01x28 - Pokémon Fashion Flash

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x28 - Pokémon Fashion Flash

Post by bunniefuu »


-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


Scissor Street?

Why'd we come here?
-You'll see.

Sure are a lot
of Pokémon beauty parlors!

Ash and his friends

take a walk
along Scissor Street.

Why have they come here?

Only Brock knows the answer.


Is there anyplace special

you want to visit Brock?


Wait a minute!

I just remembered
that Scissor Street

is also called Breeder's Lane.

Where is it?

So that's why we're here.

Brock's always got to see
the latest breeder gear.

NARRATOR: Brock dreams
of becoming a Pokémon breeder,

a person who devotes
his time and energy

learning how to raise
the best Pokémon.

Some of the best breeders
have shops here.

There are lots
of terrific makeup places

and fashion salons too,
just for Pokémon.

Oh, look!

This must be the newest fashion.

How cute!

-You think that's cute, huh?
-Come on. We got to go in.

I don't wanna go in there.


P.A.: You won't believe
how beautiful a Pokémon can be!

Step in and see for yourself.

Let us dazzle you
with the latest fashions

by the expert artists
of Salon Rocket.

Did he just say "Salon Rocket"?

Why does that name
sound so familiar?

Whoa, is that supposed to be
a Pokémon or a Christmas tree?




Bring your drab old Pokémon

to Salon Rocket for our complete
Pokémon makeover,

including jewelry.

And hair styling.

BOTH: We'll make your Pokémon
a pretty-mon.


We've done it again,

another Pokémon
fashion masterpiece.

I can't believe
how talented we are.

Your Pokémon have gone
from frumpy to flashy

thanks to Salon Rocket.

Oh! How precious.



, , , , ...

-Please come back again soon.
- , .

You two are spendin'
way too much on advertisin'.

TV commercials
are a big waste of money.

Remember, we're in this
to make a profit!

We know what we're doing.

The more we spend
to hype this place,

the more customers we'll get.

Customers who'll spend thousands
for a fashionable Pokémon.


I think I'm gonna get in line.


-It's there!
BOTH: Huh?

I found it!

I've been looking all over
for this place.

This is the store
you've been looking for?

-What're you so nervous about?

Can I help you?


-Just relax.
Release all your tensions.

Now you'll have more energy.

-Chansey! Chansey!

I've come for you, darling.

Don't you look precious?

Thank you for bringing Chansey
to my salon.

See you soon, Suzie!


May I help the next customer?


We're just kind of
sort of browsin' around-

Uh, no...


Isn't that Vulpix
the cutest thing?

Oh, don't you want to hug it?

-What is it?

A fox Pokémon.

Its six tails
are extremely beautiful.

As it evolves,
it grows even more tails.

I love its hair.

I wish I had hair like Vulpix
that looked so shiny and soft.

Don't touch it!

You're just about

the cutest little Pokémon
I've ever seen seen-


Very cute...


powerful flame att*cks.


Please pardon Vulpix.

It doesn't like to be picked up

or hugged by strangers.

Wish I'd known that sooner.

Uh, Suzie?


Uh, my name's Brock.

Nice to meet you, Suzie.

Uh, I want to breed like you.

I mean, I want to be
a breeder like you.

It's very nice
to meet you, Brock.

I'm flattered
you want to make me your model.

Yes, I want to model you.

I mean, I'm flattered
that you're flattered.

I mean, your Vulpix is nice.


What I'm really trying
to say is...

Suzie, I'm begging you
to accept me as your pupil.



You got to be kidding, Brock.

-Mind your own business, Ash.
I know what I'm doing.

Please say yes, Suzie.

I don't have pupils, Brock.

Breeding takes up all my time.

What makes her
such a great breeder anyway?


How dare you?

The sensational Suzie
of Scissor Street

has been awarded
the trophy for excellence

at the world Pokémon
Breeder's Contest

for three consecutive years.

Wait. There's more!

In addition to that,

the readers
of "Pokémon Friends" magazine

named her
the most popular breeder

four years running.

And her hugely popular website

records over , hits
per day.

Now that's what I call
a great breeder.

You better believe it.

Okay, Brock,
we heard you clear and loud.

I wonder if this Vulpix

has ever won any awards
in competition?

That's a fabulous question,

Vulpix is the hottest supermodel

of the Pokémon world.

Notice the gorgeous,
flowing tails

that have made Vulpix a champ.

Plus there's-
We get the idea, Brock!

Vulpix is terrific too.


So all three of you

are traveling
on a Pokémon journey together.


Your Pikachu
has a beautiful shiny coat.

Are you the one who prepares
all of Pikachu's food, Brock?


Yes! I do.

And it's Brock's own recipe too.

My career as a breeder
also began

when I first became interested
in Pokémon nutrition.

ALL: Huh?



Oh, I can't believe Vulpix
is eating the food I made.

this is really impressive.

Vulpix never eats food
that I haven't made myself.

Looks like Vulpix
is a fan of Brock's cooking.

Uh, thank you, Vulpix.

-I'm not worthy.


We saw some
super fancy-looking Pokémon

when we were walking
down the street.

Is that really the latest trend?

By any chance,

did you pass a very large salon
on the way?

Mm-hmm, you mean
that really tacky-looking place.

Ever since it opened,
some trainers are trying

to make their Pokémon
as flashy as possible.

So that salon started the trend.

A good breeder
is always trying to bring out

a Pokémon's inner strength
and personality.

But this new fad
is about standing out,

not what's inside.

I don't like it either.

It's pretty stupid
to waste your time showin' off.

But sometimes even Pokémon
like to get dressed up

and show off a little
just like the rest of us.

Right, Pikachu?

I see it now.

Pika, pika?

I think Pikachu's perfect
the way it is.

We don't need
any goofy fashions.

It's what's goin' on inside
that really counts.

I never said the inside
wasn't important,

but the outside counts too!

-The inside is what matters!
-Outside too!

-Outside too!

-Inside matters the most!
-The outside matters too!

Shouldn't you stop them?

That's like trying
to stop the tide.

If you think fashion's so great,

how about takin' your Psyduck
to that salon?

Hey! What a great idea!

Let's go, Psyduck!



Now we'll see
who gets the last quack.


Anyway Psyduck and I
are so cute,

we'll look good
whatever fashion we wear.

I'm sure Psyduck will.

What do you know about fashion?

Right, Psyduck?


This may be more of a challenge

than I thought it would be.

-Better get goin'.

You'll be jealous
when we get back from the salon

and Psyduck turns out to be
even cuter than Pikachu.

Come on, Psyduck.


Psyduck, psyduck, psyduck.

I wonder
if it's what's on the outside

or what's inside
that really counts in the end?

Ever since
that new salon opened,

I've been wondering
about my methods.

Don't say things like that.


You've got to keep following
the path you believe in!

We have to stick up
for what's inside together.

Right, Pikachu?


That's very kind.

But how can we?

If they want to put style
over substance,

we'll give customers
substance with style.

ALL: Who's that Pokémon?

It's Vulpix!


Uh, there are
still a few seats left

in the back of the room
for our lecture on Pokémon care.

Each Pokémon needs
your special care and attention.

Whenever a Pokémon's
been injured in a battle,

it should be given
a therapeutic massage.


-Hey! Wait!
Where did everybody go?

Say, weren't you over
at Suzie's?

Yeah, I saw you there.

Suzie's lecture just started.

It's a series
about Pokémon care.

Today she's talking
about massage.

A lecture on Pokémon massage?

This volunteer and his Pikachu

will now demonstrate

the techniques
we learned in today's lecture.

As you may already know,

a Pikachu's electric sacks
are located in its cheeks,

and they become very tense
after a difficult battle.

Pika, pikachu.

Ash, would you please
massage Pikachu's cheeks

just like I showed you earlier?

Uh, sure.


-Uh, let's see.

-Maybe, uh...

How's that feel, Pikachu?


ALL: That's amazing.

Good communication
between Pokémon

and their trainers is essential.

These techniques build trust

and bring out
a Pokémon's personality.

I think Suzie will agree with me

that any technique
is only as good

as the trainer or breeder
who uses it.

-I never thought of that.

The perfect touch.

One last rose.


This Squirtle shell has become
the perfect advertisement

for our latest line
of Pokémon fashions.

Oh, yet another masterpiece
from Salon Rocket.

Roses are the flowers of love
and romance.


We also paint daffodils.


Meowth, send in
the next customer, tout suite.

Can't ya see
I'm countin' money here?

Hmm? Only one customer?

One or one million,
it doesn't matter

as long as we have customers
who appreciate true beauty.

We only want to offer
our services

to the most refined customers.

We're not gonna make
any money that way.

Hello there, everybody.



-Welcome, young lady.

Hey, what are you doing?

Step in. Don't be shy.

No, not me. Psyduck.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

You're just as lovely
as any Psyduck.

-Hey. Hold on a second!

It's another masterpiece.

You like it?

Oh, I love it!

You've really captured
the real me.

You're totally amazing artists.

I look so cute.

I'm thrilled.

There's nothing
that pleases us more

than a satisfied customer.

Oh, why don't we try out
even more new styles?

BOTH: Time for a makeover!

-A dab of rouge.
-A bit of blush.

-A smidgen of lipstick.
-A modicum of mascara.

-A pinch of powder.

Forget about that makeover!

She hangs around
with that Pikachu.

We gotta grill the kid
to figure out how to steal it.

-Hey, wait!
You're Meowth.

We were trying to find out
until you blew our cover!

First you get the opponent
to relax,

then you pump them for info!

So stop pumpin' me
and get that Pikachu!


I'll never tell
you phonies anything!

So you figured out the truth.

Well, you'd better tell us
where Pikachu is

if you don't want your face
painted just like Frankenstein.

Do I want a face
like Frankenstein's?

No, I don't.
Hey, Psyduck!

-Where'd Psyduck go?

-I don't see it.
-It's gone!


-Psy, psy, psy, psy, psy.
Psy. Psyduck.

Psy, psy, psy, psy.

Psy, psy, psy. Psyduck!

ALL: Huh?


Psyduck, psyduck!


Pika, pika!

What's the matter?

Has somethin' bad happened
to Misty?

Pika, pika!

Oh, Pikachu!


ALL: Huh?
BOTH: It's Team Rocket again!

What took you guys so long?

BOTH: What happened
to her face?

Dumb boys.

Let Misty go right now!

Sorry, you'll have to wait
your turn.

We won't be finished
with her makeover

until she looks like this.

We're conducting
some important beauty research.

Beauty research?

Can't you understand it's
the beauty inside that counts?

Every Pokémon is beautiful.

We just have to help
the Pokémon discover it.

What's she talkin' about?

What does she know
about breeding Pokémon?

Who cares about the inside?
Outside counts.

What do you two numbskulls
know about Pokémon breeding?

This whole Salon Rocket idea's
supposed to be a scam remember?


It was a brilliant plan.

Part one: Think up
some stupid Pokémon fashions

and take piles of money
from the trainers.

Money? What?

And part two:
Whenever a trainer

brings in a rare Pokémon,

first get
the trainer distracted,

then steal the Pokémon
on the spot.


And our greatest masterpiece
of all

will be that Pikachu of yours.

How about a trade?

This twerpy girl
for your Pikachu?


If you're trying
to steal Pikachu,

we're gonna battle.

-Count me in too.
Tag team.


Salon Rocket is ready

with our own
fashion-battle platform!

Here goes.


JESSIE: And now Salon Rocket

a fashion extravaganza
and Pokémon Battlethon.

To protect the world
from boring fashion.

To dress all people
with flash and passion.

To give all Pokémon
pretty faces.

To extend our art
to outer spaces.



Salon Rocket.

When it comes to chic,
we know what's right.

Surrender your taste,
or prepare to fight.

Oh, we're supposed to battle
on that?

Dazzle them, Ekans.

Knock 'em dead, Koffing.


We don't need costumes.

Pikachu's super-energized
from that massage.



Geodude, go!



Geodude, give 'em
the Seismic Toss.


-Thundershock, now!



Koffing, cutie.

Sludge Makeover!


-Agh, Pikachu!

Now the finale.



-Oh, no!
It's a fashion disaster.

Get up, you guys!

We've still got a battle
to finish.

Let's go!

Now what?

Vulpix and I
will take care of them.

We'll give your Vulpix
a makeover

when we get rid of its tails.

Time to give you a lesson
in breeding.

If all you worry about
is your Pokémon's outer beauty,

its inner strength will be lost.

A Pokémon
is like a fashion model:

All that counts
is a pretty face.

-Like mine!

Wrap them up with Fire Spin!



BOTH: Save the gowns!

Don't Fire Spin me!

Help, help, help!

ALL: We're blasting off again!

Now, that's an attack.

Vulpix's greatest attack: Fire Spin.

Using powerful flames to block
its opponent from moving,

it then inflicts great damage.

Did you see that?

A cute exterior
hides inner strength,

that's the Pokémon's
true personality.



Just when I really needed you,
you ducked out on me.

Get up here quick and untie me.
Untie me now!



-Nice work, Vulpix.

Thanks to all of you,

I believe
in what I'm doing again.

You helped me regain confidence
in my beliefs.

It's not hard
when the person you're helping's

as great as you are.

-And, Brock...
-Uh, yes?

I was very impressed by the way

you handled your Pokémon
in a crisis like that.


I have a lot more to learn
about breeding Pokémon.

Even if I do have
a championship,

I'm still a student,
not a teacher.

Looks like you and I both
have journeys ahead of us.

You leavin', Suzie?

What about your Pokémon salon?

There are things I can
only learn if I leave here.

I want you to continue
your journey too, Brock.

From now on, we're rivals.

Uh, sure.


I'd be grateful if you
took care of Vulpix for me.


You're the first person
other than me

that Vulpix
has been friendly with.

Right now I believe
you could do a better job

of raising Vulpix than I could.


Mm, thanks.

I don't know what to say.



You don't have to worry, Vulpix.

I promise I'll take good care
of you.

All right! I got Vulpix!


Hey, what're you laughin' for?

This makeup is very fashionable.

NARRATOR: And so Brock
must continue down

his own path to becoming
a Pokémon breeder.

With Vulpix, he has a new friend
on his journey.

And he has a new determination

to be the greatest Pokémon
breeder of all time.


Now, we need a total makeover

so nobody we ripped off
can recognize us!

They're all just jealous

because they're
not attractive enough

to wear our designs.

Back to the drawing board!

So long, Salon Rocket!

-Don't go away.
The Pokérap is next.


It's that time again.

Pokémon, five days a week.

That's about or so each day.

-It's not too hard.
Just listen real good.

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all!

At least or more to see

To be a Pokémon master
is my destiny

Okay, so today was pretty easy.

But you got to put
all five days together.

It's the only way
to name all .

Catch you here tomorrow!

-Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all

Ooh, gotta catch 'em all,

Catch 'em, catch 'em,
gotta catch 'em all

Ooh, gotta catch 'em all,

Catch 'em, catch 'em,
gotta catch 'em all



-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all

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