01x24 - Haunter Versus Kadabra

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x24 - Haunter Versus Kadabra

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ I want to be the very best
Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause ♪

♪ I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide ♪

♪ Teach Pokémon to understand
The power that's inside ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ It's you and me
I know it's my destiny ♪

♪ Pokémon! Oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all
A heart so true

♪ Our courage will pull us through ♪

♪ You teach me and I'll teach you
Pokémon! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all
Pokémon! ♪


Nothing like a cup of tea
to start off the day. [chuckles]



Oh. Thanks a lot, Krabby!

[hissing and grunting]

Professor. Good morning.

Good morning, Ash. I was just wondering
when you might be calling.

You have some good news?

I sure do. Look at this.

Ah! Mm!

Pretty impressive, huh?
I've already earned four badges.

Only four badges?


Ash? Are you still there?

I just found out this morning
that all your other rivals

have earned five badges each,
including Gary.

They've all passed through
Celadon City, too.

Oh! That Gary! [grunts angrily]

You'd better hurry up, Ash.

You don't want
to fall further behind the others.

And Gary has already captured 30 Pokémon.

[gasps] Thirty Pokémon?

What about you? What's going on?

I haven't gotten any Pokémon from you
in a while.

Not since the day you sent me
Krabby here. [laughs]

Krabby. How you doing?

[Krabby hisses and grunts]

We've become very good friends.

We especially enjoy tea time
and writing poetry,

and some of it's not that bad either.

Every day it's cake and tea
Just my Pokémon and me

-You like it?
-I don't know very much about poetry.

Now, listen, Ash, writing poetry
is a lot like Pokémon training.

I can't write a good poem without rhymes.

And you can't be a good trainer
without catching more Pokémon.

Have to go now. The tea's getting cold.


[Ash] Primeape Goes Bananas

[both] Mm. [munching]

You look kind of down, Ash.


-Have a donut. That always cheers me up.
-Pika, pika.

These donuts are great.
Jelly-filled are my favorite.

Nothing beats a jelly-filled donut. Huh?

I just heard Gary has five badges.

I get it.
He's upset because falling behind.


The next town we come to is Celadon City.
Isn't there supposed to be a gym there?

There sure is.
All we've got to do is follow this road.

Celadon City is only a day's walk
from here,

even less if we keep up a fast pace.


Can Ash catch up with his rivals?

Or will he be left in the dust?


There's no way
those guys are going to win.

Just remember, Ash,

unlike all the other wannabe trainers
out there,

you've got to make it
to the Pokémon League your own way.

Remember, it's quality over quantity,

especially if you've got
lots of different Pokémon.

Then they'll help you catch others.

Yeah, that's it. Catch lots of Pokémon.

-He'll never learn.
-I didn't ask you.


[leaves rustling]


Oh, it's a Pokémon.

[Pokédex] Mankey, a pig-monkey Pokémon
of the fighting type.

Known for its superior footwork,
it packs a powerful punch.

[Mankey chatters]

-Maybe it wants a donut.

[Mankey grunts and snorts]



[Mankey gibbers and snorts]


[chomps and chuckles]

-I think it likes it.
-That donut is my own special recipe.

No artificial ingredients.

A fighting Pokémon.
That'll really help me in battle.

Hold on. You're not going to start
by throwing a Poké Ball at it?

There's no way
I'm going to miss this chance.

Mankey, you're mine now!

[snorts and gibbers]



-It's a donut!
-A donut Pokémon?


Looks to me like you got it pretty angry.

Now what are we supposed to do?

Although Mankey is usually calm,

it does have a bad temper.

Once Mankey begins to thrash,
stopping it is impossible.

What does it mean by thrash?

[all] Huh?

[all screaming]

You should have let it finish that donut,

Didn't your mother ever teach you manners?

She never mentioned Mankeys.

I shouldn't have made them taste so good.

Your homemade donuts are our only hope.
Maybe more donuts will stop it.

Well, it's sure worth a try.
Poké Ball.

-[both yell]
-Oh, sorry. Donut, go!


-That didn't work!
-Ah! I wasted a donut.

-[Misty] Ah!





-Are you okay, Ash?
-Of course I'm not okay!

-[Ash groans]
-Pi. Pi, pi.

[Ash groans and grunts]

I surrender.





Now is the perfect time
to capture Pikachu.

While that little twerp
is out of the action,

we'll make a sneak surprise attack.

If we pull this off,

the boss will put us
on the board of directors.

Team Rocket will rule the world.

You really think so?

-When you dream, you've got to dream big.
-You sure are dreaming.

[both] Hmm?


He is easy to satisfy.


That Mankey sure beat you up big time.

-Are you okay?

Where'd my hat go?



-You little thief. Give me back my hat!
-[laughs and gibbers]


You can get another hat, Ash.

It's not the hat. It's the principle.

Hold it!
You're just going to get beat up again.

It's mine!

-What's so great about that hat?
-I can't replace that hat.

I won it
at the official Pokémon League expo.

Don't you know how tough it is
to get one of those hats?

An official expo hat?

[both] Oh.

Hey, all you Pokémon league fans.

Now you have a chance to win

one of 100 limited edition
Pokémon League official hats.

It's wearable, it's washable,
and it's official.

Don't miss your chance
to win the official hat

of the official expo
of the official Pokémon League!

It's official.

I didn't know that was an official
Pokémon League hat.

I remember I entered the same contest too.

I had to send in about
a million postcards to win that hat.

[chuckles] No wonder I didn't win.
I only sent in one.

Poor Ash. Losing an official hat
is like losing your best friend.



Almost got it. [grunts]

[Mankey yells]
[Ash screams]

-[Jessie] Well, hello there, chumps.
-[Brock] Huh?

Team Rocket.

What are you doing here?

Aren't you happy to see us?

[Mankey chattering]

[all] Hmm? Huh?

[James] Hmm? Huh.

Buzz off! [grunts]

I wish he hadn't done that.

Still trying to capture Pikachu?

We just want to borrow it. Permanently.

Your situation is hopeless.

-Hand Pikachu over or else...
-Or else what?

To protect the world from devastation...

To unite all peoples within our nation...

To denounce the evils of truth and love...

To extend our reach to the stars above...



Team Rocket.
Blast off at the speed of light.

Surrender now or prepare to fight.

Meowth! That's right.

I'm having a major hat crisis.

Could you try to steal Pikachu
some other time?

Now's the perfect time.

You're obviously too pooped
to protect your Pikachu.

If you guys don't get out of here fast,
you're going to get as whipped as Ash did.

-By who?
-By Mankey.

What's a Mankey?

I guess that thing
I kicked out of the way.

[both] Huh?

[Mankey chatters and growls]

[Mankey chattering and growling]

[both stutter] It... It... It... evolved.

[Mankey growling]

What's that?

Primeape. If you make eye contact

with this evolved form of Mankey,
it will chase you forever.


Ha. This fur ball? That's ridiculous.

Now, let's capture Pikachu.

-Go, Ekans.
-And go, Koffing.



Come on!


[all yell]


[all] Huh?



[groans and grunts]

How dare you damage my perfection?
Now you'll pay!

Ekans. Koffing. Never mind Pikachu.

Get that Primeape!

But we came for Pikachu.

Team Rocket always puts beauty
before duty.

-Come on.

Koffing. Kof, Koffing.


Now's our chance.

[Team Rocket grunting]

[Ash] My hat!


[growling and grunting]

Don't look at it in the eye, Pikachu!


Ooh, pik. Chu...


Chu. [whimpering]


-It's got my hat!
-And it never sent in one postcard.

Pikachu, thunder shock!


[Mankey screaming]

Nice work!



Now what'll we do?

That attack made it even madder.

Wait a minute. I have a theory.

Primeape's not trying to steal your hat.

-[both] Huh?
-It's scared of us.

When it was a Mankey,
you tried to capture it.

Then James kicked it.

I think it took your hat
so it could get a little attention.

-Because it's lonely all by itself.
-Be careful.


Now, everything's going to be fine.

Give me a smile, buddy.

[Mankey growls]
[Brock screams]

Hey, quit it! Knock it off! That hurts!
Let me go! Stop, stop!



-[Misty] I think Brock needs a new theory.
-[Ash] Guess so.

[both groan]

[Ash gasps]

[Pokédex] Once a Primeape begins
its strongest attack, thrash,

it goes completely out of control.

Uh, I think we're in big trouble.


[Ash] Run!



-Looks like Team Rocket's blasting...

-Once again!

[all screaming]

-If we split up, maybe we can lose it.

[Mankey growls]
[Ash pants]

Oh, no. It doesn't look like
Primeape's easy to lose.


I just hope Ash doesn't look Primeape
in the eye.

-Now what?
-Let's find Ash.



[Primeape grunting]

I don't know how much longer I can run.

[Team Rocket grunting]

Nothing like digging a hole
when you want to play dirty.

[Meowth chuckling]

-[Koffing] Koffing.
-[Jessie] Hmm.

[chuckles] At last, the moment of truth.


Koff, koff, koff.


[Jessie coughs]
What's a hole doing in the road?

Koffing, you nincompoop.

-How'd you get down here?

-Why don't you come for a ride on my head?

What? Pikachu, thunder shock.


[all screaming]

Not me!


Huh? Ah!



[Ash screams]


I can't write a good poem without rhymes.

And you can't be a good trainer
without catching more Pokémon.


Huh? Ash.

Professor Oak's right. No more games.

I'm going to capture you, Primeape.

Why do you have to be so stubborn?

Primeape is too dangerous to capture, Ash.

Just forget the hat.

It's not that. It's because
I want to be a Pokémon master.

A real master would never let any Pokémon
get away.


He's always trying to sound tough.

Squirtle, I choose you.

-Soak its head with your water g*n.


Ah! Huh?

[Ash] Squirtle, return!

Bulbasaur, I choose you.


Bulbasaur, razor leaf now!


[both screaming]

Bulbasaur, return.

Charmander, go.







Pika, pika.


The flame on its tail?
What's happening?

Charmander's special attack, rage.

It gains more power
the more it is att*cked.

It will continue to fight
until its opponent falls.

All right!
I didn't know it had that kind of power.

Charmander, go!


[both growl and grunt]



Pika? Pikachu!

Burn now, Charmander.
Flamethrower attack!



Hey, Pikachu!



Good work, Charmander.
I'll take over now.

Poké Ball, go.



[laughs] All right!
Primeape is mine.

-You did it!

-Thanks a lot, Pikachu.

-[Jessie] Don't forget us.
-[all] Huh?

[all groaning]

So it's the whole g*ng.

It's your fault we ended up in here.
Where's Primeape?

Well, why don't you just see for yourself?

[all] Huh?

[Mankey growls]
[all scream]


[all] Looks Like Team Rocket's
blasting off again!


Primeape sure gave them a thrashing.

Well, at least now Primeape's
doing the thrashing on our side.

Welcome to the team, Primeape.

Primeape's good at thrashing,

but it's got a lot to learn
about team spirit.

-A hat might help.
-Better start sending in postcards.

I'll do whatever it takes
to become a Pokémon master.

Charmander, Primeape, return.

-Pikachu! Pika!
-What is it?

[all gasp]

[Brock] There's Celadon City.

You know,
if Primeape hadn't chased us,

we wouldn't have gotten here
as fast as we did.

-Right, Brock?
-Yeah, I guess it was lucky after all.

Pika, pika.

Way to go, Primeape.

Now that I caught a new Pokémon,
it's time to earn a badge.

[narrator] And so, by capturing Primeape,
Ash has taken another step

on his journey to
the Pokémon League.

Of course,
it takes more than a new Pokémon

to make a Pokémon Master,

but now our young hero
is more determined than ever.

[Meowth] Meow!




[all] I wish we had some donuts.

♪ Pokémon! ♪

Get those lips loose!
It’s time to Pokérap!

Come on, sing ‘em with me!
That’s the game!

There’s 150 Pokémon.
How many can you name?

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Sandslash, Hitmonlee, Psyduck, Arcanine
Eevee, Exeggutor, Kabutops, Zapdos ♪

♪ Dratini, Growlithe Mr. Mime, Cubone
Graveler, Voltorb, Gloom ♪

We're almost home!

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon! ♪

♪ Charmeleon, Wartortle
Mewtwo, Tentacruel, Aerodactyl ♪

♪ Omanyte, Slowpoke
Pidgeot, Arbok ♪

That's all, folks!

Can you name all the Pokémon?

Just put today’s song together
with the other days of the week

That’s why you can’t miss a show.

You gotta catch ‘em all!

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon ♪

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Pokémon ♪

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon ♪

♪ I want to be the very best
Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause ♪

♪ I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide ♪

♪ Teach Pokémon to understand
The power that's inside ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ It's you and me
I know it's my destiny! Pokémon! ♪

♪ Oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ A heart so true
Our courage will pull us through ♪

♪ You teach me and I'll teach you ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Pokémon! ♪
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