01x10 - Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x10 - Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village

Post by bunniefuu »

-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


Our young hero Ash

leads his friends
deep into the forest.

Since he doesn't have a compass,

Ash must rely
purely on his instincts...

and that means trouble.

Don't worry.

I'm positive this way'll
take us back to the path.

-Positive, huh?

That's what you said
an hour ago.

I'm tired.


I told you
to stick to the main road,

but you had to take a shortcut.

I took a shortcut?

It was you
who said to go this way.


If I was leading, we wouldn't
have gotten lost like this.

Who says we're lost?

Listen, genius,

if you don't know where you are
or where you're going,

that means you're lost!


All right, but remind me
to yell at you some more

if we ever get
to Vermilion City.

Time for a break.



Oh, wow, a Pokémon!


This Pokémon is typically found
roaming the forest,

scattering pollen
as it walks around.

I'll catch it,

Hold it!

What for?

Because I'm gonna catch
that Pokémon.

-Aw, no way, Misty.
I saw it first.

But we found it
around the water,

and water is my specialty.

Oddish, oddish.

Go, Starmie!

Water g*n now!

Now, that's the way to spray.

Tackle it, Starmie!


That weakened it.

Gotta catch it now.

Pokéball, go!


What's that?



I can't believe it!

A Bulbasaur!


It bears the seed of a plant
on its back from birth.

The seed slowly develops.

Researchers are unsure
whether to classify Bulbasaur

as a plant or animal.

Bulbasaur are extremely tough

and very difficult to capture
in the wild.


Oh, Starmie, are you okay?

Now it's my turn to try.

Bulbasaur is mine!

Butterfree, I choose you!

Butterfree, Sleep Powder!



Come on.
Hang in there, Butterfree!

Oh, no.


Oh, the Bulbasaur.

It's not fair!
I want it!



I'll bet there are Bulbasaur
all over this place.

But where is "this place"?

I can't find this bridge
on my map.



Brock's falling.

Ash, you have to pull us
back up!

It's our only chance!


I can't.

Yes, you will!

Just pull as hard as you can!

I'm totally wiped out.

We can't rest now.

We've got to find Brock.


Hurry up!



How'd you get down there?

-I fell in!
How else?

What's a trap doing here?

It seems pretty strange.

Just help me out, quick!

This is just not our day.



Hey, Brock!

Think he washed
this far downstream?


Hey, how'd we get up in a tree?

-It's another trap!
Do something!

What can I do?

Try wiggling.

See if the net will open.

Oh, this is dumb!

You got any better ideas,
let's hear 'em.





Saur, saur.

Hold it there, Bulbasaur.

I want a match!

Now you're wiggling too much!

Ouch, you kicked me!


The village we're looking for

should be on the other side
of that bridge.

Let's just hope
the rumors are true.

Hee hee hee!

Just wait and see

what Team Rocket's got planned
for you,

you delicious little village.

Gee, I wonder what happened
to Brock.

I wonder too.

Maybe the river
carried him far away,

all the way to the ocean.

Then some pirates spotted him

and brought him
aboard their ship.

And one of the pirates
has a wooden leg.

You have a crazy imagination.


Then came the storm.


Hey, Brock!

Why are you hanging around
up in that tree?

Thanks, but maybe next time,

you could let us down
a little more gently.

-Yeah, sure.

We've been looking all over
for you.

We saw you fall into the river.

Then what happened?

Well, I was being washed away
in the rapids.

-I've got you.
Just hold on.

The girl who saved my life
was incredibly beautiful.

Hmm, a beautiful girl, huh?

That's even better than pirates.

Unless, of course, she was
really a pirate in disguise.

Maybe it's time
to get a reality check.



Melanie, this is Ash and Misty.


So you're Brock's friends.

He told me all about you.


Wow, look at that!

Do all those Pokémon
belong to you?

Oh, no.

This is a place where Pokémon
are able to rest and relax.

Like summer camp?

Well, sort of,
but all year long.

You see, when Pokémon get
abandoned or injured,

they can come here.

Melanie takes care of them
until they feel better.

Then they leave.

So this is a Pokémon Center,

and Melanie is a Pokémon doctor.

Oh, no.

I'm not qualified
to be a Pokémon doctor.

This is more like
a Pokémon health spa.


Here, the Pokémon don't battle
with one another.

They relax
and try to enjoy themselves

until they've recovered.


Melanie collects plants
to use for medicine.

She knows all about which plants
can help a Pokémon feel better

or grow stronger
when it's too weak.

So you and Melanie both love
to take care of Pokémon.

We do.

Well, it looks to me like

there's something else
Brock might love.


Be quiet!
She might hear you!

ALL: who's that Pokémon?

It's Bulbasaur!


I wonder who put that net
up in the tree.

Probably the same person
who dug the hole I fell into.

I'm sorry.

I was the one
who set those traps.

I wanted to catch
Pokémon trainers

before they reached the village.

Since you got caught,
I guess they really worked.

But why?

There are so many
injured Pokémon here.

I have to protect them.

So the bridge was a trap too.


Across this bridge lies
a lifetime supply of Pokémon.

How are we ever going
to carry them all?

Don't worry; we'll cross that
bridge when we come to it.



I promised Melanie we wouldn't
capture any Pokémon here.

And did you seal the promise
with a kiss?


So that must mean
you really do love her.


Well, I guess I'll have
to keep your promise.

Only bad guys try
to capture sick Pokémon.

But are those traps tough enough

to keep robbers away
from this place?

I mean,
you'd have to be pretty stupid

to fall into one of those holes.



This is the third hole
we've fallen into.

How come nobody ever falls
into our traps

but we always fall into theirs?

Well, this one was
very cleverly hidden,

well made, and-

-I'm glad you're enjoying it
so much!




Help me out!

Get us out of here!

Ouch, my tail!

Let go!

Stop pulling my tail!


Do you feel any better yet,

Sorry about what happened
in the forest.


I shouldn't have surprised you
like that.

You must've been scared.


Melanie told me
your old trainer got rid of you.

Was it really because he thought
you were too weak?


You know, some trainers can be

But not all of us
are mean like that.


You just need to find a trainer
who understands you.

Anyway, I'm sorry
for what I did,

and I hope
we can become friends.




Oddish, oddish.

You're sweet, Oddish.

I am sorry.

All I think about lately
is winning.

I hope I'm not becoming

You were always heartless.

Mind your own business!


Hey, it's rude to tackle people!

She's right.

I know.

You're just mad because I was
going to beat you.

But you chickened out
and ran off.

That must be it.

Then let's see how tough
you really are.

-Please wait.

Bulbasaur is only trying
to protect Oddish.

Bulbasaur volunteered
to guard our whole village.

BOTH: Huh?

It protects
all the injured Pokémon

whenever enemies try
to attack them.


Bulbasaur is the bravest

and most loyal Pokémon I know.

So that's why
Bulbasaur att*cked me.

It must've thought I was taking
Oddish from the village.

Bulbasaur, bulbasaur.

Now what?

Bulbasaur doesn't like
Pokémon trainers.

It wants you
to leave the village now.

But we're not here
to capture Pokémon.

We want to help you.

It's true, Bulbasaur.

These are our friends.


Bulbasaur was worried
about the other Pokémon,

so it decided to be
the village bodyguard.

Now, that's what I call bravery.

It would be great to have
a Pokémon like that.

To protect the world
from devastation.

To unite all peoples
within our nation.

To denounce the evils
of truth and love.

To extend our reach
to the stars above.

Team Rocket, blast off
at the speed of light.

Surrender now
or prepare to fight.

That's right.

We've said our lines.

Time to attack the village.

Those village idiots thought

their measly traps
would stop us.

They thought they had
the home team advantage.

No such luck.

We're the home team now.

I congratulate myself
for this brilliant scheme.

Don't forget I suggested

tying giant balloons
on the stadium roof.



Here we go again.

Today only at Jessie Stadium.

It's the Team Rocket
Pokémon challenge.

The flying stadium was my idea.

Ha ha.

All Pokémon are invited
to enter the stadium.

Step right up.

Yeah, we're not hosing you.

Well, maybe we are.


They never run out of ideas,
do they?

Everybody get in the cabin!





Take Staryu.

Keep going, Bulbasaur!

That rotten little pest.

He's always ruining
our flawless plans.

Not this time.

He's gathered them all
in one place for us.

Our super-vacuum
will suck up 'em.

ALL: Let's go, team!

To steal 'em is our dream!

Let's go, Rocket!

Put Pokémon in our pocket!



Pidgeotto, I choose you!

Pidgeotto, Gust attack!


And the tornado's winding up.

But will it strike us out?

There goes the whole ballgame.


The home team
really got blown away.

So what are we gonna do now,

Challenge them to wind surfing?

Looks like Team Rocket's
blasting off again.

Is everyone feeling okay?

I just had the wind
knocked out of me.


This village is well-protected
with Bulbasaur here.

Ash, don't you agree
that Bulbasaur would be

an excellent addition
to your team?

Oh, yeah, would he ever.

I think Bulbasaur should go
with you.


Bulbasaur has stayed here
to protect the weaker Pokémon.

But this village is too small.

The bulb on its back can't grow.

It needs to go out
into the world now

and I know
you'll take good care of it.

Please do me this favor.

Please take Bulbasaur with you
on your journey.

He'll be a good companion.

But what will happen to the
village without Bulbasaur?

Yeah, who's going
to protect you?

It's true that Bulbasaur
has done a great job,

maybe too great a job.

You see, these Pokémon
shouldn't remain in this village

forever and ever.

After they recover, the Pokémon
are supposed to leave.

But it's too safe here, so none
of them wants to go away.

They don't want to return
to the outside world.


But I think it's important

that all of them return
to the wild.

That's where Pokémon belong

and hopefully, someday, they'll
find good trainers like you.

Of course, taking care
of sick Pokémon

will always be my mission,

but I know my job isn't finished

until they return
where they came from,

so it's the day a Pokémon leaves
that is most rewarding to me.

Melanie, I-

-So, you see, it's time for
Bulbasaur to leave here.

Please take it with you.

It won't be a burden, I promise.

Bulbasaur still has
a lot of growing to do.

I want it to be in a place

where I'm sure
it can grow strong and happy.

I'm sure that place is with you,

Well, if you really want me to.



What did it say?

Bulbasaur will join you
on one condition.

It wants to battle you
in a Pokémon match.

Right, Bulbasaur?



If you want a match,
you'll get it.

Oh, please let me battle
with Bulbasaur.

Pretty please?

No way.



Pikachu, go!




Look out, Pikachu!


The Vine Whip
is Bulbasaur's special move.


Pikachu, Thunderball!


All right.

Pokéball, go!

We did it!

We got Bulbasaur.


Bulbasaur, I'll miss you.

Have a safe trip.

I promise to take good care
of Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur, thank you
for watching over us.


Uh, Melanie, I've been thinking.


Well, since Bulbasaur
is leaving,

I wouldn't mind staying
and helping you out.

It's very kind of you,
but we'll be okay.

I wouldn't want to keep you

from all of your wonderful


Yeah, I guess you're right.

Good-bye, Melanie.

Good luck.


Don't worry, Bulbasaur.

You'll see your friends again.

As soon as the Pokémon
feel better,

they'll leave this village too.


Take good care of each other.



So what did Melanie say
when you told her you loved her?

Did you kiss her good-bye?

That's enough stupid questions.

Would you please stop
embarrassing me already?

You know, okay, so she's cute.
I understand that.

But you don't have to keep
rubbing it in.

-Did I miss something?
What's going on?


NARRATOR: With Bulbasaur
now at his side,

it looks like Ash is building
his own dream team.

Now it's on to Vermilion City.

Let's just hope our heroes
don't take any more shortcuts,

or we may never get there.

-Don't go away.
The Pokérap is next.

Get those lips loose.

Its time to Pokérap.

-Come on!
Sing 'em with me.

That's the game.

-There's Pokémon.
How many can you name?

[SINGING] Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all

We're almost home!

[SINGING] Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon

That's all, folks.

Can you name all the Pokémon?

Just put today's song together
with the other days of the week.

That's why
you can't miss a show.

BOTH: You gotta catch 'em all!

[SINGING] Catch 'em,
catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all

Ooh, gotta catch 'em all,

Catch 'em, catch 'em,
gotta catch 'em all

Ooh, gotta catch 'em all,

Catch 'em, catch 'em,
gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon!


-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all

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