team Rocket is causing
all the trouble around here.

What a surprise.

We've got to stop them
before they start any more trouble.

[Jessie] Trouble?
[James] Make that double.

To protect the world from devastation.

To unite all peoples within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.


[Jessie] Team Rocket!
Blast off at the speed of light!

Surrender now or prepare to fight!

Meowth! That's right!

They sure are show-offs!

Don't you guys ever get tired of saying
the same old thing over and over?

-You're just jealous, boy.
-Because we won't let you join us.

I'd never join up with you!

You put the lights in this cave.

It's your fault the Pokémon
who live here are so confused!

-What a shame!
-How will we ever forgive ourselves?

We want to get our hands on the Moon Stone
so we can power up our Pokémon with it!

With the Moon Stone in our hands,
nothing will stop us!

We won't let you get away with it.

You want a rock?
Take one of these. Then get lost!

-Get lost? How rude!
-Let's teach him manners.

Keep an eye on Seymour and Clefairy.
Make a run for it when you get the chance.


Ready or not!


Butterfree! I choose you!

Here we go! Unh!



A Zubat!

I captured it just before
we entered the cave.

-Aw, I should have caught one.
-Koffing, Smog Attack!


-Butterfree, Whirlwind now!
-Zubat! Double Team now!

[both screeching]

What's this?

-Not bad.
-Quick! Now's our chance!

[Butterfree screeches]


Zubat, hang on!

Go Supersonic!



Oh, no!

Ekans! Koffing!

What's the matter
with you weaklings?

Ekans and Koffing
are getting confused!

Butterfree, Whirlwind now!

Blow them
all the way out of the cave!

[both screaming]

Its time Team Rocket blasted off!

You may have won this round,
but we'll be back!

-We did it! Yeah!
-Excellent teamwork!

Hey, wait a second.
Aren't we forgetting something?

Yeah, something's missing.

Ah. Where's Meowth?

-Clefairy! Clefairy!
-Oh, no! Clefairy's running away!

Clefairy! Clefairy!

Clefairy, come back!

[Meowth] Meowth's got you now.

[Clefairy] Fairy!
- Clefairy!



[both scream]

[both groan]

All right, give Meowth that Moon Stone.


Meowth, I'm sure we can be
reasonable about this.

-No we can't.
-Not so fast, Meowth!

-Staryu! Swift Attack!

-Yow! Yow!
-Water g*n, Staryu!


-Bye, Meowth, have a nice drip!

Staryu, return!

Hey! Is everybody all right?

We won't be bothered by Meowth anymore,
thanks to Misty the mighty!

[Ash] What's that?

This is Pokémon food
made from my own secret recipe.

The ingredients are specially blended
for each Pokémon.



[Ash] How's it taste?

I've been developing it for years.
I keep improving on the recipe.

-I'll make a batch for Pikachu.
-I'll try some.

Mm. Not bad.

Really? Let me taste.

Mm, ugh.

Well, you might not like it,
but the Pokémon sure do.

-Clefairy. Clefairy.

Pika? Pikachu?


Pikachu makes friends so easily.
I wonder what they're talking about?

-Pika, pi!

-What's up, Pikachu?

-Clefairy. Clefairy. Clefairy...
-Pikachu. Pikachu...

Pikachu, where on earth
are you are you taking us?

[Ash] It's another cave!

[all gasp]

It's the core of the Moon Stone!

-This feels like a dream!
-So the Moon Stone legend is true.

-Look, Clefairy's doing something!

Clefairy. Clefairy. Clefairy.

There are so many of them!


-Heh, I think its saying hello.

Look at them!

Clefairy. Clefairy. Clefairy.

Clefairy. Clefairy. Clefairy.

These Clefairy formed their own society.

This is an incredible sight!

[both gibbering]

Hey, Pikachu! What's Clefairy been
telling you, anyway, huh?


-You understand that?
-Of course I do. It's my Pokémon!

[Ash] The Clefairy
collect all of these rocks and...

Pika, pika.

...do the Macarena.

Pika, pika.

The Clefairy... Pick up?

[Seymour] A pick-up truck?

-I got it!
-Pika, pika.

-Sounds like raising?
-The Clefairy like raisins? Ugh.

-Pi, pika.

-What rhymes with hair?
-With hair?

-Hey, how about prayer?

-The Clefairy pray to the Moon Stone!
-Pikachu. Pikachu.

[Seymour] Is it because the Moon Stone
fell from the heavens?

Then maybe the legends are true.

Maybe the Moon Stone
really did come from space.

-Of course! It all makes sense now!

-What does?
-Outer space!

Pokémon and the human race
will ride the Moon Stone into space!

First to the moon! Then to Mars!
Then together to the stars!

Stars? That's our cue!

You guys don't know when to quit.

You keep away from the Moon Stone
or else!


-Or else?
-I think we've been threatened.

[Seymour] The Moon Stone belongs to
the Clefairy, not to you troublemakers!

-Leave this cave at once!
-What's that unusual sound?

-His knees are shaking!
-Hmm, sounds like a wimp!

-I'll show you.
-Don't, Seymour.

[grunting and shouting]

Huh? Did you have a nice trip?

My glasses. I can't see a thing.

-Oh, Seymour.
-That wasn't fair!

-All is fair in a Pokémon match, boy!
-Enough talk!

-I agree! Let's go, Pikachu.

-Onix, let's go!


[all grunting]


Let's show them that size doesn't matter!
Ekans, underground.

Koffing, smokescreen!





Smoke won't stop us!
Pidgeotto, I choose you!


Pidgeotto, whirlwind the smoke!

-Huh? The Moon Stone is gone!
-Team Rocket stole it!

The match was just a trick
so they could sneak away with it!

All right, Onix!
Follow them underground!

There's still a chance to catch them!

[muttering indistinctly]

-I beg your par--

-Oh, thank you!

But why aren't you chasing after
the robbers who took your Moon Stone?


The Moon Stone is sacred to you,
isn't it?

It's your responsibility
to take it back from those robbers.

-Do you understand me?

[all laughing]

-Nice guys always...
-Finish last!

We just went from worst to first, heh!

[Onix roars]

[all screaming]

[all grunting]

-Got them!
-Nice work, Onix! Grab them, now!


-Koffing, counter-attack!

[all grunting]

-Hey, look!

It's Seymour!

[all gibbering]

Meowth! What's going on?


♪ Clefairy, Clefairy, Clefairy ♪

-What are they doing?
-Waving their fingers.

This way and that way,
this way and that way.

I'm getting dizzy.

This is an attack that Clefairy use
called the Metronome?


I've never seen the Clefairy
use the Metronome before.

-Who knows what'll happen!

-Well, it looks like Team Rocket is...
-Blasting off again!

-That was the Metronome?
-I give it two thumbs down.

[James] Me too!
[Meowth] Meowth three!


The Moon Stone.


-The Clefairy are...

[electronic voice]
Clefable. An advanced form of Clefairy.

These unique creatures are among
the rarest Pokémon in the world.

The power of the Moon Stone did this.

[gibbering continues]

I've decided to live here
with the Clefairy.


It's been my life's dream to find
the Moon Stone.

Someday, I will travel to the stars
with the Clefairy.


When you do visit outer space, I hope
you'll remember to send us a postcard.


[gibbering continues]

So long, Seymour! Goodbye, Clefairy!

[Seymour] Goodbye, Ash.
Goodbye, Pikachu. And thank you all.

[Ash] Do you think the Clefairy
really came to earth from outer space?

It's fun to imagine they did!

[Brock] This road leads to Cerulean City?
Well, I guess we're headed the right way.

And there's something else
scribbled here.

Yeah, well, they say some kids
like to write silly notes on these signs.

What's it say?

Gary was here?

Loser? Oh. That Gary!
I'll show you, ugh!

-What's the hurry?
-He'll never learn.


[Narrator] And so Ash races
to catch up with his rival.

Is he running towards victory,
danger or disaster?

No one knows for sure, so be sure
you're here for the next Pokémon.

Okay, guys,
we gotta rap some Pokémon.

You just do the singing,
I'll take care of the hard part.

Let's get it on!

♪ I want to be the best
There ever was ♪

♪ To beat all the rest
Yeah, that's my cause ♪

♪ Electrode, Diglett, Nidoran, Mankey
Venusaur, Rattata, Fearow, Pidgey ♪

♪ Seaking, Jolteon, Dragonite, Gastly
Ponyta, Vaporeon, Poliwrath, Butterfree ♪

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon! ♪

♪ I'll search across the land
Look far and wide ♪

♪ Release from my hand
The power that's inside ♪

♪ Venomoth, Poliwag, Nidorino, Golduck
Ivysaur, Grimer, Victreebel, Moltres ♪

♪ Nidoking, Farfetch'd, Abra, Jigglypuff
Kingler, Rhyhorn, Clefable, Wigglytuff ♪

Thirty-two down, that’s it for now.

Tune in tomorrow,
we'll rap at you some more.

There's 150,
so watch Monday through Friday.

You'll catch 'em all!

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon! ♪
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